®bc Carolina ^ The Tru thUnbriqEeP Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Durham, North Carolina, under Act of March 3, 1879 FOR 28 YEARS THE OUTSTANDING NEGRO WEEKLY OF THE CAROLINA » VOLUME 29—NUMBER 15 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 14th, 1951 PRICE: TEN CENTS Hit And Run Driver’s It Couldn’t Happen Here Mayor Marshall Kurfrees paid tribute to Rev. Kenneth R. Williams, Negro Chamber of Commerce banquet given in the school cafeteria at Win ston-Salem Teachers’ College. The Twin-City citizens heard guest speaker, Oliver W. Hill, well-known Richmond, Vir ginia civil rights lawyer, urge the extension of democracy in America to all people or pre pare to witness its collapse. Following the speaking, The Rev. Williams was presented a scroll signed by all attend ing guests. Dignitaries at the speaker’s table were left to right: Mrs. Williams, Reverend Williams, Mayor Kurfrees, Atty. Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Brown. Mr. Brown is presi dent of the Negro Chamber of Commerce. The program was broadcast over WSJS, a National Broad casting Company affiliate, and WAAA. White House Arranges Two Conferences On' Racial Matters With Acheson, Wilson A. Philip Randolph has an nounced that the White House has arranged two conferences for April 12th, one with the Secre tary of State, Dean Acheson and the other with the Director of Defense Mobilization, Charles E. Wilson for the twelve Negro leaders who conferred with President Truman on February 28. At the February conference, Mr. Truman expressed interest in the following six issues pre sented at that time to the na tion’s chief executive. 1. To use your power and in fluence to abolish, immedi ately, racial segregation in the nation’s capital. Wash ington is the capital of the greatest democratic coun try in the world and yet we are incessantly embarrass ed by virtue of the fact that it is the most segregated national capital on the earth. 2. To appoint qualified Ne groes on the administrative and policy making level of of our government. We have had consultants and advisors, but we have had hardly any Negroes in gov evernment who actually shared in making and de terming policies in the various branches of the government. 3. To integrate Negroes in all new agencies that are be ing established and will be established as a result of this emergency. New agen cies and new positions are being created all the time —Negroes are usually the forgotten people. Especial ly do we urge that Wash ington tell regional and state offices which the Federal Government has will set up with federal money that Negroes are to be utilized and integrated on the same basis as other peoples without regard to color, race or national ori gin. 4. To appoint Negroes more widely in the foreign and diplomatic service of our country. The contribution of Ralph Bunche to world peace is one of the many contributions that Negroes would make if given a a chance. 5. To issue an Executive Or der guaranteeing the maxi mum use of all manpower in all production efforts ir respective of color, race or national origin in the de fense emergency and pro vide an adequate machin ery for its enforcement. 6. To abolish once and for all racial segregation of Negro soldiers in the United States Army. The President appointed Mr. David Niles, one of his admin istrative assistants to work with the group in attempting to de velope a program consistent with the""six points. Trial Of Trenton Six Held Up On Account Of Illness Of Defendant Trenton — It was a hushed and tense courtroom that heard a court attendant announce at 1:50 on Thursday afternoon, April 5, that the re-trial of the “Trenton Six” on the charge of murder would be temporarily adjourned because of the illness of Collis English, one of the de fendants. English had been visibly un comfortable during the latter part of the morning session of the trial and had been under surveillance by officers in at tendance. Noticing the defendant mop ping his brow and perspiring profusely, the sheriff and anoth er officer moved swiftly to his side to offer him a drink of wa ter. At this point Superior Court Judge Ralph J. Smalley inter rupted the cross-examination of a witness by one of the defense attorneys to inquire as to whe ther a recess was needd, but up ther a recess was needed, but up on being assured that nothing was amiss, he directed the law yer to proceed. Later, during the luncheon re cess, Dr. Edgar J. Fiestal and Dr. Frank A. Nonziato examined English, prescribed sedatives, and ordered twenty-four hours’ complete rest for him before the trial could continue. His ail ment was diagnosed by the phy sicians as a leaky heart valve caused by an attack of rheuma tic fever suffered in 1940. Mother Of Siamese Twins Screams As Daughters Join Circus Los Angeles, (CNS) —As her two year old Siamese twins were taken from County Gen eral Hospital to join the Clyde Beaty Circus, Mrs. Willie Jones, divorced and jobless mother of five other children, broke down in sobs. The thought of her babies be ing stared at for the price of 25c filled her with grief. But she promised it wouldn’t be long before she’ll have them back with her. Mrs. Jones will receive $10, 000 a year according to the terms of a contract she holds with the circus as ruled by Judge Frank G. Swain. The twins, Yvonne and Yvette, who are joined at the head, are traveling in the side show in a sterlized trailer nur sery. Venetian blinds are rais ed to view them. During their their performance, the twins laughed, kicked and played normally. JAMES E. SHEPARD SCHOOL DEDICATED AT ZEBULON ZEBULON — “This building stands as a symbol of the hard work, sacrifices, and selfish ser vice of the school administrators, the constructive leadership of your principal and teachers, the interest of the parents and peo ple of this community in the de velopment of the children. This is the fruition of the efforts of many individuals and a reflec tion of the improving human re lations existing in this commun ity.” Thus spoke John R. Larkins, Consultant on Negro Affairs for the State Board of Public Wel fare, Sunday, April 8, as he de livered the principal address at the dedicatory exercises for the new Shepherd High School here. The topic of Mr. Larkins’ address was “The Role of Education in the Atomic Age.” “There is a grave and pressing need,” Mr. Larkins pointed out, “to reappraise, evaluate and analyze our educational prin ciples and concepts. We need to ascertain whether the things that are being taught are in harmony with current heeds. We need to gear our educational programs to meet the challenge of a high ly urbanized competitive and complicated social order.” He stated that all education should be directed toward build ing a better world, and that on ly to the extent that it did so was it of valuable. “If this school and its program are able to re direct the thinking of the chil dren that attend here—if this building will serve as a beacon or guiding light and help this community to improve itself through constructive use, it will be worth the investment.” Emphasizing that this need to build a better world is more im perative than ever in the atomic age, when people stand at “the crossroads,” Mr. Larkins con cluded on a note of hope and challenge: “There is a new era and a new day ahead. There is a surging tide swelling from the grass roots moving ahead to the shore where all men will be judged by ability to think and produce and not be classified because of race or socio-economic status. The spirit and fire of Democracy and Freedom have set aflame the hearts and souls of men all over the world . . . they are march ing toward these goals.” Supreme Court Blasts Groveland Trial Reprisals Threatened For Wheeler Supporters Certain and definite reprisals were promised for all members of the City Council of Durham who voted in favor of J. H. Wheeler for membership on the Board of Education, it was learn ed here this week when word leaked out that several meetings have been held among the reac tionary forces of the city with the idea in mind of breaking up the labor-Negro coalition that has dominated the political pic ture here for - the past two or three years. It is hoped through an organ ized effort to work quietly up to the Primary Day, April 24, and then throw enough votes against incumbent candidates who voted for Wheeler to defeat them, it was said. Wheeler’s name was proposed by the Negro citizens as the on ly candidate they could recom mend at this time. He had the backing of organized labor, the Vdters for Better Government, the Committee on Negro Affairs and several other organizations of the city. The Committee on Negro Af fairs held that the recent Fed eral Judgement of Judge John son J. Hayes, the intracicies of the educational machinery and the difficult position in which any Negro who is placed on the Board will find himself, demand ed that some person who had made a study of the educational machinery be named. As one of the attorneys for the plaintiffs the CONA felt that Wheeler at present was in a better position to fill the position than any other member of the race in Durham. Not even Mayor Dan K. Ed wards who voted for Wheeler is exected to escape the wrath of the reactionaries and feverish efforts are being put forth to get some person who has the pos_sibility of defeating him to enter the race for mayor. Among those who are reported as being asked to seek the position as mayor is former Judge James R, Patton. Some evidence that the CONA was right was revealed here Monday when the Board of Edu cation announced only a few hours after the oath of office had been given two new mem bers of plans to construct four major projects—three for Ne groes and one for whites. Just how such plans will comply or not comply with the judgement j dangling over the head of the Durham City Schools was not explained. From all evidences the plans were already in the making be fore the two new members were sworn in and had one of them been a Negro he would have been absolutely unfamiliar with them even though three-fourths of the projects are said to be for Negroes. Dedication Speaker John R. Larkins, Consultant on Negro Affairs for the State Board of Public Welfare, who delivered the principal ad dress at the dedication exer cise of the new James E. Shep ard High School at Zebulon. Mr. Larkin’s spoke on “The Role of Education in the Atomic Age.” Fayetteville State To Hold Founder's Day Lilling’ton — Mrs. Eunice Fer guson, chairman of Founder’s Day Committee, Fayetteville State Teachers’ College Alumni Association announced Saturday that plans are complete for the observing of the first Founder’s Day program for the college. The program will begin at 11 A. M. in the college auditorium when faculty and students will render a program. Dr. J. W. Sea brook, president of the college, Alexander Barnes, national president and Dr. T. W. Thur ston, presiding elder of the New Bern District, A. M. E. Zion Church will be among1 the speak ers. The business session of the as sociation will be held in the aft ernoon at the Person Street Ser vice Club. The alumni, faculty and students will make a pil grimage to the grave of Dr. E. (Please turn to Page Eight) To Speak Here John Wesley Dobbs of At lanta, Georgia, Grand Master of Prince Hall Masons of Georgia, who will deliver the main adddress at the Men’s Day Celebration, Sunday, April 15th at First Calvary Baptist Church, Mr. Dobbs is an active mem ber of the Supreme Council Scottish Rite Masons of the Thirty-Third Degree, South ern Jurisdiction. He is found er and Co-Chairman of the Atlanta Negro Voters League, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; a Pythian and an Elk. Window Cleaner Wins $56,000 In Sweepstakes Jamaica, N. Y. — Leopold A. Mendis, who operates a window cleaning business here, can now take his “long rest.” The 54-year-old World War I veteran won a fortune Sun day when an English filly named “Nickel Coin” waded through the mud to win the Grand National Steeplechase in Aintree, Ireland. Holder of a second-place Irish Sweepstakes ticket, Mendis will receive 20,000 British pounds, or $56,000, in American money. Said Mendis, who lives at 14541 South road: “I’m going to use the $56,000 to buy a new auto and take a long rest.” But he’ll have to cough up approximately $20,000 in taxes to Uncle Sam and vary ing state taxes will take from 15 to 20 per cent of the federal levy. Other American Sweetpstake winners were: First prize, $140,000: Jennie Rubloss of 1488 Eighth Street, Brooklyn, New York, and Mrs. (Continued from Page Five) RHO ALPHA CHAPTER OF OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY TO HOLD CONFAB IN MOBILE Mobile, Ala — Rho Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fra ternity will be host to the Seven th District which will convene April 19-21. Andrew Brown, Basileus of Rho Chapter and Dr. W. L. Russell, District Marshall are making ready plans for this event. Registration will begin at 11 a. m. Thursday morning at the convention headquarters, Cen tral High School, corner Saint Anthony and Lawrence Streets, of which Dr. B. F. Baker is Principal. A special seminar for under graduates will be a feature of the meeting and highlighting the business sessions will be the conducted by the National Ex ecutive Secretary, H. Carl Moul trie. (Pleas* turn to Page Eight) River Yields Bodies Of Youths Who Disappeared After Hit-Run Mrs. Alice P. Allen, Assistant to the President and Chair man of the Department of Business Administration at Miles Memorial College, Bir mingham, Alabama will speak in B. N. Duke Auditorium, North Carolina College, Sun day, April 15 at 3:30 P. M. The local Rho Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority is sponsoring the appearance of Mrs. Allen. The program is a part of the national observance of Busi ness Education Week which is observed at this time by all chapters of the Sorority. Mrs. Allen is past National Presi dent of the Sorority. Mrs. Ethel S. Berry, Presi dent of Rho Chapter, will pre side at the meeting. Lumberton — The bodies of David Carmichael, 17, and Ernest Scott, 17, both of Max ton, were discovered last week- in the Lumber River about a mile north of Maxton on the old Red Springs Road. Scott’s body was seen float ing on the water by some fishermen who reported it im mediately. This led to a three hour search for the body of Carmichael which was found in a sitting position under the wheel of a 1936 Chevrolet coupe in 12 feet of water. The two youths had been missing since March 25 and had been sought by authorities in connection with a hit-and run accident on that date. Wit nesses had reported the car to have been a 1936 Chevrolet coupe, and police went on a search for it. Patrolman Enoch A. Chester found the car in Maxton. As he started to open the door, the auto speed away with its lights off. Ches ter reported that he gave chase out on the old Red Springy road, but lost it near the Lumberton River. That was the last time the car was seen until it was discovered last week-end. Investigation of the case by the Highway Deartment, showed that the car had left the road and plunged into the river. Sets Aside Conviction In Florida Case Washington, D. C.—The Unit ed States Supreme Court set a side here Monday the conyiction of two Florida Negroes who had been sentenced to death for rap ing a 17-year-old white girl. Not only did the court set aside the conviction but two of the justices lashed out at anta gonism created by the newspa pers in and near Groveland, Florida, the scene of the trial. They said that the trial was “but a legal gesture to register a ver dict already dictated by the press and the public opinion which it generated.” The judgement was reversed, however, on the grounds that Neg’roes were excluded from the jury. At the time the girl was raped mob violence broke out in Groveland in all its fury. A mob attempted a lynching, Negro homes were burned with many of the occupants fleeing the community. One Negro suspect who was arrested and another was killed when he resisted. Or der was finally restored when troops were called to the scene. Justice Jackson with Justice Frankfurter agreeing wrote that the trial of the two Negroes, Walter Irvin and Samuel Shep herd was an example of “one of the worst menaces to American justice.” Justice Jackson stated later from the bench “it is be coming a question whether un der modern methods of publicity a fair trial can be granted any man.” The written opinion charged that newspaper accounts of al leged confessions by the Negroes were read by members of the jury, but the confessions were never produced in court. “It is hard to imagine a more pre judicial influence,” Justice Jack son wrote. He said further that the crime stirred deep feelings which the newspapers exploited to the lim it. “If freedoms of the press are so abused as to make fair trial in the locality impossible,” he wi'ote, justice should be protect ed by removal to another area. A removal of the trial to an other county was sought at the time by defense attorneys but this was refused. In commenting further Justice Jackson wrote that it would have made no difference if Ne groes had been included because I he could not see “how any Negro I would have dared to cause a dis 1 agreement or acquittal.” “The only chance these Ne groes had of acquittal would have been in the courage and de cency of some sturdy and forth right white person of sufficient standing to face and live down the odium among' his white neighbors that such a vote, if required, would have brought.” Setting aside the conviction threw the case right back into the laps of the State Court. Just what steps, if any, local prosecu tors will take had not yet been determined. Miss Celia Elizabeth David son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidson of Durham, who was heard in her Senior Piano Recital last week at Howard University in Wash ington, D. C. Miss Davidson began her music studies at the Chamberlin Studio under Mrs. Margaret S. Sheafin, at the age of five.