BUY BABY CHICKS NOW! Prices on broilers are higher than for several years, and rising. The present low prices of eggs will deter lots of people from buying chicks for next fall layers. This will make a scarcity of layers and eggs. More money will be spent in the country this year than ever before. Prices on both eggs and chicken meat will be higher next fall than in years. A brood of Superior New Hampshire or Barred Rocks will pay you big dividends in broilers, now. Sell the cockerels and keep the pullets for layers. For the most in eggs get Superior Hanson Strain White Leghorns. New Hampshire and Barred Rock chicks, $8.50 per 100; lots of 300 and over, $8.25. Postpaid. 100 per cent live delivery and full satisfaction guaranteed. White Leghorns, $8.50 and up. Mr. Guy Newby, Hertford, N. C, says: "I have been raising chicks for 25 years and never saw any as good as the New Hampshires I got of you five weeks ago. I got 103 and still have them all. They are the best I have ever raised, full of vigor, feathering and growing fast." Send us your order now and get your chicks when you want them. Hatches, Tuesdays and Fridays. SUPERIOR HATCHERY A. B. GILLAM, Prop. HERTFORD, N. C. Guard well ... j your spare moments. They I j? are like uncut diamonds. $j Discard them and their S ? value will never be known; y improve them and they will ! become the brightest gems in a useful life. Emerson. Fairfield Hatchery BABY CHICKS FOR SALE We expect to have Baby Chicks for sale each week now. S.C. Reds, Barred Rocks and S.C. White Leghorns. I will be able to furnish from 300 to 400 each week. Price per 100 is $7.00. Ask about our discount on larger quantities. $1.00 per 100 deposit required to book your order for future delivery. Let us know at once the KIND, QUANTITY and time you will want your chickens. J. L. BLAKE Fairfield, N. C. Ak MEMBER y That must meanme Try this remedy to get more to attending Sun day school and preaching services. "You bring the one next to you and I'll bring the one next to me. In all kinds of weather we'll all work together and see what can be done." Bring someone next Sun day and every Sunday. Become a follower of Christ and win souls to Him. Go to church Sunday. o PROB-ABILITY Gold is valueless until labor dibs it up and puts it to useful purpose. The diamond is worthless so long as it is hidden in its native clay. Of what good is the pearl lying on the ocean bed or enclosed within the mollusk's shell? The light hidden beneath a bushel casts no radiance, and in the sight of the world is darkness. Things which cannot be seen or felt by the people of the world have no reality, no existence. Often the man who fails complains thusly: "The world is unfair. Its honors and riches go to him who impudently pushes himself forward, rather than to the one with real ability." In these very words lies his failure. Ability, unless haled forth, harnessed and put to work, remains nothing more than mere prob-ability. Do a little pushing on your own account, for the world must know what you can do because it can avail itself of your abilities. And the world is very apt to take you at your own rating. o To be good is not enough: we must be good for something. Unfortunately weakness is often mis taken for goodness because it is harmless and brain less. Ability, ambition, achievement these must be added to give goodness true value. Combined they spell Service. And Service is no longer a mere word. It is a work. -o- Happiness consists of activity. Such is the con stitution of our nature. It is a running stream, and not a stagnant pool. PAGE 14