Vol. XV—No. 16 Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Thursday, February 1, 1945 Honeycutt Lauds Athletics and Bond Sales The History Beh ind The News By Rodney Waters We are unable to understand Russia in spite of the fact that our country and England have her for an ally in this war. The Russians have been distrustful of their allies and have refused to cooperate in many of the ways in which the rest of the United Na tions wish them to. It might be easier to understand this dis trustfulness if we go back into ancient history. The origins of Russian history present us with two sort of half- legendary, half-real factors. The factors are that the ninth cen tury the Russians had no organ ized states whatsoever and, grow ing weary of this anarchy, are said to have gone to foreign princes and to have said, “Our soil is widely fruitful, but order is lacking there. Be out, princes, and come to govern us.” Then three princes came into North Russia and set up princi palities and at the same time brought Christianity into this pagan country. Up until this time Russia had very few wars; in fact, in all their pagan worships there was no god of war. From this we can see that Europe was the country which began all of its troubles, even though they asked foreign influences into their country. From the very early part of the ninth century up to and includ ing the present century, Russia has had one or two wars with almost every European country (See RUSSIA, page four) \ Two Former C. H. H. S. Students Fight Together In Pacific War Alice Ross And John Canada Graduate Two C. H. H. S. students, Alice Ross and John Canada, who lacked sufficient credits for grad uation last June, finished the re quired courses at the end of the semester, and have officially grad uated. Alice Ross, who came to Chapel Hill from Buchanon, W. Va., plans to work until the end of the cun'ent University semester, and then enter U. N. C. Her father, Lt. Cecil Ross, is executive of ficer of the military department in the Naval Pre-Flight School. John Canada, who lacked only one credit for graduation last (See GRADUATES, page four) The graduates of Chapel Hill High School who are in the armed forces are scattered far and wide over the huge area the war covers, and yet, occasionally, old friends and classmates do meet. Such a chance encounter took place recently between Pfc. John Trueblood Brittain and Cap tain William Jackson Boone, both alumni of the High School. John typifies his middle name as a Marine with the famed forces stationed in the Pacific. He distinguished himself re cently during combat duty while serving on Bougainville. A Jap sniper in a tree over hanging a telephone wire shot at Brittain. A half-hour later some one shot the sniper, but not until (See ALUMNI, page four) Physical Ed Class Is Also Recognized Three C. H. H. S. activities and organizations were recognized by Superintendent A. W. Honeycutt in assembly last week, who gave records of their progress and cited examples of their coopera tion and achievement. Mr. Honeycutt first introduced Miss Virginia Simkins, co-chair man of the high school War Bond committee, who gave a report on the school’s part in the Sixth War Loan drive. The State War Finance Office has sent the school a certificate of recognition which states that the War Bonds puix^hased by C. H. H. S. stu dents bought six ambulances, which will bear the name of the school. War Loan officials, in a mes sage to the school, stated that C. H. H. S. window displays were one of the most striking cam paign projects in the state. The second recognition by Mr. Honeycutt was of the boys’ phys ical education class, which has been without an instructor since the beginning of school. The boys have been playing volleyball dur ing sixth period when the weather permits, and movies have been shown in the auditor ium when it rains. The third recognition was of the basketball teams, which have been “doing a fine job of repre senting C. H. H. S. at schools in other parts of the state.” HONORARY EDITOR In continuance with its policy to train future editors, the Proconian this week has as its honorary editor, David Sharpe.