Page Two The North Carolina Mason September, Grand Master's Column (Continued from Page One) was a full week, and we had good attendance at Ranger as well as in Bry son City, Canton, Burnsville, and Black Mountain. On Friday of that week, our group visited Oteen Hospital where we met Brother Paul C. Sherwood of the Mason ic Service Association Hospital Visita tion Service, Dr. Linus A. Zink, Direct or of the Veteran’s Hospital there, and many of his staff. We were taken for a tour over this fine new hospital, and were truly impressed with the modern facilities, as well as the dedicated ser vice being provided the veterans as signed there. After having a fine lunch in the hospital dining room, it was my privilege to speak briefly to the pa tients over the hospital radio. We then visited several patients, members of our fraternity, who were unable to leave their rooms; and afterwards met with others in the hospital recreation room. Also present at this time were several DeMolay boys and their Sweethearts, as well as some DeMolay Mothers who served refreshments for all of us. What many of you may not know is that vol untary service in such hospitals is one of the many civic projects of DeMolay Chapters. Our group spent a total of six hours in Oteen Hospital, and we all agreed that it was an experience we will not soon forget. On Thursday, June 26, it was my privilege to lay a cornerstone for a new cottage for boys at Oxford Orphanage. This is the sixth of twelve cottages scheduled for the campus to replace the eight old dormitories which have been there for many years, and is my hope that by 1975 we will be able to complete this project which was started several years ago. During the following week, we held District Meetings in Arapahoe, Cove City, Morehead City, and Jacksonville; followed by another trip in the western part of the state where meetings were held in Tryon, Spindale, Kings Moun tain, and Gastonia. All of these meetings were well attended and, as in our pre vious meetings, the members of our traveling caravan were well fed and graciously received. On Sunday, July 13, Nell and I and Pete and Doris Dudley left by automo bile for Toronto, Canada to attend the Grand Lodge of Ontario. This trip took us through some beautiful country in our own state, the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, and on through Pennsylvania and the western part of New York. We arrived in Toronto in plenty of time to relax for a while before the Grand Mas ter’s Dinner in the Royal York Hotel that night. Nell and I were fortunate enough to be seated at a table with Most Worshipful Brother John A. Irvine, Past Grand Master in Ontario, and Mrs. Ritualistic Team of Berne Lodge No. 724 Pictured above, under the direction of Charles T. Potter, Grand Lecturer, is the fully costumed Degree Team of Berne Lodge No. 724 of New Bern. Left to right: Eddie Paul, Nat Baxter, Charles Potter, Alvia Hearren, Oscar Ald ridge. Second row: Neil Vester, James Johnson, Bill Waters, and Jack Ed wards. The Master-Makeup artist is Barney Opphile. Irvine, who had attended our own Grand Lodge last April. On the following day. Brother Dud ley and I were escorted into Grand Lodge along with all the Toronto Grand Lodge officials and other visitors from out of state to the tune of bagpipes. This meeting was most interesting and informative, and we feel that we gained much being present for this Grand Lodge session. On our return trip home, we stopped over in New York (Ility long enough to do some window shopping and see a play on Broadway. Following this, we added icing to the cake by stopping over a cou ple of hours in Hopewell, Virginia to visit our daughter. Sue, her husband. Hank, and our only granddaughter, Doyle. The following week we had two fine District Meetings in Eden and Stokes- dale, followed by a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Masonic and East ern Star Home in Greensboro on Satur day. That afternoon I drove to States ville to attend a portion of the 46th An nual Conclave of the Order of DeMolay in North Carolina, where it was my privilege to speak at their Distinguished Guests Banquet. My schedule for the month of July end^ with two District Meetings in Charlotte and one at Cornelius. We had good crowds at each of these meetings, and our three day stay in the Charlotte area was a most pleasant one, thanks to the fine hospitality of Brothers Bill Mims, Ed Burrier, Jimmy Johnston, the District Deputy Grand Masters, and others in the area. During the period covered by this re port, we received the news that our Sen ior Grand Deacon, Brother Nat Dean, had suffered a serious heart attack. Brother Pete Dudley and I stopped by to see him on July 7 and found hirn to be much improved and in good spirits. We have talked with him again recently, and he informs us that he expects to be in good shape within another few weeks. I have had many pleasant experiences in my travels throughout North Caro lina during the past several montho. One of these occured in Eden when Dr. Carl Tyner made a special trip to the Lodge to see me after having learned that the Grand Master was a Hooks from Smith- field. Brother Tyner operated a hospi tal in Smithfield for a few years before leaving there in 1924. My father was a doctor of medicine in Smithfield at that time, and Brother Tyner wanted to know whether the Grand Master was any relation to him. We had a delight ful visit together discussing old times when he was a young doctor in my home town and I was in my early teens. Attendance at our District Meetings has been improving—with one or two exceptions—during the past several weeks. As of this writing, we have had an average of 70 Masons present; and i want to express my sincere appreciation to the District Deputy Grand Masters, the lodge officers, and other Masons who have done so much to make these meetings successful. One of the real re wards for serving as Grand Master is the pleasure of seeing so many old friends at these meetings, and meet ing so many new ones. I have truly en joyed the meetings we have held so far, and am looking forward to those Dis tricts still on our schedule.