1 JULY 1974 AUGUST vHnW from John M. Henske: Some thoughts on new Olin The following comments are taken from two talks by Olin’s president, John M. Henske, one before the Olin Works Management Club at East Alton, the other to a group meeting in Stamford on internal communications programs. “In the new Olin, let’s not settle for anything less than excellence. We can’t have an excellent company unless every one of us pulls in the same direc tion. We all have our own personal ob jectives. But if they’re not in harmony with what the company is doing, then there’s a conflict—and we ought to get it resolved. It’s better to thrash it out than have each of us going in his own direction... “We are going to concentrate our re sources on businesses where we can be fully competitive with the best. We don’t need to be ‘me too’ in any product line. We don’t intend to be. “We need better internal communi cations so we can identify with the whole company, not just part of it. We all need to play a greater part in Olin. We’re not just passengers along for the ride. If the company’s to be a different company, every one of us has to do something different than in the past. . . “We used to be taught that responsi bility and authority went hand in hand, that you couldn’t have one without the other. I think that’s baloney. Every in dividual is responsible for Olin’s suc cess, regardless of his authority. Each of us is paid to make this company better... “People get authority after they ac cept responsibility, not the reverse. Everyone should be free to suggest, to make or try for change. Not just man agement, but right down the line . . . “A dependent organization has no ability to respond on its own to any new situation. It has to go home to mother to get authority for any action. “An independent organization is one that feels totally self-contained. It has continued on page 6 Cross-section of coal mine, showing a passageway in the center and seams of coal on both sides. Fly ash was first blown in from the surface, then Autofroth foam, to seal off all passageways leading to a fire some distance away. Autofroth foam system helps to put out mine fire Olin’s Autofroth foam system, already established for such diverse uses as raising sunken ships and insulating re frigerated holds, was recently used for the first time to help put out a mine fire. At a coal mine in Farmington, W. Va., an accident started an underground fire. There was no loss of life, but the mine began to fill with methane gas, toxic, flammable and explosive. To seal off the affected area without sending men into the mine, a firm rep resenting the owners and the U. S. Bu reau of Mines first drilled 6-inch-diam- eter holes from the surface into pas sageways leading to the fire, then blew in large quantities of fly ash through the holes. Because of the powdery nature of the fly ash, it formed in conical piles below the holes and did not completely seal off the passageways. An Autofroth foam unit, modified by Geologic Asso ciates, was lowered through each hole into the mine. The system was sus pended from long feeder hoses that supplied urethane chemicals and a blowing agent to produce froth foam in the mixing unit at the end of the hoses near the crown of the passageway. The resultant foam flowed over and around the fly ash and expanded into the re- continued on page 8