Stem Divorces TRENTON, N.J. — (NC) — The New Jersey State Assembly has unanimously approved a resolution to establish a commis sion to study the state’s divorce laws. The measure, already passed by the Senate, is ex pected. Among them are a family 'court which would serve as counseling agency as well as di vorce court, lengthening of the present three-day waiting pe riod as an obstacle to quick mar riages, and a warning to young persons of the seriousness of marriage. Switch Grades CLEVELAND — (NC) — As sumption parish here will rein state the first grade and drop the eighth grade next fall. The first grade was closed last year. The pastor said the change was made because a survey showed a third of the students leave parochial schools in the seventh and eighth grades to transfer to public junior high schools. Mixed Marriages PEORIA, 111. — (NC) — Nearly half the marriages in the Peoria diocese in 1966 were mixed marriages, a survey showed. The poll Showed mixed marriages were 47.2 percent compared to 36.4 percent ten years ago. The survey also showed there were 1,202 con verts in the diocese in 1966, lowest number since 1945. Newspaper Board EVANSVILLE, Ind. — (NC) — A seven-member board of I laymen and priests has been named to direct policies of the Evansville diocese newspaper. The Bishop said the board will assist the editor in direction of the paper. Baptized by Pope VATICAN CITY — (NC) — Pope Paul VI personally baptized two babies as part of the in auguration of the pastoral visit to the diocese of Rome and to mark the restoration of the bap tistry to St. John Lateran, the Pope’s cathedral as bishop of Rome. The baptistry, parts of which are 1,500 years old, has been undergoing extensive restora tion. Hole-in-One BALTIMORE — (NC) — Bob Hope, comedian, cheer-spreader and golf buff, now probably will want back the set of golf clubs. Hope gave the set to Father Jo seph A. Sellinger, S.J., president of Loyola College here. With Father William F. Troy, S.J., of Washington, Steve Langhoff of Milwaukee and Edward J. Don nelly of this city, Father Sel linger gave the clubs their bap tism at Baltimore Country Club. On. the 152-yard eighth hole, using a six-iron, Father Sellinger scored a hole-in-one. Curtain Opens VATICAN CITY — (NC) — Eight hundred Yugoslav priests and laymen were received in au dience by Pope Paul VI (April 3), who found their visit “a most consoling sign of the reawaken ing which is full of promise.” The group is the largest Yu --1 GRAY Concrete Pipe Co. Incorporated Manufacturers — Concrete Products Plants in Thomasville, N. C. — Baltimore, Md. Hargerstown, Md. — Arlington, VA. Wilson, N. C. Get the best THE! 1.0.1 NAME! IN COTTAGE CHEESE I XOB CREAM goslavian pilgrimage to visit the Vatican in recent years. The pil grimage was the first major one after the Holy See and the com munist government of Yugo slavia reached an agreement to improve relations ruptured for 14 years. Lebanese Cardinal BEIRUT, Lebanon — (NC) — The leader of the largest Chris tian community in this country has criticized “foreign subver sive elements” for trying to de stroy national unity and called on President Charles Helou to j rid the country of those who I “are spreading trouble and sub version.” The attack on the “subver sives,” made by Cardinal Me ouchi, Maronite-rite patriarch of Antioch, was interpreted here as a denunciation of Lebanese sup porters of President Gamal Ab del Nasser of the United Arab Republic and believed to be di rected by pro-Nasser groups. Card. Mindszenty, 75 BUDAPEST — (NC) — Jo zsef Cardinal Mindszenty, Primate of Hungary, observed his 75th birthday (Mar. 29) in the United States legation here, where he took refuge on Nov. 4, 1956, when the Hungarian up rising was smashed by the com munist regime. An embassy spokesman said the cardinal spent the day quiet ly, reading and in prayer. DANIEL BOONE INN Serving Family Style Country Ham Biscuits Our Specialty Dial 264-8657 105 Hardin St. BOONE, N.C. rural emc co-ops: owned by your neiobbors & Tarheel Electric Russian fisherman.^ sn“''“£d «5c pi*») _n Treoted ***** ANCHORAGE, Alaska — (NC) — He didn’t understand the language but the message of kindness transmitted by the care he received during his long weeks of recuperating at Provi dence Hospital here made a strong impression on Vyacheslav Hohrin. Hohrin, a 20-year-old Russian fisherman suffered a serious kid ney injury while on his trawler off Alaska’s coast. Not only the language barrier made the hospital strange to Hohrin. Operated by the Sis ters of Charity of Providence, the hospital has many religious symbols in evidence and pray ers are recited morning and eve ning over a broadcast system. Shortly after his arrival, Ho hrin made it clear that the re ligious symbolism did not im press him. A Russian-speaking Pope Appoints Delegates to Eucharistic Congress Vatican City — (NC) — Pope Paul VI has named Julius Car dinal Doepfner of Munich as his delegate to the fourth National Eucharistic Congress of Ecuador. It will be held at Cuenca May 28-June 1. The Pope also named Arch bishop Sante Portalupi, apostolic Nuncio to Honduras and Nicar agua, to serve as his delegate to the first National Eucharistic Congress of Honduras, to be held April 13-16, at Tegucigalpa. priest attempted to give him a blessing but the young fisher man protested bluntly, “I am a Russian. I have no God.” Before leaving the hospital, Hohrin, the first Soviet citizen to be treated in a private hos pital on Alaska’s mainland since World War II, had made several friends among the staff of nuns. When he left to return to his ship, he expressed gratitude and praise for the care he had been given. “He didn’t indicate in any way that he had changed his ideas about America,” Sister Barbara Ellen, the hospital administra tor, explained, “but we feel quite certain some of his pre conceived notions have been al tered if not discarded.” FOR HOSPITALITY PLUS Julius Boros, Professional Hie Cosgroves - Southern Pines, N.C. a Cowpltfi Iimi 4 DAIRY FOODS MILK AND ICE CREAM ★ At your nearby store MILK AND DAIRY FOODS ★ fcy convenient home delivery PINE STATE RALEIGH • OXFORD • HENDERSON DUNN • GOLDSBORO SANFORD « ROANOKE RAPIDS