a teMWprt.i iO -sirU^ .1 - <-/1 -J A m ■ I —. ---- *77 % URG, VA., iff) AY, SEPTEMBER fc-m i;n '■ - * 1: UL'M 'iv WWmi • U' JLLy-^Uil VNITED STATES. TO THE STAR « in jour issue of the 25th nth. We are happy to tty lame to walk, and onr hearts w made to feel glad. It closed oh The day night, the 14th, at Calvary aJ a short and soul-etirring sermon Reve Stewart, and a love least a twenty-three eonverte and thitfy-f accessions, including both chord Thi* makes an enrollment of 1&5 cessions and 'eighty converts fr these churches this year. Much m could be said in regard to the reviv and It would he a pleasure ,^*o i writer to do so, but we feet that havo occupied sufficiet space. As ft is Rev Stewart s solid tbs ministers should oolleet jbnd and not the bishops, to speak of the creditable commendable way in which he taken to secure the acquired from his two churches. For Calvary he has appointed three young ladies as agent*--namely: Miss Mary Fra zier, Miss Elisa A Douglass and Miss Mary Early, * and for Salem, Miss Alice Moore, Miss Minder Traps *ud others ; these agentB are to solicit the 11 monthly, while the Rey Stewart spares no time in keeping his members remindsd of that taxation, and receiving all he can for that pur pose. Through the hard times he has been successful in sending up the small amount of {13, hut we can see by this wise arrangement that the fu ture looks blight for success to secure in due time the remainder yet due. The Sabbath schools in this section are in a thriving condition, and allow ub to speak of Calvary ’s with her en rollment of sixty scholars, Mid; her faithfol teachers under the superin tendence of Mr. J S Douglass. We are compelled to say that they are going on to success. We solicit the prayers of all the faithful. Yours for the good cause, f WJk. R. Douglass. Charlotte, N. C., August 29. Mr. Editor: Please Allow me space to notify the brethren ot Charlotte district that the district conference will meet at Ruth erfordton on the 1st day of October at 10 a m, A. Hill, presiding. “She Kob gone to he 1 tirle*e«»iw( iiwiL Mi ii&t f&stcK of our third. qnartafa confer ence held at College August 9th. A* 11:30 u;m the Elder J M $ntler ip the chpi opening ^ eon^wno^^e^i un interesting i$Jr«frgmiig of the work done in the late conference, the change* mad }|jy, for the young and it wouk take ion of characters work was taken up, and some r^nc Which awakened f thf .confei^ce^ f . called upon to raa Kiday 3chooia. ^ mmk:s Pm adjourned to par take of the many good things the sis .tem hsd prepared ... Sunday, August 10th, at 0 a m, the Sunday school assembled, and after the usual exercises the elder addressed the Sunday school very nicely, ex horting the young men and young la ly anil morally, that they might be a blessing to the Church and their race. At 11 a m .he preached a good sermon > ' 4.X - _i^£|■J hni J3-_ 'it p„1 kTofllS^' ^ >•11 :r ■ Monday, Aug. 11, the pastor went to Selma, and brought back with him .BishopT H Lomax. At 8 pm the church was filled to its utmost capaci ty, and many rere ; left out. The Sunday school was beautifully arrayed near the pulpit with A. Woqds at its head, and gave pmsicfor ftie.ec casion. The pastor introduced the bishop to the congregation and he ad dressed the „ Sunday school grandly, complimenting it ior its good music and grand appearance, i: He gave a sketch of the pngip and the progress of the Sunday school, the great need of its support and appreciation by the old people; He advised the children to he prompt and faithful to its every duty, for the hope of the church rested upon them. Th? bishop preached an eloJra larity. At l o’clock the jconfemiee took a recess. > ; The annual conference of jthe A M E Zion church, now in session in the Zion chapel, South High street, is one of the oldest organizations, of this kind ^tfee Uniittd States and » ' with similar organizations * of this country, Canada, laud and Africa,, ;>Jh time the conference has aiopS in Akron, the formed meeting helu here being in 187A ! . . j AFTERNOON SESSION. .Hi jnnected all parts Lhama J& he second Dr-. 'l’1' Id its The session convened at i Ep m, Bt Rev J J Moore, D D, presiding. with read* .singing The session ing a passage and prayer. .. . The secretary read the minutes of yesterday’s proceedings, which were adopted. * % : Ret 8 8 Condo, of tire Evangelical .ohureh, was introduced tin tho confer ence^ Bishop Moore, and he ad k “ A very en They w«« designed chie*y for the encouragement of the brethren in thd wort of th#- ministry. Me also in vited members of the conference to - occupy his puipit next Sunday morn ing and evening. Bidet* Rumage, of Tennessee, one of the debates, was then introduced. He spoke xery encouragingly of the work in Tennessee. Bev W L Slut*, pastor of the Sec ond.M E church, Akron, was intro duced, and he made some interesting remarks. Elder Macruder being called upon addressed the conference eloquently and effectively. He was followed by Elder James Henry, of Franklin, Pa. A vote of thanks was tendered these gentlemen for * heir ^entertaining remarks, and the conference adjourn ed for dinner. BISHOP HOOD’S APPOINTMENTS Thursday,September 11, Columbia, Kj. Friday, September 12th, Greens* r/ September 14 th, at fl a m, Springfield, Ky. Sunday, September 14th, at night, Bardstown, Ky. * Monday, S< ptember 15th, Bloom field, Ky. - Tuesday, September 16th, Russell ville, Ky. Wednesday, September 17th, Green ville, Ky. / Thursday, September 18th,Earling ton, Ky. Friday, September 29th, Slaughter yille, Ky. Sunday, Septemper 21st, at 11 a m, Madisonville, Ky. Sunday. September' 21st, at night, Hendersonville; Ky. Wednesday, Septemper 24th Board of Bishops meeting.* Sunday, 28th, Wednesday, October 1st to 8th, Maryville, Tenn, at conference. Address from August 14th to 17th, 23d to 31st, No. 419 Laurel street, Louisville, Ky. September 8th to 12th, Bardstown, Ky. September 13th to 18th, Henderson Ky September 19th to October 4th, Maryville, Tenn. * *The Board adjourned to meet at it is not quite certain that we shall meet there. See notice later. ... .Letters from the East should be mailed at least four days ahead of the latest date given. Note—Be careful ^calculate the distance and start letters far enough The pastors will please make a special effort to secure good congrega tions. v ? t' ■ ' • give instruction on sustaining our in ions will be taken to reach the bish stitutions. days ahead, Lvors of go on