Knights of Columbus Roundup UM *» D“-* *• ■vB Bib b PP^P« » w ^b^PP^Bb^^B^BW Brother Knights throughout the state should right now circle in red the date of SATURDAY, APRIL 27 on their calendar, for this marks the first time that our State Council has sponsored a STATE SEMINAR. It will be held in Raleigh at Our Lady of Lourdes School on Anderson Drive. Our State Catholic Activity Chairman KENNETH E. STROUD has done an outstanding job in arranging a very interest ing program. YOU SHOULD SUPPORT HIM BY YOUR ATTEND ANCE! This should be a ‘MUST’ for all Knights, and your ladies are also welcome as well as your friends. It is something you should not miss and you will gain a great spiritual benefit from the inspiring program that Brother Stroud has arranged. Form car pools and come in groups for, after all, the success of this new venture “depends upon you and your Council,’’ says Brother Stroud. “Let us proclaim to everybody our determination to implement the decrees of Vatican H.” The Program calls for registration at 12:30 in the school auditor ium. There will be a fee of 50 cents. FR. RAYMOND DONOHUE, our State Chaplain, will give the opening prayer and Sir Knight and State Deputy GEORGE E. LUND will give the address of welcome. Chair man Stroud will introduce the speakers. There will be Discussion Groups from 2:15 to 3:30 in the classrooms, then a coffee break, followed by summaries by Recorders. The Seminar will conclude at approximately 5 p.m. Speakers and their subjects: “What Is The Priesthood of The Laity?”, REV. J. PAUL BYRON, member of the National Liturgical Commission; “Do We Need The Clergy and Religious?” (The need for vocations) DR. DAVID YOUNG, North Carolina State University; “Current Issues In Catholic Education,” FR. DONALD F. STAIB, Superintendent of Diocesan Schools; “Is Communism A Menace?” JORGE LAGAMASINO, former resident of Cuba; “War And Peace,” REV. F. CHARLES MULHOLLAND, Newman Chaplain, North Car olina State University. To help the Raleigh Council make proper preparations, will you please (Grand Knights) send a card to State Catholic Activities Chairman Kenneth E. Stroud, 3005 HILLMER DRIVE, RALEIGH. N.C. (27609) and indicate the number attending from your Council? PLEASE DO THIS! IT IS HOPED THAT BY NOW ALL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEES SHOULD HAVE SENT IN RESOLUTIONS TO BE PRESENTED AT THE STATE CONVENTION IN WILMINGTON ON MAY 17, 18, 19. IF NOT, DO SO AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVEN IENCE — CERTAINLY NOT LATER THAN APRIL 21. MAIL THEM TO STATE SECRETARY RODNEY L. BOOKER 3017 MARMION ST., WINSTON SALEM, (24107). COMING EVENTS: SUNDAY, MAY 5TH IN RALEIGH THE STATE TRACK MEET AND PICNIC WILL BE HELD (more on this lext week) and of course, THE STATE CONTENTION AT WILM INGTON ON MAY 17, 18,19. The opening session will be held aboard he Battleship USS NORTH CAROLINA — A ‘FIRST AS FAR AS STATE CONVENTIONS OF THE K OF C ARE CONCERNED! STONE'S Your One Stop School Supply Store Instructional Supplies of All Kinds Bell & Howell Soles & Service Audio-Visual Equipment Save Time And Money By Ordering From Us—Prompt Delivery Assured Write for our Catdlogue HAPPY EASTER Southern School Supply Co. 329 W. Hargett Raleigh, N.C. Tells Legion of Mary They are Permanently Involved in Services Philadelphia — (NC) — “You are a symbol of the unity of the Church,” John Cardinal Krol, of Philadelphia told 1,300 Legion aries of Mary at rites in. SS. Pe ter and Paul cathedral here. Referring to the Legion’s re lationship to the work of the Second Vatican Council, Cardinal Krol said, “You have heard this— and there are some who would try to give this impression—that the highest legislative event of the Church was held to destroy the law of the Church; that the authorities invoked this event of the council to condemn them selves out of existence; that the bishops, with Pope John, partici pated in this together — not, as Pope John said, to preserve unity, but to sow discord and dissidence. “Now there are those,” he noted, “who try to give the im pression that all forms of the lay apostolate, including such groups as the Legion of Mary, were labeled out of date by the council in the ‘aggiornamento.’ Be confident of the fact that your Legion of Mlary is a world wide, permanently assembled as sociation of very faithful laity who are ready to serve all the needs of the Church. . . . The council, far from outdating, re affirms such organizations as the Legion of Mary.” fixpressing his thanks to the Legionaries, the cardinal said, “I am grateful, first of all, for what you do for yourselves. Some times, when we get perhaps a bit disenchanted with the occu- - pation of the materials of the Church and schools and all that goes with it, we look for com fort and consolation to the monthly report of your activ ities. . . . NEW HEAD Vatican City — (NC) — Msgr. Dominic Joseph Conway, rector of the Irish Collfege in Rome, has been appointed Secretary General for the Pontifical Work for the Propagation of the Faith. i Defends Catholic Schools Future; Should Reorganize, In Positive, United Goals Demurest, N.J. — (NC) — “The American people can not afford the tragedy of the passing of an educational re source as important as that of the Catholic school,” a Catholic educator declared here. But at a time when those schools are most needed, Catho lics are engaged in a debate over whether or not they should be continued, according to Msgr. William M. Roche. Msgr. Roche, Rochester dioce san superintendent of schools, spoke at the annual spring sym posium sponsored by the Bergen County Catholic Education As sociation at Holy Angels Acad emy here. “It would be imprudent in the extreme to allow Catholic and other non-public schools to be forced out of existence,” he said. As for the debate over Cath olic schools, Msgr. Roche said the chief trouble is that those who oppose them “begin the de bate with the fords, ‘Since we can no longer afford Catholic schools,’ as if this was already a proven fact” Reorganization Needed What is needed, Msgr. Roche said, is reorganization and change within the Catholic school system. “As society changes, so must parish and pastoral outlook,” he said. “Those who devote them selves to the preservation of ex isting institutions which were formed in years past for differ ent purposes are doomed to fail ure. “Instead, we must direct the change to give current meaning to changing institutions.” He added: Positive Thinking “Before we allow Catholic schools to die by default we must allow a positive program to in stitute changes in their means of support” He offered a six-point program for such changes: —Establish a diocesan school system under central administra tion. —Create diocesan, regional and parish school boards. 111 11 .——^i May the Joy of Easter Bring Peace and tranquility to our troubled world. M & O Chevrolet Co Fayetteville, North Carolina —Clearly define relations and responsibilities among pastors, parents and school superintend ents. —Centralize services such as recruitment of teachers and planning at the diocesan level. —'Develop more effective rela tionships to other educational, governmental and community organizations. —Develop financial policies more consistent with a diocesan system. “If these steps are taken,” Msgr. Roche said, “I believe that evidence will mount that we can afford Catholic schools.” PREFECTURE NAMED Vatican City — (NC) — Pope Paul VI has named as head of the new office of Prefect of the Apos tolic Palace Msgr. Mario Nasalli Rocca di Comeliano, former Maestro di Camera until the of fice was abolished less than a week before. i" A Happy And Joyful Easter to all our many friends throughout the state. Key Homes by Kavanagh-Smith Co. 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