SMITHFIELD HIGH TIMES THIS IS CHRISTMAS The mistletoe over the door, The green wreath hanging underneath. Open the door; a tinkle of bells is heard. This is Christmas. In the comer stands a tall tree. All over colored lights twinkle. Silver icicles over each limb dangle. This is Christmas. Under the tree are many gifts. Some are large and some are small. Some have green ribbon and some red. This is Christmas, A patter of small feet is heard. Through the door bound two small figures, From happy smiling faces come sounds of laughter. This is Christmas, Evelyn Howell 8 CHRISTMAS The most joyous and blessed day of the year is December 25 - a day when Christians all over the world celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. Their thoughts go back to that first Christmas morning, nearly 2000 years ago, when the newborn Christ Child lay in a manger in the Holy Land. From that humble birth place, the Child brought new faith and new hope to the world. Simple shepherds and Wise Men alike knelt before the Holy Child in devoted thanks for His birth. Today men, women, and children in every Christian land crowd into churches to give their thanks. Many attend mid night services on Christmas Eve. Beauti ful decorations adorn the churches and rich music swells from organ and choir. The splendor and beauty is very different from the humble stable in Bethleh^ where Christ was bom; but the message He brought to the world is the same - ’’Glory be to God in the highest; and on earth peace, good will toward men," Becky Byrd IS THE REAL MEMING OF CHRISTMAS FORGOTTEN? What is the first thing you think of trhen Christmas is mentioned? Do you think of all the fine gifts you*11 be receiving, an illuminated Christmas tree, or the fact that there will be no school? Or do your thoughts turn toward the blessed birth of our Saviour?I*m afraid that Christmas has become so commercial ized that the Nativity is often left out of the picture. It is a disgrace that the original meaning of Christmas means so little to some people. When they should be thinking of how they could help needy families during the Yuletide season, some think only of themselves. For some,joy is only in receiving and not in giving. How will your thoughts be turning this Christmas - to what good there is in it for you or to the Christ Child? Ruth Ann Hamilton SHARING MI JOYS AT CHRISTMAS I would like to give to some poor child, privilege of enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal with my family. I would like to give to ore who * s never seen the brilliance of. a lighted Chrlstmais tree. My beautiful tree with all its trimmings of bright red, gold and green. I would like to give to one who ’ s never heard the music ringing sweetly on Christmas Eve, My chance to enjoy the lovely carols sung throughout the yule-tide sea son, I would like to give to one who*s never heard the true story of Christmas, My chance of being in a country church listening to the sweetest story ever told. Eleanor Woodall