?/ Reckon -•*60,1 " A few weeks ago we contended that stock car racing is in a class with feeding Christians to the Now there are those who dis agree- and there can be a case made’that we weren’t quite cor rect So maybe the simile doesn’t hold to the letter. It’s still our opinion that stock car racing is of highly questionable morality. With you as the jury, we offer some further evidence, taken from a sports writer’s column: “Scratch one image and wel come youn Billy Wade to the hard aosed driving fraternity. “Prior to Friday night’s race jt Spartanburg, Wade was con sidered a fellow who drove with ais head rather than his foot. . . . But in one electrifying moment he aecame Joe Weatherly, Curtis Turner and Junior Johnson of the aid school. In a burst of anger •arer these days than red gal uses, Wade deliberately drove iis Mercury into race leader Ned iarrett’s Ford. “It was a $15,000 wallop, that be ng the approximate damage done ;o the two cars. “Wade later admitted it was ntentional. . . . “It is such rare spurts of sava gery of wheels which will salvage small track racing from extinc tion. It’s costly to the participants, aut it’s priceless to the fan. . . “AS THE OLD FELLOW in over ills was heard remarking to his companion after the slugfest was aver, ‘Now that was racing’.” We’ll rest our case for now. And jump to another subject. We haven’t seen the Catholic papers story yet, but we have seen secular press reports on the Church’s present study on birth control. We aren’t inclined to pretend lo be theologians. And our opinion wouldn't be worth the ink used to publish it. But, without taking a stand (on issues such as this we’re happy ;o accept Church guidance) we do 'eel constrained to make, an ob servation. We have eight children, a daugh ;er and seven sons. Financially, he first child broke us. The oth ers could do little more than give is the opportunity to be true Demo crats, deficit financing types. We wonder. . . HOW MANY SONS would we lave (my daughter is the oldest child) if we were members of a church that approves of birth con sol? We suppose those advocates of hrth control (We still contend hat prevention is a more apt word) can point to our family and use TO BECOME MONK Karachi, Pakistan — (NC) — Hsgr. Constancio Jaques, vicar jeneral of the Karachi archdiocese iince 1950, has resigned his post n order to enter a monastery in j’rance. -1 DALLAS FUNERAL HOME 24 Hour Ambulance Service 212 W. Trade Street Phone WA 2-3191 » Dallas, North Carolina it as proof for their arguments. But my wonderful wife and I wouldn’t be able to listen. We haven’t yet found a dollar bill that can throw it’s arms around our necks. You know, when our friends tell us we have too many chil dren, we look from Karen down to Roger, shrug our shoulders and say, “which one should we throw away?” And we wonder how we ever got along without them. ® New Bern Parish Gives Reception For Nonagenarian Miss Daisy Theresa Swert, who recently celebrated her ninetieth birthday, was guest of honor at a reception given by the members of St. Paul’s Catholic Church on June 28. Only surviving member of the large family of the late Bernard and Theresa Swert, “Miss Daisy” as she is known by her many friends, was born in New Bern on June 16, 1874. At the age of four she moved to her present home on Broad Street where she lives with four generations of her family. At the age of eleven, she began serv ing her church as organist, a duty she faithfully performed, above all else, for sixty years. The late Pope Pius XII confered his apostolic blessings on her in 1948 for her “Outstanding and devoted duty to her church.” Miss Theresa Shipp greeted guests at the door of the church auditorium and introduced them to the receiving line, composed of Rev. James J. Noonan, pastor ,of the church, Mrs. Paul McSorley, grand regent of the Catholic Daughters, the honoree, and five generations of nieces, Mrs. Fred H. Shipp, Mrs. John A. Shields, Mrs. Dr. Earl Richard Schmidt, age 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mahinske of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Raleigh, N.C., completed his Internship at Pontiac Osteo pathic Hospital, Pontiac, Michigan, June 30, 1964. Dr. Schmidt, a graduate of Cathe dral Latin High School class of 1955; received his B.S. from Bel mont Abbey College, 1959. He completed Doctorate studies in Osteopathic medicine at Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery, receiving Doctor of Os teopathy degree in 1963. Dr. Schmidt, begins a Surgical Residency at Grand Rapids Os teopathic Hospital at Grand Rapids, Mich. July 1, 1964. SCHOOL BELL AWARD Seattle, Wash. — (NC) — A CBS Reports program, “The Cath olics and the Schools,” won for the network a national School Bell Award at the 102nd annual con vention of the National Education Association. Frank Volney, Jr., Donna Marie Volney, Mrs. William Bryan Smith and Deborah Bryan Smith. LEFTWICH-COLE BUICK, Inc. Buick Authorized Sales & Service Phone MA 3-6283 Henry Street Leaksville, North Carolina Greetings to our Friends the Readers of the North Carolina Catholic Roy L. Good Hosiery Mill, Inc. Hickory, North Carolina MEDICAL ARTS PHARMACY Drive-In Prescription Window We fill any Doctor's Prescription 354 S. Mulberry Phone PL 8-1265 Lenoir, North Carolina Hutcherson-Seagraves, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Heating — Air Conditioning — Roofing GuHering and All types of Home Repairs AH Improvements: No Money Down, up to 9 years to Pay Phone 623-8792 766 W. Washington St. Leoksville, North Carolina 'Truly Ecumenical Occasion Pope to Continue General Audiences Vatican City — (NC) — Pope Paul VI has styled his weekly gen eral audience "a truly ecumenical occasion” and has promised to con tinue his custom of holding it. However a subsequent announce ment from the Pope’s Maestro di Camera declared that the Pontiff would discontinue his private and special audiences from July 9 to 20. The Pope said that the weekly audience has become “a considera ble and significant part of our apostolic ministry.” HIS REMARKS and the an nouncement following took on spe cial meaning because of the pres sure being brought to bear on the Pope to cut down his heavy sched ule of work and audiences. While he has been in excellent health, some of his associates have warn ed him that he is overtaxing him self. But Pope Paul, noting that in the past the general audience “came rather infrequently” and now has a “tendency to assume a more frequent rhythm and bigger proportions” exclaimed: “Let us praise the Lord!” The Pope admitted that some practical problems have arisen con cerning the general audience, citing the problem of finding room for the growing number of pil grims. He said the answers for such problems will be found “with the help of God.” THE POPE WAS apparently re ferring to plans to build a new audience hall just outside Vatican City. The hall, to be designed by architect Pier Luigi Nervi, would occupy the present site of St. Peter’s oratory, a boys’ club next to the Holy Office. The Pope said some “spiritual problems” are also arising from the weekly audience. He said he wondered what form an audience should take when those attending it represent every variety of'pro fession, education and religion. “WE WILL PONDER how best to answer these obvious questions. But we say immediately that we will take care to preserve for this encounter the aspect of a brief dialogue, as we have until now.” The Pope added that the aware ness of his responsibility is “like a torment,” and that it “gives us no peace.” He quoted Christ’s words: “I have compassion on the multitude;” and: “Come all to me.” And he asked: “And we, who have the sublime and tremendous mission of representing Him, shall we not willingly receive all who come to us?” The announcement that Pope Paul would temporarily discontin ue his private audiences confirm ed also that the Wednesday gen eral audiences would continue. This means that the Pope would not be leaving for his summer home at Castelgandolfo before July 15. It was rumored that the Pope would leave for Castelgan dolfo on the evening of cne 15th, following a general sudience on that date. 1 BRAME DRUG STORE Bill and Phil Brame PRESCRIPTION SERVICE SICK ROOM SUPPLIES 833 B Phone 838-2432 North Wilkesboro, N. C. Greetings to the Readers of the North Carolina Catholic Ticar Chemical Company, Inc. Phone 254-8861 Asheville, North Carolina MAXWELL BROTHERS FURNITURE COMPANY 227 S. La Fayette St. Phone HU 7-9063 Shelby, North Carolina R. A. McKEE Specializing in Sewage Disposal Plants Over 18 years experience Septic Tanks Cleaned 3167 Whitson Road Phone 864-4644 Gastonia, North Carolina