con t. c onjj.. for North Carolina History. Several boys msde log cabins a Ihe g iris dressed dolls in (■'col onial fislotheso We have also been painting pictures and putting them on the bulie ton boarCc We draw scenes of the dlffei’enri: soasonas and color them with paints or crayons, We all enjoy our ’^Friday Afternoon Club^'o Everybody takes part when asked to do so, '}& elect nev/ officers every six weekso dur present officers are Prosideni-lfarry Taylor.. Secre- tary-Tony ParkerGritics-”'Denny Rogers and Linda Harris,, Song- Leaders-Alton Pierce and Janet Rogers, Librarian-Charles Yokley, Treasury-*106 Don Lam beth, We have received a new wall chart rhis yea.r. This helps US in various sul\iects_, especially health and science, We all enjoy ito We have also been model ing clay. Everybody has made ii ome thing. We invited Mrs. Loftin^s eighth grade to our room for a Thanksgiving play- We had j oke d p game a , & onte s t s .. s ongs - and talks o.n colonial people c, Everyone had a good !;lmeo Some of us to].d about sja'vos; ser vants, plantation o'»vnerSj. farm ers and their families, We have a new boy in our room this year. His name is Jimmy Hughesj Me are all glad to have hiiTio Reporter Ross Yokley Mrss Loftin's Eighth Grade We have been making Christ mas presents for our mothers and friends, Yie have also been decorating our room for Pc.T..iAo Open House, Cur Honor Roll for the last.'Sl'?^ weeks v;aa j Ka 'cb'.e r i he’"’ Co o k Maydene Adams ianda Stokes ® a .ro lyn S11 r ra 11 Riahard Smith Reporters: Nancy Oarroll Caroi.yn Surratt Mrs, Klutts’ Fifth Grade ilt the beginning of school this year, we elected class? officers,. We elected Ralph Gaj.llmore-President, Vernon Mis 6 nhelme r-Vic e President, Sue Young-Secretary, and John ny Griffis is captain of "The G.reat Fifth Kickers" and Kay Mor'ris Is the captain of "The Giant Kickers" V'? ha'7e made a smaill ter- r"^',ur. i:': cur science class. It as cry interesting to wat ch n.;.ants grow, if' nonter Nivnvc.y Smith Mr, Hcdrick-What kind of jics- sert is this? Margerct-Cottagc pudding. Wo learned hon to make it in school today., Mr, Hodrick-Wcll, I think I've got a piece of shingle in my mouth, Pranccs-Mothcr, Richard broke a window i Mrs, Hall- That's terrible I How did he do_ it? Franccs-I threw a rock at him and ho ducked, I Joanna hated school, and when her sisbcr suggested that they play school, she refused. Then she had a bright idea, "Okay," she agrded, "and let's play I';: absent," Ajlc^ta- What do you sell? ?( ;;y7--Salt, A.lio tta-I'ra a salt seller toO, Peggy-Shekc, Mr® Plckctt-Didn't you apply for a job here a month ago, Nancy*>Yes, Sir, Mr* Pickett-And didn't I tell you wo wantO:d on older girl, Nancy-Yos, air, That's why I'm bock newo