FOR 28 YEARS THE OUTSTANDING WEEKLY OF THE CAROLINAS Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Durham, North Carolina, under Act of March 3, 1819. VOLUME 29—NUMBER 29 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, JULY 21st, 1951 PRICE TEN CENTS or 0 Call lid Its Mixed Baseball Game BY CALVIN JOHNSON WHITEVILLE—The heavens appeared to weep here Sunday morning after officials and citizens of this so called Christian community had bowed to the will of the Ku Klux Klan and prevented a ball game between a white and Negro team from being played. It was during the morning worship hour, about 11:30, while so-called Whiteville churches were at full blast about the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man and other Christian tenets that the heavens began weeping as if they were saddened at the mockery of wor shippers that talked about, “As ye would that men do to you, do ye even so to them,” but were too despicable in their hearts and souls to allow the national sport to be played between Americans of a different color. You have got to visit this hate ridden and Ku Klux infested community to understand why Whiteville bow ed to the will of the Ku Klux Klan. You should come here and see for yourself the spiritually anemic white ministers who appear to be afraid of their shadows, to know why they did not have the guts to climb up into their pulpits and thunder against the hellish condition of Whiteville. You have got to observe as I did, incognito of course, the stupid egotism and cocksureness of what are suppos ed to be police officers and town officials. You have got to visit the very poor and unequal Negro schools, poor ly lighted and the unpaved streets in the Negro section of the town to know that Whiteville is just one door from hell when it comes to morals and citizenship. Although many cities and towns in North Carolina have witnessed ball games between the races, White ville just couldn’t stand it. Why? You ask me why. Ask me why Whiteville will permit the Ku Klux Klan to dictate to the churches, the law enforcement agencies and other agencies for law and order and I will tell you why. Many of the players on both teams, they tell me, had fought together on foreign soil in World War II to save democracy. Many of them have relatives who are still fighting in Korea for their country, but Whiteville could not stand to see them play a baseball game together on their own native soil. As if by choice the Klan chose Friday the 13th to start circulating their race hate ridden circulars, bearing the letters KKK. They had their effect. So-called Chris tians and American citizens answered the call of the Klan and started bombarding town officials to halt the' playing of the game. The town officials being weak, scared and probably members or sympathizers of the Klan, rose in their mighty weakness and did what they were told Well, white supremacy has been upheld, but the pf™uacy ofu God and His only son, the Babe of Bethlehem, who walked this earth and declared “A new commandment I give unto, love ye one another ” has been spit upon and trampled in the dirt, tv/ If Whiteville Tuesday, and I trust I have shaken the dust of this filthy town off my feet. I pray that if atomic bombs ever start falling in my country, that God wi,11 have mercy and not let it be more horrible for Whiteville in that day than it was for Sodom and Gomorrah. Pictured above are kiddies of the Mount Vernon Baptist Church enjoying a moving pic ture show in the tent auditor ium of the church that is used by the congregation during the Summer months. During the week the tent is used for the Bible School and other programs of Mount Vernon. Pastor of the church is the Reverend E. T. Browne. Chicago Congressman To Speak In Durham Hon. W. L. Dawson "Page One Award" Speaker July 27th The Durham Press Club will present Congressman William L. Dawson of Illinois as guest speaker during the club’s third annual “Page One Awards” program to be held here Friday night, July 27, at Hillside High School Auditorium. Three awards will be given this year. They will go to Dr. C. C. Spaulding, president of the Mechanics and Farmers’ Bank and the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Comp any; Conrad O. Pearson, chair man, North Carolina Legal Re dress Committee of the NAACP; and Lt. Ellison Wynn, winner of the Distinguished Service Cross for conspicuous bravery in the Korean war zone. The star-studded program of the three year old Press Club that gave its first award to Judge William H. Hastie will present this year a series of na tionally known figures, includ ing Judge Hastie and Assistant Secretary of the Defense, Dan K. Edwards. Secretary Edwards is a former mayor of Durham. He has been invited to present Lt. Wynn’s citation from the Durham Press Club. Lt. Wynn, a native of Greens boro and long time resident of Durham, commanded a mix unit of whites and Negroes during some of the bitterest Korean fighting. His exploits were of ficially recorded by Army his torians as “among the bravest on record.” Pearson has been for twenty years in the forefront of the legal battle to get equal graduate and professional opporunities for Negroes. Dr. Spaulding, an internation ally known religious, civic, and business leader will be honored in his home city for the first time on a large scale. The Durham Press Club is composed of newspapermen working in the Old North State. Durham Speaker Congressman W. L. Dawson of the First Illinois District who will speak here Friday, July 27 in the third annual “Page One Award” of the Durham Press Club. The pro gram will be held in the Hill side High School Auditorium. Moffitt Named To Head Ag. Teachers'Ass n. Greensboro — At the close of its annual Conference at A. and T. College here last week, J. L. Moffitt of Durham, was reelect ed president of the North Caro lina Agriculture Teachers Asso ciation. The other officers re-elected were: J. D. Lennon of Durham, vice-president; J. B. Baird, Fay etteville, secretary - treasurer; M. L. Campbell, Kings Moun tain, chaplain; and Lawrence Zollicoffer, Belhaven, parliamen tarian. In his address to the group, A. W. Solomon of Greensboro, representative of the North Car olina Farm Bureau Federation, urged the necessity of a well (Please turn to Page Eight) Durham Man Cut To Death In Rocky Mount Rocky Mount — Archie Allen, resident of this city and former resident of Durham was killed in South Rocky Mount Saturday night as the result of stab wounds administered to him by a companion. Allen, who resided at the corner of Cedar and South Street here, was well-known in Rocky Mount, Durham and Tar boro where he had resided, in termittently, for a long number of years. Two men, Meg Jenkins and Harry Battle, are being held for investigation, following a state ment given police by Battle that he and Jenkins had been in a fight earlier. Battle said that Allen tried to part them and was accidentally stabbed. The fight started in the 100 block of Cedar Street and ac cording to witnesses Allen was stabbed in the groin and stag gered down the street for about 30 feet bleeding profusely and fell into a garbage disposal re ceptable. He was finally picked up by by-standers and rushed to Park View hospital where he was pronounced dead upon ar rival. Battle told police that Jen kins stabbed Allen, but Jenkins denied it. According to Howard McNair of 223 Cedar Street, Allen told him before he died that “Meg stabbed me.” Funeral services were held at the Scarborough and Hargett Funeral Home in Durham at three o’clock Wednesday, July 18. The Reverend S. P. Perry, pastor of Saint Mark A. M. E. Zion Church, officiated Interment was at Beechwood Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Annie Laura Allen of Rocky Mount, his mother, Mrs. Daisy C. Allen and a sister, Miss Iola C. Allen of Durham. Dr. McCrorey Noted Educator Funeralized Dr. Henry Lawrence Mc Crorey, who served with dis tinction as president of Johnson C. Smith University for forty years is dead. He died at the age of 88 following several weeks of illness. Funeral arrangements for the noted educator and theological scholar were held Monday, July 16 at 11:00 o’clock. Rites were held at the University Church with interment in Pinewood Cemetery, Charlotte. As a result of Dr. McCrorey’s influence Mrs. Johnson C. Smith gave $400,000 to improve the physical facilities, and $302,500 for endowment of the university. In appreciation of these benefac tors the name of the school was changed from Biddle to Johnson C. Smith University. Believing in the influence and integrity of Dr. McCrorey, the late James B. Duke, North Caro lina utilities and tobacco mag nate contributed $1,360,000 to university. Under the leadership of Dr. McCrorey, Johnson C. Smith University developed into an educational institution of na tional reputation with more than 4,000 graduates and former stu dents. Attaining membership in (Please turn to Page Eight) Loft Carey Meet In Durham August 28-31 Expected To Draw Over 2,500 Delegates, Visitors Passes Archie Allen, former Dur ham citizen who was slain in Rocky Mount last Saturday night when he attempted to separate two companions who were in a knife duel. Last rites for Allen were held at Scarborough and Hargett Fu neral Home in Durham Wed nesday. Miss R. Butler To Give Concert At Mount Vernon The Senior Choir Number One of Mount Vernon Baptist Church is presenting Miss Ruth Butler of Fayetteville, a recent honor graduate of Hampton Institute in the De partment of Music, in a re cital, at 7:30 p. m., Sunday. The 54th annual session of the Lott Carey Baptist Fore ign Mission Convention will meet in Durham at the Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Aug. 28-31, according to an an nouncement made by Rev. E. T. Browne, pastor. Theme of this year’s session of the con vention is, “The Call Of Africa.” Approximately 2,500 del egates, representing every state in the nation and several foreign countries, will be in attendance, and every effort is being made to see to it those attending the convention will have detailed accommoda tions. Among the many celebrities scheduled to visit the conven tion during the week will be Bishop K. C. Pillai of Bom bay, India and Ambassador King of Liberia. Dr. J. M. Ellison, president of Union University; and Honorable T. C. Walker of Gloucester Coun ty, Virginia and Miss Angie Brooks of Africa. President of the Convention is Dr. O. S. Bullock of Ra leigh, who will preside over most of the sessions. Presi dent of the women’s auxiliary is Mrs. J. H. Randolph of ■ Washington, D. C. Mayor E. J. Evans and other outstanding personalities of education and business in Durham are scheduled to make short welcoming talks on the opening night. EDITORIALLY SPEAKING A Declaration Of Policy Needed We think it is time for Negro citizens of North Carolina to demand a declaration of policy from State officials as to who is running North Carolina College at Durham. For the past several weeks the University of North Carolina trustees have held more meetings on N. C. College than it has ever held on the University in the same length of time. When the president and trustees of one educational in stitution can meet and map plans for courses to be taught in another, we think they are stretching their authority a little too far. If they are not then the duly elected or ap pointed president and trustees of the college that are the ob ject of such treatment ought to assert their authority or resign. We have watched with a degree of deep concern the antics of the trustees of UNC, who are apparently deter mined to make N. C. College the goat in their attempt to defy the U. S. Supreme Court ruling relative to equal edu cational opportunities for Negroes. We have also watched with a degree of disgust the spineless attitude and dilly dally ing tactics on the part of N. C. College president and trustees in not declaring themselves opposed to such action. The time has come when a definite declaration of policy from the trustee boards of N. C. College and the University of North Carolina is mandatory. We think the taxpayers of this State have a right to know who is running N. C. Col lege, its own trustee board or that of the University. We think they have a right to know who is president of N. C. College, Gordon Gray or Alfonso Elder. We think they ilso have a right to know if Elder is a puppet president with Gordon Gray and the UNC trustees pulling the strings. We think they have a right to know if the trustees of N. C. Col lege intend to allow the trustees of UNC to ram makeshift Ph. D. courses down their throats. We think the taxpayers of this State have a right to know when, what for and how their money is going to be spent at these two educational institutions. The apparent idea in the minds of the trustees of both instiutions that they are sufficient unto themselves, that they have a right (Please turn to Page Two) Walter White Flies To Scene Of Illinois Riot Cicero, 111. — Rioting broke out in this Chicago suburb last Wednesday night after a Negro business moved his furniture into an apartment in a formally all-white neighborhood, in pre paration for taking his family there to live. Mobsters broke into the apart ment, knocked out the window casings and dumped the furni ture three flights to ground, and destroyed it by fire in a flam ing heap. According to a statement by Walter White, executive Secre tary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, who flew to Chicago Friday night, “. . . it is clear that the Cicero rioting has been planned for a long time and there is evidence of expert agitation in the leadership of the riot.” He said that “Governor Stevenson informs me that the cooiest-headed group in the Negro community. But if hood lums continue to attack inno (Please turn to Page Eight) By a vote of seven to two the trustee board of North Carolina College at Durham bowed to the demands of the Trustee Board of the University of North Caro lina here Wednesday and ac cepted an appropriation of $114, 000 for the present fiscal year and $157,000 for the next fiscal year to strengthen its under graduate and graduate work, which the N. C. College trustees claim will provide funds for library resources and instruc tional service needed to inau gurate the doctoral program in education. The seven to two decision came after a stormy session in which the two Negro members of the Board fought to the bitter end the efforts of the N. C. Col lege trustees to take a step which may have labelled as the most stupid ever taken by a college of such caliber. Voting against the measure were Dr. J. M. Hubbard of Durham, the Board’s secretary and Dr. Robert M. Hendrick of Asheville, the only two Negroes present, except Dr. A. Elder, president of the col lege, who has no vote. Dr. C. C. Spaulding, the other Negro member of the Board was not present. Those present and voting to capitulate to the demands of the UNC trustees were: Bascom Baynes, and Robert Gantt, Dur ham; Mrs. Lillian B. Dean, (Please turn to Page Eight) WIFE CHOKED TO DEATH BY LOVE SICK HUSBAND JULY 14 Emmett Louis Hargraves, 34 year-old resident of 1014 Third Street, who confessed to police that he strangled his wife to death here around two o’clock last Saturday morning when she came home drunk, will be ar raigned before the Grand Jury, according to police. Hargraves said he choked his wife to death with his hands and a pillow following an argu ment which was begun when he attempted to upbraid her about drinking too much. The body of the 22-year-old woman, Iritha Hargraves, was discovered in an alley just back of Third Street early Saturday (Please turn to Page Eight) The photos above are those of Emmett Hargraves and his wife, Mrs. Irithea Hargraves. Mrs. Hargraves was choked to death by her husband early last Saturday morning about 2:00 a. m. Hargraves is re ported to have become anger ed when his wife came home in a drunken condition. Revenue Men Walk In, Sister Iharpe And Group Walk Out Wilson — After playing an afternoon engagement in Ra leigh, Rosetta Tharpe, well known artist of radio and stage, came on to Wilson Sunday night and almost precipitated a riot at the box office when she, and the several other performers in her group, deliberately did a fade away without putting on a sched uled performance. Already possessing a shady record in North Carolina, where on several occasions she has been scheduled for performances without showing up at all, Miss Tharpe’s vanishing stunt here Sunday night will probably make it hard for her to get fur ther engagements in the State without posting bond or a similar guarantee. Miss Tharpe, at present, is performing under the manage ment of the Vasti Booking Agency of Richmond, Virginia. The Agency, instead of showing any inclination to make amends for their performer’s misdeeds, told a representative of the CAROLINA TIMES in a long distance telephone conversation, that the reason Miss Tharpe re fused to put on the performance was that the Community Center in Wilson would not hold enough paid customers and that the attendance was slim. The Agency stated further that it stood to sustain a financial loss if the performance had been put on. As soon as the approximately 300 customers, who were al ready in the audience discover ed that Miss Tharpe and her group had vanished out the back (Please turn to Page Eight)