-^*r -.A • :•-**» »T· ,»..-,. -,.«.»»» , . »M» .«» «uHx-s-«1 THT . - DHTS X- -Z,.LJ«:-L. k «--xllk i. v « » . — — Z. s - ) -. - « — s s- »sz , As -- « sxt » . ., ) « R ssLHYsFPE ALYTSJMZ HIAIÄ , ’ sz . « — «- 7 « TM ?««--« -- s - ,-s « Haft-n ".-sz rrrtrvr n . fciilMJU inu; r-r4 f «mil! «In ,n * fain boI*&l// jtursoHui mi i '. Vi* < . i-I, i '14, r iffmrj VOL. IX. 5. i». ,^k., * m Hhttuia za,c>ai urn B1H UjUSI iinm yin vzujivyu i ouirjVJ^an1) vu Sf'DYS’^JJr’/I f(J Tj /u I>ci . TfT^guz* yriJ JO vguuxrrj ; )•< *>;1t »:•) ;>.• >f rP.fT iiuii; •'• jifvl ynr: jin aiifl iii |4» j J. * ' ■■■ l ■ 1 I ■ ; ALLEGHENY CONFERENCE. The thirty-rixft’session of the an nual conference opened He exercises on Wednesday morning, the 12th in stant, in Wright’s Chapel, the Rt Rev j J Moore, of York, Pa, presiding. After the conference was called to order, 2d Cor., 6th chapter was read for the morning lesson, and pertinent application was made in the comments to the work of the ministry. Elder Wm Hamilton read the hymn beginning “And are we yet alive,” which was sung in a spirited manner by the Conference when he offered prayer. The hymn “Jesus keep me near the cross” was led by Elder John A. Mulligan. The bar of the Conference was fixed at the third seat from the altar. The Bishop explained the duty of collect ing general tax when Conference ad journed till 3.30 o’clock. At the afternoon roU call eight mem bers were absent. Conference Voted to purchase a gavel for the Bishop’s use. \ Dr Matthews of the C M E church delivered an address, after which the examination of character was tak en up. . Various Committees were appointed and other business transacted to hour of adjournment. - Rev J A Mulligan preached the an nual sermon in the evening to a large and appreciative congregation. The second day’s session opened Jan Thursday at 10 a m. All the breth ren were present. They were quite elated with the hospitable treatment they had received at the hands of the citizens of the town. ■ After the reading of a chapter py the Bishop and the singing of a hymn by the conference, prayer was deliver ed by Rev Ef. Davis. The Episcopal address was next giv en by Bishop Moore. It is considered one of the finest addresses ever given in the Allegheny Conference. Elder Tirry made a short speech in which the Bishop was paid a deserved com pliment; after which a vote of thanks was tendered the Bishop. The character of the members was ip order when the noon adjournment was announced. The Friday afternoon exercises were opened and the minutes of the morn ing read and approved. Inquiry into the character of the members was tak en up. Deacon M J Watson was call ed. He said that he could not get to the place which be had been appoint ed, when the Bishop told him, accord ing to the rales he must turn in five months’ pay and his casepassed. Frea ^i er D G Moore’s character was next on the programme and was referred tc the committee on complaint. Rev W H Chambers, chairman oi the committee on education, made a report, following ft up with pertinent remarks oh the subject when the report was ajjp9!9& Elders Fl©mnii*#iand Trimble each spoke concerning the ed uBatidh of children, its benefits, anc etc., showing the great progress mad* in this direction. The committee on Sunctoy ectioei rnad.e its report through its chsiripah iSderMulligm; **?$&&&,.'.i j^Theu the jreport of the conffii^ op temperance was read several efih< members of the conference wished ti be hM; concerning thait porthin re lf&ing to the use of tobacco. Elder Trimble, and Holliday, do not believt that it is as injurious as whiskey. El d#- Docket endeavored to show tha a pound of tobacco is not so bad as i of whiskey. 9jnmwn» hoM* « f-iiXl M X this point. The Bishop, wishing tq take a hand in. the debate, by thj* tifoe lively discussion, called Brother M iday to occupy the. chair. He .made a sweeping address against its use,spe*k mg of it as a peat sin and a moral ev il. He stated that the boy who smpk es cigarettes becomes a drunkard. He is opposed to the use of the filthy weed because it- wag the introduction of sla very into the United States. The In dian would not work tobacco and those who produced it had to get the colored people to takecare of it* The report was finally adopted, not however, un til Elder Holliday also made a neat little speech on the subject in which he related the following: A colored, citizen, whom we will call Joseph was in the habit of faking what did not belong to him. After a while he got good and joined church. One day af ter he had beoome a Christian, he wap met by a neighbor who inquired “Well J oseph I hear you have joined churphf ’ “Yes,” answered the new disciple. “Done fading chiekens, now? ” “Yes,” Don’t, steal any more pigs and tur keys ?” “No.” Then the two shook hajide and parted, each going his, way. When Joseph had gope far enough U> bejw^t,oj§ear|ng,he chuckled to him self, remarking, “if he had axed me had I been stealin’ a goose he’d a got me for shuro*” Jit was decided to hold a grove meet ing on Sunday the 16th, if the weather prove fevoreile. Elder D B Mat thews was received into the conference He had gone away but returned Tpi Zion because Zion is the mother church. WH Penning was also per ceived again. The following appoint ments wer made for to-morrow: In the grove—10.30 a m, Rev Jehu Holliday, assisted by N Mason; 2 p m ttt Rev J J Moore, assisted by Rev W H Chambers; in the evening, Rev J Henry, assisted by Rev J A Mulligan St Pauly A M Jpl church—N J Watson in the morning; P R Ander son in the evening at 7.30. Canonsburg A M E, church-'-Rey John Fielder at 11 a m; A J Work man at 7.30 p m. ,h l The evening services of the oonfsy ence on were participated i in by Rflvs" Docket* and/En^y,, eaoh preaching excellent sermons*. Nearly a hundred persons were unable to gat admission to the church. The Sab bath school connected; with the A M E Zion church will pay the conference a visit on Monday afternoon. The A M E Bethel Sunday school hu* been invited to attend also. On Saturday," Rosia spoke of Ui4 Avery Mission church at Allegheny City, reporting it in good condition. He seated that the con gregation was anxicus to have the pmot, J^v1ffH Cb^nbe^mt^ndd Delegate Stephen Dimcan', of llome Vbdd, also made air ex6elleht M of the ch%cli|ind jashed^thal stem and asked thatite pastor, Elder Mui Hgan, be retained*’ Michael Rhobot i,1 deleitfte ftwn MfPl 9 !gfegation^ould;1 9 retention of Rev J A Mt pr^ded^wfei^S Delegate Jc^jthopns »ndeni port from this church and was fttaced ingly anxious that no neti pastor % $r4 The next business ofihn'oonjte1^ I' I*** «o tfvmm 9^4. £pTw trivia Hu 53fH ' TWff'iVj HKtiSVi'l t'l »~rrrtt Fourteen mtabtsi only hhA paid, Eldar Docket* giving -las MU in payment of hit. The- ireporte fifom ihe several bhttreherwite again taken ip and all ftfcnd » be proffering. I* Mis Ybted Itat this don&feooe: enforce ihe law ef ministers reftdiijg literature of 4hetr own desoiniiHrftyu nmd "* ' arts on journal and booh, e read anAaeoepted. % ; 'efoili* *»# b4 iri Ates^lSWife «M«s h; Hannibal jaibably half hash were oel Hfr»»o»iiiJ«^*l#lF* on ‘‘^a oofored man” referring tabim as hav ing been fi»t* and efffcg^ he shall i . ir$joq ••*.{” ' • ible wee appointed ag«»t icem. l ^pfsher; n«s iwninuujej^ io the X50p bytheooHuoiUeeen complaint, Character pw»ing. If Jtem ha* elected treaatwerof the the Mi ionjEU^&o&: Qwwuttotfce f business ii was told ah evening i The steward reported the unances of conference in good*shape, i*ttf t|p# having paid up/- .Other af? «* were*tteftded te, wrhnw-w*a* iUtftinfe: gTOWW stohPf/* Ifltp: «sting exercises were held. KevHol day preached an interesting ■W’nion i i the morning, In theafterttoew, Rt ]Ui9!:J-J-lfiMM»Ql^|lmlMi«l to a 1 urge and interesting audience. S#r i ioei wdre/held in Wwfcht’a 4fcapel in the eVenlng by: Bav W H Chambers. ' 'be church Was crowded Rev Ghftm lers spoke upon thedntifes Of husband 2nd Wife, insisting! that there woOld 1 e .letes divorces iftbe yOUpg men and Women would get religion. I He>al#o, id plain language, told hie hearers that it Would be better for th© colored raoe if they would; cease:gambling, drinking whiskeyetc. The akaretses Closed with prWyCr by Bet Henry, j A Wtuiowill be deliVeredottfTuO* y evening by the Bishop, who will :e for his subrjeot, “Thepast andr fit condition of the colored pdople in South.” The following officers of the Church ion board were elected on Mon morning: President, Rev J Hen ; vice president, Rev JTirrey; sec jltev J A Mulligan ; ittoaswrfer; J H Trim We. j Revs Docket, Chambers and. Mulligan ehneen iw-ieowtoitte* to draB s Constitution,end bydnwsfortfco ibena toftho Iwar^'i RcvsMoo**, Bjmm Cad Flemming were wteoted, to ar a progfamtogi far. the- Sabbatl ^Cohcol; Brother,Docket mm appoint ed missionary for the Allegheny oon i pence# The report of tbe aommkte* on circuit and district and miwiot JgeM Wa* adapted, The oenforenoft cloecd o.i< Tuesday itaftar.*, week Qf^km&WQt#' wat tetod ito pay j^; Biehop dl35 witi Which tohavothouMnutoeof tbethir » tywi3tth oenfoatod^lA > ,4 f lhiAw RiAftn Mnnn fbr tho oxooUetatannoJf ia iwhieh h ' had presided over the wfomnee* ; i tltt ffftAMAttt flkA scjmwjft^theA M£andthftA U t Zion churches visited the t b •Wfri_ F eie u. * 1 rW frSTfc-TTV and the Utter wader A B Grain TrCnj oTJ a /"I / ./TTcZTf.i A.fter the Sunday schools had been missed, a debate by several mem* rs of of the conference took place adorningika reed to tkaf'each minister ten cents •mission purposes. Officers of the bfititr *&e- etectfedT as follows:^ Colliday; secTetaa^r. Sf'Bavis; ’daft#! (mditg secretary, K Madden, r \ In the Evening, the Bishop, before djouming the conference sine die, sad his list; of appdihtments as fol )ws, thanking the membere of the on&irfence for their gentlemanly de ortment and the real they had dis layed in their Work. A vote of thanks ras then tendered the Bisbop and the ■lienU^B dispersed. ; . - ’ > rr oiirrirro v;« ;il cuifc—J iHhTko»«ur^ u. .>: u*xf si ' H Muii s^mSPSi 1T__ Urge’s p- -drrMlr^w>iiIoI| §KSSy&:^ Jttb B«, Beaver Faffe.'ijrfdfcewatdP mn i&J< n fcii iu r irg j&nd AltooBa circuit— J H Baptist raluu Jleia, Rrtetthii; Hildian, U a Hehtille, ‘Dennison and Alliance . DWkett.uadsio*! guidon Fider T H Whsbce wm transferred the Michigan and r Gaasada; oorffefc ’ . The next 'oonftfrenoe wilb.-b* in ibe.A*%ry Mission ehwreb, Al legheny €ity, beginning the second Wednesday of AdgurtrlddS at 10 arm 1 hawe sent you all of; the proceed exceptthat JteyiiDe ,2f -HbHIBU* « been ekpeBed from! the <#6n< fbr going to latr andinshbor _» fril ,-^ig- Mj ?.k ofcl'j eli,*!3 (0 tifi BY CHAS. H. MC DOWELL* fcii > mL .-..i.vUl ‘‘mpgJsffb^w Mlffrsr., an. Mm that in an afire . merely existing is syb rffefft '! -yz—t'jO*** ‘/i :vl *rrv«'ffc. .1 farmer knows this and hetills thri eoil and plants thegrain* the re sult is thatbe reaps a bountiful haw vestin autritan. The merchant id no less aetive and obedient to fchalaw* of progress in mercaatHerpursnits; in l»ke manner certain duties reel upon vMt as educated men, . fj By the term “educated men,” we do not wish to convey the idea that we have reached, the zenith ot mental cuK tore or the highest extent of literary grandieur, hut that we are prepared to look into the arena of nature, to . • • ft % n i lift a few scattered shells, from the, boundless shores of thought, and be queath them to the great store house off human knowledge; nay less than this ; we mean Men who read and, apt predate the lives and deeds of great men. Not merely for pleasure, but for a purpose, and wi|h an aim, to em ulate theif good example and reject their bad. In short, We mean men who have been changed from rude arid unhduth living to mild mariners,, re S society, elevated ‘.thought arid ' iietionS. If education has hrotightus ftom gross and barbarous living, ^natcneq l» fitam rtli$ tenacious ifflf ignorance' an^f su^retiimn, d fashioned us into the comely man, polished gentleman and the up ight Christian; and if itspriwCrshas ^rieaap^^or even growpweaker, and ^^mstituted- as other men of the Dace/or riven ' other faces, then mg to the laws of nature,- the1 in* like mariner or circum akme'effecfe1 __ f applied to the _ minds, ihn the South, and the 'agari iu benighted Africa, it wfll al make. them polished, enlightened wid religious;; : : .example of our benefactor » worth' emulating, what' is more inspire ner in which he taught both Jew and Greek, Scribes and ^harasses, saiid* and isinbers? Ifhis commandments aw wdrth obeying What to motehrd ’ikbasi^natoAM. ‘M^M^kJULUJa^Liiak^u IfcWhah^loVe Godshtfreinely ahdour Big&tjioras ourselves rV Xove Ss'neS nide/but refined ;4^eatthi^ bi^el savenly .ifrigin. Christ loved the World and he camefcd leach mehJ; so als^il we love our neigfcberaas tfur selves, it should be our dotfpto bring orieToves his ij' ui _.u: -iV Km jn the idea of servihtyj af the queen fox hje^j futyecfa; :;the;;aiibitious general for his soldier; the master for lik ftlftVyv 'iV vb*s oiiT .a: iX hr.a l&stfc duty is W advicate tho people; that ia I, Uve freely to oihei* what ourproftes sterile so^.oi rho ihhabits the degrhded hHte Of be ighted'Africa may posses a mind IA arabletfkhijfrlijffeirttti trtdnii&/as Jekmtdm of France and the Lords f England, These depraved mind* re tt)ibetwdned< fbJplqture flsefubieii, m M&& osdanmnmind imdbriaedb' ..eadodSal b the twig ti'bmmitW* fcolSried” *o have a soMfoaSdSfiorfor an edi workmen wrought by .utajofs one w< Wmm ironder. So the Sabbath school teach r Way ’With his skillful hands dissem aate gerins'of truth in some crude mind, Which will germinate and cause, theworldnbtmerely to wwm%; bat to be amazed, astounded, even terri ied and tremble before bim.T The mail from among us who de votes his IHblfi gathering Wealth for tftie support of the pttOr; ddes Wolf, and the one who" during some dreadful .tastropfre, horn? thcKrbins bf the % through the Iboisfiaroui storm, and over the peirilbus recks* haadone bet sttfddnt Who has taught one Pagan, and lias' led him to the throne of to receive fron the great physician of mankind, balm Iot 1 his wounded spirit, beyond the doufe of the philOsOpher, the depths of the geologist* the breadth of the scientist n and the etherial flights of the astrono mer, has decidedly done better. Then We should consider it a high and hon orable caJHng to remove the painful bliss of ignorance, and delude* the jdjrfe, If delusion, by the lly of wisdom ; to awaken them to le beauti«.oLftaiuk£iiL.Jp inspire them with relish for intellectual en joyment. As the true end °f educa tion is to bring all the' powers and faculties of our nature tb the highest per&btidn of which they are capable, and as knowledge \ is ipfinite, bound less and eternal; it bdsoovee dsto per- > BfeTere-tn all out cdncatwmal pnrsuits, mid gain by Constant appficatien ‘file ythicK are suspended fe«i the holy altar and attached to the grasses*, of’ earth. Although we carinetread the apex of knowledge, fot beyond,. the robed in all; his glory is the iacompre ' spirit. so pany of us a*e called, is beyond all other profeaBiohs, a very laudable one, the lbost responsible. The disease of the sophist; the javelin of the blind scientist andtke fiery darts of itifideJ, i Will be hurled at the'divinerevelation, tid the ndhis^ J^ftroi#^ stknd With undaunted courage, ancFo^ej^ ' te enem^ in an intellecttttfl comfeti$ mftkftJOa pwnjt cfea«r, and the truth of course will stand out for itself. But if his miqd comprehends ' not, that science and religion are not , opponents, and that if Are Bible be I ifcjfe&ed'on afecount of the difficulties ‘Which it eontaips, nature should also ' be rejected (because it has' the same ^hsteuot, to ;f»rfotm&)uid t Hmitiohr knowkdgm Then Md ^>nfions Will W«i#artedi the l scriptures .rejected and,tftP$0d of pa^urotraiftp^ upw %, the yilefeet oliilv? cidtj * 1 Tin dwtfr eft fcrery educated man hdif good deeds hi conclusion, to Uv« forever* *« WM* :; f| (•*:'£ :?jk iU< ilk * .viiO ncstgtd and at no Yet we eaa make some advance nrtin science. The lawyer who was ,; adept fifty years ago w ould he be nd this age, unless he advanced with profession, r The doctor who con hmfcaelf with the little saattering medicine which he acquires at the ftege and makes no progress in the science,, will be called a quack. His growth in medical science is ineyita