mweisity -Library The Truth Unbriduep'T Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Durham, North Carolina, under Act of March 3, 1879. FOR 28 YEARS THE OUTSTANDING NEGRO WEEKLY OF THE CAROLINA3 VOLUME 29—NUMBER 12 DURHAM, N. C., Saturday, March 24, 1951 PRICE: TEN CENTS i Raleigh Tigers And Greensboro Red Wings Memphis, Tenn. — At its meeting here Sunday, March 18, the Negro Southern Association announced the granting of franchises to the Raleigh Tigers and the Greensboro Red Wings of North Carolina. Both teams were last year mem bers of the Negro American Association and were the only teams out of eight to survive out of that association. Federal Judges Lash State Lawyers In U. N. C. Law School Case Perennial Candidate Win. B. Umstead In Retreat Richmond, Va.—Attorneys for the State paled before a wither ing cross-examination by jurists in the three-judge Federal Cir cuit Court of Appeals here last Thursday. State Attorney General Harry McMullan, of North Carolina, and Major L. P. McLendon, associate defense counsel, were notice ability ill at ease as Federal Judge Morris Soper, Harry E. Watkins, and Armistead M. Dobie, pried into the defense’s claim that “substantially” equal law school facilities are provided at the ten-year-old, four-teacher Negro law school at North Carolina College at Durham. Concpicuous by his absence was Attorney William B. Um stead, former U. S. Senator and perennial candidate, speaker and introducer of speakers for North Carolina democrats. Mr. Um stead was one of the leading lawyers for the defense in the original action of the law school case brought in Middle District Court and the equal school suit brought by Durham Negroes against the City School Board and State school officials. Mr. Umstead is believed to be build ing his fences for the guberna torial race in 1952, and there fore withdrew from active parti cipation in the case. In the opening argument At torney Robert L. Carter, counsel for the students, told the court that the judge in the lower court ignored the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in the Sweatt case when he denied an injunction to admit the Negroes to the University of North Caro lina. Attorney Carter compared the two law schools in question, us ing the identical criteria used in the Sweatt case. He told the court that in the areas of size and prestige of faculty, curri cula, prestige of the schools in the communities, buildings and library volumes and facilities there would be no comparison. Judge Soper berated the Tar Heel Attorney General, whom he accused of being careful in the lower court proceedings not to ask Dean Henry P. Brandis, of the University of North Caro lina Law School, to testify as to the equality of the faculties of the two schools. At this point the Baltimore justice caustically accused Mr. McMullan, “If you thought you could have had Dean Brandis say the faculties were equal, I think you would have asked that question. What I want to know is why you did not ask him?” The Attorney General replied that he didn’t think that Dean Brandis was thoroughly familiar with the State College faculty. Brandis, however, at one time was a member of both faculties. > Attorney Thurgood Marshall, Chief Counsel for the NAACP, told the court that his inter pretation of the Sweatt case was that equality in separate schools with “brick and mortar equal ity,” equality of opportunity for legal education is impossible. Judge Soper commented dur ing the trial that it was appar ent throughout the testimony in the record of the lower court that the State was content in providing “a good and adequate law school for Negroes,” one which would provide the Ne groes with a sufficient knowl edge of the law to practice a mong the Negro people. The Justice observed, however, that it is not enough to assume that because Negroes were not mem bers of the majority race, that they were not entitled to the same education. He added fur ther that, “Whether a man is fool enough to want an educa tion that he cannot use is not important, but what happens to a man’s mind when he is denied that opportunity is what counts.” A crowded courtroom, includ ing the defendants and most of the law school students from North Carolina College, heard Major L. P. McLendon tell the court that North Carolina had (Please turn to Page Eight) Iii Red Cross Drive W. J. Kennedy, III, who will head the Schools and Institutions group in the Red Cross Cam paign. Mr. Kennedy is a grad uate of Virginia State College and New York University. He holds a master degree in invest ments and accounting. He is ad ministrative assistant at the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. BIDS COURT OPEN TENN. U. TO RACE Knoxville — A special three judge federal court sitting here this week was asked by the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People to order the admission of Mitchell Gray and other qualified Negro students to the law and graduate schools of the University of Tennessee. Aruging before Circuit Judge Shackelford Miller, Jr., and Dis trict Judges Robert Taylor and Leslie R. Darr, on March 13, Leslie Darr, March 13, NAACP attorneys alleged that decisions handed down by the United Sta (Please turn to Page Eight) Last Rites Held For Edward Martin, March 18 Winston-Salem —Funeral ser vices for Edward Martin were held at the home of his parents, 1616 Pittsburg Avenue, Sunday, March 18. Mr. Martin was killed in an automobile wreck Tuesday, March 13 between Ft. Monroe, Virginia and Washington, D. C. Prior to his death he was em ployed at the Chamberlain Hotel at Old Point Comfort. Surviving are four sisters: Mrs. Bessie Martin, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Lillian Galloway, Winston-Salem; Mrs. Gladys Walker, Washington, D. C.; and Mrs. Mildred Martin Hill, Dur ham. Three brothers also sur vive. They are: Robert Martin, Washington, George Martin, Brentwood, Md., .and William Martin, Sterling, Va. The children surviving are Misses Barbara Jean, Betty Ann and Robert Edward Martin all of Washington. The Rev. R. B. Crawford, pas tor of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, officiated. NEW HOMEMAKERS TO MEET DURHAM MARCH 31 Church School In Kentucky Admits Negroes Louisville, Ky. — The board of trustees of the Southern Bap tist Seminary announced here last Thursday that it was open ing its doors to Negro students— the first time in its 92 year his tory. This action by the board of trustees follows similar decisions by Southwestern Baptist Semin ary and the Baptist Seminary in New Orleans. All three schools are operated by the South Bap tist Convention, which also oper ates the Golden Gate Seminary at San Francisco, which never has barred students of any race. Following a study of one-year, a committee, headed by Rev. Dr. W. Harry Williams of Char lotte, N. C., recommended the action to the board. (Please turn to Page Eight) Sound New Chord At Teachers’ Meet Pictured above are principals on the program of the North Carolina Teachers’ Association annual meeting held in Raleigh last week. At the right is Thurgood Marshall, Chief Counsel for the Na tional Association for the Advancement of Colored People; left J. Saunders Redding, member faculty Hampton Institute and author and R. P. Anderson, president of the Association. Inset is Benjamin Mayes, president of Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. WILLIE McGHEE SAVED FROM DEATH CHAIR BY THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Washington, D. C. — For the fifth time in five years, Willie McGee, Laurel, Mississippi Ne gro worker, has won a stay of execution in his fight against death for a “rape” which he charges he never committed. The stay was granted on the afternoon of Thursday, March 15, by Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black, less than five days before MeGee, father of four young ehldren, was sched uled to be strapped into Mis sissippi’s portable electric chair. Justice Black ordered the stay to permit a hearing before the full Supreme Court of the United States on Monday, March 26, which will decide whether to grant McGee’s Civil Rights Congress attorneys a writ of review. The new appeal is based pri marily on charges that state of ficials used perjured testimony to get the conviction, and that Mississippi reserves the death sentence for the crime of rape for Negroes only. It presents sworn statements by MeGee and his wife Rosalee, that the alleged “victim,” Mrs. Troy Hawkins, had actually en gaged voluntarily in sex rela tions with McGee for a number of years though she claimed at the trial she had never seen him before. It also includes an affidavit by Mrs. Hattie Johnson, declar ing McGee was at her home at Editorially Speaking MR. BOST AND THE NEGRO The Reverend W. Thomas Bost of the distinguished Greensboro Daily News last Wednesday complimented the Carolina Times in the deft and ambiguous manner that is characteristic of the State’s senior journalist. The Rev. Mr. Bost said the Carolina Times “perhaps rates as the race or gan in North Carolina.” And he said that we are “master of the mean and the meaningful question.” Coming from the dean of Tar Heel reporters, these comments make good sense. Mr. Bost, whose long and productive lifetime has enabled him to contribute immeasurably to the enlightenment of the people of this State, however, has not yet cast the moat en tirely out of his eyes on matters of race. For a man rooted in the last century, this is not unsual, and if Mr. Bost did not consistently demonstrate a misleading lack of understand ing of the nature of the present struggle for Negro equality, his misinformation on Negro aspirations would not be significant. But the good white Episcopalian either can not or will not see that when we run “Agin My People” and “Fer White People” close-ups of the State’s No. 1 Negro Misleader, this newspaper calls to the attention of all of the people that this is not the kind of thing which we believe in. The chief ob jection that Negroes have to H. L. Trigg is his hypocrisy in racial matters. It is this kind of hypocrisy that caused a member of Trigg’s fraternity at a meeting in Raleigh last week to call the St. Augustine’s president a “Judas.” The Carolina Times would not have the Negro representative on the State Board of Education or any other State official dis criminate against one race in favor of another. The Carolina Times believes that all intelligent Negroes are agreed that “equality of educational opportunity” ought to be a fact for all Tarheels. Now, where the present Negro State Board member has failed, this newspaper contends, has been in his refusal to interpret the aspirations of Negroes to his fel low-board members on the one hand, and, on the other hand, in his bland contention that the Negro educational picture in this State is “rosy.” (Please turn to Page Three) the time of the allged crime. Mrs. Johnson was not called as a witness by the state, but in stead was frightened into sil ence by official threats, the de fense counsel said. DEEP FREEZE WOMAN MUST LOSE HANDS Chicago, (CNS) — Braving the news like a champion, Mrs. Dorothy Mae Stevens, 23 year old Chicago woman who hgs survived a usualy fatal deep freeze condition, must now lose her hands to amputa tion. Last week, Mrs. Stevens lost both feet, cut 9 inches ( from the knees, due to dead tissue threatening her life. To face the doctors’ decision, after it had been declared that she would be spared any amputations because her con dition was improving, Mrs. Stevens has been prepared physically and mentally. She thoroughly understands that these amputations are necs sary and has given her con sent. Before the first amputa tion, the “deep freeze” case claimed that if she ever got well again, she’d be the hap piest woman alive. Workers Sign Petition Against Wage Freeze Seasonal workers of the To bacco Workers International Un ion A. F. of L. of Wilson, Farm ville and Rocky Mount, North Carolina signed individual peti tions asking the Wage Stabiliza tion Board of Washington, D. C., to lift all controls on wages that are less than $1.00 per hour at a Mass Meeting of Protest held for the workers in these areas at the First Baptist Church, Wilson, on Sunday, March 18. Principal speakers at the meeting were S. E. Blane, First Vice-President; George Benj amin, Second Vice-President; Myrtle Dunn, Fifth, Vice-Presi dent and Roy G. Trice, Ninth Vice-President of the Tobacco Workers A. F. of L. The church was full over its (Please turn to Page Eight) 1,200 Expected Here At Annua! Convention The annual State Convention of the New Homemakers of America will be held here at Hillside High School, on Satur day, March 31, from 9:30 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. Approximately 1,200 girls and their advisers are expected to attend. Registration will begin at 9:30 and the first seccion, preceded by musical selections by Mary Mebane of Merrick-Moore High School, will begin at 10:00. Sarah Rose Alexander, State President of Clear Creek High School, Charlotte, will preside. Other state officers will also ap pear on the program. After the business session, each of the eight districts will present a special feature. Includ ed among them will be musical selections, both vocal and instru mental, readings, tap dancing and other types of entertain ment. An original NHA song will be presented by Georgie Carter, in coming state song leader of Mocksville. All of these features will be announced by Ann John son Bethea, state reporter and National Secretary of the organ ization. Native Liberian Speaks Miss Erna Harris, Native Li berian, student and NHA mem (Please turn to Page Eight) Educators Meet At A. And T. This Week Greensboro — A combined four day meeting of Negro deans of men and women from institu tions of higher learning’ in the country is being held here this week-end at A. and T. College. The conference opened Wed nesday evening in Harrison Auditorium with a welcome ad dress by President F. D. Bluford of A. and T. College. Dr. Char lotte Hawkins Brown, president of Palmer Memorial Institute at Sedalia, was the principal speak er. Workshops on “Better Living Through Counseling” was con ducted Thursday morning and afternoon Panel discussions on Thursday evening will be on “Influences For Better Living” and “Student Prospects For Bet ter Living in a Free Society.” The men and women deans will assemble in separate confer ences on Friday. Evaluation of the conference will be held on Saturday morning. In charge of the conference are Deans Jean Spinner and Wil liam H. Gamble of A, and T. College. Officers Of New Homemakers Of America Officers of the North Carolina As sociation of the New Homemakers of A merica for the year 1950-51, who will be present at their meeting; here next week, are: (left to right) Gwendolyn Pierce, historian, Beulah Spearman, treasurer; Mary (Frances Jones, song: leader; Delores Burwell, secretary; Sarah Rose Alexander, president; Portia Hunt, parliamentarian; Bessie Evans, vice-president; and Anne Bethea, reporter and secretary of the National Organization. Sub-Committee Move Seen As "Face Saver"; Gov, Scott Mum Times Newsboy Champ Collins Pay lor, CAROLINA TikES newsboy representative in Roxboro whose increase in number of copies sold won him a free trip to the home office of the company for Easter Monday with all exepnses paid. Paylor will take part in the annual Eas ter Egg hunt staged for TIMES newsies. Paylor has been named champion for the month of March. New Attempt To Limit Immgration From West Indies New York — Opposition was urged by the American Commit tee for Protection of Foreign Born to a provision in a bill, S. 716, introduced recently by United States Senator Pat Mc Carran, which would limit im migration from the British and French West Indies to no more than 100 immigrants a year. The Committee announced that it is preparing to testify in opposition to this and other anti democratic provisions of the Mc Carran Bill at public hearings now being held by the Immigra tion Sub-Committee of the Sen ate Judiciary Committee in Washington. The Committee pointed out that Great Britain has an annual quota of more than 60,000 im migrants a year and that Sen ator McCarran plans to allot 100 of this 60,000 annual quota to | the British West Indies. “This proposal discriminates I against thousands of natives of I the West Indies residing in the United States,” Abner Green, executive secretary of the A merican Committee, stated to day, “by preventing them from bringing’ their relatives to this country. It is one more expres-' sion of anti-Negro bias on the I part of reactionaries in Con-1 gress. We have in the past de-1 feaated this proposal and we hope that, with sufficient public protest, it can again be defeated this year. (Please turn to Page Eight) I A sub-committee of the ex ecutive committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina appointed by Gov. Kerr Scott on January 29 met here Wednesday for the pur pose of considering the admis sion of Negroes to the graduate and professional schools of the institution. The committee is composed of I. T. Pearsol, Mrs. Laura W. Cone, John Umstead, Dr. Clar ence Poe and John Clark. Reports were being circulated in and around here that in anti cipation of reversal of the recent ruling of Judge Johnson J. Hayes on the suit brought a g’ainst the University by several law school students of N. C. College, plus the filing of an other suit by James Thomas of Wilmington for entrance to the Medical school, that the commit tee would recommend the ad mission of Negroes. It is thought that the commit tee will recommend the admis sion of Negroes immediately in an attempt to “save face” should the Circuit Court’s ruling re verse Judge Hayes’ decision, which stated that the law school of N. C. College was substantial ly equal to that at UNC and in some cases superior. The recommendations will be made to the Executive Commit tee on Thursday. President Gor don Gray stated that the com mittee met in executive session and he was not authorized to discuss its recommendations. Ex-Slave Hailed As Leading American Historian In Miss. A Negro ex-slave has been hailed by leading American his torian and writer Allan Nevins as “one ol the most interesting and remarkable of American diarists.” He is William Johnson, who kept a diary of events in Natchez Mississippi from 1835 to 1852, and who rose from bond age to a position of esteem in his community. Johnson’s personal writings are being published this month by the Louisiana State Universi ty Press under the title “Wil liam Johnson’s Natchez.” The editors of Johnson’s work, Edwin Adams Davis and Wil liam Ransom Hogan, point out that his diary provides a broad er picture of everyday life and more of the well-to-do free Ne gro’s attitudes on everyday af fairs than any other known Southern diary. - Johnson, freed by a benevol ent master during his early teens, became a barber in Natchez and soon began to ac quire other businesses. He was landlord, moneylender, small farmer and even slaveowner. He started his diary to aid in keep ing straight the accounts of his thriving' enterprises. He recorded such events as births, deaths, races, cockfights, epidemics, scandal, trials, and off-color news. Many of the oc currences he mention never found their way into newspapers of the day, which make the diary ioubly valuable to historians of :he period. Both professors of history, Dr. Hogan teaches at Tulane Uni (Please turn to Page Eight) Woman Gives Birth To Baby When Taxi Wrecks In Twin City Winston-Salem — The stork pulled a fast one here this week in a situation that is usually just the reverse. Mrs. Margaret Robinson gave birth to a baby daugther im mediately following a collision of the taxi, in which she was riding, with another car at the corner of Claremont Avenue and Fourth Street. Mrs. Robinson was en route to Kate Bitting Reynolds Memorial Hospital at the time of the accident, about four o’clock in the morning1. A life was given, none was taken. All person involved es caped without injury. Mrs. Robinson and daughter are reported doing fine.