SMTTHFTELD HIGH TIMES THE CLASS PROPHECY 1962 Smithfield, North Carolina April 7, 1972 Lear Vick: It's April again and everytime it rolls around my thoughts w^der to that April nisht so many years ago and to the Junior-Senior Prom in 19 • , « young and gay, yet deep inside we were concerned about what the future held for s. How, today, we are scattered everywhere and doing almost everything. I lust had to write and congratulate you on your most recent does it feel to be the sixth vice-president of the New York Stock Exchange^ that Kathte is proud of you, too! I watched you on Person to ^ and, I must say, you and Kathy have really gone places; but, don t you think a diamond piggy bank is going a little too far? Say hello to her or me. Weren’t you excited about Dewey Lawson’s trip to the moon! I saw it on tele vision and did you see those shots of his wife. Bet, sitting little things as though nothing were happening? She’s always believed tha y could do anything and he can! In a radio interview Dewey stated that he had h several requests from girls who want to make the next trip with him. —Still no married -— Margaret ^^n?d, Betty Ward, and Pat Buchanan really wan o go. ues they actually believe there is a man on the moon! Out in sunny California, some of our classmates are doing fine. Sherrod Capps von the title of Best Comedian of the Year (1972). He always was a laugh. Billy "Pancho Villa" Poteat won the Heavyweight Championship fight last week -- he^ knocked his opponent out in the first round! Of course I expected B^ly to since he has two of the world’s best trainers — Lynwood Jones and Charles Barbour. Dwight Hill and Jane Pilkington are in California, too, on tour ^ Hingling Brothers Circus; and, of all things, Jane is the fat lady and Dwight is the strong man of one of the sideshows! Ann Cheatham is there making television commercials. I tune in every n^ht at six to see her TV ad for the Chew It Forever Bubble Gum Company. .f, t "chomping success"! Camille Broadhurst Simpson, who lives here in Smithfield, is delighted with Ann’s work. She makes that gum look delicious, Camille s husband is s dentist and you know #iat bubble gum does to the teethi In a magazine article about Bill Taylor, new teenage screen idol, I read that he attended one of those fabulous parties given by Billy Upchurch, movie . producer. Bill had trouble at the party — three of the female guests were rushe to the hospital. Boy, he can still make them swoon! Another of our seniors in the land of the sun is that gorgeous Elaine Copier. So glad that she won the Miss America Contest in 1966 and now this year the Academy Award for her performance in "Lost Love". Don’t guess she’ll ever catch that Teen Age Idol"! Her favorite song remains the same —"Just Ify Bill". Sad, too sad. I read in the TV Guide that Elissa McGowan’s contract with CBS has been re hewed for a five year period. It was good for her that Grade Allen retired and that she could take her place in the George Burns Show. On a visit home, she told ^e that she loves her work, and that it’s not hard at all; and, knowing issa, I believe her. Playing the absent minded wife is just the thing for her — she doesn’t even have to worry about acting!