, : .-. —.»». . , ; — J-« . - ' . -, s t. . . . r. « : ·«« « , . PRINT » , vol. vm NUMBER 43 CORRESPONDENCE I I ROM THE MINISTERS AND MEMBERS OF THE A . M. E ZION CONNECTION IN ALL PARTS. OF THE . . . , UNITED STATES. % 1' TO THE STAR OF ZfON. * - . ' ti ! 3 A GLORIOUS REVIVAL. —i— Evergreen, Ala., Oct 9th, 84. Mr Editor? : ,1 Dear Brother Having just closed an old time methodise, heart felt re vival, you will please allow me space in your interesting columns to speak a few brief words concerning it. Not for notoriety or personal agrandize ment sake, no, be it far from me, but for the purpose of informing the many readers of the Star, and lovers of Zion, how we are moving on in these parts, this, and only this, actuates mb to make the attempt. On Monday night after the fourth Sunday in Sep tember, I commenced the meeting, however I preached a prepafitory ser mon on the fourth Sunday night, which I must say, without any intent to be egotistical, had much to do with the success that has crowned our labor. I used for my text* 10th chapter of St, Matthew, 32 and 33 verses. On Monday night, Rev Alex ander Stokes was to preach, but owing to the fact of his being engaged in a meeting with Rev. A. Mobley, he didd’t arrive in time, so it fell to my lot again to occupy, a large audience was present, and a manifestation of much joy exhibited, Tuesday night, Rev. A. Stokes preached to a large gathering, using for his text thesfi words, “ Where art thou,” this able and jealous servant of God so vivedly declared the message of God to dying sinners that many come forth r to the altar and there agonized in prayer. Wednesday night, Rev G Harper of Brewton preached, also Thursday night. Friday night, Rev M Rankins of this District, preached an interest ing sermon, one that will long be re membered by those present.' ‘ Friday night at one o’clock, Rfev Robt Ford of Greenville, came to the parsonage and took lodging with me. Satur day Elder Ford and I did a great deal of talking to penitents, and Satur day night he preached to a audience, and he surely stired people up, Sunday morning by large the time the’people were gathering as it seemed Jronhall parts. The Presiding Elder tLShuford, having heard of my meet ing deferred -his quarterly meeting at MiUa>eville, six miles from this point, and both he and the pastor Bey. J. Gill with many of the members and other persons came to enjoy our meet ing at 11 o’clock, Rev Ford; arose,; announced the hymn, and read ihe lesson, after prayer beagain announc ed bis hymn, the church was literally packed, his text was, “Except« man be horn of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter in the kingdom of God,” John 3 4. Let me sayjust here that I have been acquainted with Elder R Ford for about (ft) years, bet never have I known him so folly as now, he is sorely an able* and interesting preacher. As he came from tie pul pit presenting Christ and beseeching th£hngodly to receive Him just now the whole cbnreb was aglow With the spirit, and sinners weeping krouac ' ; • :• . 1 ■ ike altar, this was a glorious time. The little confllict through which Elder Ford had passed seems to have prepared him more effectually; for the work. God bless him, may be live on to do Work . fdr God and Zion. The presiding elder of the district, Rev H Shuford is with me in this good meeting, he has expressed himself very feelingly, and Christian!^ towards Elder Ford, I think that tie little ^ ference that has hitherto existed be tween them has been entirely aban doned for during the stay of them at this place, which" was three days an gles could scarcely have been more loving. I truly hope it is genuine, for I believe them both to be men of much fidelity, arid Christian integrity, I also feel that our dear Bishop J W Hood will be proud, to know, that out of confusion, peace and harmony have survived and all is well. Elder Jerry Gill <$f the Millageville church preach ed at 3 o’clock, he is a power in re vivals and koow how to get at the sinner in all of his useless, “whys and wherefores.” 1 am proud to see that the people seems to think so much of him, I wish him much success, Elder Gill is not a very learned man, but be is an bumble man, and knows enough to know, lie does’n know much, I wish we had many such, Rev H ;j Shuford preached Sunday night to a crowded audience indeed, he used for his text 1 John 5 7, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one,” Elder Shuford is cer tainly a powerful and jealous preacher he handled his text with authority, as he came down to the altar earnestly inviting sinners to come, there bowed around the altar not lees than forty persons- After prayer he opened the door of the church and sixteen con verts united themselves to the church declaring they*had found the boon of pardon sin, Rev Wm, E Worth ey of Georgeana was with us also with many of his people, he preached for us Monday, showing the importance of an atonement, this was listened to with much attention. We received in the church up to Wednesday night October >, 7th twenty-two members. Our financial success was also exceed ingly good considering the. dull season the collection from Sunday? .up to Wednesday night resulted in the sum of $39 15, exclusion of this Rev H Shuford made a statement to my good people respecting the faithful: labors of Elder Ford and of the hard time through wbichhe was passing, and asked a collection for him and raised the sum of $3 85 making a total col lection of $43 00. This glorious time will not soon be forgotten by tne peo ple of Evergreen. Let me say in con clusion, when I received this ; charge at the hands- of Bishop Thompson its membership numbered sixty odd members, but fifty-three is all .jf scrap ed up, but thank God I can say to day, and yet not l, but by Him that dwelleth Itr me, that uur record shows the sum of 175 members, this is my second year at this place, and % have labored here with all my soul mind and feeble ebffity, as I have at other places, yet’poor indeed has been my human Teward, hut I trust to whom I have committed all, and shall- there4 fore he encouraged, and move 'hn* pray for- us. " '• -f. • •> ;■ r ::T ; * Yoa» in Cnmfc, T. A WsATHijraToa. •£7 ;i Ohelika, Ala., \ r, m f October 7. ‘Mr. Editor: •I >■; Quite a while since we haveintru ed upon your time andBpepe,-|kfl*e’ •fvca { ..: .i- * j a. ^ fore will you grant us space to state to our many readers howr-Wd ai« get ting along in this our field of la&or. We have had a bgrd struggle fi nancial ly* we have not been abl© to' raise much of the* general tax as yet# but I must tell a better tale than this at the conference. I intend to raise the general lax to a dollar, if possible for I am satisfied that if we as minis ters try very hard, we can raws at least three-fouitha of general tax. And with this amount We will bfe able to keep thnarkmoving. Dear Editor, we have* ju»t crowd our protracted meeting, the Lordwjiia with us. We added forty-one to thl church and still they come. And we are doing all that we can to turn men into the .church, by the help of God we will push the battle to the gate.” Mr. Editor, times have been SO Very hard that I have not been able to help the St Ait to shine by helping to disperse the-financial cloud that hangs over her. Therefore I did hot write any for qui^e awhile from the fact you say-that a hint to the wise it ishf** ficent. So it is. -I I know that it is impossible for you to run the paper without money. Yet there are some that never let their pens get cool from writing long arti cles to the Star for publication, and never send one single cent to help pay the expenses of printing the arti cle. Surely there are none so impflgfe dent as to think that because the STAR is our church organ or a connectional paper, that their articles are to be printed without their aid. Very often I read articles that takes up two col umns, then . £ turn to the list of re ceipts to see bow much they forwarded to aid in printing the article. And what do I find ? Echo answers what do I find? Nothing but leaves, ana the Editor grieves. Yet these are the men that goes off as quick an pow der and fly as high as a kite if .they fail to see their articles in the first is sue cf the Star after the article has been fowarded, and yet some or them are in the same pew that the Editor said that brother J. B. Grant were in. Mr. Editor I say call a halt though they stand in the streete and roar yet do not let them pass. I have tried to get some subscribers to the Star but, failed thus far. I thought that I would sell them the paper an} way therefore I wrote to the Editor stating to him that if he would send me eight copies of the Star per week I wouln sell. them and remit prompt ly, but he did not send them. I am very anxious to do wnat i can for the Stab. X am labouring for God and Zion. When I was ap pointed to Opelika in 1883 by Right Bev: Joseph P Thompson, D D M D I found about filly members, since that time I lihve swelled her to one hundred and forty-three, an increase of ninety-three members* And stilj thev come to Zion. - It 'is the aim of the Opelika district to come out second best' in general funds, come boys you had better be gin to stir. Ana tnere is one vww thing that yottlbad better see to, .it is not very long till conference, and you know that everybody "wants to be or dained ^eone and aiders, when they get to conference. It do not make . any difference whether they can spell baker or not they think that bec*y& gome old fogy tells them that the3 can beat such and such deacon aw elders preaching ^hat they ought U Be? ordained, and they will; worrj their presiding elder’s life out almost , Tins has been the case heretofore, am their elders wire-workedthea b and these are the first men Up their heels egainst their ag elders, and to teil the peo % facf hive tip need of. them. y& Tre have a prescribed course [es laid down in our book of and the day. is at hand tvottrltis&rmust give way, and ift comply with the law before fbe ordained. RemeinW the ¥* Dear Editor, withsaanessweiS fbrnr <:orthe de^th of the wife and infant child i of Rev. Joseph Gomez, pastor in charge of Mt. Zion Church, Montgomery, Ala. They departed this life in the month of August. I think ‘that there was About 25 days difference in' her death and that of the child.' Brother Go mez has our sympathies in his be reavement, may the consoler of all hearts sustain him in this his hour of trouble. When we pray we say thy will be done, and when it is done let us submit to him who doeth all things Well. I say to brother Gomez your companion and little infant child can not come to you but you ' can go to thorn* then let us smote our hands upon Our breasts and say not my will but thine be dono, for the judge of all the earth will do right. First Thes. 4th chapter 14th verse, “For if we believed that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him*” Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep, from trhich hone ever wake to weep. For in the Christian home in glory there remains a land of rest; there their Sa viour & gonev before them, .to fulfill ^heir souls request; there is rest for the weary, there id rest for theweary, there is rest for you; on the other side of Jordan, in the sweet fields of! Eden, where the the tree of life is blooming there is rest for you. He has fitted up their mansion which eternally shall stand; for their stay shall not be transient, in that holy happy land. Pain nor sickness never shall enter, griet nor woe their lot shall share, but in that celestial cen tre, they the crown of life shall wear; death itself over there are vanquished, and his sting has been withdrawn, Shout for gladness oh ye ransomed hail with jop the rising morn, memen to, mori. Dear Editor:—We are bringing our years work to a close, Rev M G Thomas, presiding elder, is on his fourth and last round, very soon we skal he called upon to give an account of our stewardship in the Annual Conference, ok that it could be said, that of the sheep that were given us, we have lost none. I have two churches, I have added 93 to one of them, and twenty to the other one, making a total increase of 113 mem bers and such as I trust will be saved. .My Sabbath schools are in a very good condition though not as good as I could wish, but we are Moving bn. , . Yeiy respectfully, Ret. John W. Alptork, Pastor in charge of the- Opelika cir cuit..'^.' % •■■■- . CBAjUE0rN»N 9«*l October 7,18S4^ } M* Editor: Reading the report or proceedings o1 the Genesee annual conference publish ed In last week’s issue under name Bishop HiUgry, his expulsion,” etc.' { * Wewere much surprised and dis >. gusted at the unprecedented way th< l Zion connection was abused by throw . ing -into her. mouth and causing th< l organ, the voice or mouth of th« i church to utter such an unmitigated , • > - > - V .■■■■• ■ ■ i.-ve a dogged fighter. Still, further on the report reads, “So the bishops have locked horns.” And the article closes with the words or . prayer, “may the best bishop win.” It is a question as to which of the two men are the best (morally) in a connectional light? Or is it a matter of doubt.as to which retains Episcopal functions legitimately? The reading of this article reminds me of the story of an Irishman at a hotel dining table after refusing soup the fourth time, was aroused from sleep that night by a sick nurse, who, through, mistake, attempted to administer nourishment to him as was the custom of the nurse who waited on an invalid in k joining room, when the. Irishman exclaimed, faith and be jaders you will make me take the soup anyhow. Now, the charges from Sun Fran cisco and elsewhere, the investigation in Kentucky by Bishop Hood, the di vesting of all Episco pal fun ctions by the general conference, sent by the appelate court to the Genesee confer ence for final adjudication, and that body duly assembled under legal ; authority, expelled W H Hilleryfrom the A M E ZHon Church by a majori ty of 17 to 2, and yet we must call him bishop. I suppose you to Say we shall take the soup any how. Now, Mr. Editor, it is unfair and an untrue light to put the connection in before a religious world. Whatever the organ of the church says it is suppose l that the entire church says. The man we call bishop we want the public to recognize and treat as bishop. Now, we^ have ex hausted all legal means to. get rid of Mr W H Hillery as a bishop Snd will the church be forced | through her organ to call the man bishop thntfhas been so much trouble and such a per petual disgrace ? If he has antagoniz ed Bishnp Thompson by suit for $20* 000 .be is not a bishop, nor would not have been had the Genesee confer ence cleared.'him. The general conference put on and took off the Episcopal robe and nc other body could do either. & -When the power that creates de stroys a thingit Ought to be discon tinued in name as it is in effect, More anon. R. S. Rives. Notice. Notice to all of the ministers of the East Alabama conference, both elders deacons, preachers, delegates and al of the whple church, will bring up t( the annual conference one dollar foi printing of ^ie minutes, for 1884, anc all of the members of the anndal eon fereoce will ’ .prepare to meet % deb of-$85 for-th^ye^r. The minutes« b''-an< this I hope, the eastern .conference will nc be behind the western. . ■ V-• ' = A. Hannah. if: CONFERENCE STEWARD’S NOTICE. Wilson, % G\, August 13. £>ear Brethren ,—I issue this circu lar to call your attention to matters of the utmost importance to us as mem 1 bers of the North Carolina conference. 1st. The conference year is eight months gone, and we voted at the last conference to raise $300 for mission purposes, $100 for our member at Zion Wesley Institute, and $200 for the Raleigh mission*'which will make it $75 to each presiding dlderV district. This divided into circuits and stations will make it $7 50 for e^ch minister in charge to raise and forward to the steward as mission money, to which only Goldsboro and Tarboro ha3 com plied, and the last meeting of the General conference ordered that we collect and forward the general fund monthly. I received a letter from Bishop Hood calling our attention to the condition of the church at Raleigh, and it is hoped that each minister will bring to conference $5, to enable . us to save the property. Yours for Zion, W. J. Moore, North Carolina Conference Steward" NOTICE. Athens, Tenn., September 29. Mr. Editor : Dear Brother,—YoujVill please no tify" the members of the Virginia con ference, that conference will convene on Thursday, Noy. 12.,^instead of the 20th, as the North Carolina Central meets on thea26th. Yours truly, 5 S. T. Jones, Bishop. NOTICE. Mr. Editor: Please admit me to say to the min isters that our District Conference will openat Mt. Airy on^the’21stday of November. I will expect all the ministers having, charges to have a correctfreport from each circuit.^:All ministers£will*cpmo p-’-epared^to'go on to the AnnuapConference *as it will meet'on theYollowing' Wednesday. ’ You rs^respectfully, A. M. Barrett. NOTICE. . The dedication of Jones’ Chapel in Brines George county, about two miles from tliO city, will take placo on , the 4th Sunday,}2(>l{h insfc. Rev J H Wilson is pastor, he has extended an invitation to have several ministers present; the members andf friends are working to have a grand and pleasant time; the city members and friends are invited. BISHOP T. H. LOMAX. Appointments for October 5th to the 27th: Beafort Ootober 5th. Whiteville, October 19th, Sunday. Flemington, October 20th. Evergreen* October 21st, at night. Graham Chapel, October 22d, at night. Shoe Heel, October 234, at night* Hickory Stand, October 24, Raleigh, October 26. Henderson, October 27. • Charlotte, October 29th to Novem • ber 4th. I . : The next session of the Virginia t annual conference of the A M E Zion f church in America will meet at New | McBride church Comdem, N C, Wed j. nesdtvy November 12th, 1884 at 10 o’clock a m, Bishop S T Jones, D D, will preside. v ?