(rrt.T.KflPTy^ -V'' I)r. Whit Brooks, Sup’t Pub. Instruction. CEsurcJi ATotices. Pliilip’s (Episcopal) Church. "’Bervice at 11 a. ra. and 4 p. in. second Sunday in month, ^ conducted by Rev. D. II. Buell, S. T. D.; also, at same lioui-s on 4th Sunday by Rev. Mr. Rice. Offertory at every morning service. M. E. Chureii South- Service at 11 a. m. on the finst and third Sunday of each month. Rev. Victor York, Pastor. Baptist Churcli. Service on .second and fourth Sunday of each month. No regular pa.stor at present. Ij04lge Meetisig-. Dunn’s Rock Lodge, No. 207, A. F. and A. M.. iRegular monthly commuincation Friday before ti.ie full moon each montli at 7. p m. Arrival aaul 3>epartH.re of Mails For Hendersonville—Lejives daily at 7 a. m. From “ Arrives' “ at 3 p. m. For Asheville—Leaves daily at 7 a. m. From “ Arrives “ at 6 p. ni. Ti'avelen' Rest, S. C.—Tri-weckly.—Leaves at 5 a. m. ilonday, Wednesday and Friday; arrives on Tuesday, Thui-sday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Pickiyiis Court House., S. C.—Semi-weekly.— Leaves l\i}sday and Friday at 0 a. m.; arrives Wednesday and Saturday at 6 p. m. Cosher’s.—Tri-weekly.—Leaves on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at G a. m.; arnves on TuescLay, Thursday and Saturday at o p. m. M{)ncy Order business closes at 5 p. m. The law strictli/prohibits anyone except the Postmaster or his clcfrh from having access to the mails, or to the part of the office where the mails are opened and kept for delivery. B- C. LANKFORD, Postmaster. -V THE RAILROAD. It in with pleasure we inform our r(3atlers tliat tiie prospects ai^jjlj^t '^ Voi ’biir I’aiiroaiTi GTebri v'lTie is L) wire soon S200,000 to extend the road to the North Carolina line, and from {I private letter we are infonned that 5345,000 has been subscribed at Knoxville; Engineer Ramscur has been ordered to prepare the work for giving out at contract, and the survey through this State isproggress- Therefore, we need no longer have any doubts as to the early building of the road. Since writing the above we learn that instructions have been received hero to place before the people the matter of voting a subscription to the road; and we expect the County Commissioners will, at an early day, , give some definite information on the subject, ^The wife of the Attorney General of the State, Mrs. Tlieodorc F. David son, departed this life after' a long illness at her father’s home at Alex ander’s on the 24th inst. She was interred at Asheville, the home of her husband. THE HOTEL. Now that there is no longer doubt that the Carolina & Knoxville road will be built through the beautiful valley of the French Broad, at an early day, it- is hoped that some man who has capital and experience will seriously consider the advisability of the building of a hotel of large capac ity at Brevard. The time is not distant when Bre vard will be no mean rival to sister vns ofmuch greater pretentions at present, and we j^pPvHIEt some party will be induced to view the field and become acquainted with our many advantages, which would in sure the success of a large and ele gant hotel. in^ .cution) at Charlotte. The contract has been given for a new graded school building at Greens boro. It is to cost 511,970. A man at Durham took a sack of salt, weighing 250 lbs., in his teeth and walked across the store with it. Gov. Scales has consented to be present at the Grange Encampment at Mt. Holly and make the onenina: speech. The Democrat says two now brick buildings are to be erected at tire poor house of Mecklenburg county for the benefit of the destitute of tin? county. The Governor has appoiirted W. C. Fields, Esq., a director of the State Penitentary, vice E. L. Vaughan, Esq., of Allegany county, resighed. The Wilmington S7a?’Bays that ex tensive beds of lignite have been dis covered in Bladen connty, near the Cape Fear River. It is possible that coal will be found. The regular annual meeting of the N. C. Pharmaceutical Association was held Wednesday, at Asheville. At the same thno and place the N. C. Board of Pharmacy met for the examination of candidates to prac-- tice pharmacy. —n-- The horseof Mr. George Strickland, of Franklin county, took fright at a cow while he was driving along the road, ran away, threrv him out of the buggy and '•''llod him. A .rpn frmYi T.exinaton to taiem in thme ilo’urs tiiu^ustSaTTri- day week, (that hot Saturday) drop ped deadjust after reaclunghis des tination. Indict the man who drove him. judgements aggregating 514,200, held by James Ken worthy, a w^ealfiiy man ufacturer. The business failures occurring throughout, the country during the last seven days numbered for the United States 147, and for Canada 25, or a total of 172, as comjiared with a 'total of 179 last week, and 154 the week previous to the last. The Minneapolis (Minn.) Chamber of Commerce, appointed a committee to meet with other committees to ex tend an invitation to President Cleve land to visit Minneapolis on his pro posed Northwestern trip. Mr. S. L. Frady, of Asheville, who was here a short time ago, h:i.s reiitinl the Jerry Rich lioose, a mile from town, and is iiov,- occupying it with his family, The Asheville Citken advocates extending an invitation to President Cleveland to visit that city on his return from Atlanta. I le has also received an invitation to visit Memphis. 'Mr. a. F. Walters, who carries the mail from Brevard to Hendersonville, lias just had a buggy i)laced on the route, and will liere- after carry passengei’s from one town to the other. Mr. Walters is an accommodating man, and those who pa tronize him will have no fault to find. The fare from one town to the other is $1.20, which is very reasonable. and large hotel must be built. It ■^ill not injure the business of the private families where boarders are taken. On the contraiy, the demand for private boarding houses would increase. There is not a plac-e in the Soutli where a big hotel is so bailly needed, or where one would pay as well. The Advance says that “a tine speeimeiia^ California Salmon was caught in the Frencli Who it? The health of Transylvania is now very good, the dysentery which prevailed in t lower end of the county having subsided. The two falls on Cathey’s Creek are called —the lower one “Sonfla,” and tlie upper om “Wilfla.” They were so named by Dr. Georgt Glazener. The work around our pitblic well, wliicli Mayor Farmer has just had done, is a ^ job as far as it goes Some arrangement should be made for carrying olf waste water. We regretfully record the fact that a cit izen of Brevard has been fined'$5 for the violation of a towui orrlinance, and is also cliarged with resisting an ofiiccr in tlie dis charge of his duty, 'rhis is a BtJite case, and the defendant Wiis bound over to ap pear before ’Squire Shipman on {Saturday, The man who will interfere when a sale of real estate is being made, and advise the owner to go up on the price charged, thus possibly preventing a trade, is an incubus upon tlie grm-th and prosperity of a town. Any community would be mtu^h better off if he would eitlu'i* die or move away. We hope we have no slch benighted heathen in our town. We \^ant sensible and progressive men to help mild up Brevard. We would like to inquire what prepara tion, if any, is being maiie for the opening of our school thk fEill ? Tliere is a very great responsibilityj resting upon a Christian people in tlie education of their children; and wliere this duty is neglected the parents nimst sufi'er the odium al^ched to those who neglect their offspring. Mb could and slrould Iiave a most flourishing setool at Brevaid. “'M'hat kind of schools do tiiey have ?” is a question asked by everyone ^^^len contemplating moving to Mrs. Cleveland was twenty-three years old last Thursday. Hon. Z. B. Vance delivered an ad dress in Asheville before the State normal school. Mr. Sylvanus Cobr, Jr., a story- writer of surpassing popularity, died last week at his home at Hyde Park, Mass. The Raleigh News-Observer speaks in glowing terms of the inagnifleient resorces of our mountain country, hospitality of the people, and the wonderful and lovely scenery. The total capital invested in 18S7 in the fourteen Southern States is greater by 597,574,500 tiian during 188G. Alaliama siiows the largest increase, with Tennessee second. The advisability of an ordiunce prohibiting womer. from wearing Mother Hubbards on the streets has bf-rn under consideration by the commissioners of the town of Mocks- ville. The business affairs of ex-Congress- man J. W. Reid are again said to be satisfactorily adjusted by frienjds and relatives in this State ancKVir- ginia, and that he will leaveCana dian soil an at early day. // Rocky Mount Pheeix: OiV Friday night, between 9 and 10 o’clock a bolt of lightning struck thelkables of Mr. T. E. Powell, near Golcti Rock, and killed two valuable hors'ss and a fine ox. The stiibles caugM on fire, but the rain put it out. \. Scotland Neck Detnocrat: f1^ , thousand barrels of fl our are brough fi:^ and any Scotland Neck yearly by our farmers. ■Was there ever a greater economic blunder committed by any people since the beginning. An Exchange says: The recent assessment of property in Cuniber- 56(Jo^inere were eleven townships. weighed 7-J potmds. Borne y ;ar U. S. Fish Commissioners distributed several hundred of the small Salmon in the h'rench Broad and it.s tributaries near Aalieville, and this is thought to be one of them.” We have not heard that any specimen of these fine fish has yet been caugiit in this locality. ■Why don’t those who own plenty of real estate, and have no money, sell part of their land to raise money for improvements ? Life is short; so do not wait for some one to give you a ti’emendous jjriee for your land—you may not live to get the price you think you ouglit to have. Improve your property, and you increase its value. Do not wait to have somebody else improve it for yon. We direct attention to the advertisement of B. C. Lankford, Esq., who recently bought out the livery business heretofore conducted by Mr. M. D. Cooper. Mr. Lanlcford has added additional stock and vehicles, and is prepared'to furnish saddleJioi-ses or teams at ^rtyjime] Th(5n8 are so many points of in terest within our chai-ming valley, that we predict Mr. Lankford’s horses will have little time for rest during the summer and fall. A DOG bit one of Mr. W. B. Duckworth’s children. Mayor Fanner had the dog killed promptly. The same dog, wliich belonged to Mr. Duckworth, some time ago bit one of Mr. Hampton’s children severely. There are too many dogs in the community. It is frequently the case that dogs rush from the yards and attack peiBons walking along the street, especially after dark, which is of course well known to the brute’s owner, but wlio cares nothing. The public highways for the convenience of people, notdo^; would be perfectly justified in killing a dog if lie is attacked by him on the street or road. Keep your dogs on your Fob* SaSe, W’e ^'ill ofier special inducements to those who have Farming, Mineral or Timber lands property and three men from each township, There are ninety-six counties in the State, so the cost to the State will not be less than 550,000 or 560,000. If their duty has been conscientiously performed it is money well spent but if they failed—what then? The United States Department of Agriculture reccommends the des truction of cut worms before the setting of plants. The mode is to place cabbage or turnip leaves in Rattle SsiaSies. ^ Mr. S. S. WiiiiON, who resides a few mil» from town, had a snake adventure a few days ago, and narrowly missed being bitten. erfnre sell it, asking for no pay till a sale i;- 'made. This gives you a good op portunity—not only to sell, but to get the very be^t prices for your property. And you do not have to nay until the property is sold. You cannot expect to sell so quickly, nor good a price for wliat you have to sell, by any other means as by advertising. 'me to our office, or write to us, and give a description of the property, and we ill begin the advertising immediately. Advertising does pay; and those who are in business and do not advertise are'blind to their own interests. Tliis is the experence of all successful business men. ping over a log, with his foot too near the ground -on the opposite side to withdraw it before putting it down, he saw a rattle snake directly under the edge of the log and in a position to indicate he had just struck. The imminent danger inspired Mr. Wilson with strength and activity to get out of reach be fore the snake could strike again. He then attacked his snakeship witli a shovel and cut its head off. As the beheaded reptile seemed to continue singing, lie drew it from the log and found a pilot snake concealed under the leaves. After killing the pilot, Wilson con cluded to take a peep under the log; and as he stooped another rattler stmek at liim, and barelv missed his face. After killing tlie fourth snake—a pilot—was found, which also killed, when ^Mr. Wilson took a fresh chew of tobacco and went b(ymc. rows 15 or 20 feet apart all over f,he j third one, and as he was dragging bin) out fields, and about the same distance ' ' ’ apart in rows. The leaves are first dipped in a well stirred mixture of a to'blespoonful of Parris green to a bucket of water; or they may be first dampened and tlicn dusted with a mixture of one part' of Paris green to 20 of fiour, and placed carefully with the (.lusted surface next to tlio ground: / 2Ie8s!i Yoma’ JPaper. Tlic Statesville Landmark is one ot the be weeldy pajiers in the State. II. is also one ( the best sustained. It publishes more lette from the j.'oople—more neigliborhood —th:in any ])aper we know. Be Reasonable. Before the city of Birmingham, Ala, was located, the capitalists were anxious to im prove I-liyton, the county seat. But the real estate owners of the latter village, thinking that a town could not be built anywhere else in Alabama except on their land, put the prices of building lots up to a figure which made themselves ridiculous, and drove off the buyers. The result was that the town of Bir mingham was laid out, not far away from Elyton, And while Birmingham rapidly grew to be a flourisliing city, Elyton went as rapidly down liill, until lots which the owners thought ought to be worth a hundred dollars could not be sold for five. The avaricious old fogies who liad a chance to sell their property at reasonable prices, and help to build up Elyton, but would not, bitterly repented the folly of their grasping demands, and died poor and miserable, whereas they expected to kick the bucket with untold wealth at their disposal. The above are facts, which contain a moral. Old Relics. Some old and interesting relics of the early days of our State and of the Government were h inded to us the other day by Mr. S. S. Wilson. Ai 'png them is an almanac which waspr’ti^Tdi jjring the Presidency of George Sheetings, Shirtings, Spun Yarn, Jeans, etc. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Best Brands of Celebrated Sweetwater Flour. Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, Salt, Lard, with a splendid lot of other staple Groceries. S®“WANTED—5000 lbs. HIDES. 5000 lbs. WOOL. FEATHERS AND BEESWAX. Be sure and never fail to see our goods before you buy, for We certainly can give yon some close prices. Brevard, N. C. (J. C. PATTON & CO. A CONUNDRUM. Why will Brevard merchants go to Ashe ville for Flour, Grain and Bacon, when they can do as well in Hendersonville at ' EAGAN & COLLINS’? If you want a fine Canton Reaper, or a Tennessee Wagon, come and see ours before going elsewhere. Y’ours respectfully, EAGAN & COLLINS. T. L CLARKE, Ceratractor and Bxdlder. Asheville, N. C. All work guaranteed. Designs furn ished on applwaiion. Churches and Colleges NATT ATKINSON & SON, ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate on commission in Western North Carolina Our list of Farms, City Property, Grazing, Timber and Mineral Lands is likely the largest and most complete that can be furn ished in the State. We have nearly five hun dred acres of Asheville subttrban property that we can offer at prices that defy compe tition. Investments in this one line of 'prop- erty insures, by the increased valuation, more than one hundred per cent, before the close of another year. Nice LitUe Farms near the city at very low rates. Send for price-list, and any particulars desired. We also publish the “Land of the Sky,” a montlily Magazine devoted exclusively to describing and illustrating Western North Carolina, “the Switzerland of America.” price $1 per year; sample copy 10 cents. NATT ATKINSON & SONS, (P. 0. Box 405) Asheville, N. C. Telephone call 49 Refer to the leading citizens of Asheville and Western North Carolina. BOOKS! Seliool Books Ashev^N. C. Carries all kinds • of Books. Makes a spec ialty of School Books, School Supplies, Blank Books and Writing Papers. Write to me for anything you want that is kept in a first-class Book Store. Special rates to Teacliers. Prompt attention given to orders by mail. J. N. MORGAN. Tliomas^eflereon Secretary of State, tains a list of “Duties on goods imported into the United States of America, by an Act of; Congress of the 4th July, 1787,*” laws regarding foreign-built vessels, and for the regulation of custom-houses; lists of officer’s of the government, Senators and Congress men, a,iid the calendar. Tliere are two bills of Continental Cur rency'—one of eight dollars, by act of Con gress at Philadelpliia, May 9, 1776, and the other of sixty dollars, by act of Congress at same place, September 26, 1778. They pre sent. rude specimens of letter-press work, but are printed on good, and thick linen paper, Four other bills are North Carolina cur rency—a $10 bill, jn-inted “By authority of ('ongress,’’ at Halifax, ,‘\j)i’il 2, 1776; and three otl;er bills of the denominations of one-fiiurtli of a dollar,, one dollar and ten dollars, by ac.t of the Assembly at Hills borough the 8th of August, 1778, entitles the bearer to receive the face value of the bill in .“^jpanish milled do.llars, or the value thereof in gold or silver.” Tlicse are all Tliat is the way ' piintel on good paper, but in very unartistic Suliscribo for ite for its columns. Do alone to do everything, There are still 20,000,000 acres of, ,,, -r,. - , -i -i • 1 i i. I !tnd then find Tault witli him il Jus paiier is GoverniiKnit land in Dakota open to | aettiement, but .it is being biken up : to make it mch.—Henderson. Gold Leaf so fast that the whole will he gone [ Every word of the above is true. Wehopc'k'^' within the next three years, it is said, j Qm- friyiMs will bestir themselves witliout dc-' and the best of it within the vear or*voar and a half. ityle. 'fhey arc about on a par, in this respeect, witli ilie sutler’s shin-plasters with which we were all so familiar from ’61 to ’65. On all the North Carolina bills, except the one- fourth of a dollar bill, is printed the words “Death to counterfeit.” Wliy it was omitted ti tliis one is difficult to imagine, unless currency was so worthless tliat tliere was no I'ear of anyone wasting paper in counter feiting a bill of such very small denomina tion. 'riiese relics constitute a rare collection. But want to inform you that my stock of GROCERIES is full and complete, and prices will be found low. Don’t fail to give me a call when you visit Asheville. A. D. COOPER, North side Court-house Square, C-orner main and College sts. ■ University of North Carolina, CHAPEi. HILL, N. C. The session is divided into two terms: the fii'St beginning the last thursday in August and ending at Christmas, the second beginn ing early in .January and ending fii-st Thurs day in .Tune. Tuition, $30.00 for each term. For room rent and service, $5.00 per term. Those uiialfle to pay tuition are allowed to give their notes, secured if possible. Tuition in the Normal Course .free. Post Graduate instruction also free. The Faculty is now sufficiently strong to give instruction in a wide range of studies. For terms in the Law School apply to Hon. John Manning, LL. D. For Catalogues ap- jfly to W. T. Pattei-sou, Bursar, Chapel Hill, N. C. For special infoniiatioii apply to KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. D. S. D. HALL, Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C., DEALER IN All Family Groceries, FLOUR, MEAL, BACON, LARD, SUGAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, &c. Bring your Produce to my store, and buy your supplies from me. All ray Goods are fresh, and are sold at tlie lowest possible prices. Stop and examine my goods and learn my prices when you come to Asheville, even if you do not make a purchase. I. MALONE, J. W. BOWMAN, Asheville N. C. BakersviUe,.N. C. Malone & Bowman, H aving formed a copartner ship in the practice of the law, will do business in several of tb'=‘ counties of the 11A and 12th Circuits, counties of"'^^syivania, Madison and Buncombe. Wiil practice in the United States Court and the Supreme Court of tlie State. Controversies in regard to land titles made a specialty. WALTER W. VANDIVER, Attorney-at-Law, - Ashevi.Ue, N. C. Practices in all the courts of Western North Carolina, NEW Furniture Store. W. A. BLAIR & CO., 37 Patton Avenue (Graliam Building) Asheville, N.'C. Are opening up a large and splendid assort ment of NEW FURNITURE of all styles, and complete and elegant in w’oi'kmausliip. BED ROOM and PARLOR SUITS LOUNGES (Single and double) BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, etc. And everything tliat can be found in a FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STOKE.

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