al looking’ checks fuse Rolesville residents THE WAKE WEEKLY, Wake Forest, N. C., Thursday, Deceinber^L__1975_5 kLVIN MERCER i^eekly Staff Writer |h Carolina promotion lent out what looked lal check as part of l^ertising and for a lie several Rolesville thought they were jiher than they actual- ] appear to look like a |ck,” Louis Pearce, Police Chief, said, said he told one |ian in the bank that |k was no good and 1 check into it for him li-e me the check.” lidn’t argue,” Pearce Jhe bank teller had Mtold him it was no % *#11® contacted the Attor- iuMieral’s office which J the company in tSirolina. According to Jnderwood, manager will stamp the check as an advertisement. The letter received along with the check facsimile prom ised to make the check good if one came to South Carolina to consider buying ocean front lots. Underwood said two checks had been presented at the bank while six others were turned in as deposits by town merchants who had cashed them. He explained that since the people presenting the checks were local customers, the merchants probably did not look at them carefully. Underwood said the vouch ers looked like real checks because they were signed and made out to the individual person with “Know your endorser-require identifica tion” at the top. But the fact that the name of the company rather than a bank’s name was on the check made it worthless. § Rolesville News! By Ann Eddins tlilii ®»1 ceived several of the the promoters of Towers in Myrtle iad agreed to stop the misleading From now on, they 1 injured ne-car ral Carolina Bank, ck ike Forest man was about 10 p.m. Friday car turned over just the Rolesville town RPR 1003. ville Police Chief Pearce said Trooper Faulk was first on the )f the accident, but it over to the Roles- lice since it was inside iiini 'n limits. 'fill !e said Thomas Francis an off the road on the de, came back on the id lost control of his e vehicle turned over nd ended up on the f the roadbed. Wood en to Wake Medical and released the fol- day. •e did not have full of the accident Tues- ^ no charges had been It’s still under investi- he said. :e described the car as well battered,” but have a dollar estimate mage. § |d population is now I bUlion and increasing 1; percent per year. § Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T. Barham Jr. and children. Tommy and Wendy, attended the Christmas Band Cocert presented by the At lantic Christian College Music Department on the campus in Wilson. Their son, Randy, is a member of the band. Sunday, December 7, the Home Demonstration Club held a tea at the Wake Forest Community House. Those at tending from Rolesville were Mrs. Daisy Adams, Mrs. Nelle Patton, Mrs. Essie Williams, Mrs. OUie Bowling and Mrs. Mary Alderman. Mr. George Cox is at home after being a patient at Wake Medical Center. Mr. Leon Jobe is a patient at Wake Medical Center. Mr. Harry Lord is a patient at Duke Hospital. Mrs. Martha Weathers is a surgical patient at Rex Hospital. Saturday, December 6, Cir cle H of the Rolesville Church entertained the Golden Age Club with a luncheon at the Fellowship Hall. Approxi mately 80 people attended. Harold Parker and Mrs. Mamie Pulley entertained the gp'oup with music. Their menu included baked chicken breast, dressing and gpravy, butter beans, cranberry salad and juice, coffee and roUs. Grady Cribb has returned home after being a patient at Rex Hospital. Jay Eddins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Eddins, celebrat ed his first birthday on Sunday, Dec. 7, at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Phyllis Poole. Birthday cake, ice cream, nuts and Pepsis were served to the guests who were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Alford, Mr. and Mrs. nes Brothers Body Shop Auto Repairs & Painting naged & Operated by. Randali Cooper Rt. 3, Wake Forest iness Phone 556*4472 Home 556-5967 iiaaais ill rfili Cross Whoie Pound (fil resh Lean Ground ’’leef i«l£’ 79 moked Pork ib. Picnics 99' bounty Foir Bread 11/2 LB. Loaves ield Trial 25 ib. Dog Food bag The Most Wanted Ring in America Willard Eddins, Mrs. Diane Adams and David, Mrs. Patsy Woodlief and Marty, Scottie Wright and Jay’s sisters, Tammy and Terri. On Saturday night, Dec. 6, Chip Watkins was honored on his birthday with a steak supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Eddins. Chip and Jay Eddins celebrated their birthdays together with cake and ice cream. Joining them later were Mr. and Mrs. Danny Jobe. The Rolesville Ceramics Shop had a nice turn-out for their gp'and opening. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lair son wish to thank those who attended. Mrs. Forrest Broughton Sr. is a patient at Rex Hospital. Mr. Daniel Mann is a patient at Wake Medical Center. Mr. Ralph McGee is a patient at Northern Wake Medical Center. § Rolesville Baptists plan program Sunday night, Dec. 14, at 7:30 there will be an All Choirs Christmas music pro gram in the church auditorium. Wednesday night, Dec. 17, will be Family Night with a covered dish supper at 6:30. At 7:30, Dr. Alton Hood will be the guest speaker. § Davis-Jordan announced engagement Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Jordan of Route 2, Wake Forest, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Beverly, to Leroy M. Davis of Raleigh, son of Mrs. Lottie Davis and the late Mr. N. L. Davis. A July 10th wedding is HOG KILLING TIME— This scene has been repeated over and over again, not only at the June Elddins farm, but throughout the area as cold weather comes. Elddins and his crew set up an assembly line one day last week and did some hog killing for several folks. —Bob Allen photo Barhams entertain at open house Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T. Barham Jr. were honored on their 25th wedding anniver sary Sunday afternoon, Dec. 7, at their home in Rolesville. After greeting guests at the door, the couple directed them to the Memory Table where momentos of their wedding day, Dec. 10, 1950, were displayed along with the bridal gown. Also placed on the table was the guest register, presided over by Mrs. Barbara B. Mitchell, sister of Mr. Barham. The dining table was cov ered with a white linen cloth. Centered on it was a pink and white arrangement of carna tions, chrysanthemums, pink ribbon bows and greenery in a silver and crystal bowl. Silver appointments were used on the table. Guests were served anni versary cakes topped with a pink rose, tart shells with chicken salad, ribbon sand wiches, nuts, mints and pink strawberry punch. Miss Ai- leen Rogers, sister of Mrs. Barham and her maid of honor, poured the punch. Others serving were Mrs. Constance R. Mitchell, sister and the junior bridesmaid; Mrs. Louise M. Rogers, sister- in-law; Theresa Mitchell, a niece; and the couple’s daugh ter, Wendy. Special guests attending included the couple’s oldest son, Oscar Thomas Barham III of Raleigh and their mothers, Mrs. L. Norris Rogers and Mrs. Oscar Barham Sr. The couple received congra tulatory telephone calls from his sister, Mrs. Margaret B. Miller, in Pontiac, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Appenzeller of Guilford College (he was an usher in the wedding); and their son, Randy, who is a student at Atlantic Christian College in Wilson and unable to attend. Forty-eight guests called during the afternoon. § Rolesville parents invited to school Students at Rolesville Ele mentary School extend an invitation to parents and interested persons to attend a presentation Monday night, Dec. 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. The Primary Choir, which is composed of the 2nd and 3rd grades, and the Chorus, grades 4, 5 and 6, will present Christmas songs. They will be directed by Mrs. Jane Hoch, their music director. Miss Theresa Barham’s 4th grade students will present two plays, “He Won’t Be Home for Christmas” and “Christmas Doll.” § ACKS S. White St. - WAKE FOREST, N. C. OUTLET ANNUAL FAMILY / NIGHT DISCOUNT The Ring That CHANGES COLOR to Reveal Your Changing Moods Probably the moat intimate jewelry fashion ever. The Living Color Ring is so sensitive to your moods, your desires, your anxieties and thoughts. IT WILL CHANGE COLOR to reveal your most private feelings. As you react, your body energy reacts. COLOR CHANGES AS YOU WATCH IT. WHAT CHANGING LIVING COLOR MEANS When Color Is It Means BLACK -You’re “up-tight", tense BROWN -Worried or preoccupied GOLDEN —Having an emotional , change GREEN ‘-Your average level LIGHT BLUE -You’re happy, relaxed DARK BLUE -Feeling great. Warm and “with it ” HOW THE LIVING COLOR RING WORKS The stone is a beautiful crystal, treated with a special chemical that is super sensitive to your “al-lhe-moment” body energy. When you change... the ring changes too. Special Sale on RINGS For Men and Women Values To ^29’® Only Hurry for best selections now. Sale lasts thru Sunday, December 14th Only PHOTO GIFT IDEAS! 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SALE ITEMS AND LAYAWAY CANNOT BE INCLUDED Christmas Fixings in Stock SAVE ON A BAG FULL OF GIFTS YOU WILL PROUD TO GIVE BE «tXXX363tKK38aCX»tXKK38X383008X300tXa8X3SKKXXX3tXXXM83t3t3tXX8838^^