BilW^^as 4 The ^ NORTH CAROLINA MASON Official Publication of The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons of North Carolina VOL. XCVIII, No. 3 Oxford, North Carolina 27565, March, 1973 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Centennial Celebration at Oxford Orphanage Kicked Off February 24 with Campus Banquet OXFORD—Some 400 persons, Orphanage children and staff, Grand Lodge Officers and other officials, plus many other guests, gath ered here on February 24 for a banquet (Continued on Page Two) In the picture at top right Orphanage children cluster around Attorney General Robert Mor gan as he autographs programs for them. Grand Lodge Officers attending the Oxford Centennial Banquet are shown in the picture at bottom right. Grand Tyler Fred F. Harding is seated in front and Orphanage Superintendent Leon Gray is standing next to him. Second row, left to right: Grand Secretary Charles A. Harris (PG M), Senior Grand Warden William L. Mills, Jr., Grand Master Berl M. Kahn, Deputy Grand Mas ter Nathaniel C. Dean, Grand Treasurer James W. Brewer (PGM). Rear row, left to right: Grand Steward William B. Bellois, Senior Grand Deacon Hiram J. Casebolt, Junior Grand War den S. Frank Noble, Jr., Grand Chaplain I. Boyd Hopldns. (There are two others there on the back row who are not Grand Lodge Officers, they sort of sneaked into the picture. A right appropriate sneak because, after all, they represent what the evening was all about. They are Miss Frankie Lynch and Master Donnie Anderson.) THE ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-SIXTH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF ANCIENT, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF NORTH CAROLINA WILL BE HELD IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, APRIL SEVENTEENTH A. D. 1973; A. L. S973 BEGINNING AT TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING IN MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM FAYETTEVILLE STREET