SI'IITHFlELD HIGH TIMES "THE aCHIEVH^IENTS Mi) THE PROSPECTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS” Lately,there has been much talk in the United States concerning the value of the United Nations, People are asking, "VJhat good is the U,N. anyway?"''Is it worth saving?” ”How is it making strides for peace, if none of the nations can reach an agreement?” "What are the odds for it attaining and maintaining peace? "Should the U. S. continue to support it? Or should we withdraw from it?» Well, don't we have disagreements in our families? Don’t our.ohurches have problems to which not everyone sees the saine solution? Even in Smithfield, do we all agree on every town or county issue? Of course we don’t. So how can We e:jq3ect a family of 104 nations to do Something even we find Imrd to do right in our own community! So, the United Nations is not perfect, V\niat is? But far outweighing its imperfections is the fact that the hnited Nations is performing some tasks of major importance. What wars mi^t have flared up in the last few years if it had not been for the U. N,? The Suez hegion, Lebanon, Vietnam, Cuba, — in all these places a terrifying third World war could tave grownj but there Was the United Nations to turn to, and, for the most part, an agreem-cnt was Worked out — only temporary in some instances, but nevertheless, the problem did ease — did not develop into w^. The main struggle at present is still the Cold War -- the istruggle Between East and Westj freedom and Uommunism, The major battleground be tween these two is in the newly- developing African-Asian n:" tions those backward countries which just I'ecently have b ecome independent, as Algeria, and a,re faced with the problem of governing themselves. Millions of the People under these new governments are living in a poverty that we find hard to comprehend. In the last few years. Communism has offered these people rapid ‘Modernization; and, as in Red China, their conditions have improved some. These people still have a high degree cf ignorance, however, and not know that #iile th^ are being brought out of poverty, they are at the same time being put under oppression — that is, they are becoming slaves for the ooviet Union, We want these people to live in freedom as we do. Since the time our government was formed, many, many changes have affected the world it is smaller, and the economy of one nation depends on the economy of every other nation. Because of these developments, we cannot expect the new countries to^ have a government just like ours. It is not reasonable, but it is reasonable to want them to have freedom. We don t offer these people the kind of help the Communists do. We believe it is better for a nation to develop its own resourees and produce for its own people. They need help to get started, though, and this is where the problem really comes in. Giving these people money and roads and hospitals and schools is not enough we must show them hcM freedom will telp then develop themselves. The Coimuniste vrho are sent to vrork in developing nations are convinced that Communism offers the best way of life possible, They influencing tte poDple. If we want ^ to win out over Communism, we must raise our prestige in the rest of the^world . Now, even though we have billions of dollars i^rorth of surplus food, we^ are holding an embargo on sales or gifts to the mainland of China, Are we ^ing^ to continue to ignore the human situation there? Pearl Luck has said it is obvious that ’’serious undernourishment is reach ing the point where any active revolt against the regime cannot be expected; that semi-starvation is an ancient weapon of arbitrary government. ’’ The tiiiK: has come for AiiBrican tradition and principle to act. We can’t give the Chinese relief under Communist govern ment, but we can sell them this food, with the understanding that the food is not resold to other countries, and that the Chinese people know it comes from America,! The effect would strongly contra dict the Communist propaganda against us. Indeed, it would have a world wide effect, for in the event we are com pelled to resume nuclear testing, and it looks as if we must, the fact that