.Contends Natural Law Under Insidious Attack INDIANAPOLIS —(NC)— A priest-law professor charged here that the traditional American philosophy of law is under “seri ous attack” within the legal pro fession by advocates of a new ideology which “denies the ration al foundations of American lib erty and ordered justice.” Several hundred representatives of state and local governments heard Father William J. Kenealy, S.J.,- of Loyola University law school, Chicago, contend in his sermon at the first Red Mass of the Indianapolis archdiocese that if the viewpoint of modern legal positivists prevails the legal pro fession “is destined to play a tragic part in the disintegration of the free society our forebears so gloriously constructed.” He identified the modern legal positivists as those who “attack the very Concept of the natural law as medieval fiction, which served a useful purpose in its day but is now obsolete and never had any objective existence.” “To them inalienable rights are simply metaphysical nonsense,” Durham Knights Show Movies The Council presented the first two of a 13-run McQuade “WE Believe’’ movie series. This pro gram concerns one of the best visual-aid programs on religious education. Produced by the Na tional Council of Catholic Men under the direction of Rev. James J. McQuade, Head-of-Dept. of Re ligion, John Carroll Univ., Cleve land, Ohio, the films are of 28 minutes duration, each. The first showing at the coun cil’s social meeting and open house included these subjects: “RELIGION” and “GOD.” Owen Y.\ Synan, Activities chairman, is in charge of the showings. Winston-Salem K of C Exemplify 1st Degree The First Degree was exempli fied for Rev. William N. Pharr, as sistant pastor of St. Leo’s Church and two other candidates, Harold Lloyd and John Cenicola, at a re cent business meeting of Santa Maria Council No. 2829, Knights of Columbus, in Winston-Salem Maryhurst Retreat House A‘ weekend for CHRIST Reservations: Write Sisters of Mercy Pinehurst, N. C. Father Kenealy said. “They deny the existence of objective prin ciples of justice and liberty, thus recognizing no absolutes except pragmatic public policy.” Father Kenealy termed this thinking as the fundamental phi losophy of the absolute state, which he called a “retrogression to ancient Caesarism.” The personal philosophy of the late Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of "ffce U.S. Supreme Court, which |eflects scepticism concerning the feature of truth, of man, and of lifl, was cited by Fa ther Kenealy as “gaining an alarming acceptance in the cur rent trend of legal writing and jurisdictional thinking.” Although expressing satisfaction with Holmes’ judicial restraint, Father Kenealy said he is not con fident that “the exuberant idol izers of (Holmes’) personal phi losophy will exhibit a similar re straint in the future .development of our law.” “The construction and mainten ance of a corpus juris (body of law), applying the natural law," Father Kenealy said, “is a monu mental and perpetual task de manding the constant devotion of the best brains of the legal pro fession.” Fundamental principles of the natural law “require rational and practical application to the con stantly changing political, econ omic, social and technological con ditions of dynamic human soci ety . . . (which) repudiates a smug complacency in the status quo,” he declared. First Priest To Serve As House Chaplain ATLANTA, Ga. _(NC)— The journal of the house of represen tatives of the Georgia general as sembly has published an editorial by a priest-editor and noted that he was the first priest to serve as chaplain of the state house. The editorial was written by Fa ther R. Donald Kiernan, editor of the Atlanta edition of The Bullet in, newspaper of the Atlanta and Savannah dioceses. __,, It urged citizens to vikit their local senators and representatives while the general assembly is in session. "GUARD 1 AGAINST Termites! and all household Pest-call Raleigh Charlotte TE 2-3750 ED 3-9857 AMERICAN Plumbing & Electrical Supply Co. INCORPORATED wholesale distributors ZEBULON, N. C. ' GOLDSBORO, N. C. Eljer Fixtures—Rheem Heaters—Dayton Pumps Complete stock pipe fittings and valves We can arrange for FHA home improvement loans ROGERS OIL COMPANY, INC DISTRIBUTORS FOR CITIES ©SERVICE Products Automatic Printed Tickets — Automatic Delivery Service Automatic Phone Answering Service — Burner Service Kerosene and fuel oil for all types of burners 1316 South Blount St. Dial TE 4-8445 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Italian Party Faces Tough Coalition Test ROME —(NC)— Christian De mocracy in Italy faces probably its most crucial test since it came to power after the Second World War. On January 27 the Catholic-ori ented party, which is Italy’s domi nant party, holds its national con gress at Naples. The crux of the meeting will be the answer to one of three questions: —Shall the party move to the political left by aligning itself with Italian Socialist party? —Shall the party align itself with neofascist and monarchist parties, thus veering to the ex treme right? —Or shall the party refuse both alliances and take its chances in a new series of national elections? No matter how serious the con sequences, one thing is' clear. A choice has to be made. The choice has been forced on the Christian Democrats. While the Christian Democrats have been Italy’s largest party for the past 15 years, they have not held an absolute majority in parliament and therefore have had to rely on Tightest or leftist support to stay in power. The present government, head ed by Premier Amintore Fanfani, came to power by forming a coali tion government with the support of the Social Democrats headed by Giuseppe Saragat, together with the Liberals and Republicans. Mestrovic of N.D. Noted Sculptor, Dies NOTRE DAME, Ind — (NC) — Solemn Requiem Mass for Ivan Mestrovic, 78, internationally known sculptor, was offered in Sacred Heart church on the cam pus of the University «of Notre Dame, where he had been pro fessor of sculptor since 1955. Burial will be in his native Yugo slavia. Mestrovic died (Jan. 16) in St. Joseph’s Hospital, South Bend, af ter he had suffered two strokes. He had been working earlier on the day of his death in his studio on the campus. The Croatian-born artist was an outstanding sculptor of religious subjects. His works were exhibit ed in international exhibitions for more than 50 years. For Hospitality Plus the Cosgroves Southern Pines, N C. Julius Boros, Professional PLACES i TO m\) TRYON. N C. OAK HILL HOTEL Traditional Southern Cuisine — special rates for traveling and weekend guests— most reasonable hotel. Church near. All sports and diversions. MORGANTON, N. C. Boxwood Court 2 Miles West — U.S. 70 24 Rooms with TV — Restaurant ASHEVILLE, N. C. Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge & Restaurant Tunnel Road Mission Helpers Leave For L.A. Mission Field By Sister Madonna On January 8th, four mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart, left for work in South America, the first foundation being in Caracas, Venezuela. These four Sisters are all veterans of many years in Puerto Rico, and fluent in Span ish. A departure ceremony was held in Baltimore on Sunday, Jan uary 7th, with Rt. Rev. Msgr Jos eph M. Nelligan, Ecclesiastical Su perior of the Congregation, presid ing. This new foundation is the Mis sion Helpers’ response to the call of His Holiness, Pope John XXIII, for missioners in Latin America. The scope of their work there, sponsored by His Eminence, Jose Umberto Cardinal Quintero of Ca racas, was detailed in a recent, vis it to Caracas and to Barcelona, Venezuela. Vast numbers of chil dren without religious instruction and families in destitution await the help which the Sisters can give them. 1890-1902-1942-1953-1962 —These are headline dates in the his tory of the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart. 1890 saw the seed of the Congregation planted in Baltimore, Maryland, as a small group of women joined together to meet a great need—the teach ing of religion to children not in Catholic schools, and the search ing out of spiritually needy adults through parish census work, insti tution visiting and other apostolic activities. 1902 brought the first founda tion outside the “States,” as the Mission Helpers went to the coun try’s newly acquired territory of Puerto Rico, being the first Amer ican Sisters on the island. 1942 marked a new expansion, into the far west, Bisbee, Arizona, as the earlier foundations were in the eastern part of the United States. Fall of 1953 welcomed to the Tar Heel State four1’’ Mission Helper^ of the Sacred Heart in Henderson, N.C. A mighty chal lenge met the four Mission Help ers in a state which is less than *1% Catholic. In 1955 another Catechetical Center, Our Lady of Parish Board Maps Churches The Parish Board has drawn up and distributed to hotels, motels bus, train, and airport stations a clearly outlined map of Greens boro, showing place of the four Greensboro Catholic churches, and listing times of Mass and other devotions. the Missioner, was opened in Charlotte and five years later was moved to Statesville, N.C., where two of the pioneer Sisters are still busily engaged in the apostolate in the western part of the state. The Henderson center was moved to Farmville. Besides their work of catechising a vast area in the eastern and western part of North Carolina they have served the en tire diocese in establishing the various departments of the Con fraternity of Christian Doctrine. They work closely with the dioc esan CCD office and are available as resource' persons. They con duct courses in Methods Of teach ing Religion on both elementary and high school level, and also give other leadership courses as requested. Presbyterians Urged To Enter Church Talks ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — (NC) — Delegates to the North Ameri can area council of the World Pres byterian Alliance, were told here that churches of the Reformed faith “must undertake, or develop, discussions with the Roman Cath olic Church.” In his annual report to the Coun cil, Marcel Pradervand of Geneva, Switzerland, general secretary of the World Presbyterian Alliance, said the calling of the Second Vati can Council in 1962 is an event which the Reformed churches can not ignore. “Sympathetic and discerning the ological study of the meaning of the recent developments in the ec umenical movement is a responsi bility we must take seriously,” Pradervand said. The report of the general sec retary was presented to the dele gates at a meeting in the Ritz-Carl ton hotel by James I. McCord, president of the Princeton Theo logical Seminary and secretary of the North American Area Council. The Pradervand report said 89 churches, 22 of which are in Afri ca, now belong to the World Al liance. Five churches were admit ted to membership in 1961. Of these three were African churches, one is located in Pakistan, the other in South America. Twelve churches in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean area with a membership of 6,527, 221, constitute the North American Area Council. We Pay 4% Interest On Savings Accounts AMERICAN BANK Goldsboro, North Carolina Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. GOLDSBORO BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 130 South John Street t Goldsboro, North Carolina k