SMITHFIELD HIGH TIMES Pagfe.,E. I, C. ALL ANSWERS QUESTIONS UNDERCLASSMEN VJANT TO KNOW Do you renEmber those i^uestions listed under the heading UNDERCLASS14EN ^ANT to know in the November issue? Well, have a certain member on the paper staff, I.C. All, who will answer them for you now, 1) Is Mr, Floyd really as comical S-s chapel indicated? Yes, in fact he is. However, to Answer the question honestly, I must Say that Mr, Floyd is almost too comical for words, I think that Mr. Floyd’s con science hurt him a bit after chapel, ^hd I»in told by a student in'second ^^oriod history class who is not on the ^^per staff that recently his motto is: What you see here. What you hear here. What you do here. What you say here. When you leave here. Let it stay here. If Mr, Floyd has not adopted this ^otto, perhaps he should. It wDuld keep ^is name out of such columns, 2) What is the funny that Mrs. ^oyette cracked^ Mrs, Boyette, one cf the more ^^lemn members of our faculty, really a very delifhtful sense of humor, ^ not sure whether this is Ber first ftriny, but it is a good one! Ernest Whitley in first period ^th class wanted to open the door for 'fresh*’ air. However, the door to the ^rench class was open, and since the ^^Unds of oral conjugations would (^sturb^ advanced algebra class’ balancing ^^Uations no end, Mrs, Boyette refused request. He replied that he woild icse nine pounds just sitting in math ^fo-ss under those conditions, Mrs, ^ i ^yette replied that it wouldn’t hurt him bit. 3) Did Mrs, Peele really yodel in French class? Yes, she did. And she did a rather good job of it, if you cal2. that yodeling. 4) Did Mrs. Peele’s college French teacher tell her to drop French because she could not learn the language? Yes, but it seems that she overcame that little difficulty quite well, 5) Did Mrs, Avery, by leaving, take mercy on last sophomore class? No, she did not. Now those poor sophomores are left to the toider mercies of Miss Turner, But which is worst, the tender mercies of Miss Turner or the ?sweat blood" policy of Mrs, Avery? 6) lr''Jhy are seniors so snobbish? Snobby little freshmen grow up to be snobby big seniors. 7) Does Mr. Payne really extend graphs from the blackboard up the wall? Yes, and he even uses colors. There’s nothing like a colorful class# room is there, Mr, Payne? QUESTIONS TO BE ANSICERED BY I. C. ALL CONCERNING THE HIGH TIMES 1. Has the High Times finally received a room in the school in which the staff can work? 2. When will the next issue of the High Times come out? 3. Has Billy Oliver gone crazy over Lewis Carroll and Carl Sandburg by opening and closing the paper with quotes by those two each time?