VOLUME 4 FAIRFIELD, N. C., JUNE, 1928, NUMBER 6, “They first gave themselves to the Lord.” Hyde Country Messenger Published monthly by the Hyde County Baptist Churches to promote the interest of God and advance His kingdom’s work, and to deepen the spiritual Jife of the church, home and entire community. Entered as second class matter January 1, 1926, at the post office at Fairfield, N. C., under the act of March 3, 1879. — Subscription price for the year 1928 is 50c Material must be in editor’s hands not later than the 10th of each month. If you fail.to receive your copy please drop a card or letter and say so Present circulation, 550 copies. EDITORIAL STAFF. 7. Elliot R. Stewart, Editor and Manager. Mrs. A. G. Harris, Fairfield, N. C. Mrs. R. S. Cox, Engelhard, N. C. Mrs. Dan Berry, Swanquarter, N C. Miss Gladys Mason, Swanquarter, N. C. These will act as associate editors. . PREACHING SERVICES. First Sunday—North Mattamuskeet at 11 a. m. Fairfield at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Second Sunday—Fairfield at 11 a. m., Engel hard at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Third Sunday—North Mattamuskeet at 11 a. m. Rose Bay at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Fourth Sunday—Swanquarter at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., Rose Bay 3 p. m. Each Wednesday night, services are con ducted at New Lands at 8 p. m. B. Y. P. U. each Tuesday night at 8 p. m. at parsonage.—Welcome. Services at New Holland on Thursday night after the third Sunday, 8 p. m. REVIVAL MEETINGS ■uf Rev. J. L. Price of Pendleton, N. C., will aid in a meeting at Rose Bay Church beginning June 25th for ten days or two weeks. Meeting at Swan Quarter Dr. Obryon of Greenville, N. C.* will assist the pastor in a. meeting at.Swan Quarter, doing the preaching, July 15th for twelve days or two weeks. FUTURE CITIZENS There are millions of children in Sunday schools in this country. But there is room for still more in our school. Are there any children in your neighborhood who are not studying the Bible? Ask Them to Come to Our School Next Sunday Swanquarter and Rose Ba $ Baptist Churches % Rev. L. B. Oline Returned Missionary from China plans to visit our field and tell us of our mission work in China in November. He is the little man that draws large crowds. -o- . An error was made in the ad of Farmers Bank, Belhaven, N. C., in the April issue. It should have read “The Farmers Bank of Bel haven has purchased the bank building of the bank of Belhaven” rather than the Bank of Belhaven. This building is a larger, better equipped and nicer building. We congratulate Mr. Justice on his new h quarters. (Editor.) A STORY WITH A LESSON Not long ago a church member was out hunt ng. During the day a rainstorm came on. He crawled into a hollow log. When the rain began to fall the log began to swell, until he could get neither way. He thought his end had come. He thought of many things, and when he recalled that he had not paid his church dues he felt so small that he crawled out of the log without am difficulty. — -o JUNE MEETING Just a word about the June meeting at North Lake Church. This year seemed to be the best. We have had a large crowd; a big dinner, and real fellowship and worship were enjoyed. -o INLAND WATERWAY ' • fi The Inland Waterway draws nearer comple tion. Those in charge think the channel will be open by the latter part of July. Many of us then Will be living on the “Isle of Hyde.”