THE -qTTi\'r_ 3y-T. §. All Why. is P..0. always hanging around Eranoes Peeler? Who is that certain tall, dark,, and handsome sophomore hoy that W. W. is nuts about? Why,doesn’t a certain soijh hroak down and tell, his love , to C. L.? Whj^ is tlat certain hov from Baltimore so popular the girls, especially C. H. L-? Why doesn’t Robert Glcyton stop his. foolish dreams about 1. C. and R. C.? What certain sophomore airl is crazy about J. IW Ah P. m. ’’’ho is that quiet, but very attractive Arnold girl inter ested in? How is the Gaimbrell vs Rob’t Thomason case coj'':ing on, P. P* Not so hot’. James Eastep and Eunice '/ash- burn make thin/?,s interesting for each other third period, ’■■'/hat do I hear about thi.s blond couple of Juniors(C.A.W.' and L. F.-) Minnie must be trying to get an early bid to the Junior-senior banouet. V'/hat about tho secret case of S. H. vs Marguerite T.? Ruth Davenport surely uo'^s choose men v\;ith funny names. First it was Coralius Rod riquez and now it’’-- Allen Kirkendall. It looks like John Leonard is getting a crush on a cer tain little girl in fifth period English class. Miss Childs soomod to get a very big rush at- the’ Pro’^:- ident’s Ball. But sho is cutol It soems that Louise Binghae-t-s^ heart throb traded his Hudson for a case of beer. Nov/ Odessa v/i-11 have to wfilkl • ^ Why v/ouldn’t Sdra Redwine get in tho back scat the other night with B. B.? - '’Einstein” Harris tried te tako his spite out on the- schboli house tho other day by pouring explosive down the drain pipe* , World, r who gave Barbara Turner the box of chofries tho other after-noon? lhj....t about that four page note E. H. wrote Maud ’"alton? '.."rg do Frances Pt^v^ler, Clara Ann Miller, and Wilma Arnold leave tho sixth period study Gvery day? Sounds like a Li^xk to .me. It looks like E. H. has tho barber’s son up a tree I Who v/as Ruth Davis’ ' oy-friend tho other night? Mi . TuciOwr tried to shake the school house do^/n in an attempt to make the girl’s hearts flutter. T/ are different methods of doing that Frii.r Tucxor{ ~COUMC II M£VYS ago the Stuacu-t A biiort time Cciu.Cxl adopted a demerit system to bo used hereafter in the school as c. .moans od disciplino. Ur.l..r t.;.i!-.. cs./steam the names of pupils violating school rules mill bo submitted to tho Council for trial on the Monday after the violrution occurs. If the pupil v/ho is to be triod \/ishes to defend himself, ho f.ay present himself in the Student Council room v/hen tho trial takes place. If he does not defend himself and is found guilty by the Council, he will receive the demerits which his violation doservos, and his namo will bo posted on the bulletin board. Ho can work off a demerit any tiLio during the week following the day on which it was administ- crv..d, but if ho fails to wor.k it (continued on next page)