Under Auspices of Hyde County and North Carolina Sunday School Associations For All Smmday School Workers of All Denominations Saturday Night, June 30 8:09—Devotional. 8; 15 ^Clements of Sunday School Success. Miss Flora Davis, Raleigh, Associate Superintendent, North Carolina Sunday School Association. 8:45—Song. ? j. Record of Attendance. 8;i5—Meeting the Needs of the Child. Miss Daisy Mageve, Raleigh Children s Di vision Superintendent, North Carolina Sunday School Association. 0:25—Announcements. 9:30—Adjourn. • ]£% Sunday Morning, July 1 10; 30-—Devotional. j 10; 45—The Use of the Picture in Teaching the Child. Miss Daisy Magee. j 11; 15—Business Period: Reports of County and Township Officers. < Appointment of Committees. ! Record of Attendance. *»' ^ **-*•'’ j«':****e- - H j 11;35—Today’s Challenge to the Sunday School. Miss Flora Davis. 12; 10—Offering for support of County and State Sunday School Associations. 12; 25—Announcements. ; 12; 30—Adjourn. 1 Dinner at the Church—Everybody Come and Bring a Basket Sunday Afternoon, July 1 2:00—Song. • T ' * f * , ^ •+%**«&*** ^<5** 2:05—A Worship Service—Theme, “The Call of the Master and the Answer.” Con ducted by Miss Daisy Magee, 2; 45—Tbe Teacher and the Method, Mins Flora Davis. 3:15—^Discussion and Questions, Opportunity for the presentation and discussion of special Sunday School problems. 3:45—Business Period: Reports of Committees and Election of Officers. Place of Next Meeting. Presentation of Attendance Pennant. 4:00—Adjourn. Sunday Night, July 1 8; 00—Devotional. * p n $; */ \y J 8:15—Adults in the Sunday School. Miss Flora Davis. .-A* 8:45—Song. J 8:55—The Young People and Their Work in the Sunday School. Miss Daisy Magee. 9:20—Adjourn. fcfiwfriE*» T ' | < 0, L. WILUAMS, County President MRS. H. C. JONES, County Secretary