VOL. XCIII, No. 8 Raleigh, North Carolina 27608, August, 1968 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Apex Lodge 584 Dedicates Temple An emergent communication of the Grand Lodge of N. C. was held at Masonic Temple, Apex, N. C. Friday, July 12, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of dedicat ing this new temple. After Labor was dispensed with, the public was invited into the hall to wit ness the solemn ceremony of dedi cation according to ancient form and usage. Most Worshipful Rob ert N. Bass, Jr., Grand Master, presided and conducted the dedi catory service and delivered the dedicatory address, “A Master’s Wages,” in which he told the members of Apex Lodge that in building this new temple, each in his own way had earned his wages. Worshipful Eddie Stiles, Master of Apex lodge welcomed the guests and thanked the Grand Mas ter and his officers for their part in the ceremonies. Worshipful Brother L. G. Jordan, P.D.D.G.M. gave a summary of the history of Apex Lodge. Music for the occa sion was rendered by Mrs. Betty (Continued on Page Two) Wide Wide World Of Masonry Brother Walter Lee Rachael, P. M. Thomasville Lodge No. 214 is rightfully proud of Masonry in his family. His son. Brother W. Harold Rachael, and his son-in-law Artis V. Parker while vacationing in Italy visited the Harry S. Truman Lodge No. 649 of Naples, which lodge is located in a nearby vil lage of Galleria, and consists large ly of military personnel. Here they attended the raising of the son of Brother Harold, (and Grandson of Past Master and Brother Walter) Michael Harold Rachael to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Brother Michael Harold Rachael is in the United States Navy and is stationed in Naples. He will be remembered as a member and master councilor of the Boyles Memorial Chapter of the Order of DeMolay. He is now Chaplain of Harry Truman Lodge No. 649, which is working under dispensa tion of the Grand Lodge of Cali fornia and the Grand Lodge of Italy. APEX LODGE NO. 584 DEDICATES TEMPLE In the foreground (1) M.’.W.'.Robert N. Bass, Jr. Grand Master; (r) W. -Eddie Stiles, Master Apex Lodge No. 584. Background: (1 to r) W.’.Berl M. Kahn, Senior Grand Deacon; W-'.Harry Holland, D.D.G.M. (26); R.’.W.'.William A. Hooks, D.G.M.; W-'-G. W. True- love, P.M., principle architect; W.'.L. G. Jordon, P.D.D.G.M., M.'. W.’.Charles A. Harris, P.G.M., Grand Secretary; W.’.Hiram J. Case- bolt, Grand Steward; W-’.Robert P. Dudley, P.M., Asst. Grand Sec.; Joseph E. Mann, Tyler; and Walter Berringer, Jr. D. of Apex Lodge No. 584. Traveling With The Grand Master On Friday night, July 19, along with W.’.Brother Thomas J. Mann, D.D.G.M., R.’.W.'.Brother William W. Mims, Jr. and W.’.Brother R. Pete Dudley, I journeyed to Steele Creek Lodge No. 737, which is lo cated on R.F.D. No. 4, (Charlotte, where we enjoyed a most delicious and delightful meal served by the Eastern Star Chapter after which we adjourned to the lodge hall and enjoyed a most inspirational dis trict meeting conducted by W.’. Brother Thomas J. Mann, D.D.G.M. My brethren, this is a lodge hall that I wish every member in North Carolina could have the privilege of visiting and seeing the work that is being performed by the members of Steele Creek Lodge No. 737. Having the privilege of being pres ent when this lodge was instituted and also when this lodge was con stituted, I want to congratulate each member of this lodge for a job well done. _ On Monday, July 22nd, accompa nied by W.’.Brother R. Pete Dud ley and Brother William P. Howell, we journeyed to Reidsville where we were met by W.’.Brother Doug las Richardson, D.D.G.M., 35th District, at Jefferson Penn Lodge No. 384 and after a delicious meal served in the dining room of this magnificent temple, we adjourned to the lodge hall where we enjoyed another excellent district meeting conducted by Brother Richardson. We returned to Raleigh that even ing. On Tuesday, July 23rd, accompa nied by W.’.Brother Harry L. Hol land, D.D.G.M. and W.’.Brother R. Pete Dudley, we journeyed to Me- bane where we were met by W.’. Brother Oakley Hughett, D.D.G.M. and after enjoying a fine meal served at the restaurant, located just below the lodge hall, we adjourned to the lodge hall where we enjoyed another outstanding district meeting conducted by W.’. Brother Hughett. At the beginning of this meeting I had the happy privilege of direct ing Brother Hughett to present W.’.Brother Guy Crutchfield, Past D.D.G.M., before the East where he (Continued on Page Two) Bingham Lodge 272 Pays Tribute To Loyal Member North Carolina Masonry pauses to salute one of its most worthy and beloved craftsmen. Brother William Guy Crutchfield, P.M. of Bingham Lodge No. 272 A.F.&A.M. of Mebane. He is also P.D.D.G.M. of his Masonic District; twice Wor thy Patron of Battle-of-Alamance Chapter of O.E.S. in Graham; a certified lecturer -’or fifteen years; P.H.P. of the Keystone Royal Arch Chapter in Burlington; past presi dent Burlington Shrine Club; past president District Past Masters Club; a Knight Templar; a 32° Scottish Rite Mason with the rank and decoration of Knight Comman der of the Court of Honour, and a member of Oasis Temple A.A.O.N. M.S. He holds honorary member ship in four lodges in his district and in thirteen chapters of the 0. E.S. Besides being first, an attentive and a dutiful husband, he has (Continued on Page Three) In The Rock Quarry Down in Wing’s rock quarry near Travelers Rest the 28th annu al communication of the 18th Masonic District (South Carolina) will be held Friday, September 13th at 7:00 P.M. The quarry is located just off highway 276 two miles north of Travelers Rest. Right Worshipful Brother Joe B. Hollingsworth, D.D.G.M. will be in charge, assisted by Officers and brethren of all the district lodges. Any of our North Carolina Ma sons who just happen to be in this area, and want to get down to Bedrock Masonry are cordially in vited to drop in. You’ll be glad you did. Sandwiches and soft drinks will be available at booths on the grounds, the profits from which go to the Greenville Shriners Hospi tals for Crippled Children. Please! If you have moved recently, or are planning to move please notify The N. C. Mason, P. 0. Box 6606, Raleigh, N. C., giving both your old and new addresses.