THE STAR ZION. . ...r^ .v •. v —i REV. J. McH. FARLEY. Editor. f> ! Friday, Octpber. 24. 1884. FOR. PRESIDENT: JAS. G, BLAINE, • OF MAINE. ■■ s . ': i-' .... . FOR VICE PRESIDENT : JNO. A, LOGAN, vyrniNois. :■;/ -t- 'M I • ,. .. ... -A - EI.ECTOR8: y'i: • -v - ' ' HON.W. H. TURNER, S. Brown Allen, C. H, Caqsey, > j. H. .Van Auken, E. W. .Hufcardj Carter M. Louthan, Bailey Brown*' • * R. T. flubard, F. ‘ R. Brqwn, Robert. JV. Walker, H. W, UqMway. * FOR CONGRESS; , .. r [4tb Congressional district of Ya.] JOS. P, EVANS, of Petersburg, Ya. , . ; » NOTICE. The following gentlemen compose he Editorial Staff of the St a® cVf Ziqn : A. L. Scott, , J. C. Dancey, E. H. Curiy, J. A. Tyler. . -■ J. McH. FARLEY, Editor and Business. Manage of the Star of Zion. Office, No. 108 Shore street, Petersburg, Yirginia. TAKE NOTICE 1 When you see this paragraph marked take notice ' that your , sub scription has expired, and without re newal at 6nce we shalf be compelled to discontinue your paper. • i®- Notice i Hb* We particularly call the, attention }f all our subscribers to the fact that whenever they see two red marks opposite our paragraph relative to time, it is the last paper that will be mailed until the subscription is renewed. , Note! Note! , Will our money senders please write our name plain in sending orders, ;• " ‘ J. MCH. FARLEY, so as 'to avoid ‘ tne great trouble we have in collecting orders on account of our name being written wrong? * 'Please take notice—don’t send us * V, TEN-G^’T STAMPS in payment of subscription or other wise. We can’t use them for money. Will take all the ones and two cents - . stamps may send, But please send • money orders or postal notes. - SPECIAL NOTICE. Dear brethren and friends of A M E Zion: church. Sister Maria Bowe, the wife of Elder Bowe, has been au thorized by the fourth quarterly, con ference, which convened in Norfolk City, Virginia, to go forward and ask aid oi our. many friends of Zion to help us. .We are in great need oi money at this .time, we have two churches in Norfolk city -now, and an ihdebtness upon both that must be i paid.. Dear friends, please do not re fuse us, also Rev. J H Manley of Manleys temple, A M E Zion, is also authorized to ask aid for our churches in Norfolk city, /' Yours truly for the advancement oft m* WU D. WfcBvmm. The first district session oi the Genesee conference convened at 2. p n^in, E Son clturcb, Whi$ey; stCeet; Presiding'Elder Jho ‘Thoinas called the conference to order, and assisted by Elders S J Berr^ and J E Mason conducted lthe opening services. were elected: the following officers Secretary-*—J E Mason. r ( . Assistant Secretary-—& C Ce^er. After the reading of the i;ules the presiding elder made some preliminary remarks* stating the object of the ses* sion, the importance of facilitating; bueiness and harmonious, action throughout. On motion of S J Berry a commit tee of five was appointed on the pre? siding elder’s salary and the appoint ments. • '■ After a short interval the c<^m«tee on the presiding elder’s salary, and the apportionment of the respective Churches reported. ~ The report of the committee called forth an earnest and enthusiastic dis cussion,, lasting several hours, in which many participated. The presiding elder’s salary was finally deterihined as $400 and travel ing expenses ‘ for the ensuing year. The discussion as to whether Bing hamton in her present .financial em barrassment be apportioned $35 or $25; continued until the time of, ad* journment, 6:30 p m., when Elder Mason moved that in view of her pres sing liabilities she be exonerated; carried. , : - ’ EVENING SESSION. , \ ::>i. •... Presiding Elder Jno Thomas called the conference to order at 7:45 p m. The journal of the afternoon was read and approved. : * O Dr. Goodman moved’that the mo tion to exonerate the Binghamton church from taxation he reconsidered, as it was establishing a bad precedent, Elders Berry and Collins j making brief addresses corroborating the same it passed., . , ,s ; " Elder Carter made, a motion that the apportionment of the Binghamton church be $25. After considerable discussion passed. , > Subsequently the other churches, through their representatives, having accepted the Apportionments of the Committee, were apportioned respec tively. , ' \ , ... A motion then prevailed that the proceedings be published in the Star. ' After some discussion, it was, on motion,'agreed that the next district conference and ‘Sunday School con vention be held at Elmira, N Y, the first Wednesday in June, 1886. • ‘ The presiding elder followed in a brief address relative to the work of the district, the brethren entered in to a general discussion respecting the quarterly meetings, etc. Conference adjourned with singing “Praise God from whom all blessings flow,” and the benediction by Elder C A Smith: . < ; Yours for Zion, Secretary. P S—Enclosed you will find money order for $1 25 for the publication. REPORT OF THE YORKVILLE DISTRICT CONFERENCE. -■ i • FIRST DAY’S SESSION. TheYorkville District conference of the A M E Zion chureh convened at Lowry ville, S. C., in Providence church according to appointment Sept. 24th, 1384, at seven o’clock, p m, bn assembling the conference was treated with a sermon of congratulating deliveeed by Elder J H Jackson, of Rock Hill, from Rom, 15th chapter, 1st verse, which was delivered with power and demonstration, of the spirit, so much so, that the least that can be said of it, is God talked to ns at that hour, through the organ of Clay. After the ministers and, dele gates were assigned their homes the i conference adjourned to meet tomor row at - * , >i. -% •> •* •• •• - .fe ' ’8J3COND days session* Thursday morning the 25th confer ence met at the appointed time Elder D I Walker, presiding,. ’ H. Blake, choosen secretary, and;reporfcer to the Star of -Zion/and J it Bryant assist ant secretary .after reading the 24th hapter of Matthew, Riv tf A Crock ett, fined the hymn'on tbd222 page, I would be thine, O takemy heart etc., Rev Crockett also* addressed the throne of grace; in a cheering manner, thanking God for sparing ouf, lives, to meet inanother District', conference, and invoking Gods blessings upon the meeting." The rolj was called and a quorum answered to their names. RfcvD T Walker, the pre side!*, addressed the conference relative to the providence of qliqigkiy' God midst *storins, cyclones, death and ad -vn;rsc winds of satan; in ' brlhging us together once more in ahoiher district conference,’ and touching'^he d6ath of of Revs JT Thompson, |j$d R Mc Lean, both* members] of this district, that have departed th^slife since the annual conference. Several com mittees were appointed, the confer ence being fully organized \ the busi ness of the * - conference was pumued with diligence. • At 1 o Clock the conference was presented a nice dinner by1 -the mem bers 6f Brown chapel, which .was en joyed. •; 'H v - Much business of importance was transacted during the day'. I Commit tee on devotion announced H Blake 3 ~ ; to preach tonight assisted by F Adams. Rev I J Jackson to preach at Brown chapel. • • Conference adjourned to meet at the regular houf tomorrow.' THIRD DAY’S SESSION. Conference met pursuant to ad journment, Elder D I talker in the • chair. j* . '4 " The conference was opened in regu lar form. Reports were received from different circuits, which showed much improvement., J " About 62 deaths ,of members to About 308 concerts apd *bdtft$645 00 of church improvements, also much improvement in. Sunday Schools. Rev O W Clinton, of Chester' dis trict arrived; he was. introduced and seated in the bar., >..U \ He (Rev G W Clinton) addressed the, conference on the subject of Sun day schools, tfhich was intelligent, ap propriate, and pointed-, and delivered in the greatest simplicity, and’ with much enthusiasm, as that young the ologian always do. At this 'juncture according to. a recOmmendation of the committee on condolence, ohe-half of an hour was spent in hearing remarks trpm different brethren,relative to the life and death of Rev J P Thompson, and Rev .R McLean, Elder D I Walker and Rev N A Crockett, to spoke at large on the subject snowing that they lived the lives of Christian ministers, and died the death of the righteous, “p( ace to their ashes” com mittee on devotion reported Rev N A Crockett to preach to night, Rev B Burton, to preach at Brown’s chapel conferencr adjourned to meet Saturday mornidg at nine o’clock. , ;vy • ! FOIJTH DAY’S SESSION. Conference assembled according to adjournment, the presiding offers in the Clay conference -opened bgtfread* ing, singing and prayer.A Thieo busi ness of the conference being ^nearly completed, a few resolutions ^ere of fered and passed. H Blake Was, ejected Secretary for the next meeting pf the conference, and to record the min utes in, the .conference journal. Con ference finally adjourned to meet at Pleasant Valley,'Fort Mill, S. C.> 1885. H, Blake, * Reporter. The meeting of the Ladies’ Home and Foreign Missionary Society ■was held in Washington City,L. C.,and not here as announced through the Star, the scarcity of money prevented many, from attendingin person, but we sup i they were represented by proxy. rWe shall be glad to report their pro** V < Wepublfched fij our i last' tissue a: communication from our missionary in Africa, Rev A Cartwright asking for aid to carry on the mission work in Africa^we hope our ministers will strengthen the hands of the Ladies Home and Foreign Missionary Socie ty, sothatthey may be;abletohelp Bro •Cartwright. . . - « . We acknowledge that Bro Rives is right for calling, ns in-question by no ticing the Hillery case under the title of Bishop, for, he is no more Bishop among, us as th$ general conference disposessed him£of his honorbut as we know he ie dead while living so far as title is concerned we thought it Would not do much harm to say bishop. Bro I Rives writes a strong letter, read it. 4; - A letter, signed,- P W Overton, speaks well of the work in Norfolk, under Bro Bowe. • ‘ ' Elder J ii Mattocks of Goldsboro, N. C., says his station is doing well, he has raised $85 00 general fund and paid it oyer to the steward up tofsept. 29th, 7 converts,and 22 added to the church in September. '> Rev R T Terry, of Camden, C., writes that he has had some trouble with a local preacher Relative to paying the general fund, everything else is doing well. Rev G W Clinton writes that he has had glorious success oh hfe work’ this year, 133 accessions, and 35 converts. Bro J S Jackson writes a good let ter from. Bird Eye church, Greenville, Ala., in which he says the church is doing well the last quarterly confer ence held by presiding Elder J M Butler, was a grand success,'the peo ple spoke well of and* enjoyed the meeting much. Elder Bui tier preach ed a noble sermc n. Bishop Jones took ^flying trip to Little Rock, Ark., a week ago, to look after important church business. We hope him a pleasant trip. ‘ The members of the Virginia con ference will all take particular notice that the conference will certainly con vene on the second Wednesday in November, the I2th, and n6t the 3d. See Bishop Jones’ notice; let every one be on hand promptly.' Rev S W Burton gives a good ac count of his work at Liberty Hill, S. C. Ho mentions a number of his good working sisters in his church and the amount of money raised by them. • . Bro F R Murchison will write another letter if he wish it published. Can’t make any sense of the one to hand, ' Rev A G Keeler writes that his circuit is brightening up in the midst of hard times. We are still over-crowded with mat ter awaiting publication. We shall try ana mate the best we can of all. We hope our writers will take notice that we cannot repeat one thing so often. We have already noted the death of Mrs Bynum and others. So we can’t publish any more: May she rest in peace. > - Bro Aaron White will please ac cept bur thanks for the invitation ex tended t6 us to visit Abingdon again. Notice. Mr. Editor: Cape Fair District Conference will meet on the 21st of' October at Zion chapel, Sampson county, 12 miles from Magnolia. All the local preach ers are requested to bring the sum of $1 without fail; all the delegates must be there to represent the district felly. All the superintendents edNihe Sabbath Schools will attend to represent the schools in the district. All the local preachers will not fail to bring their license, Rev. E, H. Hux, NOW, NOBLEST- OF THE LAND; ; *. , BY AMJUTOA THOMPSON. Now,‘.noblest of the land, be brave; Once more your precious country save. * ll ••• Again the day of earnest choice Demands that you shall use your ' voice. ; And trusty weapons burnisned bright, Against King Alcohol’s base might; On, see the almost countless foes. Who have n,o pity for. life’s woes! ' Now Noblest of the land, be true ; ’ Onee.more the helpless look to your— Bring all your gifts} ybur service bold . •» r. To the great warfare you uphold. . As watchers you alarm will try All men whom party cannot buy; Thus you’ll be gaining strength and might.. . Because your principles’are right. Npw, noblestof the land, be wise; Delay not when you’re called to rise And bring deliverance from the curse, Which fills the liquor-dealers’ purse) Cave Spring, Mo. . .. NOTICE! NOTICE! Fayetteville, N. C., \ October 8th, J84. ) ' To the members of the Central North Carolina conference. Dear Brethren—You are hereby notified to raise the General Fund and send it to me at once, so that 1 may remit the sum to! the General Steward as our law directs. Look out ! Some of the preachers have re ported large sums of general fund col lected several months ago, and yet, they have not sent one penney to me. Come preachers of Zion, let us be up and do our .whole duty, and all " will be well with our connectional Insti tutions. The members of the AJtfE Zion church will pay if we preachers will do pur duty. We did well,, last year, we can and must raise more money this year. Let the Fayette ville District be the bannner district this year. . .. Yours for Zion, R. H. Simmons* Presiding Elder. , Steward of the Central North Caro lina conference. *' * \ Noticel Fayetteville, N. C„. V . . October $th, ’8£ .} , The Fayetteville District conference will meet here in Evan’s Chapel on the 22nd day of October and will continue three days. On the 24th the District Sabbath convention will be held* We hope that all the preach ers will come prepared to pay us all back dues. It is hoped that the best Sabbath School Workers in the district will come prepared to speak and read essays, etc. Pastors bringjone dollar from each^church to defray delegates expenses to the Annual conference. We want full reports from all church es, so-that our work will be ready for,the Annual 1 conference, District conference will convene at 10 o'clock a m. R. H. Simmons, Presiding Elder. NOTICE TO SALEMEN. A'll persons who are several weeks’ behind in settling for papers received will find their papers stopped after this week. This do not apply to those who make regular monthly payments. Subscribers whose time have expired and they have beep notified' by our red marks will find their papers stop ped unless heard from at once. The corner atone of a new A M E Zion church was laid at Yonkers, N. Y., bust week With very impressive ceremonies. Rev. Geo. E. Jackson, pastor of the church, invited quite a number of distinguished divineB who were .present and took part in the ex ercises. The occasion was a grand one. Zion is still going ahead build ing new churches and extending her ft — '—- .... dltT- ' i "’^T Mississippi. The second annual session of the West Tennessee and Mississippi Dis trict conference and Sabbath School convention held at Pope’s station, September 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th with: Elder L J Scurlock as modera- Sr toir,‘ whose work among the people iu> ■ this section is arousing them from the State of dormancy into which they have fallen, through having being' ' neglected. The meeting was called to order on . Tuesday at 10 o'clock a m, and open- ~ ed by the elder with the usual services reading St Mark. , 10th chapter. Hymn 237, lined by Elder A J Cole man, prayer by Rev W Jones. The chairman cited the conference to the work before them, showing how these meetings were to promote piety—temperance and benevolence in the generations that ill the future are to carry on this good begun work, in increasing a knowledge of the word of God. , Bro W J Curry was chosen clerk, Miss Nannie Riddick, assistant, Rev I> J Adams, Recording Scribe, Rev M L Blalock, statisticial secretary, Bro Scott Martin, marshal, Bro W S Cooper, timist, Bro R Benson, letter carrier, Bro M Shaw, Sexton, During the conference committees were appointed to consider the inter est of the various organizations in the connection. Elder H W Smith who lias been appointed to get subscribers for, the Star of Zion reported a numbsr of tight with an amount cor rhspondeng to the several periodical subscriptions of those who had con cluded to take the paper. The claims of Zion Wesley Insti tute were earnestly presented. The reports and proceedings in general of ihe conference will be published in pamphlet form and distributed among the churches and Sabbath schools in the district also to all of the organiza tions considered before the conference. The report of the statistical secretary shows a iiumber of oyer 900 Sabbath school children in this section, with over IOC teachers and officers. On Friday aiternoon the Sabath School of Pope’s chapel having as sembled, their services were opened and conducted by the Superintendent, Bro P G Goodson, assisted by Bro A B Postoh. They consisted of singing, Answering questions from the cate cnism and reciting verses from the Bible. The programme being suc cessfully carried out, the Conference was incited by the Sabbath School to participate in a large dinner from tables arranged upon the tufted earth in various parts of the beautiful grove connected with the church property. The peace and ha» raony which reign ed upon the occasion pictured out bright hope for Zion in the future. When the enjoyment of the day had been fully appreciated the conference was again called to order and business put before the house. Bro White gave notice that the Panola camp meeting at Batesville would begin the Saturday before the second Sunday in October.. The at tendance was good from beginning to end. Rev R Benton, chairman of the of the comittee on . entertainment, with all the members of Pope’s chap el, were indefatible in their cheerful efforts to entertain, and though the conference were many yet they admi rably succeeded. The next session will be held in Memphis, Tenn., sub ject to the call of the chairman. The meeting broke with singing and shak ing hands. The benediction was pro nounced by Elder' A J Coleman. Wm J CURREY. We are requested by presiding e 1 der Simmons, to make the following statement relative to the Johnson villeTcircuit, which should have ap peared in the conference minutes viz.: The Jobnsonville church paid their pastor. Elder G. W. Grange, as salary $41.83; Green Grove, $33.00; Kelly’s Chapel, $37,25;.: Rock Roe, $50.00; general fund, $14.68; presiding elder’s salsify*$35.25.

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