PICTURE OF A NEAR MIRACLE nWC an) UCiVfC cuiu auci piDiuicg wmui opcan vi iuc uccu’iuuouu lous." Upper photo: Six Missionary Canonesses of St. Augustine, bound for North China, shown as they were about to board their place with 24 other missionaries, in Brussels, Belgium. Below, the wreckage of the same plane after it crashed, December 21, outside Kunming, China. All the mission-bound Sisters and priests escaped death. The plane did not take fire because'the co-pilot, Commander ibeon Jude, who was killed, turned off the gasolene before the crash. <NC Photos) 'Fr. Smith Instructs Jackson Recorded For Benefit of Blind NEW YORK — The volume, “Father Smith Instructs Jackson,”, by Bishop John F. Noll of Fort Wayne and the Rev. Lester J. Fal Ion, C. M., director of the Con fraternity Home Study Service,' which has been read by hundreds of thousands of Catholics and non- j Catholics wishing to learn what j the Catholic Church really is and teaches, has been made available in sound by the Xavier Society for the Blind. Announcing the new book, the Ref. John H. Klocke, S. J., nation al director of the Xavier Socie ty, said that braille and the talk ing book are the two modern methods of supplying reding ma terial for the blind and that the talking book is a series of phono graph records used on a reproduc ing machine supplied by the Fed eral Government free to the blind. , “Father Smith Instructs Jack son,” comprising 20 double-faced records, can be played in 10. hours. The reading was done by the Very Rev.- John F. Hurley, S. J., secretary-general of the Catho lic Welfare Organization in the Philippines, and by Barry Hoig, professional reader, in the sound studios of the American Founda tion for the Blind. The cost of the book, approximately $2,100, was a gift by the New York Coun cil of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This is the first talking book that the Xavier Society has made since its publication 15 years ago of the Gospels and the Acts of the a gifts provided by various organi Apostles as a talking book through zations and individuals. » Credit unions have been estab lished in '150 Automobile Work ers.—A. Jackson, CCS. Patronize the advertisers of the NORTH CAROLINA CATHOLIC. Wrong To Condone Unlawful Marriage, Warns Archbishop PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, B. W. I.—(NC)—“Flabby and ignor ant” is the description given by Archbishop Finbar Ryan, O. P., of Port-of-Spain, in his Lenten pas toral of Catholics who attempt marriage in defiance of the law of God and of all who condone such attempted marriages. Deploring the frequency of rev intry-office “marriages” jn which one party is a Catholic, the Arch bishop issued a stern condemna tion of those who .offer material cooperation in this sin, by partic ipating in social functions occa sioned by it and offering felicita tions on'it, thus making it appeal regular and moral. ‘Heedless of the scandal thej give to other Catholics more ~eni lightened and conscientious, thej make guilty parties imagine thal they are doing no wrong, that di vorce is lawful, that a Catholic girl may marry divorced man be fore the registrar and be con sidered his wife, that the laws of the Church may be’transgressed almost with impunity, that the For Health’s Sake Bowl MANMUR BQWLING CENTER Air Conditioned “Meet Me at Manmur” Paul H. Moore, Gen. Mgr. — 20 Centennial Lanes — Raleigh ANZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SHOVEL ANt) TRUCK WORK BULLDOZING — ANGLEDOZING CLEANING AND GRUBBING ANY TIME — ANYWHERE Phone 6549J Asheville, N. C. Card. Spellman To Install Archbishop M'lntyre In L. A. NEW YORK — His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman, Arch bishop of New York, will officiate at the installation of the Most Rev. J. Francis A. McIntyre as Arch bishop of Los Angeles on March 19, it has been announced here by the Chancery office. Archbish op McIntyre will leave here by train on March 15 and is sched uled to take canonical possession of the Archdiocese of Los Anglese on the afternoon of March IS. Following the installation cere mony in St. Vibiana Cathedral, on Friday morning, March 19, Auxil iary Bishop Timothy Manning of Los Angeles will celebrate Pon tifical Mass. Auxiliary Bishop Jo seph T. McGucken, who has been serving as administrator of the archdiocese since the death of Archbishop John J. Cantwell, will preach. Prior to his departure from New York, Archbishop McIntyre will pontificate at Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral on March 14. In the afternoon, Cardinal Spellman will give a farewell reception for him at his residence. Stress Sanctity of Motherhood To Offset Divorce, Bishop Says BUFFALO — Asserting that “an overyhelming demonstration of belief in the sanctity of mother nood is called for this year,” Bish op John F. O’Hara, C. S. C., of Buffalo, in a letter to his clergy called for the observance of Cana Wednesday on March 10 through out the diocese. The observnce was .suggested by the Family Life Bureau, National Catholic Wel fare Conference. In line with the suggested ob servance, Bishop O’Hara called upon his pastors and the faithful to take part in special services for the renewal of marriage vows in their respective churches, which he described as “a quiet, holy, beautiful protest against the twin evils that most threaten our so ciety, divorce and birth control.” Bishop O’Hara pointed out: “A subcommittee of Congress has just •been told by high-ranking mili tary authorities of our nation that women must be a permanent part of our armed forces; one of -them is quoted, as saying: ‘X am con vinced that in another war they (women) will have to fee drafted, just like the men. The birth con trol program that has robbed our ; nation of millions of men can ac cept its share of the responsibil ity for this pagan concept of the function of womanhood, the draft ing of women for war.” civil function .dispenses with the law of God. Against such immoral conduct we enter our solemn pro test,” he stated. Christ In Business Rev. Maurice Shean, C.O. „ In the early part of the last war, the soldiers of our country were playing games. They had at times to practise their war games with dummy weapons, wooden guns instead of real ones. Many of us became Very much concerned about an army that did not have the weapons to do - its work. Now honestly, the same kind of thinking applies to everything else that engages the attention of man. If he has a job to do, then he must have the tools to do it. If he is supposed to go to heaven when he dies, then men must have the grace and assistance of God while he is here on earth, then he can get there. Man knows he has that help, because God told us he would be will us con stantly, and only the other Sunday, in the epistle taken from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthi ans, He said “My Grace is suffi cient for thee.” If God gives us a task to do. . He gives us at the same time, the grace to perform that task. If an organization has purpose for existing then it must have the use gf the means to carry out that purpose. One of the purposes of a union of working people is to advance the material welfare of the workers, so that the work-_ ers can have the things necessary for the working out of their sal vation. Therefore the unions of worker have to possess also the right -to bargain for their rights. The old line—“Let them have a union—that’s alright, but don’t expect me to deal with.it. It can be like a fraternal organization,” doesn’t make sense. A union has a purpose. rnereiore wnen it exists it doesn’t do to go through life pretending that it’s not there. Because it is there,' and it’s there because it belongs to the nature of man and to our present form of living to base our activities'upoil mutual assistance and help. It‘s a practical expression of the unity of action which we exercise when we pray together and worship together. Therefore unions ought to have the right to bargain for , their people. But it takes two people to bar gain, because bargaining is done in view to an agreement. There fore both parties must bargain to-1 gether. Not one in one part of the town and the others in an other part of the town. God gave all men a certain amount of intelligence and good will. He gave them tongues to talk with and ears to listen with afid hearts to feel with. If one talks and no body .listens, then nothing is accomplished. If one listens and no one talks then we are still no where. — The love of God is found in the hearts of our fellowman through mutual understanding. The under standing is acquired when people work and pray together. The principle of bargaining is only an other way of saying the same thing. Unions have a right to bar gain, and employers have a right to bargain with them, it works both ways. SUGG FUNERAL HOME THE SERVICE BEAUTIFUL LEAKSVILLE, ft. C. ' MOONEY Plumbing & Heating Co. Plumbing and Heating * Contractors Telephone 340 Kentwood Park LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA Shields Refrigeration Co. 109 South Mulberry St Telephone 74 P.O. Box 22S LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA \ 1C of C/s Religion Ads Draw 12,000 Replies In 2 Weeks NEW HAVEN — More than 12, X)0 letters and post cards were received within two weeks in re sponse to the Knights of Columbus program of “advertising” Catho lic truths in national magazines, it has been announced here. And most of them were in a friendly and sincerely open-minded vein. The first of a series of explana tory ads sponsored by the K. or C. Supreme Council, “You Hear Strange Things About Catholics,” appeared late in January in The American Weekly, Hearst Sunday supplement, and The Pathfinder, a news magazine with a large ru ral circultion. It invited readers to write in for a pamphlet further explaining Catholic teachings. Many of those replying said they had wanted to know gener ally about the Church for many years. Others sought information on particular Catholic beliefs and practices. A number deplored the divisions among the churches and urged the building of mutual trust and confidence between Protest ants and Catholics. A few were sharply hostile to the Church. The program of national adver tising will be repeated on a local scale. Units of the Knights of Columbus in eleven- States and two Canadian Provinces have ask ed for mats of the series, in order to display the ads in local dailies and weeklies. Birthplace of Japan's Empress To Be Catholic College for Women TOKYO—The palace of Prince. Kuni, father of the present Em press of Japan, will soon house Japan’s first full-fledged Catho lic college for girls, it was an nounced here. The palace itself has already been bought by the Religious of the Sacrqd Heart for this purpose and negotiations with the government for the purchase of some ten acres of ground at tached to the palace are expected to be completed in the near fu ture. The palace contains about 40 rooms. Plans are already being considered -for a1 l&rg^' concrete building to be erected later, but the present building will be ade quate for immediate needs. Be cause of its historic significance, the building will always be pre served as something of a monu ment, and the room where the empress was born will be main tained without change as a Japa nese guest room. The former audience chamber has been desig nated to serve as a library while two other rooms, beautifully dec— orated, will be combined to serve as a chapel. The Religious of tljie Sacred Heart lost all but one of their nine ■ buildings by'fire during the war, but such fs the esteem in which they are held in official circles that theirs was one of the five girls’ schools in the Tokyo area to be raised recently to the rank of a fullfledged college and auth orized tp grant the Bachelor’s de gree in arts and sciences. Minnis Coal Company COAL STOKERS 1726 North Liberty Street P. O. Box 726 Dial 5249 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.

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