Illumine the Hearts Of Men, Pope Pius XII Implores Blessed Virgin (Continued from Page 1) their city. He recalled that the cathedral of Messina, which was . twice destroyed in this century— first during the "disastrous earth quake of 1908 and again during the last war — has been reopened for worship. Now being re-il luminated, Messina’s monumental votive column to the Heavenly Mother stands as a perennial tes timonial to Messina’s faith, the Pope sa^d. After having been damaged and extinguished by the war, this column now serves again as a lighthouse to the living, indi cating the port to the navigators of ships, and Heaven to weary hearts, he explained. The relighting of the beacon symbolizes a renewal of the prom ise and the return of Messina to its traditional devotion for Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Father said. He then spoke of the mourn ing and sorrows throughout the world in the aftermath of war and implored the Blessed Virgin to be mindful of hearts, fearing every where the threat of new evils and filled with uncertainty of an un known and dark future, so that they may find, under God, the lost way to peace and light of her Divine Son. Peoples do not attain true, real and enduring peace unless through the arduous but secure way of evangelical ‘justice and strong, generous love, which is the high est crown of that justice, the Pope continued. He asked the Blessed Virgin to recall to all men that ‘‘not by fraternal strife and selfish victories, not by violence and striving for powe^not by obsti nate rivalry can. be obtained by us and by the human family the'su preme good of that peace to which we are called, but by putting in to practice the teachings of Him Who alone was able to call Him self ‘Prince of Peace’ and pro claimed no other war than that of man against his own passions.” Create Bond of Union Budenz Urges Nation (Continued from Page 1) we can at least set out upon the journey. It is His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, I believe, who, when Papal Secretary if State, well put it when he said: we must ‘grow up’ with the developing cooperat ive society which this ‘bond of union’ envisages.” Both labor(' and industry desire mainly two things, the speaker continued: security and freedom. For the workingman, he said, se curity means “a wage . that will protect the family, not merely in its sustenance and education but in times of fhmily emergencies,” , while freedom means “his right to speak out economically and politi cally, as a part of the democratic state.” “Any intimidation of him as a worker, any threat real or implied to his livelihood because he did not conform to the dictates of the ruling group in the state, is not to be condoned.” However, the em ployers too, can be threatened with insecurity, Mr. Budenz con tinued, because he is “hampered J. W. Jordan's Sons DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE Phone 15 Dunn, N. C. - i ===ai and seriously handicapped too of ten by the monopolistic develop ments which have come out of originally unrestrained comoeli tion.” The freedom of the employ er, he said, is hampered at times because^ of “restrictions by labor, unwisely continued.for years, that interfere with production and that could best be met in some other' way.” In striving after freedom and security both sides must not seek merely selfish gains but the com mon good, Mr. Budenz declared: “for the good of mankind, the two camps, drawn up in battle array, will have to yield eventually, to that ‘bond of union’ which the Popes proclaim as the earmark of a healthy (because united) so ciety.” Announce Appointments For Diocesan Positions (Continued from Page 1) received “his training at Fordham Preparatory School, Fordham Uni versity and St. John’s Seminary, Little Rock, Ark. He was ordained at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Ral eigh, in December, 1943. After serv’ing as assistant at St. John’s Church, Waynesville, Father Mur phy undertook three years study in Canon Law at Catholic Univer sity for a degree in that science. He was assistant pastor at St. Paul’s Church, New Bern, during the summer of 1945, and at St. Lawrence’s Church, AsheVille, in the summer of 1946. During the past summer, Father Murphy re ceived specialized courses on the Confraternity of Christian Doc trine at Catholic University. Father Koch, new editor of the North Carolina Catholic, has just completed an intensive journalism course at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He re places Dale Francis, first editor of the paper. Father Koch studied at in St. Mary’s Kentucky, and re ceived his theological training at St. Mary’s College and Seminary Catholic University. He was or dained at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in May, 1943. He has served as as sistant pastor at St. Patrick’s Charlotte, and St. Paul’s, New Bern. He has been director of the Catholic Students’ Mission Cru sade in the diocese and wrote a column, “Dear Teen-Agers,” for the North Carolina Catholic. Philip S. Ogilvie, new executive secretary of the North Carolina Catholic Laymen’s Association, re places Dale Francis, who was first executive secretary of the asso ciation. He is a native of Savan nah, Georgia. Born in 1919, he was received into the Church in Febru ary, 1938, by Father Philip Tier ney, O. S. B., now assistant pastor at St. Peter’s Church, Charlotte. He is a graduate of Catholic Uni versity and has been a member of Boxwood Lunch Phone 9212 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Steaks — Chdps — Specialty The Home of Home-Cooked Meals Bring The Family Vernon E. Hall & Earl Hoke, Owners Robert's Jewelry Company Diamonds Jewelry Silverware 309 Main Street TARBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Main Street Main Street FARMVILLE SCOTLAND NECK the staff of Mullen Library, Cath olic University, for two years. He is a member of the Catholic Inter-racial Council of Washington and was co-founder and organizer of the Catholic University Inter racial Council. He participated un der the guidance of Rev. Wilfred Parsons, S. J., in the program of the district committee for Racial Democracy and was an advisor for the Newman Club at Howard University.-. All of his family fol lowed him into the Church and a sister is a Sister of St. Joseph, Sis ter Victoria Marie, now in Bruns wick, Georgia. Third new member of the edi torial staff is Miss Marie Agnes Smith, a graduate of Marywood College, Scranton, Pa., and promi nent in Catholic Daughters activi ties in the city of Scranton. For the past four years she has been secretary to the editor of the Scranton Light, diocesan paper of the Scranton diocese. Miss Virginia Sobotka, art edi tor for the paper, will remain on the staff and will have additional editorial duties. Barbara Francis, associate edi tor of the paper, will leave with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Francis arrived in North Carolina in April, 1946, from Dayton, O., where Mr. Francis was a newspaperman. They began the organization of the North Carolina Catholic Lay men’s Association, started the NC CLA’s book campaign which has placed more than a thousand Catholic books in public libraries, and a year ago this month pub lished the first issue of the North Carolina Catholic. Chapel Hill Publishes Book By Markham (Continued from Page 1) old ‘political churches,’ (Catholic and Orthodox) and they can easily find reasons for Tito’s dis pleasure,” he asserted- “But the Yugoslav Communists, in their aims and acts, are working against the Christian religion in all its forms.” “A true Protestant Christian will find,” Mr/* Markham con cluded, “that an alliance, even in his heart, with Tito against non-Protestant churches is as a ‘pact with death and a conspira cy with hell.’ ” S. & M. CLOTHIERS “Exclusive Men’s Store” Fourth at Liberty Winston-Salem, North Carolina EAT-RITE CAFE Next To Bus Station THE PLACE YOU LIKE TO EAT WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. FORSYTHE HARDWARE CO. L. L. 'Wall B. L. Stewart M. H. Wall Phone 3-4321 P. O. Box 1849 521-523 N. Trade St. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. I In a commentary on Mr. Markham’s book, The Washing ton Post states that he explicitly contradicts almost every detail of the claim of religious freedom in Yugoslavia made by the dele gation of American Protestant ministers. The Post finds this claim “rather difficult to swal low” in view of the' recent .mob murder of a priest of Lanischie and “firm grip exercised over the whole country by the noto rious OZNA, or secret police.” Organization Gets Approval of Holy See Rome. — (NC) — The Holy See has given tacit approval to the establishment of an international relief organization designed to co ordinate activities of Catholic welfare groups in all countries, it has been disclosed here. The international organization will not impose itself over al ready existing charities, but will function as a means of informa tion and coordination. Nations which up to this time do not have their own relief organizations will be encouraged by the inter national outfit to create them and to participate in the functions of the world-wide organization. A bulletin released in Vatican City, discussing formation of the world-wide organization, stated: “The result is that the Holy See has approved in rough lines, the idea of a provisional committee constituted by representatives of national organizations which MACK’S Sandwiches, Private Dining Rooms and Cabin Accommodations R.F.D. 2, Parkton, N. C., Hwy. 301 10 Miles South of Fayetteville Telephone Parkton 2021 E. W. and C. C. McMullen, Props. Dawson Pharmacy Prescription Druggist Phone 154 \ ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Phone 65 . MACK'S Barber Shop 117 Gillespie Street “Where the Promise Is Performed” FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. should be recognized by the Hier archies with the idea of following this line, but at the same time the Holy See has reserved for itself the task of preparing a charter of an international organization of coordination of Catholic Chari ties.” The bulletin emphasized that the provisional committee shoul4 take the initiative in coordinating the efforts of organizations with out interfering in their direction and organization on a national scale. In reviewing the efforts of na tional organizations, the bulletin paid high tribute to the accom plishments of War Relief Ser vices — National Catholic Wel fare Conference, which it stated headed the relief organizations which have outgrown national borders. MOODY FUNERAL HOME MT. AIRY, N. C. Modern Beauty Supply Phone 2-1241 219 E. Sycamour St. GREENSBORO, N. C. ANGELO BROTHERS DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES Our Motto Is To Please Phone 2-0782 WINSTON-SALEM! N. C. Springer Coal & Oil Co. H. A. Penton, Pres. Est. 1873 Iron Fireman Stokers Oil Burning Equipment Downtown Office — Foot of Chestnut Street Phone 20335 Wilmington, North Carolina THE HUB Department Store 105-107 E.* Walnut St. Phone 1180 GOLDSBORO, N. C. TIP TOP CAFE Your Family Eating Place HOME COOKED FOOD STEAKS & CHOPS SEAFOOD 12 W. Depot St. Concord, N. C. MERCY HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING * — Accredited School — Approved by AMERICAN COLLEGE of SURGEONS and AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION FALL CLASSES BEGIN SEPT. 6, 1947 For Full Particulars Write: Director of Nursing, Mercy Hospital, Charlotte, N. C. A NOTE FOR PASTORS Do you get more, papers than you need? Return them to North Carolina Catholic, Nazareth, N. C., and you will be credited for all your returns. Send us a card giving the new number you need each week. If you have already sent in a change card and the change hasn’t been made there has been a slip-up in the circu lation department so send in the change once again, along with the approximate date the change was first requested and we’ll charge you only for the number your originally ordered.