that All American, Jesse Parrish. I guess you remember how good they were in U. S. history. Nelson MoLamb is with the highway patrol. His wife wouldn't leave Pittsboro so he is assigned to highway 64 between Raleigh and Pittsboro, Guess he 11 be traveling for the rest of his life. Many of the seniors chose to stick around here, I went up to other day to carry my youngest to the pre-school clinic, roy ^or Sheila cipal of anithfield High, He has two beautiful and capable Grumpier and Judy Wilkes. They said that they liked working for Troy ^ut for some anknown reason he jingles money all the time and it's really getting on th terves, I stopped by to visit some of the teachers — Sue Johnson, ^nnie Janice King^ Linda Braswell, and Grace Langdon are all teaching “ grades and love it. I went over to the high school and saw J. R. toughtry stmding by the radiator on first floor. Guess that's the dearest placein the world to him. Troy said that he'd had a letter from Freddie Brink, who is now a member of the Royal Mounted Police in Canada. Freddie was doing fine, but waiting for an 2.nswer "bo the ad he had placed in a Lonely Hearts Column, Vick, many of our classmates did just as we thought they would - being house wives are Norma Jean Johnson, Betty McLean, Alice Stanley, mmy ° j^embers Moye, Lorine Johnson, Jean Norris, and Linda Alford, By the way, J Of the Little Mother’s Society, too! Ci^r-t^s ^fcitehurst is coming back to anithfield this summer. He's ^ing to teach Inver Education. Maybe the teen-agers of today will be better drivers af his instructions! Donald Stephenson, Chief of Police, in Smithfield recommended him for the job. We are anxious for you folks to come to anithfield for a visit. «^'t recognize the place - so many new things have beai added. I was uptown s^oppMg this morning. I had not reaUzed so many of our seniors were taking an active part in the business of our town, Emma Lou Gc.rdner has her own drug store. Guess she found it cheaper this way. 1 saw Watts Ward going in her store - said he was going in headache. I always thought those headaches were an excuse to play hooky, but sin he has become Judge of the JuvenUe Court, guess he really has headaches. David Messer has a jewelry store and is doing well. He f tiers are high school girls — getting those engagement rings, just like they used to, A new super market. The Four Stooges Food Store, is really dotog the business in Smithfield — Joseph Allen, J. A. Stephenson, Skip Sykes, are the owners, I saw Ifenny Barbour. He's the supervising mechanic at the Johnston ColS S°™°f bus garage, Lying his groceries there yesterday. Da^d P™ there too He's a railroad en^rineer and I hear he has several littl p P • ETr" Jotas^n and his family we?e in town yesterday, too. He's purchased a h^dred acre farm out from anithfield. He's going into the chicken business. He already has three or four"little chicks" around the house. Oh, one other business establishment I forgot to mention is opiated by Leon Hudson Jerrv Bryant, and Hariy Edwards, I noticed their big sign in front of the SS’yestLdS - ''pSronizfus - We'll be the last to let you down." Yes, you're i'ight. They’re the town’s undertakers.