V Jiortfj Carolina Catijolic Edition of Our Sunday Visitor Subscription $3.50 Copy 10c Volume LFebruary 25, 1962 Number 43 RALEIGH, N. C. P. O. Box 9503 IN THE TUSQUITTEE MOUNTAINS Sister Nurse finds her patients. The Glenmary Home Mission Sisters travel thousands of miles each year in their Confraternity and Nursing activities in the western most tip of North Carolina. From their Hayesville cen ter the four Sisters work in Cherokee and Clay Coun ties. (Photo by declan haun) Cardinal Muench Of Vatican Staff Dies in Rome VATICAN CITY — (NC) — Car dinals, other high Church officials, diplomats and lay dignitaries at tended the Requiem Mass offered in St. Peter’s basilica here for Al oisius Cardinal Muench, first U.S. Prince of the Church to serve on the Vatican administrative staff. The Milwaukee-born Cardinal died Feb. 15, three days before his 73rd birthday, at Salvator Mundi Hospital in Rome, where he had See Card. Muench, Page 11A Fr. Brennan Dies In Hendersonville Father Francis Brennan, a mem ber of the Diocese of Nottingham, England, and for two years in res idence at Immaculate Conception Church, Hendersonville, died in the parish rectory after returning from the hospital Feb. 16. Father Brennan was a graduate of Rome’s Beda College for late vocations. He was a pensioner of the British Consular Service and a retired member of the British In dian Army. For reasons of health he had been in the United States for the past several years. Father Howard Lane, Immacu late Conception pastor, was in charge of funeral arrangements. “COME SIT A SPELL.” True to their culture the Highlanders of North Carolina welcome the ‘‘Catholic ladies,” Sisters Cecilia and Agnes. As Apostles of good will the Sisters strive to be “all things to all men.” Everyone from Grandma down to newborn babe need someone to care. In 1961 these (Ladies in Grey) made over 1000 such calls to bring comfort and cheer, emer gency aid, medicine, nursing skills, etc. to scattered mountain homes and neighboring towns people. (Photo by declan haun) Pope Names 10 Cardinals VATICAN CITY — (NC) — His Holiness Pope John XXIII has broken records for the fifth time in his reign with the naming of 10 new cardinals from eight coun tries, bringing membership in the College of Cardinals to an alltime high of 87. The Pope announced that the prelates will be formally created at a consistory on March 19. Three of the cardinals-designate are Italians, which will bring the number of Italian members of the college to a total of 30. Non Italians will total 57, including five Americans. Two of the newly named Princes of the Church are from Latin OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS Father Frederick Koch will be in residence at St. Patrick’s Rec tory in Charlotte. Father Robert McMahon is ap pointed Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Newton Grove, and Director of the Newton Grove Missionary Apostolate. Rt. Rev. George E. Lynch Chancellor DDF Spells Church Growth Glenmary Home Mission Sisters with headquarters in Hayesville, western North Carolina, conduct a clinic, dispensary, carry on home nursing service, along with regular census and teaching work in the highland towns of Murphy, Andrews, Hayesville, Texana and surrounding coves and villages. The Raleigh Diocesan Development Fund backed this Christian social work in 1961 with $6,000 in aid. Home Mission Sisters with their social service and instructional program support the apostolic work of the Glenmary Fathers who care for the spiritual needs of highlanders in the mountain counties of southwestern North Carolina. (See pages 6A-7A for full photo story.) A FAMILY CLASS. A living room, a car, or a shady spot on the lawn might well serve as a “Classroom” for these Sisters who reach remote areas. Pupils, such as the Brown children with Sister Mary Raphael, vary in age from two to eighty-two and in num bers from one to thirty. The school year enrollment totals seventy-five while the summer vacation schools bring this number over one hundred. (Photo by declan haun) America—Chile and Peru—bring ing the number of cardinals from that area to 13. Another new car dinal is Spanish, which will make the 16 Spanish-speaking cardinals the second largest language group in the college. The other cardinals-designate come from Belgium, Ireland, Por tugal and Syria. In order of pre cedence the new cardinals will be: Archbishop Jose da Costa Nunes, Vice-Camerlengo of the Holy Ro man Church, a native of Portugal. Archbishop Giovanni Panico, Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal, an Italian. Archbishop Ildebrando Antoni utti, Apostolic Nuncio to Spain, an Italian. Archbishop Efrem Forni, Apo stolic Nuncio to Belgium, an Ital ian. Archbishop Juan Landazuri Ricketts, O.F.M., of Lima, Peru. Archbishop Gabriele Acacio Coussa, Melkite-Rite prelate who is Pro-secretary of the Sacred Congre gation for the Oriental Church. Cardinal-designate Coussa, a native of Syria, is a member of the Alep pine Basilian Order. Archbishop Raul Silva Henri quez, S.D.B., of Santiago, Chile. Archbishop Leo Jozef Suenens of Malines-Brussels, Belgium. Father Michael Browne, O.P., Irish-born Master General of the Dominican Order. Abbot Anselmo Albareda, O.S.B., Prefect of the Vatican Library, a See Pope Names, Page 10A OFFICIAL BISHOP’S RESIDENCE P. O. BOX 1949 Raleigh, North Carolina February 19, 1962 DIOCESAN DEVELOPMENT xviy dear oremren; You are living in the midst of one of the most mis sionary areas in America, population-wise. Whether you were born here, became a Catholic here, or have moved in from the outside, you are now in the midst of America’s Number One mission diocese. We need 1,000 more Catho lics to have 1 %; the proportion of Catholics in China when the Communists took over. Last year you gave over $35,000.00 to promote our mission work in North Carolina. You bought three auto mobiles for the missions at Farmville and Statesville, to replace old ones that were worn out by the Sisters in their zealous work with the assistance of the Mary Missioners. You supported eight Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart, four Glenmary Sisters, and twelve Mary Missioners — all giving full time to real missionary work in places in which little would have been done without your help. You supported the work of two Motor Chapels. You have helped to support these veteran missionaries also in their work during the wintertime, of giving regular Catholic missions in the parishes. You supported three distinct Training Apostolates for young priests immediately after Ordination in on-the-job training in little parishes which are typical of North Carolina, many in rural areas. You have helped along^eonsiderably the new Mary Missioner program in which twelve young ladies from every part of the country volunteered for a year’s work in North Caro lina. You helped with the work of the clinic and home nursing of the Sisters in Hayesville, as well as the Mission Helpers Centers in Statesville and Farmville. You con tributed also to the orientation of 65 college students last summer who came from about 13 colleges over the coun try to conduct Religious Vacation Schools in North Caro lina. These active programs, as well as the programs of the Seminarians during the summer, the Diocesan Film Li brary, and the Newman Program show the extent of the missionary work that is going on under diocesan auspices. Many of those outside the Church in the South are tithing for their home and foreign missions. Some of these are conducted even in Catholic countries. Many of our converts in North Carolina are from among these persons See Official, Page 2A