STRANGE BUT TRU Little-Known Facts for Catholics By M. j. MURRAY Copyright, IMS, N.C.W.C. Nows Sorrieo MM MILLIE SCHMIDT-BRAUN OF FRANKFURT, GERMANY,1 BUILT HER OWN GOTHIC CATHEDRAL - IN FOUR YEARS AND j USING SOME 50,000 MATCHES. THE MODEL ] IS TWEE MEET LONG •AND TWO TEET HIGH. THIS StOHE IMAGE OF OUR LACK & me INFANT JESUS M IEOH CATHEDRAL IS Regarded as oheoeihe pnest scut prunes ever =^^~- j4 YOUNG FRENCH COUPLE WHO MARRIED RECENTLY AT LANVEZEAC IN BRlTTANy DISCOVERED THAT THE LAST WEDDING CELEBRATED IN THE UTTLE CHURCH THERI VMS-IN 1790 177 YEARS AliO. VW KfiSmtM JEWEL Sir M THE tW*L txOWN* G ROT TAP ERRATA, A MONASTERY JUST SOOTH OP ROME WHICH MAS FOLLOWED THE GREEK CATHOLIC RITE-UNDISTURBED By THE SCHISM BETWEEN Rohe and Constantinople — since a.d. 1004-. Priests’ Council Backs King’s Poor Peoples Campaign Richmond, Va. — (NC) — The Richmond diocese’s council of priests has endorsed goals of Dr. Martin Luther King’s poor peo ple’s campaign scheduled to open in Washington on April 22. The council voted 21-0 (March 14) to back the drive by sup porting a statement issued by Washington’s Interreligious Com mittee on Race Relations. The committee’s statement supported Dr. King’s attempt to use non violent tactics to achieve “min imal standards of human decen cy for all our people, namely meaningful jobs for all, adequate income for all, adequate medi cal and dental care for all, decent housing and quality ed ucation.” The campaign is expected to draw 3,000 poor, including Ne groes, Indians, poor whites, Mex ican-Americans and Puerto Ri cans, to Washington to urge Con gress to pass hew legislation to help the poor and to repeal re strictive welfare legislation due to take effect July 1. The Richmond council of priests is a 24-member advisory » body to Bishop John J. Russell. Eighteen of its members are elected, six appointed. Loyalty, Campaign Continued from page 1A butions amounting to $8,300.00. Father Carey is pastor of the par ish. St. Gabriel Church at Charles ton made the second largest contribution which totaled $6, 729.00. The largest advance in paro chial constitution was made by Our Lady of Mercy Church at Winston-Salem from last year’s donation of $951.00 to $2,200.00. The parish was territorially en larged during the past year. The Right Reverend Monsignor Law rence C. Newman is pastor. A marked increase was noted for St. Mary’s Parish at Lauren burg which increased its dona COEDUCATION Lisle, 111. — (NC) — St. Pro copius College, conducted by the Benedictines, here, will be come a coeducational insti tution beginning next Septem ber. Women will be admitted in the daytime curriculum on a regular basis. Previously, wom en had been admitted to the col lege on an individual basis for specific programs. Father Ro man S. Galiardi, O.S.B., presi dent, said “we feel that in ar riving at the decision to go co educational, the college has made a significant and progres sive step forward in serving the community.” MYERS OIL COMPANY Metered Delivery Prompt Delivery Phone 873-4388 Statesville, North Caroline iton from a previous year’s sum of $360.00 to $580.00. Other sizeable increases were made by parishes at Mt. Olive and Newton Grove, all of which the Reverend J. H. McHugh is pas tor, and St. Raphael’s Parish at Millsbrook, a Raleigh suburb with the Rev. John L. Richards as pastor. Father Carey expressed his appreciation to all the priests, area directors, and their clerical assistants, the parish chairmen and their co-chairmen, as well as the hundreds of men who contributed their services in making the personal calls on all the homes of the parishioners of the diocese to receive the fam ily donation. Merger of Archdiocesan Councils Opposed Milwaukee — (NC) — A pro posal has been made to amend the present constitutions of the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Coun cils of Catholic Men and Wom en authorizing the two groups to work together rather than merge. A “position paper” contain ing the proposed amendment to the constitution was to be dis cussed by officers of both Coun cils March 20. Archbishop Cousins is quoted by one delegate as saying that in considering the merger, indi vidual councils should not be de stroyed. PRESNELL AND STOWE WELDING COMPANY WELDING Shop & Field Fabricating Portable Equipment — Complete Welding & Repair Service Stacks - Tanks - Hoppers - Breaches - Conveyors Dial 322-7916 or call Valdese 879-2369 Route 5 Hickory, North Carolina From wide-trock country ’68 PONTIAC TEMPEST See it Now Your Pontiac — GMC Truck And Jeep Dealer in the Wilmington Area. HARRIS PONTIAC Inc 309 North 2nd St. Wilmington, N.C. Archbishop Pleads = For Relevant Liturgy New Orleans — “It would be scandalous if the irrelevancy of the 1'iturgy proved to be an ad ditional reason” for defections from the Church, Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta said in a paper prepared for a con ference here. The paper was delivered at the meeting of District IV of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men by Father Henry C. Gracz, secretary of the Atlanta archdiocesan liturgy commission. Tradition should not hinder liturgical reform in the United States, Archbishop Hallinan said, “for two discernible characteris tics of American Catholicism are its brevity and its immigrant or igin.” “We, members of a nation whose identity has been forged from the anvil of the unknown; we, who politically have sought a league of nations, a new deal, a new frontier, and a great society, cannot be afraid of experimen tation within the realm of the ecclesiastical.” Discussing the “Normative Mass,” Archbishop Hallinan pointed out some possible changes which might be incor porated in the future: —On occasions, where the “Lord have mercy” is used, the “Glory to God” will not be, and the reciprocal is also true. —A series of three readings to give a better sense of the Old Testament. —Less frequent presentation of the Creed. —An acclamation by the peo ple as their share in proclaiming the event of the Lord’s death, resurrection, and ascension. —Changing the embolism af ter the Lord’s Prayer to include “For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, for ever and ever.” New prefaces and a three-year cycle of readings may be incor porated into the liturgy by Ad vent, 1968, the archbishop noted. Editor's Desk Continued from page 1A rochial grades as our Class pre pared for high school. She also pulled a strong oar. Sands of Time One of the largest classes for second and third degrees of the Knights of Columbus was exem plified 20 years ago at Greens boro. There were 75 members. Thirty-three of the candidates were members of Piedmont Council No. 939 of Greensboro. At that time Supreme Treas urer Francis J. Heazel of Ashe ville said, “It is gratifying to see such a large class. This is the largest class to be exemplified in North Carolina, save one, that the class of Marines at Camp Le jeune a few years ago” ... St. Mary’s Church at Mount Olive . was open again for Divine Serv ices, having been renovated. Damage was extensive due to a fire that threatened the building during the previous Christian season. . . . The Rev. Francis J. Murphy, chaplain of the Catholic students at the University of Chapel Hill, addressed student members during a Communion breakfast at the Carolina Inn. The topic of the discussion as the life and teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of the student group. HAYWORTH-MILLER FUNERAL SERVICE J»HONE 724-1525 3315 Silas Creek Parkway J . Winston-Salem, North Carolina Protected by Page Fence Serving the Carolines Since 1919 ALLISON FENCE CO. CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28201 Box 412 Phone 376-7535