M m Vol. XV—No. 22 Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Thursday, March 16, 1946 School Board In Dilemma Over New Building Facts Beh ind The News By Rodney Waters Italy’s Economic and Political Scramble Now that Italy has been par tially freed from oppression one might think the Italian people would be overjoyed. They aren’t. At once one might say that they are unappreciative of the Allies for their assistance. The Italian people have been freed only from oppression in the nature of con fined activities and political ac tivities, as it stood before their so-called freedom. They were at least fed so that disease was kept down to a minimum. However, famine has swept almost the whole of Italy; gangsterism has started on a large scale and the government is so corrupt that it is hard to say as to who is in charge under the Allies. A few days after the libera tion of Rome the Bonomi govern ment was put into effect. It re sulted from the refusal of Anti- Fascist groups to join the gov ernment headed by Marshal Ba- doglio. The new government was not recognized because of the in sistence of the British that the Badoglion government should be supreme, but after ten days they agreed to everything except part of Bonomi’s Cabinet. Bonomi’s Cabinet consisted of six men. One man from each of the six parties which comprised the Italian Committee of Libera tion. The parties were the Com munist, Independent, Christian, Democrats, Actionists, Socialists, and Labor Democrats. The com- To Leave Pictured above is Superinten dent A. W. Honeycutt, who an nounced last week that he will not return to the High School next year. He will be replaced by Mr. C. A. Davis of Roanoke Rapids. Spring Holidays Are Approved It was announced in the as sembly program on Tuesday morning that we will have a Spring Vacation this year. Mr. Honeycutt’s recommendation to the school board brought this about. The holidays will com mence Thursday, the 29th of March and include Good Friday and the following Monday. mon aim of all these parties, at first, was to drive the Germans out of Italy but it became too weak a reason to hold the Bo nomi government together. Soon (See FACTS, page four) N. C. Garden Club Sponsors Contest The Garden Club of North Carolina has announced an his torical sketch contest on the sub ject of Tryon’s Palace, into which any high school or elementary school student may enter. The entries may not exceed 1,500 words and must be in by April 1. The sponsoring committee suggests that the treatment be limited to some small incident or topic, such as a description of the palace as it appeared when com pleted or the character of Gover nor Tryon. The point of view might also be of someone who was there at the time, for in stance the governor, the gover nor’s wife, a brick mason working on the Palace, a planter of the area, an inhabitant of New Bern, a sea captain or some member of the opposition party. Anyone en tering an essay should send it to Mrs. J. S. Mitchner, 307 West Park Drive, in Raleigh. She is the Chairman of the State Con test for the North Carolina Gar den Club. For further informa tion and references see Miss Manci. I. Q. Tests Given Last week Principal A. W. Honeycutt gave a series of I. Q. tests to the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades of C. H. H. S. These tests will go into the per manent High School record of each student. After a recent investigation, Mr. Honeycutt found that many of the High School students have not had an I. Q. test since the elementary grades. At the time of the tests Mr. Honeycutt was un decided whether or not the stu dents were to know the outcome. Decision May Be Reached Soon The question of the new Chapel Hill High School again reached the public limelight last week when the State Legislature de cided not to make appropriations for public improvements in the current session, thereby blocking any appropriation the School Board had hoped to receive to help cover the cost of the new plant. The School Board’s request had come on the basis of the use the University was to make of the school for teacher-training. The Legislature’s decision left the School Board with two alter natives : Either it can go on under the present set-up, utilizing make shift facilities, or it can go ahead and use its insurance money (about a hundred thousand dol lars that it got after the fire in the summer of 1942) to put up an initial unit with maybe half a dozen classrooms which would eventually become one wing of the new building. Although the School Board doesn’t like the idea of building piecemeal, neither does it like the idea of overcrowding.^ Decision in the matter now rests with the School Board and the school architect and some so lution to the problem should be forthcoming soon. Alumni Notes Former C. H. H. S. student body president, Bobby Wettach, recently stationed at Hoboken, N. J., is at home in Chapel Hill awaiting orders. After seeing action in the Pacific, a former high school baseball star, Homer Lloyd, is at home on a fifteen-day leave.