CHURCH IN AMERICA. VOL. X. t f] V SALISBURY, N, C.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1886. NUMBER 43 1 ■ : THE INNER LIFE • ! BY CAKIN'K. Oar'actions maj Ik lair to see— Above reproach that man can bring, And still a foul blot stain the heart • From which those actions spring. Our feet may tread the path of truth. Far as the world can judge or see, And while our friends look on and praise) We yet may miss our way. ■ Tis sweet to hear the cheering words Of all our follow creatures hefe; .wild when we strive to please, vreprize The worlds opinion dear. ]Kuf? oh, how transient is the gleam < >f all the honors enrth ean give, /And iu the hour they brightest shine They yet may cease to live. $tut when the hearts intents arc pure. ... Tlio' oft in execution vile, , A \y\ die struggling to amend the wrong. •. e yet may meet <!od!s smile. Ami i( we walk in lowly ways, A full to gain the praise of m tr.— J ft <off . approves, and stail’d« our friend, JfdoA noi mattirthcn. BAMANOTES. ? . |5Y ltllV. k’. IS- I’lTTMAN. Mr. Editor: ■ * ^Having transferred from tlie A'orth Carolina to the West Ala. conference J>v Rt, Her. T H Lomax, I am pleas ed and able to say I met a very warm reception, from the many go<nl citizens of this city. Livingstone is beautifnlly f *v:tuat ed on the A. 4L K. Rail rood and % jis^aid to be one of the m cst cougeui* ^Hl»yier resorts in the state. The great; I s^fteaiuu well being one of its medicinal - 1 £ggpjirees. Zion here on my arrival vtm ^spiritually dead. Her pillows ^ >rrc •JuUapidated, her towers storm Ix^a/e-w, atid time worn, the sheep of 1 the hc^G ^ i^rael being scattered a | broad. ^ «Weh ! but auou the I clouds beg.’UJ to dispeiwe, and He who j liolds the winds hi his fist and bids it lift the sea from its bed, and pour it* water* upon the mountains, diffused ^renovating lire deep into the henna of «every Ziouite. This of course resulted into a general revival. There were more than 30 converted mid several more joined the chureh. There is much interest being uiauK testAl in ihc'Kunda? school which numbers about 100 scholars, under the supervision of Mr. M Hotson, as ^superintendent; one of the best in the state. Since our revival meetings, ^ which were protracted) wc have near ly Speeded in renovating the church fog tyhbdr wc have raised $160.00 and a haftdsow sym in liquidating^ several floating debt*, F- E. M. Rosser, is a ^lf sacrificing ao4 faithful worker in 'ffap. We boarded tlua C. M train ^ |#:40 pun and on tlie ^following mondug found ourself (on the evening of |the 20th) in the Gulf city, Mobile. Aifteti* spending nearly a week there, I ,with regret was forced to leave the ^Jer on important business. He is laboring on the sea of time. In one instance be toiled all night in the in vest of Zb A Wc were mending ^ets of course, nnci still bes fishing jtfcere earnestly. Livingstone, Ala. ; __ NOTICE. •flie ministers and members of the •3rd District of the West Ala. confer ence will take notice that the District conference will meet in Selma Ala., Xovember 18th 1880. Now dear breth ren don’t fail to have a good report oi vour General fund. I want my District to keep ahead and we can by rawing *£00. You did well last year but 1 JrJnt iw to do far better this yea* than J M Butti.f.r, P. E. NOTES BY THE WAY. I YORK DISTRICT CONFERENC E—DlSHOl* ! JOSES IN SOUTH CAROLINA. !'■ ■ ' - ./• £ Mr. Editor: ^ | It was our purpose toy lntve left I home last Tuesday via the N. G/K. R. for Yorkville where Elder Dy It Walker’s conference was to convene the next day; but death having en teral my fold I was detained -to attend the funeral of one of my must | faithful and devoted member?, vir.; ; brother Alexander Patton, who died ; Tuesday morning at tw\. o’clock Oc* tober 12th, in the full triumph of .Christian faith. < Ho . leaves n large family, but he held a policy iu an Endowment Association from which his widow will receive one hundred' dollars in sixty days. A kihd broth er carried us On vhis buggy to Hook Hill where Elder JL*H. .Jdcksdn, one of Zion’s most successful and energet ic preachers received us most kindly/ but to our surprise he had ill* bell rung aud wheil we had satisfied thd inner man one of his young men' walked up to us and told us that a large congregation was in waiting at the ehureb expecting me to say some thing'to further the pause of their revival/ You may imagine how sur prised we were when you are told we' had ouly been m town two hours and no one knew we were coming How ever, wc wended our ,waiy;to the jehurnh, met a good congregation and gave them a twenty minutes talk from the words “And she bound the pear let line in the window/’ Joshua 11:21 ‘.‘The scarlet line that saved a woman and her house.” We spent a few hours pleasantly talking after service, and I spe^t thp remainder of the night with Mrs. Caroline Stceje, my mother in-law. At "> ocloek Wednes day morning woarose from, the em brace pf ambrosial sleep and joined Rider Jactsop again to fide in his Splendid buggy to Vorhyille, the place of the meeliug of the district Conference, a distance of fifteen miles. Elder Jackson has succeeded admira bly at Rock Hill this, his fourth year. About sixty dive persons have been converted and added to the church. He will come out O. K. on General Fuld. Here wc are in Yorkville, and yopdei* is Elder H. Blake, tho genial pu4*>r of Clinton Chapel. We alight from the buggy pp.4 are soon escorted to the parsonage where the pleasant smiles and lovely counten ance of Mrs. Blake told us that here we should rest and that well. . . w The District Conference assembled 11:40 p m., the affable and open ■ hearted Elder D. I. Walker presiding. The devotional exercises were very feelingly conducted by the P. E, and Elder N, A. Crockett of Chester. A ; Dumber of important committees were ! '.an non need, among which wasacom rmittec on 8uuday Schools, Star of Zion, . Church building, Education, Home • Missions. The Elder wisely adviged the committee? as to their duty and the bearing that » good report might have upon the several congregations iu the district. He then delivered from manuscript hit annual address which was suggestive and very on* ‘ cou raging to every member of the di» ’ trict conference. He urged upon the [ ministers to live holy lives and lei F their lives commend the Gospel the) i preach and the cause they represent [ He also spoke in plain language or t ihaAjtejaersl Fund and told his preach era thkt^h^: ;nw4 keep the kw oj J abide by thw^onsequenees. Ifc spoty throughout {the Brothers, J. B. -Brown, in encoimging terms of the brethren district, especially F. Adams, J.. it Bryant,'8.‘ T. Meek and S. R. Gtateroy, local preacher, who had . .. . - ■ ; V It . , y built spleu.did. new churches on their charges jind? arc now worshipping in tK^ir. { -B.rffibher .Gatteroy, the local rpreacherihas organized a large mis sion .Sunday .School irom which bps grown a promising congregation .which •has been Jately organized into a Zion ehurch liy Elder H. Blake. Brother gatteroy has laid a worthy example £ur other loeal preacher and for our long list of superanuaiics which were called to go and preach, but take good care to stay i and preach if they can get ty pi'OOt'h when they wish oil some j>ody^H»t*gc aud at the hour that suits them. Borne very important matters were discussed before the Con ference.; Tho brethren showed during the digcip-siou, oil the topic-about re* edving persons in the church who were Jiving apurt when they had once | beep married,, or who had the second I wife ^r husband and the first yet liv ing, that they mean to try to keep the church of God closed against every openly immoral character. Elders Crockett, Blake and Rev. Kitt, Wal ker and others ..made appropriate remarks.. Elder C. A. King. P. E. of the JJpjon district being present was asked, to ruakc gome remarks which .lie did iu a most edifying mam uer. .The committee on devotion appointed Elder G. W. Clinton to preach at Clinton Chapel, A. M. E. Zion churelji.8 o’clock p. ni., associated by J, Ellis; at the M. E. church Elder J.,H. Jackson, associated by Rev. A. I/. Kitt. The churches were crowded at each point and the servic es were iuterestiog and edifying. The conference convened again on morning at 10 o’clock a. in. and business was resumed in usual form. Rev. J. R. Brvant, the effi cient young secretary, read n good minute «nd‘ Elder H. Blake went on U'itJ) Jbd statistical table and by 11 o’cook a. m. tho tahfo Wfts pompjetcih It showed an increase of about four .hundred conversions in the district since last conference and about eight hundred accessions to the churches on. the district. Although some of the brethren have near, all their General Fund and others about half, they did not fill the blank for Ceueral Fund, thinking that they * can make’a full jrepoft by the meeting of the Annual Conference. Jib’00* private iuforv}owj» with the brothreu we learned that thp district will come about two hundred dollars ahead of last year on General Fund, if so tlien South Carolina will hardly be ashamed of GNieral Fund wheuall the district come together with a like increase. Iudeed, Mr. Editor, the .York District is in a most healthy condition. Elder J). {. Wal ker is an untiring and earnest worker in the cause of. the connection to which lie belongs^ and has under him a kaajbua-and able corps of ministers. The district wants him again, aud ajl the pfencheis have been asked for an otlKH’«yea»,: - Four new churches have gone up and the congregations are worshiping tbpr«in- The Allowing brethren were elected lay delegates and alternates; Nelson Ham mond delegate, G. W. Brown alter nate; Samuel Fewell delegate, A, P. Pagan alternate. Wo succeeded in securing a small list of subscribers with- cash amouutiug to $3.85 which we berewhfl dncloae. - We left Thurs j day at 1*2 o-’cld6k^a.t Jtt„ the District j Goufbrtype jm v. . a ; .-Ji IHSHOP JONES IN ‘.SOUTH CAROLINA. f Rt. Rev. S. T. Jones D'.D.,. the'pre siding Bishop. of the South Carolina Conference, has returned from Salis bury whither he went to enter his daughter, Miss Jenuie C. Jones in Zion Wesley College. lie sj»ent last Sab bath with us. It was a pleasant and bright Sabbatlf. >' Union church Was packed to overflowing? At 11 a. in., the Bishop was in the pulpit. He preached one of his characteristic soul stirring and cdif\ ing sermons from the 6th and 7th verses of the 26th Psalm. The Bishop is now in good health and was in one of his happiest moods and that is a sufficient guarantee to all who know him, that bo preached riu able sermon. We had several children and adults to baptize in the afternoon, ami succeed ed in gettiiig the Bishop to deliver the initiatory remarks. He gave one of the most lucid and forcible expositions of the subject of Infant Baptism based upon the wordp of our Saviour in Mark 10th: lb—ft5 that we have heard. The con gregation was highly delighted and well satisfied with the Bishop’s dis courses and w ill await, his next visit with anxiety. We collected $55iitud some cents on* Sabbath. We will raise every cent of our General Fund, if we can only meet our people t|»e two remaining Sabbaths. The people petitioned unanimously for our return the fourth year Howt about it God aud the Bishop iknowe. Next week I shall visit Elder A. M. Moore’s Dis tiict aud hope to forward a large list of cash subscribers. Mi’s. Anna Gill of Lancaster, • is visiting Fort Lawn the guest of Mrs. E. J. Clinton. The S. C. Conference convenes on the 10th prox. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHAR LOTTE DISTRICT CONFEIt ■ ENCE. JJY HEW U. E. KEACKWEEE. Toe Charlotte District Conference for *8(1 met |n the A- M- E- Ziou church at Shelby, N. C. Weduesday October 13th, Rev. R. S. RievesP. E. The P. E. being detained in Charlotte Rev. E. L. Campbell took the chair, and opened the session with devotional zeroises. Rev. Q. L. Blackwell was ’requested to k.cp the journal, Rey. M. Slade prepared the statistical table. Tho chairman appointed the necessa ry committees. Delegates- duly au* tjieptlcpted wej’c seated- The devo* tional committee reported to preach at 8 o'clock p. m. Rev.. G. L, Black? well, of Lincoln ton, Rev. M. M. John son to associate. The serv|eos at night were well at tended and the collection \yas hand some. . . . • S12COXD DAY. ; , Tlie t>ppU‘Ug exercise? were conduc tcd by Rev. E. L. Campbell and J. S. Settle* The roll was corrected and called, minutes read. and approved. Each member per motion was required to remain during ,jhe business of the conference. A resolution was offered by J. W. Thomas and G. L. Black well to present the P. E. a suit of olotboi, It was Vttftuimmisly adopted and the amount for each to contribute specified and G. W. Johnson of Char lotto was made the treasurer, The P. E. arrived and staled reasons for his delay. After expressing himself glad to meet the brethren, he then read his address which was very per tinent to the occasion. The secretary replied to the address assuring Him h|s efforts had b'cci\ an&.$re highly appreciated by the, brethren. Broth cr G. W/ Johoson and j.,W. Michael were elected delegate* tfr-the Annual Conference, M. Roberta apd {G; 6, Adams alternates. The' delegates from the various charges reported.the wishes of the members and the pro gress of the work which showed con siderable improvement in every way. All the pastors were invariably asked to be returned. Considerabie^&iild ing and repairing has been carried on and successful revivals at neatly every1 point.. The General Fund and other finances are rolling-up which indicate that the pastors arc doing their duty., Harmony and tranquility prevail all ■over the district, the greater- part of which is.due to the pleasing diSposi? lion and executive abilit/of the: Pre siding Elder, ‘Rev. J. E. McSTal was appointed to preach at 8-o’clock p. m. , whjch he; did with entire satisfaction. Elder McNeil is* the “Sam Jones” of Zion connection. Conference- ad journed. ' NIGHT SESSION. 4 ** • After the sermon a short session was held. The committee on General .Fund reported which report showed that two-thirds of that roonfey had been raised. To say tlic feast the report was en couraging. Brother G. AV.. Johnson and the secretary made lengthy speech es on the adoption of the. report. Sev eral persons said that they never understood sq thoroughly about the distribu|ion of the fifty cents as they did that night. The P. E. gave en couraging words and charged the brethren to bring the last cent of the! money to the conference, if too late to send to the conference steward. THIRD DAY Devotinat exercise xyerc conducted by the P. E. and E. L. (Jamplell. Kev. J. S. made an inquiry about the traveling cxpcnces of the P. E. It was explained by the committee that expenses were to be paid from the last church of holding a quarter di rectly to tfip other church to which, he goes and the church to which he goes to pay the amount. This expla nation being given it was Agreeably settled. A resolution wad offered by G. W. Johnson which was unanimous ly adopted, fbr the return of the same P. E. A resolution was offered by T. K. Davidson. returning thanks to the pastor and the people for tlieir hospi tality during the conference. Thef subject of Education, Temperance, Ziop Wesley, Star of Zion and S. 8. was a very prominent thought of the conference. Much enthusiasm dll the heart of each pastor : to collect all his raoucy and to do his whole duty. Thd session was-triost delightful and enjoy able. Yours for God and Zion, ! G, L.Blackwell. PRESIDING ELDER REV. R. & RIVES’ ADDRESS BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONFER .. ENCE. Belo v t*p »RETii ren:—Through the tender mercies of an Allwisc and gra cious Father we have been preserved • and permitted to meet again in the oapaeity of a District Conference. We have numerous reasons for exclaim' iug “Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me bless, praise Hu holy name! T Lord has been very mindful of us during the pas! year, though our experiences may more than equal that of any prevtoui year yet God be praised for sparing and delivering us from death* and th< many fetal snares of §fn and satar through which we have bad to pass. ' Aside from misunderstandings such as are common to finite creatures, I ? might say. wi have gotten along ad* jpirably, I certainly enjoy the bast feelings toward-every brother of this district, and hope you have the same . fer me* “Though men differ in opin ion, views and. tact, yet they may agree. But when roen allow themselves "tfroverleap their bounds and interfere wkh: another's work, unpleasantness is inevitable. ■ l am sure, however, that those who know me best, loveme&ost and if you all don’t love me is the ca pacity of P, K it is only because you don,t know _ roe. Brethren,' I make mention of these facts because of some apparent innovations op*toy part, and those of others, while I believe our purposes kavo'been pure and were of good intention. ** -s . Whether it will be my privilege to preside over you another year, or whetb er you wish me to or not, is-a matter‘ I leave for your consideration and de cisidn. May the God of all grace be with us during this conference and en able us to do the business .thereof, in a manly and Christian way, Whatev er failures we have had or may have all must share a part of. them ; and whatever success we have had or may have will be to the credit of all con* cerned, Therefore let each do his part with in honest heart, and,God will bless every part. • > 1st. Let the committee on General jFund find out. the amount dtte each enlarge and the amount paid. " 2nd. Let the committee on P. E.'s salary find out the amount paid and the amount due, etc, / r 3rd. Let the committee on pad tor^ salary find the amount paid and w hat amount due, etc. 4th. Let all the committees ga ther every item pertaining to their respec tive work andi let ua know just where who. are before leaving this conference for the annual conference. : I want lis to stand even with, if not head and shoulders above any I* E/s district in this conference bound ary . In short, let us do our very best; for they that do their best “do well.” Let the wishes of every church be fully expressed, and their courses manfully sustained. - If any church don’t want the P E let it be' known and the rea. sons brought out. If any church don’t want the pastor, let it be stated and the causes made known. If the Presiding Elder has not discharged his duty, let it come to light and the causes. If the pastors have uot done their duty, let it be known and the reasons. Let righteous ness be laid to the line and judgment to the plum it—God wiH he glorified and his cause vindicated. His church will be built up and bis servants strengthened. As for myself, I am ready to go on the balances and be weighed; I hope you are all ready to follow. I have travelled 1510 miles at .the cost of #56.55. It is hoped that the cause of Tern perance will share at least'a part of our consideration and endorsement' The grace of onr Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with us, Amen. NOTICE./ Send ten oeats to the A M E Zion i Book Store, 183 Bleecleer street, New York, and get one of Rev. J. H. Man* i ley’s pamphlets “A Wonderful Dream” Proceeds to be contributed to the re i building of Norfolk ehnrch. JacobThomas, Agent. ‘ .. ..... ~ ;

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