BULLETIN! Funeral services for Frank Thomas Husband who died Wednesday, June 27 will be held at White Rock Baptist Church, Friday, June 29 at 3:30 p. m. The Reverend Miles Mark Fisher, pas tor of the church, will officiate. 'University of N G Library il'r FOR 28 YEARS THE OUTSTANDING WEEKLY OF THE CAROLINAS Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Durham, North Carolina, under Act of March 3, 1879. VOLUME 29—NUMBER 26 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, JUNE 30th, 1951 PRICE 10 CENTS YOUNG WOMAN IMPROVING AFTER SUICIDE ATTEMPT ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★ ★★★ ★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Jails Young Principal For Burglary S. C. School Case To Be Appealed Facilities Found Unequal But Court Upholds Segregation Charleston, S. C. — A three judge U. S. District Court up held here Saturday by a vote of 2-1 South Carolina’s segregation school low in a suit brought in Clarendon County, attacking the the inequality between white and Negro schools. The two judges voting to up hold segregation were Judges John J. Parker and George B. Timmerman. Dissenting was Judge J. Waties Waring, a South Carolinian. • Although the court upheld segregation, it granted by a un animous decision an injunction to equalize school facilities with in South Carolina and ordered to report back within six months on what had been done toward that end. The dissent of Juclge Waring was hailed by many as one of the most eloquent ever rendered. It charged that his two associates were evading, stradling and a voiding the issue in the action. Declared Judge Waring in his dissent, “Segregation in itself is inequality for colored and white people.” State’s Lame Claim The state claimed that it nev er intended to discriminate a gainst any of the pupils but five months ago they filed an answer to the complaint denying there were any inequalities. They now admit they found something. They stated they hoped that in time, they would obtain mon ey to improve the school system. This statement was allowed to be filed and considered as an amendment to the state’s An swer. By this maneuver, the De fendants endeavored to induce the court to avoid the primary purpose of the suit. If the court should follow this suggestion and fail to meet the issues raised by merely considering this an other “separate but equal” case, the entire purpose and reason for the institution of the case and the convening of a three-judge court would be voided. Unexampled Courage These 66 plaintiffs have not merely expended their time and money in order to test this im portant constitutional question but they have shown unexam pled courage in presenting this case at their own expense in the face of the established and age old pattern of the way of life which the state of South Caro lina has practiced and lived as a result of the institution of hu man slavery. Judicial Evasion If a case of this magnitude can be turned aside and a court refuse to hear these basic issues by the mere device of an admis sion that some buildings, black boards, lighting fixtures and toilet facilities are unequal but they may be remedied by the spending of a few dollars, then, indeed people in the plight in which those Plaintiffs are, have no adequate remedy or forum in which to air their wrongs. If this method of judicial evasion be adopted, these very infant Plaintiffs, now pupils in Clarendon County, will prob ably be bringing suits for their children and grandchildren, de cades . or rather generations hence in an effort to get for their descendants what are today de nied to them. The NAACP brought the ac tion on behalf of 66 children of (Please turn to Page Eight) Manager Eugene H. Gadsden, manager of Mutual Heights low rental cost housing project here, who announces that in spite of the occupancy of every unit, the new project is still receiving applica tions from persons desiring homes in Durham”s newest housing development. Mr. Gads den is also a law student at N. C. College. Brother And Sister Drown In River Monday Two small children, Mary Magdalene McDougald, 5, and her brother, Floyd McDou gald, Jr., 3, were drowned Monday in Hope Mills Pond Number Two, a few miles south of Fayetteville. They were the children of Floyd and Mrs. Mary Eliza beth McDougald of Hope Mills, who reported that the young ters went to a spring near the pond for a pitcher of water. The mother missed them at about eleven a. m., and on be ing unable to find them, noti field Hope Mills Police Chief L. F. Hester. The chief traced the foot prints of the little pair from the spring to the pond, and in to the water, into which they had apparently waded hand (Please turn to Page Eight) Doctor Gray's Appointment As Head Of Psychological Warfare Called Ironical BY CALVIN JOHNSON universities are liKe people and some of the nation’s biggest institutions of learning some times play “footsie-footsie” in the same way as some of our tin horn politicians. A case in point occurred last week at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Har vard, the oldest college in the United States with a deserved reputation of liberalism and scholarly productivity, honored the president of the University of North Carolina — Gordon Gray, millionaire newspaper publisher, once a buck private in the U. S. Army, later Secre tary of the Army, and more late ly chairman of a special commit tee, to project psychological; warfare against the enemies of democracy. “Doctor” Gray’s selection for the psychological warfare post, which he will hold on a part time basis is at once ironical and logical. Ironical, because this is the same “Doctor” Gray who was quoted by United Press last week as saying, “We are not happy about the pre sence of Negroes at UNC.” Ne groes, mind you, are American citizens, the descendants of black men who were brought to these shores in chains against their wills and exploited, first, by “Dr.” Gray’s ancestors and more recently by “Dr.” Gray Dray himself. Imagine “Dr.” Gray’s red faced embarrassment when the Russians and the Red Chinese make inquiries concerning the great UNC’s attitude toward ad mitting Negroes to graduate and professional schools. “Dr.” Gray’s elevation again to a high national post is logical, because, by reputation, he is one cf the ablest secretaries the Army has ever had. Presumably, this comparison embraces only race-baiting Kenneth Royal, the lormer uomsDoro lawyer, wno is now one of the architects in UNC’s policy to force a make shift Ph. D. program at NCC, and who is thought to be the braintruster who has given new hope to the wavering legal forces of Attorney General Har ry McMullan and the Chapel Hill gang. Commentators of the calibre of Drew Pearson and Arthur Krock of the New York Times have hailed “Dr.” Gray’s selec tion for the psychological war fare post. The CAROLINA TIMES wishes also to hail the appointment of one of North Carolina’s original perpetrators of “The Big Lie.” “Th£ Big Lie” achieved notoriety with the late and un mourned Adolf Hitler. Before Adolf’s time, however, the technique of “The Big Lie” was an accepted part of the pro paganda campaign of race rela tions strategists in the Old North State. The technique was re markably similar to Hitler’s perversion of it: Race relations in North Carolina are ideal. North Carolina leads the South in making equal education oppor tunities available to i.l*' non white races. Thus runs tlu myth of North Carolina’s leade ship. One of the newspapers keeping the myth going is the powerful winston-Salem Journal-Sentinel, a publication owned by “Dr.” Gray. It has been argued in some quarters that “Dr.” Gray knows nothing about psychological far fare. It is hoped that he will be able to surround himself with non-communist assistants who are authorities in their fields. “Dr.” Gray knew nothing about university administration. He is surrounded by assistants who are reported to take their Orders (Please turn to Page Slight) Participants In Presbyterian Baby Contest Pictured above are some of the contestants in the Covenant Presbyterian Church Baby Con test now underway. The babies above are Clinton Delonzo Patterson, Johnetta Marie Black, Phyllis Ann Thompson, William Dwight Price and Juan Roswald Pippin. Other children in the running are: Bonnie Dale Logan, Linda Ann Rusell, Marvae Dunn, and Pauletta Fogg. The con test will close on July 8 and winners will announced at the Sunday afternoon program scheduled for five o’clock. MANY NEGROES TO PARTICIPATE IN NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MEETING JULY 1-5 San Francisco, Calif. — As a result of a recent interpretation which permits NEA affiliation of Negro state teachers associa tion in the South, there will be greater Negro participation in the coming National Education Association annual convention than ever before in the history of this ninety-three year old professional organization. The NEA will hold its 30th representative assembly and 89th annual meeting here in San Francisco during the week of July 1-6. At this time the nation’s edu cators will discuss and deliber ate upon techniques of improv ing programs of education and other matters of vital concern to school programs and members of the teaching profession. More than 3,000 delegates from local and state education and teachers associations will represent the near-half million members of the NEA at the con vention. NEA representatives could not give an exact count of the number of Negro delegates to be in attendance. However, it is estimated that nearly one hundred such delegates wVll be present from Negro and inte grated teacher organizations. Fifteen southern Negro or ganizations are eligible for af filiation with the NEA under provisions of an April 6 inter pretation permitting two NEA state affiliations in those states. Since the interpretation was is sued thirtten such state groups have connected with the nation al body. There are around 30 Negro local associations which may send delegates to NEA con ventions. Alabama, Arkansas. Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Okla homa, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vir ginia are the state groups listed as having affiliated with the convention. Since the NEA does not record its memberships by race, it is impossible to determine its num ber of Negro members or the racial identity of its re-registra tion delegates. EDITORIALLY SPEAKING Dirty Work In High Places The pernicious attempt made by the trustees of the Uni sity of North Carolina last Thursday to force down the throats of North Carolina College officials the plan to set up makeshift Ph. D. courses at the local college for a measly $100,000 is about the dirtiest and cheapest act we have seen attempted in high eudcational circles in our day. It dis closes that UNC officials will not only stoop to the lowest acts but that they aren’t even willing to pay a decent price for their nefarious schemes. Evidently the trustees of UNC, sparked by the ball carrying duplicity of Dean W. W. Pierson of the University graduate school, failed to convince NCC representatives of the desirability of the much discussed Ph. D. plan that re spectable educators agree should not now, or perhaps ever, be tried in a Negro school. The standout for NCC in that gruelling meeting was Dr. J. M. Hubbard, Durham dentist who is secretary of NCC’s trustee board. With the assistance of NCC President Alfonso Elder, Dr. Hubbard stoutly maintained that NCC should carry out the mandate of the school’s trustees and strengthen the present program before taking on new work. Dr. Hubbard has demonstrated rare and commendable grasp of complex educational problems in a comparatively short time. Dr. Pierson, on the other hand, widely respected among Southern educators, and was and still is willing to make concessions to offer a watered down Ph. D. degree at NCC. A respectable State government or university system would demand the immediate ouster of Pierson. He and his chief Gordon Gray of UNC are in sad contrast to President Colgate Darden of the University of Virginia who took the initiative in offering advanced work for Virginia Negroes, while Virginia State College concentrated at masters’ and undergraduate levels. Virginia is now far ahead of North Carolina in race relations, highway construction and educa tion. I Queen Miss Edna Ray Burke, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Burke of Durham, was crowned queen of the Durham Business School in a recent contest, for which, she reported the largest amount of Money. For her effort, she re ceived an expense paid trip to Washington, D. C. Catholic College Graduates Seven Philadelphia — Seven Ne groes were among the grad uates who received degrees at the 88th annual exercises of La Salle College here. They are Harry W. Boston, Edward S. Pierce, Jr., Robert P. Bass, Jr., Edward L. H. Gillespie, Waddie L. Benton, Jr., and (Please turn to Page Eight) Billfold Leads To Capture Of Cheek Innocent Man Shot By Mob In Alabama Bundidge, Ala. — A blood thirsty mob of would-be lynch ers wounded an innocent Negro here June 21, who they thought bad kidnapped a white woman. Actually, the man had played the part of a gentleman of the highest type. Thirty-five year old Forrest Jones was given a ride by a young white farm matron who was driving her two children into town. The car was wrecked within a mile of Mrs. Knight’s home and her infant child was injured, causing blood to be spattered on the seat and the windshield. A passing motorist drove the wo man, her two children and Jones into town to a doctor’s office where Jones carried the child into the office and insisted on paying the bill since “the lady was driving me to town.” In the meantime, rumors spread arround the community that Jones had kidnapped Mrs. Knight, and without investiga tion, the mob of farmers storm ed Jones’ home where Jones was shot when he started to run. Jones was put under protec tive custody in a nearby jail, while investigations were being made by offices. Three Boys, 16, Drown Sunday, Monday, Wed. Three North Carolina youths became victims of drowning the early part of this week in three different and widely separated locations. Ironically, each victim was a boy, and each'boy, 16 years of age. On Sunday Melvin Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rog ers of Dudley Street in Burling ton, who could not swim, drown ed in Sharpe’s Pond on Lakeside Avenue extension in Burlington when he fell from an inner tube on which he had been floating. The body was recovered about 4:15 p. m., and artificial re spiration was administered by Burlington firemen for 45 min utes or longer without results. The second victim was Mat thew Phipps who lived near Littleton. He was on an outing with several other young boys who were swimming. His body was recovered late Monday from the fish pond which is located three miles out from Littleton on Roper Springs Road. Lafayette Covington, of Troy, considered an excellent swim mer, was the third victim. He was drowned Wednesday in the malestrom at the foot of Smither man Dam after being swept over the 16 foot fall. His four companions reported that he swam too close to the top of the spillway and was swept over by the rushing wa ter. He made a desperate effort to swim out of the seething wa ter at the bottom of the spillway, they said. His body was recovered about (Please turn to Page Eight) Mrs. 0. P. Cook Will Recover From Overdose Sleeping Pills Mrs. Owen Plummer Cook, who is reported to have attempt ed suicide here last week by tak ing an overdose of sleeping pills is “doing fine,” according to her physician, Dr. R. P. Randolph. Exact cause for Mrs. Cook’s attempt on her own life is not known. According to close friends, she is reported to have been in the best of spirits the day before. Mrs. Cook is the wife of W. L. Cook, manager of the Durham District of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Comp any, and the daughter of Dr. J. O. Plummer of Raleigh, well known physician of that city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cook are well-known and highly respected in professional, business and so cial circles of Durham. They re side at 2011 Otis Street in what is known as the College Heights section of the city. When admitted to Lincoln Hospital last Friday, it is re ported that Mrs. Cook appeared to be in a coma and remained in that condition for over four days. Although response to treat ment at first was slow, her phy sician reports now that she awakened Monday, is out of dan ger and will recover. Raleigh — Educational circles were rocked to their very foun dations here this week when police arrested and jailed a grammar school principal on five counts of first degree bur glary. The arrest of Charles Alvin Cheek, 22-year-old principal of Jeffrey’s Grove School last Fri day, is hoped by police to have put an end to a wave of bur glaries that has been going on here for the past several months. Cheek, who is a scion of a well-known and highly respect ed North Carolina family, was caught red-handed by police while he was hiding in the closet of a home he had just entered for the second time within the same night. The evidence which led to Cheek’s arrest was a billfold found around 4 A. M., Friday morning by Patrolmen G. D. Pearce and B. E. Willford near the corner of West and-Edenton Streets. After examining identi fication in the wallet detectives were called to the scene and proceeded to the home of Mrs. Annie Gosnell, 120 S. Harring ton Street. After talking with Mrs. Gos nell they discovered that the wallet was hers and that it had been left on the foot of her bed earlier that night, but she had not missed it until the officers arrived at her home. Even though it seemed very doubtful that a burglar would make a second trip to the same home in a single night Mrs. Gos nell suggested to the officers that they had better make a search of her home, whereupon the officers obliged. While the officers were searching the bedroom, Mrs. Gosnell remarked, “wouldn’t it be strange if he was in this closet.” This was followed short ly by a scream. Mrs. Gosnell had reached in the closet and touch ed a man. The officers covered the closet with their gun and commanded the man out whereupon Cheek stepped out. When found the' young school principal was bare-foot. When searched two crisp, new one dollar bills and a twenty-dollar bill were found in his possession. Mrs. Gosnell had already inform ed the officers that her billfold contained new bills of that de scription. Cheeks car was found in front of the house next door with his shoes in it. Finger prints found at the scene of four other burglaries matched Cheek’s, according to police. When officers attempted to question him he refused to talk and asked for legal counsel. At torney H. R. Taylor of Raleigh has been employed to represent him. He waived preliminary hear ing in Recorder’s Court on the five charges and was bound over to Wake Cuperior Court without bond. According to Attorney Tay lor, the young principal will probably not be tried until the September term of criminal court as the nexterm of criminal court as next term of criminal probability will be too early for the Grand Jury to hear the evi dence and indict Cheek in time to be heard during that term. Cheek is a graduate of Shaw University, class of 1950 and is described as quiet and well mannered. He draws $215 per month as principal of the Jef frey’s Grove School. Prior to at (Please turn to Page Eight) SAW CUTS OFF MAN'S HEAD IN LOUISBURG Louisburg — Charlie Bul lock, 25 year old saw mill worker was decapitated near here Tuesday afternoon at Bumgarner Saw Mill, 17 miles northeast of the city. Bullock worked as a carriage rider and according to wit nesses, was thrown into the swirling blade by a board that hung on the saw. His head was cut off at the shoulders.