Knights of Columbus o f Edited By Duane A. Ruitall ™ Koundup State Public Relations Chairman GRAND KNIGHT ERNEST I. KING, WILMINGTON COUNCIL 1074, gives us a preview of things to come at the 1968 State K. of C. Convention to be held in the Port City May 17-18-19 in the following preliminary report: “Our advertising program is going along remarkably well. We have engaged a band for our annual ball; our banquet plans are almost complete, and our plan to hold our Saturday morning session aboard the Battleship North Carolina is being worked out. Committees are working on golf and bowling tournaments and other forms of recre ation, and a special committee is formulating plans for our ladies. “For those who like deep-sea fishing, and can arrange to come a day earlier, boats may be chartered for Thursday afternoon or early Friday, and if this fails there are several fishing piers here that one may try his luck at any time. This is no fish story. As you know Wil , mington is noted for its scenic beauty and its historic lore. There is Airline Gardens and Orton Plantation, Fort Fisher and many more spots of interest. St. Johns Art Gallery is one of our major attractions. “Perhaps this is not an appropriate time to mention swimming, boat-racing, surfacing, water-skiing, and the like, but come convention time, all of these sports will be in order.” Sounds like some interesting events are being planned by Brother King and his committees for the Knights and their ladies next May. And don’t forget WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. You will truly be in VARIETY LAND in Wilmington. Although it is four months away, PIEDMONT COUNCIL 939, GREENSBORO, already has started work on its Annual Teenage Tal ent Show to be held in early March. This event, which has won national recognition, promises to be bigger and better than ever, according to Brother THOMAS J. MCNULTY, YOUTH ACTIVITY CHAIRMAN. CHARLOTTE COUNCIL 770 received five new Brothers into the _ Order at a First Degree exemplification held at their home on No vember 28. . . . Two KnigHts-Of-The-Month were chosen for October — MIKE MASCOTTI and GEORGE BALOG. Brother GUION C. DAVIS, 436 Carolina Ave., is the new FINAN CIAL SECRETARY of ROCKY MOUNT COUNCIL 4600, succeeding Brother JOHN FITZPATRICK, resigned. « Greetings From Our State Deputy “I wish to take this opportunity to extend to all Brother Knights and their families, on behalf of the State Council Officer’s, our best wishes for a very enjoyable Christmas season. For our Brother Knights in Vietnam and those serving our country elsewhere, as well as those Brothers who are hospitalized here, know that our prayers are for your speedy recovery. To our Council Chaplain’s and all members of the Clergy, God’s choicest blessings for you. And to everyone — a healthy, prosperous and meaningful Year in 1968. GEORGE E. LUND, JR., STATE DEPUTY, CHARLOTTE.” your SHELL dealer Wicker Oil Company Box 668 DRUG COMPANY h ETHICAL TO PROFESSIONS ^ OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY 1610 MADISON AVENUE SUNSET HILLS GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA |jVor^ Carolina's OldestBan/c j Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation J. N. KERNS Check Protectors — Check Writers Phone Edison 4-6704 138 Brevard Court F fir E Checkwriter Co. Charlotte, North Carolina | COLONIAL | ! BAKING ! I -^A i —- I | 338 Hilliard Avenue 9 3 i| Asheville, North Carolina