page four m-i S • * {} T*. i if i i I JS • ’ ib i It P 11 n £>€ V/ilil' f=“ - p r' f >* k t M ■ ll- 4^ ^ liMil CaMiiFrfe ^ i ■ - . F B S E A ■ .; '■■^r.-KS AND GASH 0OMMISSB1 Jf ^ Fi ■ ' cjuBSCSiPTXONS »0 T«S*- M T'jCv; ii-t’..!J i;V.;-i..' . w:'! 4#* i 1 iU ^ ' . ' iv . 55^ ^ 4 , li’Y' ■ ’■ '5 O' " r«» F _ __—-. YYSf;^ Rfeft - « l«i ■ IN PRIZES TO BE GWEN TO 'SHE&IEN aE ghanville OB ^ CAMPAIGN OFFICE BBITT BPBG. OV-'R PK "START Y1 is* yopB TOWN-SEDAN oo..'or SBOO.OO OiV3^ ^EiLllS .fsoa.-ro. jF-r7r5«M'A:iED I*BOM OOOf'Jt.B M ' — "Tai.D PRIZE '|2(s0 lit Caslr FOiir .-f*^ 'if , ■ tSiSgSS RULES .iviH re-'di0q m Granville or adjoining comities is elnible ia t—Any re-putable maB,. woman, or child le^xtluig .„,„ ,bl. .tecH.„ ...4 C,m,..e .» tt. p»,s.^ ^BANVILLE COBSTl MEWS 1, 2— ^0 employee or m.imbers of their -jjjg mananeiiicnt reserves the right eligible to mter this distribution. Correspandems are crgible, u - to reject any nominations. ■11 he decided by their accredited votes, said votes being represented by 3— The wraners will be decided oy meir nsB-ttrs. lots issued on siibsoriptions, mid town or community in which they can 4— Candid.ates are not confined to Sis section; or for that matter,any get votes and subscriptions, but may .(...emnany all orders where votes are desired. There where in the “^a.tes wiU be allowed to collect subscriptions and renew- will be no exceptions to ihis ims. ikonumnica _ als as entirely mew subscriptions, n'to^^vo^tg for their friends. Votes cannot be pur- 5-Votes are Hee. It costs the r^ subscriptions, chased. Every cent accepted through the elev i P -tua^aw in tavor ot another candidate. V-Votes are not transferable. Candidates cannot “ be can*>£led! Neither will it be ~ . wDhdraw from the race, his or her votes wilLbe ^ . 1-1 Jr . , „-ve Ar transfer subscriptions to another candidate. Votes on paimissible lor caniiidatesj «' luve or transier huusu p ^ ttie discretion of the manaBement. Lnsferxed suhscriptions will be f ^ ar- 7— Any collusion on the part of candidates to nulli y ® j. bg tolerated. Any raagement or effort to the detriment of candidates, or th» .,„a„geinent, or eOort, candidate,-or candidaies .ep.tering or taking part m sucM^c^^cmeni, ... ,...^ , ,, iu'reserve and voted cri the.dlscretiwB of the .^ 8— Any ballots issued on subscriptions may 5^^ voteu bciore „ a.,»»»., - lO-To i.Msnte fairness in awarding the prues. th® . j^^ggs selected from local bollot box” system and will be under the supervision of two or mor bankers or business men of nood character. . g{ the elction il necessary L-eTnaLlfLa.. .....»«-- question arise, the decision of ^anagemen will be abs^^^ conditions ot the cam- 13—Candidates accepting nominations agree to .„d. Will b. .,.»«.. „ood tl... c.rt. n,..l b. r,l«n.4 b.l.r. lb. vriz^s .r. a- .rr™.:''.....* ».i................ .«-■ «gheduee of votes and si GRANVILLE I first-VQ ']■(, Ctoser-of'-Bi '--■,R J Ycui- 2 Years. ...,:..vG;.: ;; I’cars ....,.,:A:,I (i Y'eai-s .-..s,-, SECOND VOTING PERIOD Si'pt, -22iid. t(.i Sept, -let 1. inclusive R.-XTE VOTES 1 Year . SI.00 ... .... L500 2.00 ... 3,000 :! Years ... ... ;i.00 ... , 6,000 i; Years- .... 5.00 .... 15,000 Ma^lNY VAl the imv GH..NMI LK COUNTY NEWS takes SalpMuamsluD . Ini' ''.amiiaiRii evm niaimm’d' ,H.c„ .spent in semune: a .nagnilu-H-ut P^n . G I.J popuLa'it.i J.' ’he -'H- ^ ;;;. ,!,,. wunuu- m U,.' Cmml -Andue OP P o at !Y,w umnK)U touuDu'i ^vil“ Ihib on)) V p,aA“'hhCan( sented befon’ coupon IS NULL AN Nomination Blank On THE GRANVILLE ( , Hereby .nUer and .-ast 25,000 credits -fPh:- Miss i.Mr or Mi's) "'ATAAFtt i P CoUN As a candidate in The GRANVILLE CULN Town ._A_ NOTit-OMy'on.rnominaUon blank accept!