December, 1963 OLIN CORPORATION Vol. XV, No. 12 Values For Living By Torn Haggai You are reading this while you must be foot weary, head weary and body weary. All businesses seem to accel erate before Christmas — then the Christmas parties — kids in church music — gifts to buy — tree to trim — money to spend. If we are not careful we can almost destroy the Christmas spirit before Christmas Day arrives. So I’ve chosen some thoughts that I hope may help rescue your Christmas. Gerald Bath, of St. Augustine, Flor ida, relates one of his favorite stories as being that of a missionary teacher in Africa. Before Christmas, he told his native students how Christians, as an expression of their joy, gave each other presents on Christ’s birthday. On Christmas morning, one of the natives brought the missionary a seashell of lustrous beauty. When asked where he had discovered such a beautiful shell, the native replied he had walked many miles to a certain bay, the only spot where such shells could be found. I think it was wonderful of you to travel so far to get this lovely gift for me,” the teacher exclaimed. His eyes bright ening, the native answered, "Long walk, part of gift.” Another beautiful story on the very true art of giving concerns compassion. An American journalist was covering a savage area of fighting in Vietnam and came upon an advanced medical post where a nurse was preparing a wounded man for surgery. The man was bloody and filthy but the nurse went about her errand of mercy with- Merry Christmas To All From Olin broken dream I cannot wind. If I had come to Him before, And laid them on the stable floor, Not scratched and finger-marked with sin, How new and gay they would have been! Yet strange things catch a Baby's eyes — There in His Hand my frayed heart lies. " Never be afraid of giving up your best, and God will give you His better. As Thoreau so beautifully expressed it: "A man is rich in proportion to the things Twelve Employees Complete Thirty Years Service The following employees become eli gible for Service Clubs during the month of December, 1969. he can do without. Sell your goods and keep your thoughts. Each of us; has a contribution to make to life; ours m is the task of discovering what that is and doing it with a willing, generous spirit. CUSTA perman said some evidence of man’s inh “MS® nder ¬ man and, at the s the wonderful proofjof hui ness and skill, the ri softly, "Sister, I we dn’t do that for a million dollars.” The nurse, without stopping her busy fingers for a mo ment, replied even softer, "Brother, neither would I.” It is wisely said that "The glory of life is to love, not to be loved; to give, not to get; to serve, not to be served; to be a strong hand in the dark to another in the time of need; to be a cup of strength to any soul in a crisis of weakness. This is to know the Glory of Life.” Mary H. Dwyer wrote a lovely little poem, "Toys For A King” which we should take note of during this gift-buying sea son. "What gifts to please a little Boy, Who has the whole world for His toy? Through Him, with Him, and in Him, live, The lovely playthings I would give. Black branches traced on afterglow; Blue moonlight on the wind- glazed snow; Music, and singing words — but these, were always His. Upon my knees, I cannot ask a King to take, The stars He watched His Father make. Here on the clean straw of His Throne, I lay the only things I own — A battered will, a raveled mind; a and wonderful you. Tom Haggai tel Townley" Finishing - L. Batson Machine Room rne L. Gash .... Machine Room Marshall Ballard ...-... .--Maintenance John P. Collins Machine Room Joe McJunkin Refining Thomas J. Stroup Machine Room Film Will Operate Message Center At Potato Chip Show A message center will be operated for the twelfth consecutive year by the Olin Film Division at the 33rd Annual Potato Chip Institute International Con ference and Exhibit. The show will be held at the Shamrock Hilton Hotel, Houston, Tex., from Feb. 1 through Feb. 6. The Olin Message Center will be conveniently located just inside the en trance to the exhibit. Visitors can receive and post messages on a bulletin board, and Olin will provide a staff to receive incoming telephone messages and enable show goers to call outside the hotel on a direct line. The latest world and financial news will be pro vided at the center by a teleprinter from one of the wire services. Information on Olin products and services of special interest to potato chippers also will be available at the Olin display. This will include mate rial and samples relating to "V” 5, polymer coated cellophane, and PCG, polymer coated glassine. Also available will be information on Olin’s "Red Briefcase” line' of customer services, such as' the’ publicity, recipe develop ment and packaging design services. Film division personnel attending will include: G. W. McCleary - Director of mar keting; D. E. Chaney - Southern re gional manager; D. R. Dehon - Assist ant advertising and promotion mana ger. M. Ned Medford.... .Control Thomas L. Conley Maintenance 25 YEARS Lillie G. Galloway Finishing George O. Taylor Storeroom 15 YEARS Adam Justice .... .... Instrumentation Harold E. Searcy 10 YEARS Henry L. Jones .. . Rod Finishing Charles E. Hudson . .. Shipping & Rec. James W. Owen Inspection John C. Corhn, Jr. Machine Room 5 YEARS John H. Lambert . Plant Eng. FILM DIVISION 30 YEARS Hubert E. Batson Coating William W. Gillespie Chemical Fulton R. Holliday Chemical BI-DIVISIONAL DEPARTMENTS 40 YEARS William A. Hannan ... ... . Controllers Personnel Changes William M. Millner, Controller for Olin’s Fine Paper and Film Group, re cently made several appointments in his department: C. S. Cook was named Assistant to Controller. R. H. Dowis has assumed the duties of Assistant Controller - Ecusta Finan cial Analysis. R. J. Nicholson became Assistant Controller - Film Financial Analysis. Walker Millner was appointed Su pervisor - Manufacturing Cost Ac counting, reporting to Mr. Nicholson. C. S. Bolt, Financial Analyst, will work for Mr. Nicholson in Film Finan cial Analysis. According to George A. Wallace, Director of Marketing, Fine Papers, R. N. Bailey has been named Marketing Services Manager. As such, Mr. Bailey has assumed responsibility for Sales Service, Advertising and Sales Promo tion, Technical Service, Distribution Development and Market Planning. The managers or supervisors of those functions will report directly to Mr. Bailey who in turn will be responsible to the Director of Marketing, Fine Papers. R. E. Matthews, Director of Market ing, Tobacco Industry Products, an nounced the appointment of John R. Thompson to National Manager, To bacco Industry Products. Reporting to Mr. Thompson will be J. W. Town send and Mrs. Peggy Toole.