Page 6, The Wake Weekly, Wake Forest, N. C., Thnrs., March, 5, 19*0 Wake Union NEWS ITEMS •••••••••••••••••••••••• Bv JIrs. Sndie Pratt Our pastor is showing filmstrips each Sunday at 7:30. Last Sunday right we saw, “The Triumphal En try and Ceansing of the Tempie'’, ■•the Passover Supper and BeTay- ai”. Sunday night there will be two fTms dealing with the "Trail and Cruciftsion of Jesus.” We invite you to join us each Sunday at 7:30. Last Saturday. Jack O'Neal s Ju nior Boys’ Class played the Wood- Innd Junior Boys in a game of bas- ketbalL We were defeated 44-14 too bad boys, better luck next time. The adult score was G3-61 in favor of the Woodland team, not to bad someone had to loose. ' two of our neighbor churches, iVoodland and Ridgecrest ladies ■r.eet with us. The S’jn’Deams will meet Sunday curing the worship hour. Mr. William Lowery is the deacon of the month. We were saddened at the sudden death of our Christian brother and teacher. Mr. Russel .klford. But knowing Mr. Alford, he would not have us grieve for him since he has reached that highest estate. The greatest trfoute we could pay to 'him is pick up that Cross that he 'cere and inarch. "For me to bve is ChrisL and to die is gain.” PhUippians 1:21. Little Shelia Ray has the mumps. Too bad you have to be out of scbooL Proper Viewing of Solar Eclipse Saturday Extremely Important - Youngsville Personals - YOUNGSY. HEAR1 COLLECTS OVER $t Bv MRS. W. T. HOLDEN One good look at a spectacular! which can cause permanent dam- Wednesday 7:30. our pastor. Rev. James Davis taught our W.M.U. Study Course book “Mission: Northeast”. We were glad to have Community Baptist By Kay White 24-Honr Oxygen-Equipped Ambulance Service PHO.NES: 556&4M or 556-3457 FOREST. .N. C This next week is an important week at most Baptist churches. Youth Week. During this week we put our Young Pec^le in charge. This Sunday evening is the begin ning and the next Sunday morning, it win end. Melodv Macon solar eclipse can be a blinding ex perience — literally 1 Scientists at East Carolina Uni versity hop>e their warning won't scare off pwtential visitors to the camp’us on March 7 when one of nature's rare spectaculars takes place: but they agree that the risk involved in viewing or photograph ing the eclipse warrants precautions. The sun. for all its life-sustaining beneficence is no resp>ector of ret inae. It can blind you. partially or totally, in one eye or both, de pending on how and for how long yo'u look directly at it. .Although they may steal a quick glance in the 5k>' to see how the sun shines, petele just aren't in the habit of staring at it. Any strong light can hurt the eyes and it just seems in stinctive to avoid that contact. .A five-second stare, for example, ] could be sufficient to do permanent damage. ! age. The same thing apjplies with cameras. Even with the proper neutral density or dark red filters mounted on the lenses of reflex cameras, don't chance looking through the viewfinder. No camera vie«-finder is safe to look through when aimed at the sun. There are. of course, several al- careful ternatives. although some are chan cier than others. For example, a piece of heavily smoked glass has sufficient filtration to pwrmit rela tively safe viewing for short per iods of time. Simpiy take any piece of window glass and move it slowly over the flame of a burning can dle until it is evenly and heavily smoked on one side. One word of caution: just a tiny smudge of the surface can undo your work, ruin its effectiveness, and p)ossible re sult in damage. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Duke of Epsom \-isited the E. J. Pearce family Sunday. Jimmy Moss, who is a student at VES. visited his parents over the weekend. The annual Heart Ftmd d . conducted in YoimgsvUle by C. F. TaUey, Jr. of Fuquay visited ■pi’oman's Club, is now successt his mother last Thursday. concluded, with total contribat Glen Evans spient last weekend amounting to S132.15. in Windsor. Mrs. B. F. Woodlief is \isiting As Heart Sunday Chairman, i H. H. Reddick was assist^ members of the Teenage clubi several clubwomen in soUci a’oout one hundred and five Oak Grove BAPTIST NEWS in Charlotte for several days with her daughter and family, the Ralph ^°Diimer guests of Mr. and Mrs. i Remaining donations came fror Jack Goswick this past Saturday I cal business men w ho were not; were Mrs. Annie W. Sherron ^f i tacted on Heart Sunday. Louisburg and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ; Sledge of Raleigh and Mrs. Fred j Holden. Bv Janet Cashe Recently our church has voted and placed an order for new bulle tins with the picture of the church in color. We feel that this wiU be more attractive, and are looking fciward to receiving them. This week our church has been Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Allen of Louis-1 burg visited the Fred Holdens Sun- j day. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chesson of Virginia Beach visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hall this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill and son, Jim of Gastonia spjent the past weekend here visiting with their] Holdens and the Mrs. Timherlake Entertains Club j .engaged in the Annie Armstrongi parents. B. P. ' mg instructions could cause them . w eek of Prayer for Home Missions, j W ilbur Hills. Another idea, safer but more in- to remove any visual barriers be- .q-jjjj jg held'each evening at 7:30.' Mrs. Nona Wheeler of Louisburg volved. is to bmld a small viewer iween them and the sun. j gy yjg time vou receive this there i visited Mrs. Grover Bailey and the using sheets of aluminized plastic pqi- everyone, hut children es- 'will be onlv two nights left for youj J. R. Sanders several days last ed WE SALUTE Wake Forest Rescue Squad FOR ITS CONTRIBUTION TO THIS COMMLATTY. charge of the services Sunday night ,March Sth. Sunday morning, March 15th those in charge are: Pastor — Betty Jeanne Darr. Pi anists — Anne Barnes and Marcella Phillips; Sunday School Supierin- tendent — Dexter Horton: Secre taries—Donna Anthony and Terrie NevU; Sunday School teachers. Adult — Melody Macon; Young Adult — Judy Batts; Junior — Hea ther Sears: Primarj- — Sherri Keith. Gay Marks; Beginners — Kathy Barnes and Pam Medlin; Toddlers — Robbin Macon. Debbie Medlin; Ushers — Donald Medlin, James Varney, Michael White, Brian Sears. Baptism of our new members For everyone, hut children es-' ■will be onlv two nights left for you | J. On impulse, folks will be tempt- ‘ and evenly exposed film. Sandwich peciaUv. the safest wav to watch to participate. Tonight the Mission week. 1 to slip on them sunglasses to the film between two pieces of the u,e eclipse is to do so with the back action group of the W.M.S. will be Charles W. Jones has returned to the sun. This can be accomplish- jn charge of the program. Friday home from Fort SUl, OMahoma ed easily by constructing a pin- night the G.A.’s will lead us in our where he has completed his basic i hole camera out of ordinary card- study. b-jard or a discarded linoleum tube. ■ As of March 1 our music direc- watch. thinking themselves safe. ■ plastic and. presto, a viewer. Tape Don’t try it with sunglasses. They the edges together or mount your is in fail to filter those rays of the stm sandwich in a cardboard slide mount (it doesn’t have to be very will take place Sundav afternoon remove the chance March Sth at 2:00 p.m. 'at the First of losing apiece. Aluminized plas- Mrs. C. V. Timherlake entep ed her Thursday night bridge 'i v.ith a party at her home, j the second progression the hot seiwed cherry cream pie with; fee. During play toasted pt and party mix and Coca Cj were served to the following g hers and guests, Mrs. E. R. 1 iington. Mrs. E. J. Pearce, , G. E. Winston, Mrs. B. H. Pa son, Mrs. B. G. Mitchell, Mri H. Parrish. Mrs. G. W. Barnes Mrs. Wiley Mitchell. Mrs. B Mitchell and Mrs. J. H. Parri^i ceived high score. training with the U. S. Army. Returning home from Fort Sill. Youngsville Mem Week of .March 9-12 Baptist Church. This is an tmpor- i.::nt occasion. Please try to attend. Sunday morning Mr. Tucker will speak on "The Seven Wonders of Jesus Christ.” The scripture is Isaiah 9:6-7. Sunday evening is the start of Youth Week with Melody Macon in charge. Nursery workers for March: Mrs. Milton Dennis, Mrs. Katie Marsh- aU. and Mrs. Cleo Parker. tic is available inexpensively from Form a rectangular box three to tor. Jean Pearce, began teaching! Oklahoma Saturday after complet-, , -Rnlwi ham K four feet long, or cut a tube to that a study course concerning the fun- ing his basic training with the U.S. r - ■ length. Qose both ends. Poke a damentals of Music. This study any scientific supply house and approximately one-eighth of Army was Gary Pleasants. anyone who owns a camera can expose film. Dr. R. M. Helms and Dr. Floyd Maithies. two ECU scieintists head ing up the ecUpse preparations, agree that neither of these ideas should be recommended for chil dren. Their natural curiosity and their lack of experience in foUow- an inch in diameter in the center of one end. Attach a piece of white course is primarily for the adult; and youth choirs; however all who are interested are welcome to at- beans. turnip greens, deviled; cake, bread, milk. ; Tuesday — Tuna salad, g Eddie Cantor made his first mov- j peas, candied yams, apple si hot roll and butter. mUk. Wednesday — Hot dog and t pork and beans, cole slaw, p Woodland News paper inside at the base, cut a hole ' tend. The study is being taught t nn thp Dpiawarp ab^e it for purposes of viewing, Ifiom 5:30-6:00 each Sunday after- .Camden, N. J. is on the Delaware and you are in business. Simply ' noon. *' aim the pinhole at the sun, stand . The church has received Mike back to it. and view through the i Copeland upon his profession of Woodlief opening. A “camera” made with ■ faith into the church membership, a yard-long tube or box will pro- ^ The date of baptismal will be set duce a solar image about a half- ; later, inch in diameter and wiU be per of their fecUy safe. You’ll Enjoy Our Delicious Home Cooking • We Have .\dded .Another Cook for Better Service • DEUaOUS HO.ME-M.ADE PIES D.\ILY North Main Restaurant 708 N. Main St., Wake Forest—^.A little distance, but weU worth it: Open 5:30 eum. to 8 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs,, Fri„ & Sat — Closed Wed, Afternoon and All Day Sun. By Mrs. J. B. .Mangum Again Sunday there were three Stmday School classes with 100^ perfect attendance: the Beginner, Junior Boys and Intermediate classes. The Junior Boys have organized a baU team and played the Wake Mrs. Jack MitcheU remains a patient at Wake Forest HospitaL Mrs. Pauline Shepherd has been on our sick list for several weeks. Mrs. Everette Mangum of Green- cUle. is in the hospital for observ a tion at GreenvUle. Mrs. Vernon Pearce entered Rex Olive Branch Church Plans Musical Prog'ram Sunday in the passing brother last week. j We hope you will worship at the church of your choice this Sunday.: We, as the church, would like to And if you are not affUliated with i extend our deepest sv'mpathy to any particular church. Oak Grove Mr. Hubert Alford and Mrs. Ben would welcome your attendance. I roU. hot roll. mUk. Tnursdya — Stew beef, cut ; toes, green beans, peach h hot roU. butter, mUk. Friday — Spaghetti with meaU ter beans or beets, buttered c cherry jeUo, hot roll, butter, i Neuse Baptist News Sunday. March 8 at 7:30 p.m., Mrs. Alley Lee will sponsor a mu- .■^ical program at the Olive Branch Baptist CTiurch. Rev. Carlyle Wil liams. the Hinton Family, Wood- By Mrs. Velma Chambers j male quartet. Rev. Lloyd Baker Go ye therefore, and teach all na tions. baptizing them in the name from the Philippines was our guest j speaker. He bought a wonderful message from Mark 6:32-42. His Union team Saturday afternoon. Hospital on Tuesday for surgerj-on i-nd Choir and manv others wUl be of the Father, and of the Son. and i “Jesus’s Compassion Our team won. Mrs. Sarah Woodlief is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bervin Woodlief. She will be there for several weeks. Mr. Elvis (Fed) Ross is a pa Wednesday. Mrs. Lucy Smith hasn’t been feel ing as well as usual, at her home, recently. Congratulations: To Agnes Bailey for being named to “Who’s Who on program. This program is for Holy Ghost. Teaching them; ^jjg jiultitudes of people say the benefit of the Building Fund. to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I ing. Give Them To Eat.” My: What a great message. Mr, and Mrs. tient at Wake Forest Hospital, fol- Among Students in American Ju- lc«ing an appendectomy on Satur- nior Colleges” recently. Agnes is day. a student at Wingate College. Douglas Fairbanks has been ad-' end of the world. Matt 28:19 . 20. mitted to the FasMon HaU of Fame! Sunday, March 1st Neuse Baptist as a representative of the “iver- launched another great missions petual^ symbols of excellence in campaign, seeking to obey the ’ i command of the above scripture. am with you alway. even unto the; ^luton Cqx joined the church. Sorry to hear Mrs. Betty Fowler I Strong Churches ^■g^g^0g^g^00g00g^g^ppgggagg^Fg^ccg^glg^l^^6!WW<^gpe!ggg^p«^g^g«^0lg0lflg^g!pg^gpPE^peu;g^g!S^€^g^€^g^gagg^g^e;g^g^gg^e;g^gig^l s our faith promise goal is $20,000.00. 5 j The amount the budget is $12,- Make Strong Communities *1 T. E. Holding & Co. SI 500.00. Total goal for the j'ear is ^ j $32,500.00. Last year goals were S S15.000.00, amount promised $24.- ^ 633.00, amount received $16,550.10. « Total given $27,006.31. We do thank was m Mary Elizabeth Hospital. We pray and trust she will be home soon and back in church. We are praying for all our sick which are too numerous to mention. Bright F unerall Home 24'Hour Ambulance Servv M.5 SOCTH MAIN STREI WAKE FOREST, ,N. C.) PHONE 556-5811 BOOKS And DRUGS Druggists Since 1883 Phone 55S-rT92 Wake Foresl Jones Hardware Co. v If a If If If If If » V If V » « i a » If If If If « If m W If If If If if if If w » Your G. E. Dealer for 34 Years “We Service What We Sefl” White Street Wake Forest Electric Motor Shop GOOJD’S WATER PUMPS So. White St. Wake Forest W. M. Woodlief Supply Co. Hardware. .Appliances .And Insnrant-e Phone 556-3977 Youngsville S & W Chevrolet, Incorporated Sales. Service and Wrecker Serv. Dial 556-3137 Nite 556-5254 Wake Forest N. C. & If » if If if ¥ Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company OF RALEIGH. V. C. Taste That Beats the Others Cold: I Wake Monument Co. I EATERL-ASTING MEMORTAI.S If If Dial w If _ If if .556-3422 ROLESATULE de Nijs Piano Service i and praise God for making aU this S • possible. If we can’t go in person. §' we can go by prayer and by purse. • TUNTNG • REPAIRING O REBLTLDING CaU Wake Forest 556-5413 Diazit Company, Inc. M-VSTT.ACTURERS OF WHITEPRINT MACHINES YOLTvGSATLLE, N. C. Hollowell’s Food Store Missionaries who will be speak ing and showing slides each night through Wednesday will be Rev. | Richard Todd from .Argentina, Rev.' L'oyd Baker from the Philippines, i Rev. Bobby Finch from Japan, and Rev. Bob Hughes from the Philip- i pines. We are expecting great and j successful serv ices by and through j the help of the Holy Spirit. j Everv one is inv ited to worship! with us anytime you possibly can.! AVe desire to share our blessings > with you. , There were 440 in Sunday School > Space “WE SAA'E A'OU MONEY ON TOUR FOOD BILL” WAKE FOREST, N. C. Si and around 600 for the 11:00 a.m. f i serv ice. Rev. Carey’s sermon topic ‘ s' s Gay Tire and Oil Co. was “The Christian Helmet.” This was a great soul stirring message. _ Our hearts rejoiced at the close i of the service to see 4 people go- •, f ing forward. 2 for salvation and 2 Tire Recapping — Delta Tires Phone 556-4141 ROLESATLLE General Cleaners And Laundry Pick-l’p and Deliverv Call .5.58-.3047 Wake Forest lor church membership. Pat Rob-. Novy Available - for - Immediate Occupancy Rogers Home ICF-A 624 N. Main Street Phone 556-3594 WAKE FOREST, N. C. Evans Lumber Co. eitson and Henry King. Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.. Rev. Richard Todd showed slides of his work in .Argnetina. -A great song service followed featuring our choir directed by Mr. Kay Hfil, and our Wake Forest Branch Hospital Patients Rough and Dressed I.umber WE BUT TIMBER Call 5,56-5766 Wake Forest Edwards Pharmacy A-l^ 5.1Z-24 If If ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ w ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ w V If If V ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Chappell Ford Mcr.scy M.'zoh 6:1-3 •Where Every Deal Is CUSTOMer Made” Phone 556-3241 Wake Forest T'.esccy 5:13-20 Wec-es^cy Es‘her -4:9-16 Arrington Electric Company, Inc. Electrical and Plumbing Contractors Dial 5.56-3243 Wake Forest Tr-j'se'ey ew 16J3-Z6 fr.ioy LAe 14:25-35 Mc'k 10:17-31 As you gaze at this scene of snoxv, ice, and leafless trees, your mind may skip ahead and picture green grass, abundant foliage, and a rippling stream. The very thought brings happi ness. Spring makes the difference. As grass, trees, and streams are fettered by uinter, so some lives are bound by doubt, unbelief, lack of faitb, and false ideas, 'When they come in contact with the Church, the love of God sets them free. They see new beauty in everything about them, and others see new beauty in their lives. As spring brings all nature to new life, so God's love makes human beings hap pier, gives them life more abundant. "So matter how strong the fetters which bind you, freedom can he yours through the Church and the message it brings to all. Why not accept that freedom today? “Your Prescription Center” Dial 556-3248 Wake Forest Athey Products Corporation Patients in the Wake Forest Hos pital Tuesday morning were Mrs. Virginia Dickenson, Mrs. Joyce Norwood. Mrs. Lois Daniel, Mrs. Hallie Harp. Mrs. Madge Winders, Mrs. Joan Peyton, Elvis Boss, Mrs. Bessie Mitchell. Mrs. Jes.sie Men denhall, Miss Sheila Cooke,, Mrs, Lector Piper, Mrs. Sadie Watkins all of W’ake Forest; Mrs. Lora AVheeler. Creedmoor; Miss Kay Shepherd and Mrs. Grade Beck both of Raleigh; Mrs. Margaret Hayes, Franklinton; Mrs. Lucille 2 I Carter. Morris Glenn, Abner Lewis * ! all of Young-svillc and Mrs. Rebec- * j ca Allen, Millbrook. % I Patients discharged Designers and Manfaeturers of Heavy-Dnty Loading and Hauling Equipment • Wake Forest Willis Funeral Service After*::-r Va. The Church Needs You - And Y ou Need the Church - Patients discharged this past ^ ! week were Mrs. Selma Perry, Mrs.. a n A a a a n * i Viola Perry, Mrs. Goldie Pleasants, John AA'hitiey, Willie Simpkins, Clif- i r-' ton Ferguson, Mrs. Mary Ann Low ery, Mrs. Irma Jones, B. H. Ed wards all of W’ake Forest; Mrs. Daisy Vick. Nashville; Miss Ter- * iry Smith, Millbrook; Mrs. Chariece * I Moseley, Stedmore; Mrs. Mary * 'Elizabeth Sneed, Franklinton and % Mrs. Pauline W’illiamson and * ; daughter of AVake Forest. 1 The Difference Is Worth The Distanc There Is A Difference ... Come and See SERMON TOPIC SUNDAY 11 A.M. 24-Hour .Ambulance Service Phone 556-3460 or .5.56-3467 W.AKE FOREST, N. C. This Advertisement sponsored by the businesses & industries Come to Church! listed, in the interest of a better community ' Come to Church BIRTHS ( Mr. and Mrs. James McCoy AA'il- liamson of AA'ake Forest announce, t’ne birth of a daughter, February! 24 at the Wake Forest Hospital. I Mrs. Williamson is the former Pau- AA The Lonesome Valley Nursery Provided Neuse BAPTIST CHURCH 7 Mi, South of Wake Forest on U.S. Hwy. 1 H. W. Carey, Pastor

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