S^aTHFrSLD HIGH TIMES Page 4 O V S ^ Lr\ n '’a-.f. y~\ Five nevi students voice opinions of shs j The first thing I noticed at ■ ^thfield High School was the friendli- j of all the people here. I found : ^hat it doesn't take long to make I ^quaintances and to fit right in. ‘ atmosphere at SHS is always jovial ^hd lively. Students seem to have I ^ lot of school spirit and really act if they are proud to be here, I I ^ind that the teachers are very nice j ^hd always are willing to help. Sharon Dixon Ify first impressions of SHS were ^hat everyone was so friendly to me. TOien I first walked through the doors at SHS, I knew I was going to like it here. It was so friendly— not at all like other schools I had attended. Sure, I was a little confused, but then, so were quite a few other freshmen. I found that the rooms were not nearly as confusing after that first day. Ifliat I especially liked was that I have to change buildings for some classes. At the present, I think I am fairly sure of where I am going. At least now I can turn around without getting lost. Diana Haas . though school was just beginning I all the students were trying to . ^hd their place, they still had time t speak. I will always remember i ^^eryone for being so kind. Gail Pope first impression of SHS was that the students and teachers were nice and co-operative. I felt that I would learn much here that will help me in the future• I enjoy SHS and hope to enjoy it throughout the school year. Jacqueline Stevens