BURIAL ASSOCIATION HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING On November 11, members and officials of the Beaufort Hyde Mutual Burial Association held their annual meeting in the office of same at Swan quarter at 2:30 o'clock. Lawyer C. L. Bell, president, called the meeting to order. Election of officers resulted in the following: C. L. Bell, president. E. R. Stewart, vice president. Mrs. Lillian Bishop, secretary-treasurer. D. L. Berry, undertaker. Pratt Williamson, assistant undertaker. Board of Directors are: C. L. Bell, E. R. Stewart, T. J. Mann, J. E. Spencer, Mrs. C. R. Lupton, A. L. Gay lord and D.tL. Berry. Miss Grace Berry's resignation was accepted that she might take a position with the government at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Lillian Bishop was elected to succeed her. We believe that Mrs. Bishop will make a good secretary. All reports were optomistic. The organization continues to grow. We are now growing toward 3,000. There were 32 members that received the bene fits of a good burial last year. Total paid out in benefits were $3,150.00. The treasurer's report shows the institution to be in good condition. The organization has grown gradually year by year. More and more are getting their entire fami lies in it. It costs but a small amount each month. Everyone can afford to carry this protection. The undertaker, Mr. D. L. Berry, and Mr. Pratt Williamson, assistant undertaker, have given effi cient and satisfactory service. Several members present expressed how well pleased they were with the services rendered. Look up your policy and under "Rules and By Laws." Under Article eight. Any member failing to pay any assessment with in 30 days after notice shall be in bad standing and unless and until restored shall not be entitled to benefits. Also if change of address at any time you are to immediately send your old address and the new address. Don't forget this, for it is for your benefit. The way to get in is to apply to the secretary Mrs. Lillian Bishop or Mr. D. L. Berry or to a licensed member (each of the collectors) and pay 25 cents. And each month according to rates and age listed below. 1 to 10 years 5 cents. 10 to 30 years 10 cents. 30 to 50 years 20 cents. 50 to 65 years 30 cents. Patronize your home organization. Be prepared ! PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT IN ADVANCE Any member may pay his assessment monthly or he may pay any number of assessments in advance, in which case such members will not be further assessed until a like number of assessments shall have been levied against the remaining membership. 8 There are advantages to this: (1) One does not always have the amount, so if paid in advance when one has it there is no danger of getting in bad standing. (2) One does not have to worry about going to pay up each month. I (3) Then it helps to keep funds in the treasury to carry on. Mr. D. L. Berry reported that he had purchased S and installed a fireproof filing case to keep all rec ords and this was a good investment and for the safety of the members as well as Mr. Berry, our undertaker. o MISS GRACE BERRY CALLED TO WASHINGTON, D. C. Miss Grace Berry of Swanquarter, who has so faithfully and well filled her place as secretary treasurer of the Beaufort Hyde Mutual Burial As sociation for the past eight years, is to take up her new work at Washington, D. C, soon. Miss Berry kept her books in splendid condition. Her books were always found accurate. J She was nice and kind to everybody, won their confidence and made many friends. We regretted having to give her up, but this government position is a much better position. The organization more than doubled during her secre taryship. We wish her well in her new work and hope she has made the right choice. Miss Grace is a fine Christian lady and will fit in and work any where. o EASTER SERVICES Rev. E. R. Stewart is now planning two special messages for the fourth Sunday in March at Swan quarter. First, "A Pre-Easter Message"; second, "An Easter Message." The public is invited to at tend and worship with us. At Fairfield on April 13, at 11:00 o'clock, .he will bring an Easter message. An effort is on to get all the churches to help out in special music on that occasion. If you can sing and will, join with us in preparing this special music. The second Sunday night, April 13, the pastor will bring an Easter message at Englehard Baptist Church. The public is invited to attend. -o- GOVERNOR HOOEY'S ROAD PROGRESSING Governor Hooey's Road across Lake Mattamus keet is being extended every day. It is constructed f beyond two miles now. The Monogan drag line is to be carried away soon. The large sand sucker is making good progress. At times it is building as much as 90 feet in eight hours. They are hav ing it rough on the lake this windy weather. The right of way has been made on the opposite side of the lake. Many are anticipating riding across the lake on the new road by July 4. In the next 12 months many things will look different in and around Fairfield. It will no longer be a hidden vil- lage. ! o Fairfield High School graduating class antici pates a trip to Washington, D. C, instead of their banquet. There is much sickness of "flu," measles and mumps over the county. PAGE 2