Thursday, March 3, 1938 THE ROXBORO RAMBLER Page Three Roxboro Basketball Team Ends Season Earl Stewart Leads Scoring; Faculty Defeats Students, 29-17 The Roxboro quint met Schoolfield on the latter’s home court and were defeated 27-16. The Schoolfield five managed to hold the lead during the entire game. Hurdle Mills was victim to a se vere drubbing—the score being 28-5. The entire Roxboro squad saw ac tion. The first game Roxboro played against Henderson ended 21-19. The entire game proved to be exciting and thrilling. Roxboro next defeated South Bos ton 15-11. Both teams played bril liant ball throughout the game. Roxboro overcame the Allensville players 13-8. Neither of the teams was playing up to par, which ac counts for the low score. D. M. I., n a last minute sprint, defeated the Ramblers 25-19. Rox boro kept the lead for three quarters, but were unable to check the Dan ville boys’ scoring, spree in the last two minutes of play. Roxboro got its revenge with fly ing colors when it defeated Bethel Hill 20-13. The Ramblers held the Hill Toppers to four field goals against its nine field goals. Roxboro, leading in the last quar ter 10 points, were again defeated by Yanceyville, who in the last few min utes of play dropped in 12 points to top the Ramblers 18-16. Having been defeated on their home court, Roxboro put out every thing they had and defeated Hen derson 18-10. The Roxboro quint played excellent ball and made the game very interesting. South Boston fell for the second —time under the brilliant playing of Roxboro. With two minutes to play, Roxboro was leading 10-8. Then the Ramblers “froze” the ball for the re maining minutes of play. The game ended 10-8. To end the season the faculty, com posed of Principal Gaddy, industrial arts instructor Titus, teachers Dun lop and Sledge, with the help of Bill Harris and Sam Oliver, Jr., defeated the high school 29-17. With the tournament approaching the Ramblers are loking forward to victory and championship. Extra! At long last, our principal, J. W. Gaddy, shot a goal in the Student- Faculty game. Rotarians, please note! The Lunsfords Between the thirty-five and forty years we have been in business in Roxboro this has been our motto: ^Honesty Is the Best Policy” J. T. Bradsher Plumbing and Heating • • For twenty continuous years I have tried to give to the peo ple of Person County good class work at reasonable prices. I have stayed in business by hard work and honest dealings. First Basketball Team Of Roxboro High School This is the first basketball team of Roxboro High School. Albert Satterfield, who went to Durham High School the year before, originated the game here and became captain and manager. As there was no teacher to coach, Dr. B. A. Thaxton, who has always been a generous supporter of athletics, offered his services as coach. Reading from left to right, back: Winfrey Clayton, Kitchen Harris, Wallace Harris, Nathaniel Warren, and Sam Merritt. Front row: Dr. Thaxton and Albert Satterfield. Honor Roll—Fifth Month Eleventh Grade—Page Harris, Margaret Painter, Virginia Saunders. Tenth Grade—Barden Winstead, Martha King, Elva Moore, Helen Reid Sanders, Mary Sievers Woody, Mary Lewis Dickens, Doris Scog gins, Ella Harris Winstead, William West. Ninth Grade—Margaret Green, Helen Hall, Sam Paul Davis, Teddy Parker, Peggy Brooks, Kitty Ell- more, Ethel Lee, Bertha Mae Morris, Lois Pickering, Louise Walker, An nie Sue Barnette. Eighth Grade—George Kirby, Eve lyn Long, Marjorie Dickerson, Bill Long, Billy Newell, Anna Marie Deering, Emma Bailey Jones, Arline Newell, Eleanor Winstead, Nettie Allen, Anna Catherine Barnette, Blanche Hurdle, Anita Kirby. Seventh Grade—Emily Moore, Ce lia Barnett, Toufielk Ameen, Thelma Duncan, Janie Clayton, Elsie Saun- Although we have handled good BUILDING MATERIAL for twenty-nine years, we consider the good will of the people of Person County as the greatest factor to the development of our business and the greatest asset in continuing its existence. Watkins & Bullock The firm of Hambrick, Austin & Thomas was established in 1893 with W. R. Hambrick as head, who introduced faithfulness and sincerity as first principles in the business. The present firm strives to maintain the standards he set and attributes all success to those same principles. Ever remembering: “This above all things, to thine own self be true, And it must follow as the night the day; Thou cans’t not then be false to any man.” Hambrick, Austin & Thomas The Friendly Druggists THE NEWELLS — Jewelers 1888— 5 0 Years in Business in Roxboro —1938 Our first consideration is to sell Quality that will outlive the Price. This business was founded and is still being run under the motto of "Live and let live” principle. Come to see us for the best Quality jewelry at the lowest possible Price. THE NEWELLS — Jewelers ROXBORO, N. C. Roxboro Gets Revenge Against Bethel Hill With the largest crowd of the sea son, Roxboro defeated Bethel Hill in their second game, 20-13. Both teams played brilliantly, but the Ramblers showed that they were get ting their revenge. Bradsher and Stewart added 11 of the 20 points for the Ramblers. Pixley and Shot well led the scoring of the Hill-top pers. Lineups: Roxboro Bethel Hill L.F.—Winstead Shotwell R.F.—Stewart Young C.—Jones Merritt ders, Margaret Davis, Madeline Tapp, Theo Strum, Marion Freder ick, Martha Boatwright. Sixth Grade—Janie Pearl Crump ton, Martin Michie, Clyde Wade, Thomas Long, Mary Ella Morris, Charlie Harris, Mary Frances Cro well. Now Answer These ♦ Why are these people important? 1. Jane Addams 2. Maude Ballington Booth 3. Madame Schumann Heink 4. Ignace Paderewski 5. Luther Burbank 6. George W. Goethals 7. Madame Curie 7. MadameCrurie R.G.—Whitten Tingen L.G.—Bradsher Pixley Subs.: Roxboro—Dixon. Kinston Defeats Roxboro, 23-22 In an overtime battle Kinston topped Roxboro by a one point mar gin. Stewart, Roxboro’s crack for ward, contributed 12 points to the Ramblers and Bradsher added seven more. Chapin led the scoring of Kinston with 11 points to his credit, and Cap tain Evans totaled 9 points for Kins ton. Although Kinston was favored, Roxboro played a fine defensive game and made a good showing, which the score indicates. Clean sportsmanship prevailed throughout the game although there was great rivalry between these two teams. Awarded Music Pin Miss Madeline Tapp, a student in the seventh grade, has just been awarded a music pin for the best music notebook in the sixth and sev enth grades. The students have .been working on these notebooks ever since last fall. Miss Bowers, Miss Harkrader, and Miss deVaney were the judges. Honorable mention was given Miss Sara Wilson. R. H. GATES For 17 years I have made the climb in my business from nothing to my present position. I have built my business on honest dealing and a small profit. My motto has been to treat the other person as I would have him treat me. G. W. Kane, Contractor No structure is stronger than its foundation, therefore, we build carefully from the ground up. Our slogan for 18 years has been—no job too small or large to merit and get our careful attention. A HARDWARE STORE 1898 When Grandfather Was A Boy 1938 For forty years this store has served the people of Roxboro and Person County as a Hardware and Farm Implement Store. And for the same number of years we have been a booster of Roxboro and Person County. One of the first things we did, and have continued to do, was sell only quality merchandise backed by reputable manufacturers, assuring our customers goods of dependability. To serve you well satisfies us, to be well served pleases you. Our secure position in the community has been attained through this mutual satisfaction and we mean to hold it. You will find our working force like one big harmonious family, all work together in the interest of our customers, all are enthusiastic, loyal, attentive, all want you to make this store your store in every way it can serve you. Your every wish, your smallest purchase receives our best attention. One of our friends calls this store, “The Store with a Heart, and Soul, and Conscience.” Won’t you come in soon for a little friendly chat? We will be glad toseeyou LONG, BRADSHER & CO. G. W. THOMAS Hardware I have lived in and seen Roxboro grow for around 46 years. I entered business in 1900 under the same name I now run, and have been on the same spot—even though burned out three times. My motto has been to do the best I could at all times.