COMMUNITY LIAISON ORGANIZATION for SUPPORT, EDUCATION and REFORM MARCH 1988 Asheville, North Carolina No. 7 MARCH MEETING SCHEDULE 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/2: NORTH CAROLINA PRIMARY SNEAK PREVIEW - The North Carolina primary election is next Tuesday (3/8), and we need to be aware of what all the candidates' views are regarding the issues, especially that of AIDS-funding. Gay rights, and other concerns to gay men and lesbians. A short summary of each candidate's views will be presented followed by discussion. Come and find out about who could be the next President before you vote. Then, please(!) remember to vote on March 8th. 20 QUESTIONS - LIZ will lead what could be called a "Group Profile" ses sion this evening. No more details than that for now; come prepared to spend a fun time . I^YSIGAL FpNE^G - far yhe »ay and! le Educat^o.h Director wh^ waj^mi^t need fT 5 Is 7 I n Ij^epd con UNCA, klTOW -J' X()5-cw' Cir f\i^^ Y' ng with munity, 'Ms . /HtLEN /tjARREL . will be’ 1 eatured/thus ey4n j^ncejyairig/keeglng \ury4teaV_bod c|ur Series on health and ^relat^d Assi; '' Ing GODDESS RELIGIONS/WOMEN'S SPIRITUALITY - Victoria Maddux will lead a dis cussion of feminine values as opposed to masculine values in how most of the world views religion and spirituality. This will hopefully be the first in a couple of programs dealing with Gay and Lesbian spirituality. 3/29 DIGNITY - This evening we will have the opportunity to learn about this Catholic group of Gay men and Lesbians who strive to be a part of their church while dealing with that church's negation of their lifestyle. (Note: This is a tentative date for this program and could be changed at the last moment. Details will be forthcoming.) NOTES & NEWS [[[[ On Sunday, March 13th, try not to miss what sounds like an excellent film by Lesbian writer/director Patricia Rozema. The title? I've Heard the Mermaids Singing, at Cinematique. ]]]] The monthly meeting of S.A.L.G.A. (Southern Appalachian Lesbian & Gay Alliance) will meet on Sunday evening, March 6th, at 6:30 p.m. Where? 5 Chiles Avenue (Rich a Ernie's). This is a vege tarian pot-luck meeting. Park across the street in the church lot.