ELECTORS; HON. W. H. TURNER, HON. L. E, HAJStVIE. - iVv< / Brown Allen, ,\ lf f, C. H. Causey, J* H. Van Aufeon, :iJ , t, x E. W. Hubard, -■*>' Carter M. Leu than, Bailey Brown, *• , / R T. Hubard, F. R. Brown, ;, ; Robert J. Walker, H. W. Holdway, • ••. ■ i " —•** 'w FOR CONGRtiSS: [4th Congressional district of Ya.j) JOS. P. EVANS, of Petersburg, Va. 1*8 TICE. \ The following gentleman compose] " fee Editorial Staff of the Stab owl Zion : . * A. H Scott, i . J.O. Danc^y, f ; j • E. H. Chiixy, J. A. Tyler. J. McH. FARLEY, Editor and Business Manager of the Stab of Zion. Office, No. 108 Shore tfreet, Petersburg, Virginia. TAKE NOTICE! When you see this paragraph marked take notice that your sub scription has expired, and without re* newal at once we shall be compelled to discontinue your paper. *r NOTICE I.-** We particularly call the attention if all our subscribers to the fact that whenever they see" twq REp ma^ks opposite our paragraph relative to time, it is the last paper that will be mailed until the subscription is renewed. Note! Note! Will our in senders please wrife our name pla sending orders, so as to avoid. the great trouble ,wb‘ have in collecting orders on account of our name fceing written wrong? •'? ■ I i , ;.w ;, ; ' ■ We here make a special request'd? all who do not receive their1 pacer prftnptly every week toinform ns, and* theinattitwill be immediately looked after. Somefimeswe’ unintentionally' ^ease take notice—dqift srad u» payment of subecription or other ii&^pfcrfeciion of. Christianity •trough (^tet-ourredeeraer, the *in> junction is “follow on toliiibw the Lord ” Christian, holy &teO#ca$oij or perfection, whatever the term used m ay be, is immaterial to the issue. Tt until fully attained. Christian'holiness is devopecm«ssi» great emj, of being and doing frod H4v%y^oi|l^e.kEa4f anil cfearactei* held and taught by Christ ibid fcis hofyapbsftles, Therefore be fite from |in. Holiness does not consist of the mereltnowledge of God, nor cfUtWOrd ceremony o£feligi©H,-but has Sts seat in the hearts—soundly reformed—ef fected by the love of God and Regene ration 'of the Holy Ghost? “FOi* by grace are ye saved through faith, and that-not of yoorselv^s, it is the gift of God,” “for we are his wofkman&hip, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordain ed that we should walk in them.” The 'Same power which gave life and glory to the crucified Saviour promises to give spiritual life and glory to the be liever on Christ’s merit. “Nodr are ye (they that ate justified) light in the Lord—‘walk as children of light— have no fellowship with the unfruitftil works of darknebs, but rather reprove them. Sanctification is the essence of true happiness and the basis ’ of that glory which has been'promised to the faithful. It will manifest itself by the propriety of our conversation, regular ity of our tempers, and the uniformity of our lived. It is a principle, progres sive in its operation, and absolutely essential to the enjoyment of godliness here, and ever hereinafter. Ouf char ter reads, “follow peace with all men and holiness, without : which no man shall see the Lord.” Therefore, that glorious work of God’s graceln the hitman soul by which we are ienewed after the imageof God, wet apart for his service and i enabled to dm ditto sin and live unto righteousness, must be carefully considered, in a two-fold sense: 1st. As an inestimable privi granted unto ub from God the Father, for the great Apostle says, "Abstain from the appearance of aSl evil, and the very God of peace will sanotiiy you wholly,” and I prey God that your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved; blameless, unto the coming of our Lord Jeans Christ. ■ Secondly, As an ail comprehensive duly required of us by his holy word, in another Scripture, we are taught that it is a part of the ftispenshtton of grace (as we note), “For this* is the Will of God-^-even your Sanetification ths|j^^uld ubstafei Akhu fbrbfoa tion j ibatf ^ every oueofyou'should knewiiew to possess &is vessels in sanctification mid honor, bot in the hut of concupiscence,even ns the Gen- . u%ho know neiGwdj thatWibi^ -beamse that the Lord is the avenger o^i&l such, as iW tieVe' also forwa/ned you and testified, for ■God hath not called us unto Unclean" nees. butiwto hnUaeea, , to-i o T- (i TrU 1jS ,ii aS*feS,0SWt°«r J^thony, of JW* *NMWdl* Wl(JpHiMifS‘ Providence Tuesday morning from Britt’s disease. Tbe*Se&afor was on H ftre^yondf^ro.^^was: 64 years a^4 Nestor of the Senate. He ^fche IJ|«ted4f^tcaBen /tom #fj| w* Wtediyun^lj^; ?,tiinepfi4hU.dea^ He washed p?«ndenfc'of the Seiwfc several times. w%}i ^rUar.- Suy^r A ccording, .to. jirflmise. something m<mf about the is them to believe the. ; that perseveran ce and anything in life. No doubt, Mr. Ed ifor, you have seen and heard some* .thifag about this- work, nevertheless, I fbel tUaf t iliduU 8*y something more of Hhe eomtaendable in# at;wfcffie. M. 'iiiemB88i‘‘ftrfe ; worlcing to have snch a building here that will compete' with Sfhy in the State: The building is under tile bn per v ision of Mr. Win. Houser, of 'Ch6ri'0tt&, Mr. Houser haajhe' rep utation of being among the leading architects of the age. We say that Mr. Houser has the contract, but if you- worild seethe Key J M Hill runriittg around 6n the building yOU would be apt ,to think that he had the contract. The edifice is now several feet high and everything working like a charm. But Oh! how mtich the people are perishing here for room for a house to worship God in. They can be seen from time to time standing around the church yard wishing to pomedn, but the church being too small to accom modate them. Mr. Editor, if there ever was a place that needs a large arid capacious church Concord is one of them. But thanks be to Him the ruler over the universe and knowsthe needs of His people. Everything bids fair to soon, have one in Concord. When we look back over the past and think of the condition and see3 how nigh Concord came of being almost without a church for zion; when once in time it appeared that none of the ministers wanted to be stationed at this place, from the fact that every thing looked dark and gloomy; when the congregation came near being scattered like a nock of sheep thatnad ho shepherd.' It makes me believe, and all other thinking men should be lieve, that Elder J. M. Hill deserves and should receive the highest com mendation, not only from the North Carolina conference, but throughout the whole connection—from the At lantic to the Pacific, and from the great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico— for having done for our people in this place what all of our ministers should endeavor to do. This shows what “good government dm do and will’ do, provided it be executed rightly. Good government is half the battle, and Wherever you find otherwise, you will find an unpresperous and an unhappy community. A man should endeavor to have governing proclivities—espe cially the ministers, who are the lead ing men of the churches. And it is often the case wherever you find a church or ahy kind Of organization on a5 dhdliiie; retrogradiii^] deeftea^hg in stead of increasing; diftnriishing in stead Kof improving, that the govern ing affairs are tirroiig. Oh, may God give us such- men ’ for our leaders, es pecially in the shewed desk. When Elder EC01 can&lfo thfe place there 'it it' ,tc ifm m another: mt he came out rallied Ms meg i man, he fount r seated in a han ethiag which Cc bers at the kiln racking bi has bought* mule of which •JWW.aBKjK.-^Wr nrate-ts tarewn-t® and to Convey the "Rev J Idr H nrdm lEFpTace where 'IhttffltItpna^r aaftfc«s*csu2: end has no saddle; he has been seen before now riding along on nothing but his overcoat; but. amidst all of this they live hi hope, and that hope f tire reverend a saddle whfin they get the brickchurch .epjnipleted,. . We hope the churph ma^ have a saddle^ . ;t , . Pray, for . ^s that.the^, $1 E Zion. connection will soon have . a church here that will eompete.with any in the: State, regardless of denomination. ' Yours for the work, , J. B. Colbert. £ S»—We are glad to say that Rev •operation of all Hill has tte the. t people principally in the town, regardless of nenominatiqn. They all seem to be in harmony with him. We notice that those who, are not even connected with the church are put ting forth efforts and using their in fluence in behalf of the work. Respectfully, J. B. C. [We think all who read this letter, white, or[ colored; will T>e willing to make a donation to buy Rev. J. M. Hill a saddle." We will be, one of any number to buy a good saddle. Wh6 wil 1 speak ? Send us your name.—Ed. Star.] CITY NEWS We place nhder the names of our Presidential candidates (Blaine and lidgan) the name of Hon. Joseph P. Evans, candidate for Congress from this (the 4th) Congressional district. We hope and shall do all we can to have him elected to Congress by an overwhelming majority over that of his pppohcnt. We believe he wilLbe the choice of the people of this dis trict. It js ..known that he will; have heavy odds against him, composed of the revenue ring, posted as scouts all through the district to oppose their own interest, and especially the col ored men, who have been for twelve years or more crying “give us a .col ored man from this district for Con gress.” and as soon as a colored man had the boldness to try the strength of hiis conntrymen, the cry is raised by colored men that *it is a Demo cratic click. This is all a false, issue. We don’t fear the Democrats any more than , we do the Republicans. The tihie has come for us to he men, and not children :and tools. If we are poor we will.see to it that we will not becbribed by money (ts somejwe’ve bfeard of Send Evans to Congress by nine or ten thousand majority. , We can do. it. :• • We call the special attention of our country as well as the city, readers of the Stas, to the1 advertisement' of Mews. Plummer & Whaler m this W alarg! Sk; ■,«% .. ana satisfaction guaranteed. . •"i ! •■■■ ;H>}■■■? U' ii ' The“pobiic sbhools <*>peB<« on Mon day. AMtongh thti day'waa i-tsiy %arni,-2,063 pupils’ *ere inratfend ance, 879 itUfedan^ftW* Icolowd. The number increased each day dur in^j thfc wcclt ■' j- ■5 Vi fi ‘ ism will be continued, in our next! iff a] brfclc churn Brother E. D. Jones, of Westbrook, N. C., commences a protracted meet ing this week, mid he asks the prayers of the church hrgeneral for itgsuc cess. Our thanks tor returns from papers Sold.* ; Brother W right* of Chattanooga, writes that Mlfe foiling quite a success in "jrifrival meeti«gs^4hufty-one con veraUns, and twenty-one have united with the church. * Thanksto Brother Wright We spent last Sabbath at Tarhoro, N. O.i and found Brother Glass doing well, The. day was so warm that ser vices were disagreeable. Brother Glass reported that a great revival meeting was going on at Williamston,under El der W, H. Newby. Some twenty-five or thirty had professed religion. ' The Canada atftd Michigan conler ence will convene the second Wednes day in September, at Grand Rapids, Michigan, Bishop Moore, D. D., swiU preside. We hope to hear good re ports from these conferences. Brethren please renew, your subscription and send in others. Bishop Hood is now holding the KehtnOky conference according to * notice, in Lebanon, Ky. It convened on the first Wednesday, the 3d inst. Notice of this should have appeared in our last issue. We hope the bishop and the brethren may have a pleasant session. We would like to be with them but we cannot. We have received another good re port from Evangelist S. B; Hunter. On leaving Edenton ,jie says forty were converted and the altar orowded with mourners. Rev. Brother Steward is moving, on nicely. At his last writing he was in Camden, N. C., with Elder Wi H. Pitts, and already three had professed religion and mourners coming to the altar. He says up to the 26th of August, he had been five weeks from horns in revival meetings. Rev. T. A. Weathington, of Ever green, Ala., desires the following ques tion answered by whqm.it may con cern" : Why does the name of Rev. Joseph Gomez appear in Zion’s histo ry as secretary of the East Alabama annual conference, a position he hae never filled in said conference ? T. A. Weathington’s name should have ap by a qnanimous vote three consecutive times. We say to Brother Weathing ton, we publish this by his request, but we think it is only an omission d the proper name furnished the np> lisher of Zion’s history. “Thmj^asl done the work and thou hastate honoi from thy conference, as Jthou hasl We publish in this issue an item ized account frbm the general steward of money received from the various annual conference Stewards tot one month. We ate glad to see an iri crease in, our finances. The $528 5? The a this week renesee coDyened , Wednesday, the 3d, in fcn Bishop Thomp son, presiding. Business of much im portance is to be settled at this confer ence. Bishop Hillery's, defunct, case warreferred to this conference from the General conference, for conduct, & Was alleged, unbecoming a minis ter. We hope ho .will jut man ap pearance, as we biave heard nothing from him since the General con ference. Oh,‘where are ibis followers and the good name, they published in the Philadelphia and Baltimore con ference, that they said we were trying to bligt. O, that good name, we fear, has gone under a dark cloud to shine no more in Zion; we saw the breakers ahead of him, we sounded the alarm , but he and his fields would not take warning, and some are scattered to _m this day Without work-in themiqistry /Uio uaj nibuv/uv wwi^jp Wliv Prom follewing'his advice.v' May help them Heaven. all and save them in Money received since our last issue. Rev A L Scott, papers sold, 50 O B Gorham, sub, 50 Henry Griffin, sub, 50 Bishop Moore, papers sold, 81 20 Thomas Griffin, sub, 50 Bennet Gray,s»b, 50 Rev T A Weathington, sub, 80 Rev I Q Clinton, papers sold, 1 00 Rev J C Saunders, do, 75 Mrs Miles Young, sub,. 25 Rev G L Blackwell, papers, 2 00 Rev TP R Moore, sub, 50 Rev E D Jones, papers sold, 1 25 Rev H W Barnett, sub‘ 1 00 Rey^ W Wright, papers sold, 1 00 Mrs Courtney Dozier, sub, 1 50 Rev B R Glass, papers sold, 2 00 Rev B R Glass, collection and papers, Rev J W Smith, papers sold, 1 D C Evans, sub, 1 00 North. Carolina Central Sunday school convention, 1 00 General Fund. ‘iJi ‘The TOllowfog conference stewards have forwarded money' oh’the general fund during the past month : From A Walters, California conference, * $31 50 I C Clinton, SC, 29 00 J B Johnson, Ky, 94 05 Jacob Thomas, N Y, 15 00 A Anderson, N J, 10 00 W H Ferguson, Tenn, 25 45 J S Cottles, Phila A Balt, 31 15 W H Chambers, at Alleghany W J Moore, N C, R H Simmons, C N C, 21 00 15 00 John Thomas; Genesee, G H S Bell, NEng, A h Newby, Va, 35 80 18 0k 10 00 conference, 192 54 Total, v ^Tak^e Notice I To the ministers of Chester Dis trict,-—TheChester district conference will convene at Port Lawn, Union church, (Rev G W Clinton, pastor,) on the 16th day of October. Idinisters are required to take a col lection of one dollar from each church for district Conference Mid delegates expenses. Collect all the general fund or as much as possible, so that the sttatistical table may Be made com plete. Ministers coming from toward Chester will leave on Wednesday. ‘ The district Sunday school conven tion wilt convene on the second daj of the conference. Every superin tendent is requested to be present or send in a report of the school, em bracing everything essential for the waEres

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