.- « «.- Nks , . . J " — MI- WMWWWMJ UNDng »Esme IN . q 1 m 3^ «<«*$!### inftmm*’m& ’id tMpfadltj' j|^0t?fv '&} ;,,. ■■3>.,t. 1-U.rA^^.r -^uim twL.ll \ _- -**"~r~~. — - ■, VJOtiU; I ROM TB1 i/. . ....; ZION CONNE&PTONT juRmiPtt LN/TEIJSTATES. TO THE STAR Of 2ION Charlotte, jjjrf C., Sept. > HJH Mr. Editor: \ Will you be so kind as to permit me to again trespass upon your valuable columns to make a little ad dition to my last import from < Char-, Jotte District Afte^jfpekiag oj^ my report I found out that there was quite a division amongst the con gregation at Shelby in regard to .the location ofHhe church proposed, to be) built at that place. Some wanted it on the old .site and spme on the thq oni recently purchased.. yIhave su^eedetf hi effecting a,j©qm promise about, the matter and all have agreed to build the cliurch on tjhe old site and the ‘parsonage on the reeenf purchase. E**jr thHtffe ttotnbg'fen smoothly now dnd the work ofhirilifirig will be pushed forwai^id 'tobtt^lhtioii. Yowih truly, ! * ' •• ~ ' ’ * - ■ • tw- : ■ ■ , i Premdiag Elder. -v ♦ <; hi ' ■ p ■-) i5thi2$4. Crawford, Ala., Sept 18, 1884 Mr. Editor, : Please all< Tli low measpace in you? pa, hear from the $th pistrict of the past Alt. ‘‘ iV V ’ /V' > F* r Alabama {Ainual- GpftftijpBce, 1 ■ j:t.’•**> was sent to Creep Stand Circuit py second year on Creep Stand .Circuit. I came to il|fe "UMi i» the Gospel. 1 found the work in a bad condition, the churches I found on the circuit, did not look ilike ehuecbes, l»Ct looked like haras* but I went to work testing m the lord and igot the circpitworked up.I have pulled down the old kams and, put up now church es on my circuit; . 'r I had a great r&#al Iftat ^ear^ and this year toO, 30; converts have been added to the Church this yedtfyou do not hea^ much from the 5th district, we are alive in JestisChrist; our great leader Bishop Hood promised to bft on way work this fall. I thick he w® be satisfied when he sees my Wo?k;we on the 5th district aregortfg ahfead fare viral, general Mifim feren^. tookfetta. pray for ua too. Now l will renew my subscription for ihft Star, you will findendoae $1 50; for the same. Pray for 5H* district ‘ >0 Teftr Brother foC;;,Zien and the Gospel. ,‘ i; •;‘ • ' _ : i W - \ '>V* J 4 id A m-■fmW.-JE. HoOFKft, l M tteibihi: I .■ • »' .* : j j^TOpnSBFIELD, 4>hA., $ept 16, $4, 0:> If you caOj^id please permit,JfckfeMpWlrtfu ,r-x yifi' • * Bit Ref T II Ivoni^Xj preached‘ « io jthe pulpit in Clolege Hill Ghnvehv Aug .12th 84./ Aaid his voice Reached to the remoteat parteof the building, I had never before been so I6wxred;i«y to hear this famous preacher, -regard men aabe to .the . most scholarly and brilliant orator in the African church* e*af America* •/ mb A. • When bis reverence entered the pulpit I wag instantly disappointed with his personal ‘appearance. •** had aden the; "Bishop before,aWer lieard hftn prOatoh,'nO heVe^iintil that irifhtL afcd expense fih& same type oftoind fo'thkeamesypeefbbiy. I was looking for ar tall, spare, echo-; lastic preacher to enter the pulpit, and *&**&*)! WlWftJpU Wldh. Sut Bishop Lomax is the leader of the Hjsfr stesfe«wW5^.4w^ri u The Bishop has m-hchiti* leak of« man in the, worlds a pr^eiw- iHe is no| tad, eniyiof tedium height, ft* rather thmiand hag a round head and f»ht cwuplepaort,!hia irfpke , M* mouth are these,oforpjfc&a £Vpm fostfoiaat thedfoftta/tf the^aiPh was literary .a»d*jthedprWhhfNltwWi “The tgxjfcmae m$W* vndqUlfrwh tim#* mmm tta pwitoJiM' iag,te^l test, i l^Eke i r nutny kind,pf ban j^£a -t The Bishop begad in^aidponnhow seratoaio way on the general janetter of“ Angel*/' bill —ntikoniiin fdnqaenS sod when itrea ting* ttia saattecr 1 of;4tts angels, his words pathetic ip aidagmfcf ferent classes of ^angels.” Itjrins* sermon, jn form, matter, and spirit, H was Ad&tf:*aith* dhrist&a i>tip*l3 f^J3HB|9Hp Sflfewfltjppr put'p^pph 'aims 4to points and potirs iftii#**be drowlf cb«tebersoftheoen*cicijco. He Speaks Wfefc m mia*itogh%to*f iwid^ohaste^ ed elegance; a man W*fcold *Hdoctrine, all doty, whoever may hear or who ever .may .forbear., &■_ mmt*f M* pendenco, his release ihisowo^atber* ^4»y hiija in the p$8t< with hie habits o* thought and feeling,,, f||e spoak^in hie own way from the. ippu^ p(}»if p^ spirit anpl f^cepfling with his own cop 84ppsness |«pd good ..mmi*) iff* reftdy tp, preach and p^^shes ^ ®8' pel with convening power., / Thf chr|stains pan not but rejoice,: the sin ners are compelled toj^fpp* 'j,u r, Yours.&c,, Brother Saunders gives a good ac rssffa^aftstt; ■mukb bttM Ztoi’up WWgott. ■■ ~ tWSiit A CARD ‘ E Z ^iurcb, I was again elected at the last get* eral Conference, Vice President ofthe Ladies Home and Foreign Missionary Society for the Virginia i Conference. The object of which is to i organise auxiliaries Societies on stations Hind circuits to raiseJunda for wiseionaary purpose*# theniwpoedl »f thfeiboatdb I therefore ask our good mitfistetfs of the Virginia Conference to collect wh# they paw much. or little, end waM to me.at 108 Shore.street:Petem* | burg, Va. I earnestly spMtyoundr It*»tfra/to this cw4i * a notice of the#e«retery .thsmtfill be a. meeting held in oy* city pf .-#dpe presidents on the l&h Otgafemiwd J, wi»h,tp hayft tmftima lo represent the Virginia,C^feaoe with; m>&% gftgement injthe, vents mm from tr*vslligg,$03mMr star tiors f^L * Respectfully yourj*ft,Ui ; •? Vimm PA«W,/Yi» of the LadieaS^ma and Forefe*.]#* sionary Society. ■ To the Vice Prapdeote, "tlciiheand Foreign i ciefcy of the A* M. E. s:u u octobhmam mmk aikf '* k •1 Ithaca, N. Y.< Sept 10. day's* seeeten ^f the eon tWeaofedpeuedfw* usual with devotion al exercises, the Bishop rcadingthe scripture lesStih. • . *!T Rev. Mr.RogetSii^iJi Jtnd D Hunger of the State street church, came in and were Introduced to the Bishop and members of conference. The Bishop said he was gladto Have his firfeads eeme I® and see them, and: he asked the pVcetdiBg ckter and Mr. vtiAuvm mu. A FEW CHEERING WORM .. to th« conference, Aft^r short * ad nwm rim* for their tad words of. instruction, %fr eral committees, then, made ^ their reported At the hour of edjommmentthe conference arose and sang a verse and fffjaj dismissed. The afternoon session convened at three U^oekyand ^4bu*^/oloek^ ease of W.H.HILLEBY, which had occupied the greater part if Satuday’e session, was taken up, jW#®#}? debate. A motion waa offiaed by Elder J W tis&Snsf Mmmk» tm> FI iifi r*ns„Xhe Genefad-Conference jOWWNm Nw;prk during m too#* ofMay,:■ Rmfo'di fw&w* (toin flw4<» ntion ofthe above we «swf Wnftw AM tagaMiWH^.WtWillWiW# A»W<%ab ' fCUBl i>i A standing vote was taked and re tulteid, 17 fcr .expulsion and 2 against, further reports committee* Were given, after ‘which the confer * The'Bi»hop will read tbe «ppoint ifititatiiir evehingj -■■'nfiWB'WWi debatethts evening' bj tome'of the the worldly wdftderthii abroad in the land. MAy ttie tea. Bishop win! A Bold Stride In Wilson.; be rribjn • j ,i (41 i. >.»•?* ■ . Psar Brother: in our efforts to build a new church h<$e, Qff4 seems; recently to haye^yisiteg jus withspe cial favors. The, people > of Wilson, in general h^e contributed^liberally, and th*i aborts of alt , evince the fret that they are anxious for a new church. But, as in the firmament of heayen some stars shine frith frighten glare than others, commpellirg the •areiess eye to behold their beauty, so winsome men whose walks and ef forts* in a life make them singular ob jec^s, worthy of emulation., Permit me to mention some jyf those who the cauM pf Sion in Wilson, ;£hie .contest; createdrgreat enthusiasm ;1a#9P Miss Mary Blount, she having scoured the greeter amount The aim rev ised for the chureh was $262.9. The prize was presented by Mr. D. C. Sugg, ‘irho: recently I graduated from title, Lincoln University in Pennsylva nia. His theme was “Act wfH ?your JMWt,” His address was one of geneiv al comment, and.for abput ti^rty min utes held the audience in breathless silence* wh% in eloquent;, stains he painted out to the people,, their duty W4w§p«cal qfam? cpjjnnisnded theladies for thpire^,! admonished a greater a$iyity on .the part of *U and concludndby epeak ing of the grand results ^hp* ^re in store for them, if,ihey only had cour age^ maintain , thep^ t .convictions of ?^hat; was. right* and? di8(shafg0 J^W duty in that respect. The nextn^| I1®®* was indeed a grand one ; time and ; space wHl abthHb* us fck'gtWfetfde tails, but suffice it to say that there was hot afiiilrfrUmthewhble^nter tamment and that !tU?e^ part was 3Punnte U&ter,Mft>r h4 ^ rUrt^tfou/ii “©UifU^^hall ^ot to-night.*’ l|&j The first entertainment: was a #pnj test between the Misses Sarah L. BoMptree- and; Mary Bbmnfc fo? a five» dollar pair of bracelets ta be awarded to tho w who should sell the greater number of tickets , for the ohupwsh special men Sugg and Messrs toward, J. G. Tay ahington as worthy an mter^^ Jie ^art ofalT; and both young and old are taking hold and pushing the work- forward. The church is in a progressive condition and'the Sunday School is flourishing. Brethren lend us your payers that God may crown our every effort with success. ' ' V. Yours fraternally in Christ. J. If. Rasberry, Pastor in charge. CONFERENCE STEWARD’S NOTICE. Wilson, N. C., August 13. Dear Brethren,—I issue this circu lar to call your attention to matters of the Utmost importance to us as mem bers of the North Carolina conference. 1st. The conference year is eight months gone, and we voted at the last conference tb raise $000 for mission purposes, $10Qfor our member atSfion ,JR®n» v,,.. . ,w,J■Hi $75 to each presiding elder’s district. This divided into circuits and stations will make it $7"50 for each minister 4n charge to raise and forward to the steward admission, mohejy, to which only Goldsboro and Tarboro has cosi pM, and the last1 meeting of the General conference ordered that we collect and ffeHeard the‘general funcU"' ^ monthly. I received a letter from Bishop HoOd calling our attention to the condition pf the church at Baleigh, ang itis hoped tlt&t each minister will bring to conference $5, to enable us to save Um property. Ymwa^r JZion, W. J. Moore, J , North Carolina Conference Steward* BISHjQP ITOTt^OlNTMENTS Sunday, September 28tb, Knoxville Tenn. i Wednesdays "October 1st to Stk, llfaryvtiC TOTfrjAt conference. September 25tb to October, 4th, WarYvMle, Tenn. . '$m IMofe Atb to , 13th, Fayetteville, /■ an.' .a />:* MfctftW* ’ fiw the East should be mailed atrlefst 4ays »bea4 of the latest date giveiw^.< Bl>:., . Notice. .. The Concord District Uonfefence ■ 'P01^ b, of October^ at 10 Wtieir bMre* we 1 have collected the >y that time, as we our figures of last Mcfe and scholar &itoM*ed. Also Notice I Wsakfa <>! $£the Annual $» StJLfc. fjjjfti * {$' Spjg