Louisiana Diocese Bishop Orders End To Discrimination ALEXANDRIA, La. — (NC) — Bishop Charles P. Greco of Alex andria has called for an end to discriminatory practices in Catho lic Churches under his jurisdic tion and announced that Catholic schools in some areas will be de segregated in September. In a letter released to the press three days before and then read at Masses in churches and chapels serving the 89,000 Catholics of the northern Louisiana diocese, Bish op Greco reiterated an appeal in a previous letter that Catholics “cast off the yoke of prejudices and wil lingly and calmly accept desegre gation, out of love of God and in conformity with the requirements of good citizenship.” Elaborating on the injunction “to discontinue discrimination in our churches,” the statement re ferred to segregated seating and segregated procedures for receiv ing Holy Communion which, though discontinued in some churches, still exist in others. “If we hope to live as brothers Pope Sends Lion Cubs To Brescia Rome, Italy — (NC) — Because Vatican City suffers from a lack of lion cages and keepers, Pope Paul VI has sent two lion cubs to his home town of Brescia. The cubs were a goodwill gift from the Indian state of Gujarat. The Pope made the gift to May or Bruno Boni of Brescia in a spe cial ceremony in the Vatican’s Consistorial Hall attended by a delegation from Brescia, by mem ers of Rome’s Indian commu nity, and the cubs themselves. At the end of the audience the cubs were taken in tow by the director of the Brescia zoo, Giu seppe Riccarand. of Christ, we must be willing to pray to Him as brothers of one another,” the letter stated. DISCRIMINATION “IN educa tion, housing, voting, job oppor tunity and public accommoda tions” does not “conform to God’s law of justice and love,” the Bish op pointed out. Announcement of desegregation of Catholic schools was expected in view of several court suits in troduced in various parts of the diocese to desegregate public schools. “Because of the closely knit method of operation of our Catho lic schools with the public schools, in most parts of our diocese, it will be our policy beginning with the 1965-66 school year, to deseg regate some of our Catholic schools as the public schools de segregate, according to a pattern which we will shortly announce,” the letter said. THE POLICY of desegregating Catholic schools in conjunction with court orders desegregating public school facilities has been followed by many Southern dio ceses. The Diocese of Alexandria is the last diocese in the South to have public schools within its borders desegregated. Of his approach to racial mat ters, Bishop Greco observed: “We have prayed for God’s light and guidance and have taken counsel with clergy and laity and have endeavored to act when and how the cause of God, of His Church and of His people of all races would best be served, always bear ing in mind that the good of souls must be the supreme law.” Previous pastoral statements on racial matters were issued by Bish op Greco in July 1963, and, togeth er with other Louisiana prelates, in July 1964. Check Protectors - Check Writers F fir E Checkwriter Co. J. N. KERNS Phone Edison 4-6704 138 Brevard Court Charlotte, North Carolina REPAIR SERVICE RUBBER BELTING SCHACHNER Leather & Belting Co. and Charlotte Leather Belting Co. Div. Box 3205 Ph. 399-5351 CHARLOTTE, N. C. VEE BELTS SPINNING APRONS HICKORY CHAIR COMPANY Manufacturers of Distinctive Chairs and Upholstered Furniture Phone DI 5-4101 Hickory, North Carolina UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST’S Eden Seminary, Webster Groves, Mo., conferred honorary degrees (June 4) on Joseph Cardinal Ritter of St. Louis and two ministers of the church, Rev. Roland H. Pantermuehl of New Orleans (left), and Rev. Hartland H. Helmich of New York City. Cardinal Ritter also delivered the main address, perhaps the first tune a U.S. Cardinal has been honored in this fashion by a Protestant seminary._ Pope Urges World to Accept Faith PISA, Italy — (NC) — Speak ing to a world dazzled by the ex ploits of science, Pope Paul VI challenged it to accept on faith the doctrine of the Eucharist, surpass ing the capabilities of the scientif ic mind. His platform was Italy’s Nation al Eucharistic Congress, whose theme—God with Us—he trans formed into an eloquent discourse on the mystery of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. His stage was this ancient city of Pisa, renowned for its scholars and scientists, among them the celebrated Galileo, to whom the Pope paid public tribute. With deliberate gravity, Pope OAK HALL HOTEL TRYON, N. C. Traditional Southern Cuisine — Special rates far traveling and weekend guests — most reasonable hotel. Church near. All sports and diversions. Melvin's Pharmacy of Raleigh 1217 Hillsboro St. Weekdays 9 o.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays 12-6 p.m. FROSTY MORN meats; INC. The Sign of Good Eating this Frosty Morn label is found throughout North' Carolina, wherever discriminating shop pers demand top quality and taste. HAMS SAUSAGE BAGON North Caroline's Only Federally In spected Packing and Processing Plant Pocked by Frosty Morn Meats, Inc. Kinston, N. C. Paul bore witness to the doctrine of Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist with “the complete as surance which our apostolic teach ing office authorizes us to profess —in fact, obliges us.” He did this, he said, “to strengthen the practice of this authentic devotion, nourished by the Gospel and theological doc trine . . . and to dissipate a few uncertainties which have arisen in recent times from the attempt to give an elusive interpretation to the traditional and authoritative doctrine of the Church concemim a matter of such importance.” The Pope’s almost ominooi phrasing suggested his preoccupy tion with the danger of heresy it the area of Eucharistic theology, Though he did not specify, some observers felt it was a reference to recent efforts—many by com petent theologians—to conform the phrasing of doctrine with new scientific interpretations of sub tances such as bread and wine. 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