Page Four THE ROXBORO RAMBLER Thursday, May 12, 1938 Our Teachers Debating Club Aren’t Names Queer? Our principal, Mr. Gaddy, should come first in line, Loyal, capable, and in every other sense fine For two years he has labored both early and late To teach us so the sciences we may appreciate. “Miss Mildred,” for years our true and tried friend, Ready at all times to help us and a willing ear to lend. We shall surely pine and long for more of her knowledge, Whenever we find our English so difficult in college. Another English teacher, Mrs. Clay ton, has struggled with us for years, Commanding confidence and respect without arousing our fears. She makes a good citizen, a fine par ent, too, And Roxboro High is fortunate to hold her, we think, don’t you? Miss Hester is full of energy and possesses a warm and generous heart, Has known history since time imme- morial and ably does it impart. She is a splendid neighbor and a true and tried friend, May her kind live forever in a world without end! Our mathematics teacher, Miss Yan cey, is ever calm and serene, As fine and loyal a little person as ever was seen. She knows our limitations, but in her quiet way Encourages us to do our very, very best day after day. Misses Payne and Spinks have pa tiently endeavored to explain also +ke sad side Tito will chans^ 1 ca and they are most attractive, too, Always tolerant and understanding in whatever we attempt to do. A real genius is Miss Davis when it comes to culinary art, Surely ’tis no effort for her to capture any man’s heart. But that is not all, for many charms doth she possess, Suppose you kindly ask Coach Dun lop to supply the rest. A good sport is Miss Bowers and we are glad she came our way, We hope to make a fixture of her so in Roxboro she will stay. In fact, all our teachers we should like to claim, Since from the north, south, east and west they came. When Industrial Art was introduced into our school, We prevailed on Mr. Titus, from the west, to come and rule. Just a peep into his work room read ily convinces one, That he has been steadily on the job and many wonderful things done. From left to right: C. C. Garrett, Page Harris, Rachel Fox, Miss Roxannah Yancey, Helen Reid Sanders, Hazel Warmack, Dick Huddleston, James Jackson, Kitty Ellmore, Marion Bradsher, Mary Seivers Woody, Eloise Newell, Margaret Pleasants, Louise Ashley, Louise Walker, Miss Mary Hester, Arlene Newell, Eleanor Winstead, Zelda Holleman, Maude Chambers, Ruth Brogden, Ethel Newell Winstead, Louise Dickens, Doris Jones, Donald Brad sher, Martha King, Barden Winstead, and Frances Winstead. 4UupU4& grams whicn dre not so few. No school is complete without music, you will readily agree, It would seem rather prosy without it as a variety. Surely we would not forget the grade teachers and our nearest neighbors, Friendly and accommodating always in spite of many labors. And our grammar school teachers in days that are past, We still cherish for you a kindly feel ing and a love that will last. So now, my dear friends, when all is said and done, Don’t you think Roxboro can com pete with any high school under the sun? We Seniors think so, in fact, we really know You will find no finer group of teach- ters wherever you may chance to go. WATKINS & BULLOCK Glee Club Statistics Most Popular Girl—Grace Osborne Clay ton. Most Popular Boy—Earl Stewart. Prettiest Girl—Evelyn Satterfield. Most Handsome Boy—Sam Whitten. Best All-round Boy—Donald Bradsher. Best All-round Girl—Mary Hester Aus tin. Most Musical—Billie Street. Most Domestic Girl—Katherine Bowles. Most Vivacious Girl—Janie Bradsher. Quietest Boys—Thomas Carver, Thomas Solomon, Thomas Perkins. Quietest Girl—Helen Evans. Most Talkative Boy—Bitty Bullock. Most Talkative Girl—Margaret Pleasants. Most Original Boy—T. C. Wagstaff. Most Original Girl—Mondelle Holleman. Best Dressed Boy—Page Harris. Best Dressed Girl—Julia Newman. Most Winsome Girl—Louise Ashly. Having Most Poise—Hannah Brewer. Best Disposition—Ruth Brogden. Most Precise—Helen Carr. Most Attractive—Virginia Dixon. Best Dancer (Boy)—Sam Whitten. Best Dancer (Girl)—Grace Osborne Clayton. Most Dignified Boy—Charles Gates. Most Dignified Girl—Rachel Long. Biggest Flirt (Boy)—Bitty Bullock. Biggest Flirt (Girl)—Sarah Winstead. Most Courteous Boy—Charles Reade Long. Most Courteous Girl—Frances Foushee. Wittiest Boy—T. C. Wagstaff. Wittiest Girl—Anne Margaret Long. Most Conceited Boy—Bitty Bullock. Most Conceited Girl—Frances Winstead. The Most Refined—Inez Perkins. The Neatest—Sammie Lea. Most Unselfish—Nellie Scott Featherston. Best Girl Speller—Eleanor Hamlin. Most Dependable—Margaret Painter. DEPOSITS INSURED Up to $5,000 The Peoples Bank In R. H. S. we have a Black, some Whites, and a Green; We have several Kings but we’ve never had a queen. Our delinquents are few but we have one named Long, We also have Wrights, but never a wrong. Although we can’t swim, we oft have a Wade And several swift Walkers who follow their trade. Our money is scarce, we only have a Pence, But still we are Owen in dollars and cents. Our Street-Carr charges the lowest of rates, And Dickens is always welcome to our Gates. A Hunter we have, with the greatest of skill, The Wrenns, Snipes, and Fox she soon hopes to kill. Most Individual—Eloise Newell. Most Modest—Inez Parham. The Sweetest Girl—Myrtle Perkins. Most Athletic Boy—Earl Stewart. Most Athletic Girl—Hary Hester Austin. Most Studious Boy—Page Harris. Most Studious Girl—Virginia Saunders. Friendliest Boy—Woodrow Jones. Friendliest Girl—Virginia Huddleston. Most Likely to Succeed (Boy}—Donald Bradsher. Most Likely to Succeed (Girl)—Frances Winstead. Cutest Boy—Bitty Bullock. Cutest Girl—Vic Black. Most Brilliant Boy—T. C. Wagstaff. Most Brilliant Girl—Louise Dickens. If it can be cleaned we can clean it. SERVICE DRY CLEANERS Carl Winstead Good Groceries at Good Prices • • Cash and Carry Our Commercial teacher, Miss Rog ers, knows what she’s about, A thorough knowledge of her subject she has beyond a doubt, A kindly disposition she possesses and a sense of humor too, If you want a friend, just try her, she’s true. Mr. Dunlop, our popular coach, is eager in all things to win, Always on the alert and ever in the finest trim. He is so very, very busy both by night and day As his work is interspersed with many and varied forms of play. Our teachers of music are fine and quite talented, too, Play a goodly part in all of our pro- Everything To Build With Roxboro, N. C. Let Us Be Diligent, Optimistic, Tolerant and Considerate Roxboro Cotton Mills ESTABLISHED 1899 Wooby’g funeral Some “■The Home of Friendly Service” South Main Street Roxboro, N. C.