Olin news Vol. XX No. 3 THOUSANDS ATTEND ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM Olin employees extended a hand of welcome and the response was terrific. The 35th anniversary of the industrial complex at Pisgah Forest was a success by any standard. Open house to employee families and guests, and to the public in general, spanned the four day period May 15-18 and included an evening schedule May 16. For employees and guests alike, it was a fun time. The hard job of getting ready was in the past. It was a time to entertain the hordes of visitors and to show (Continued on page 4) GROUP PRESIDENT COMMENDS EMPLOYEES Group President Garza Baldwin, Jr., issued the following message May 22: "TO: ALL EMPLOYEES “The Open House commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the founding of our businesses here at Pisgah Forest was a resounding success. It was a success only because each and everyone of you did your part to make it successful. I congratulate you on the result you achieved. "Your complete cooperation in preparing for the event, your eagerness to help our visitors, your cheerfulness during the tours, your positive and constructive attitude throughout the entire week, and the con dition of the plant and grounds made me proud to be associated with you and with Olin. I know it must have made you proud too, as you observed the reaction of our visitors to the hospitality you extended to them. "All of the comments I heard from those who visited us were highly complimentary of you. The friendliness and warmth of our Wade McKinney at 93 was the oldest known open house visitor. OPEN HOUSE ISSUE 1974 His sparkle matched that of the charming young lady, one of the younger, whose hugging of a bal loon inspired some trick photogra phy. VISITORS' LETTERS ARE HIGH IN PRAISE Open House visitors were generous with their letters following the 35th anniversary celebration. Many students wrote notes of thanks, often entire classrooms sending letters as class assignments, and there were numerous illustrations with the notes. The letter- drawing on the back page speaks for itself. people and the cleanliness and attractive ness of our plants and grounds were men tioned time after time. These comments were genuine expressions of sentiment and were generated by the things you did in support of this effort. "Let me repeat my congratulations and thanks to you, and express the hope and belief that we will maintain and build upon this feeling of pride and respect we have for each other and for our work place." A sampling of the letters follows: D. W. Hile, District Ranger, U. S. Forest Service ... I’d just like to . . . express my thanks for the hos pitality and education demonstrated by your personnel at Olin’s suc cessful Open House. I took all three of your tours and was most im pressed by the enthusiastic atti tude of your employees . . . enjoy ing this event as much as the visitor. These men and women who came (Continued on page 6)