ORGAN OF THE AFRICAN W:c -yf*&' Wg?$fo2&.* \%£ Y'r V ■>'••• " .» PAL ZION CHURCH IN AMERICA. VOL XIV. NUMBERS. LOVELINESS. Ones I knew a littk girl, Very pliue; T« might tnr her hair to curt Alliaeaia; Ob hrr Awk mm tint «f reee ^ PMtriMMk *«#tnpoK Bat Ik* ***** Un» tin*** her bmia Ai> thing, ABftiewBt; go fell laherl__ ten Everythoughtw tell of grace, Pure and true; Awl m time the homely free Lovelier grew; With a h.aeeoty radiance bright, From the eoul’e,reflected light Shining through. 8b 1 tell you. little child, Plain or poor, If year thoughts are undefiled, You are sure Of the loveliness of worth— And this beauty not on earth . Will endure. ... **■» BRIEFS. The Pope’s brother, Cardinal Pecci, isdead. __ The Blair Educational bill h agaiu ibeiort the Senate. Make life a mtaistrr of Jose, and it niS dsajn be worth living. Andrew Otraegie has offered Pitts* bug 41,000,006 for a public library. Tea thousand oeioted people in Canada base eent the governor gene ml a loyal addrses. A noble pert oforay true IHelajo loam to nado wbat has been wrongly up thoughtlessly dune. The Supreme Const hat decided that the Idaho test ealb ersinA po lyga^JsCbnaitntioBaL Mr. Gladstone hae declined an offer of £6,000 yearly by a fir® ofAmeri can publishers for every thing be writes for the public. Over 7,000 people welcomed Dr. Talmege in the Thirteenth Rmowot Annosy on his return from abroad. Gen. Salamanca, Captain General of Cabo, is dead. Gtea. T Chinchilla, fortperly Minister of War, succeeds hint, The Republican convention in the Fourth PhansyIrania district, oomi nated State Senator John E. Beyburn to succeed the late Copgrtasmaa Kel lry. Forty thousand formers of centaal Illinois bare organised in the Fares eof Mutual .Benefit Association. They are areetfug Muratovs and co op erative tarm stores. The Mew York Presbytery sated for g revision of the creed leaving oat the damnation of infante and the beetben The Mew Jersey Committee reported egeinet revision. The returns issued by Bus English' board of trade show that daring the mouth of January the imports fa creased £100,000and the exports in crossed £500*000, ao compared with ^hcsn^eriMMsdiBg month in 1880. Thfe ^4M(npw4, f|(ju idfoofttioi ‘lissJsPft ifauf drawn in proposes a a th* interests norainetioaal'schoolsthnt it will re ceive (be opposition of all. Liberals Mist Rom A. Bower, one of'Bishop Taylor's African nissiocaries, arrived from Liberia, Feb. 4. and is rearing at lira. Osborn’s, in Brooklyn. It was • tag and 4onqy voynse at nx week? and considering her ill bealtb she stood it remarkably welL Her fwieots Iiva4a Delln, Pa, and sbe «rill go there to reerait. Two Negro preachers, named j having"! CHANCE. A few yean ago a cultivated voting married couple retired for business reasons to the top of a mountain in Pennsylvania. They had no society save that of miners a»d mechanics; the mads were passable poly on hors* back, and the nearest towo was thirty miles awav. How, to make the moat of their time became an interesting question. A manual of geology was Those in the world who, it is said' “hake a chance” are generally those who improve what chances they have, and by small steps rise to high olaoes Those who, Instead of lackadnisica ly re’ l1 t;j ~ SEVENTH DISTRICT. GEORGIA CONFERENCE NOTES. . ' ! Ri THE MINISTERS AND THEfR 3 - - BY REV. • .• a a .1 s» 1NO. W.KILdW. 1 ^ c^3x.;nx.n-u J . .jt; :7f Mr Editor : Being elected by the Gteorg^t’con ference as one of your correspondents, I made out toy report of nor last annual conference end fetwatded the same to you in December. ■ I notified you to send me fifty cents, worth of them to me at Girard, Sa.- T;cdntin-' ued to look for them and bad become a little sour, and was holding back tii} January report, hoping to hear from all of our field officers. This morning’s mail brings news from Bishop Harris that you sent the papers to my old address at Augusta, Ga. I have been there but received no papers as yet. ^ - I.have just received 4 long letter from P E, J A Peak, and he reports ftMtimeall over the work. Ref. J E Trueeooi of N. O. is stationed juMt- Wen j - Augusts, (the charge M^pwriterhekl last year.) He is Bmp for the place, and the old Eli moving on smoothly under his ipo3ed i S fallen.’ nicely,and the work un.ior-JPM»| growing Rev. N. ^Tompkins H the-iifurrn- *"*- " p --gjfTtHM mission work in Augusta with 12 mejnbers, and the prospect looks bright for soother fine church there. Rev.-Tilraau on the Waynes 5 boyo work is doidg weB f he raised |40, on his first round. d?\V. Fish* bush is yet Working oh his'fine church in Athens, the.classic city of Georgia, and his entire work is moving on: There is said to he soma ljttle dis satisfaction among' the churches of GrecqV Grove circuit, but' we think satisfaction will begiven and5all parts work tog£ ihhr’ u ndhr the leadership of Rev. N. W Watson. We met Rev. J. J. Thomas and he reports'his work in ;a growing eondi tion ; and seeois to be well’pleased with it, l have not heard any thing froth; P. E, 8. P. _ Drayton and his work. There are so 2 Or 3 circuits on Elder Peak’s work not ‘reported by pastors, bat 'brother Peak says ithey are coming: Your correspondent was about ;fon the ;»th, Wok ,up 6-5 c on Monday,, went qu tbp^jujasionend spent the week. tWh preapfcid, in a waste house, .took, in five members, and it made *re. feel like I bad taken a city. Qn Saturday, bight, of the sa^ie week when bidding the mission friend* good bF to return to th* large pburch at Girard, jwihjjtoy right hand upward heaveu told .$««» if 1 Jived and remained with them, they would see a Zion church there pointing its tower toward the sky. , ’Squire lively, a white true and tried, Christiangentle man of the.M E. church, South, gav# U* an acre of land} aod w malfe the2 matter short, I will just say to all lovers of Zions, we have on that spot of ground todays qloe, large ohuroh but not quite finished, and we usages iaitby next meeting dfy, I( have paid tor every bit of the work sd far, and only owe p small amount on the lumber. The whites' of the different denominations here are k|o4 and they unhesitatingly palled out mooey, hauled lumber, Ac., for us. On the first and second Sundays io this montn we had a jabilee at 8h*ith?* chapel, and it is now getting on fire, again. Presidihg Etder Peak informs me that he will organise a new ohuroh j at Iwaha, Ga, on the 3rd Sunday in J February - IW **■-'— SOUTH CA1 A NOTES. th'j .Siut ling abmt oar w of the Stab. ij cannot I*«y. Iu South $frotina there is probably as much twfriton yet to be occupied by Zion there i# in aojrjtf the other States ~ mea- seem de termined from (he eff »ru which they* are making to ' pxwess tbit territory. Opr work mutt not tp c oufioed to any one portion of the 8|ate. Zion must be known in every c >uaty. Her prearhem mast be b&rd in all of the rural districts, villages, towns and oi ties. Yea, our Zion must be known and her power felt .from the beautiful hills in tbk#tmh to the sea washed shores qu the South, aqd from the boisterous Atlantic on the East to Georgia on the West. Whereas we are drying to gain aWthe territory we ean lor our Zion we are also very busy gaining more souls for God and our church. rut ‘ * revival We have now fifteen thousand mem bers id the State, and by thorough c osecration, prayer aid dilligent ap plication to duty on the part of our. njinistry we *an swell our number to Our man bod Oil to pastors being ever on the * lookout. Every new Sunily moving Into his community, let him make the neoeea sary enquiries io order to find nut to what branch of the Christian church they belong «r arc - inclined. By this proems ire could keep our members from straying into other churches. Zion is on the onward march in 8e«th Carolina-new church old" ones remod d 'almost conducted by tue pastors cm nag tns past oenference year, were eminently suocesfitl. i The Holy Ghost camedawnih converting ppwer and many .souls were Converted aan added to. tfie church.' Ube‘ out look for another eqeeerefql year is very bright, and through him that has sent us, we hope to do mUch for Failed1 humanity and Zion. OUR CONFERENCE SCHOOL. The Lancaster Female Sejninary, iHfder the very excellent management offProf. W. R. Douglas ia making a newstart. A new building has just been completed and they' are1 p60rable ‘to adcoiitnioiXaia 1 two 'hundred stu dent^ ; tfcepree^l enrolment # j oho hundred‘and fifty. ‘ Bretbreu, let us awake to the im portance ojCed *«atiag :be young,; re memberiug that Abe ministry. can be suceessfiil injtacalliDg, only in pro portion as they succeed in drying Up ih6>taguated pcftjis of *W,; ;foimor tty. and iguorauce. and drawing sup sttUon out of religion "by preaching the GosDel of Christ in its parity. ■ To sind/i -the futons ' obareh ! church which does the intellectual ; ad _.wu« *v» ,u^ children 1 of to day. Thank God that 3ton in doing her ;par|l in this direction. _ ; a- U yer to Ad —ns will'd access, and wee to be one oft U the grand ku>M) ot light, and warbling songs of celea tial joy.-, . . i Let us think of oar deceased broth er Alexander Smith, who departed this life January 23rd, ’90. Knowing brother Smith for several yean as one of those Christians not in word only, but in deed; he was one of the most active, liberal and untiring w rkers fer Christ. He was nl#*ys ready to perform his duty at a leader in the more, but are shall go to him and share his 'pleasures in the home above. The city in which he abides, the sun light of glory floods all its streets. Another songster from our band has lately flown above the clouds. The song of angels mingling with their hcrps of heaven, now fall open his ear; never has he heard such music. But now when fie hears even the. first notes of the ransomed throng, the thought of alP earthly music is forgotten. / 4 ; John says I heard a voice of much people in heaven saying, Halialujah, salvation and glory, honor and power onto the Lord our Qod. He sees not as through * glam darkly, bat flkde to face he Stands transfixed and gates with mate and inexpressible wonder. Gashing stream* ot bliss come pouring in upon him, flooding every avenue of his wonder stricken soul. The Savior i ising addresses him “Wrfl done, thou good and faithful servant#* BY J. Ij. BOttDBN. stances, that He of protecton a Hr. Editor: Please insert a few words In the columns ef oar paper concerning the work of Zion church here. We thank God that amidst the hard times and exodus fever, connect ed with other unfavorable - circum has placed his arm •ound St. Augustine. _JK3WSL.9°n ference many good old fathers and mothers were in silent prayer to God that something might , he done by way of appointment that would help us to keep Zion’s banner aloft. It is true we have lost many members by the exodus and other causes, but in the time of oar greatest distress, the wisdom of the conference came to our rescue by sending us as pastor. Rev. J. 8. Hen demon. Ho is indisputably the right man in the right place. Since be fans been with us, everything generally about the churoh has been well regu lated and the people are satisfied. St. Atfgostahu the honor of being the leading church in the town and tb* pimple in general as well as members of denominations. are not ignorant of the feet. Services are largely attended let the weather be as it may. Another fact we will speak of, vis: when visi tors come to our ohurch they take delight in contributing to the cause of Christ. . v:-r;rVV Brother Henderson is intensely de voted to the young element of his congregation. He repeatedly says it is of greeter importance to train and nurture a tender plant, than to wait until it grows l*to a sturdy tree. The effect of bis tabor is apparent; be has taken in more members than all the other fourd eaomioatioos pot togetfafer siooe he has been here. Our Sabbath school is growing very rapidly; It is in a flourishing condition and the pastor favors tb« his presence every S*bbi suooeeded in getting up n choir in which he revels with delight. On the first Sabbath in February the pastor preached an instructive seunonfetbe Sabbath aohool. The church was filled with children who were tpo eager to hear th« ttory lid O —3 3 ntgnt in nts cbm discussion would. 1 j ■ . •1 exercises P. E., W. J. Mooffc introduced the sj>eaker in a pleasing manner. Ha prefatory remarks were brief and pointed, end he said there were twelve general clessees, or tribes, of Fish, which were symbolic of the twelve tribes of Israel. The speaker beautifully made an application of each tribe of fish to the human family. We will only name a few of the tribes be discussed. Among the species was the* DevH fish, which was a terror to the young of other I tribes The Sandal fish be pointedly said was the sinner. The Flounder was a cloee resemblance to a flirting or coquettish youog lady or gentle man. Cod fish was that class of persons better known as underminers or ground wprfcen. The Flying fish is the Uf}e bearer whose tongue is of a f- (lying) disposition. The Haddock fish he successfully applied to loafers and dudea or lazy people. The Sword fish waa in-marked contrast to the generals in the battle fiield. The Saw fish emblematic of power and influence—referring to the grept states men and leaders of the world, such'as Washington, Jefferson, Blaine and Others whose names will be remember ed while time her vigils keep. The lecture in feet was a master piece of grand Wad practical thought, with sweeping argument and splendid eloquence. Elder Moore very warmly complimented the lecture. He spoke also in glowing term* of the Star of Ziost under the efficient management of Bro. Jno. C. Dancy. Brother Moore said it wonld be well while We wen thinking of great men authoritative, and not only our race read them and wonder, but our Cau cassian brother reads them and have been known to do them honor. Aa a compliment to bro. Henderson for has rendition, the audience present ed him a well filled parse which he heartily accepted. Rev. W. J. Mo, our P. E., and J. L. Borden were elected a special committee to report the proceedings of the meeting and general welfare of the church. TUSCALOOSA, (ALA.) NOTE3. BT WITNESS. Mr. Editor: Our little “City of Oaks” is inter estingly alive, and work is on the increase every day. The city market is now completed and is operated on a grand style; It is supplied with choice meats of all kind that can be provided for any city market, which is very acceptable to the customers. We have a very fine three story brick building in course of erection; the walla are up apd the sleepers of the third story are laid. A large num ber of new buildings are going up at the same time in different parts of the city : one of them is the school build ing for the colored children ; it will be completed by the 1st of April atxt This school now numbers-about about three hundred and eighty six scholars, divided into seven grades; the teachers are imployed and con trolled by the city authoritlafc - Prof. A- C. Dayton is prineiptti; Pro* Jeremiah Barnes, Miss S. E. Van house, Miss Mary B. Brown and lira. E. W» Carlyle are teachers. These are some of the best talented educa tors in our city. Our city will, ere long, have elec tric lights. The poles and wires are up, and the engine house also; All the equipments for the same are here. By the lime our readers will be; pon dering ever the few lines, our city will be lighted up by this machine. Mr. H. L Gain*, a young man of great promise, of oar eity, has been appointed to the honorable portion of Postmaster at Northport, a little town jut serosa the river frdto the oity. He will not take charge, how ever—by hie failing to give the required bond. Mr. Guinea wall deserve* the plaea. He wst educated at the Tushege* Normal school at Tuakegee, Ala^ and is a fine young man.'Sir ' v"-v; There wa» a fine reception given by the members ot Banter’s chapel A.. M. E. Zion church the first Friday night in Jana try, to welcome the pss tor’s return to1 them as their shepherd for another year. The leaden of the movement are Mrs. Harriet Washing ton, Mrs. Betty Thomas, Mrs. M C Johnson, Mrs Carrie Goode, Mrs Louisa Nelson, Mn G J Kenedy, Mrs Francis Price, Mrs Jamie Moore Miss A L Marphey, Miss LitlieBtofle Miss Lillie Yancy, Mr Joseph John son and others whose ntimes we can not now remember. May the bless fogs of the alt wise and mercffiil Father rest aud abide with them. t On Tuesday qight, January 23th, the rites of holy matrimony were oele brated between Mr. Harry Sherley and Mn Martha Allen; and on Wednesday night between Mr. J A S Mitchell and Miss Minnie Bounds in the A, M. E. Zfon churchy Rev. J. C. Saunders officiating. Tl|e church was very beautifully decorated. There were four arches downthe aisles and a much larger one than the four just in front of the rostrum. A very large congregation turned out to witness the ceremony. Your humble corre spondent wishes for them a long and happy journey .through life’s rugged way, and at last obtain- heaven for their eternal home. Rev. W. II. Spencer was hastily called from his home and pastorial work in Selma, Ala., to the bedside of hia father, Mr. Only Spencer, on the ‘26th of January, and there he re death, whlchoceurred the 2nd day of February. He had^Toaght a good fight, finished hia coarse and was readyto go. Peace tohia ashes. t ' Independent Club No. 3 held it special meeting at the residence of Mr. S. D. Toggart on Wednesday night the 6th inst. It was good to be there. We bad a fine timb spiritually temporally and socially. Mrs Lizzie Spencer is president; Miss R P Ba ker, secretary, and Mrs L Taggett, treasurer. This clab has a large cir cle i f members, and it will, no doubt, do great good this year toward reliev ing the pecuniary necessities of life which will make glad the hearts of the pastor - and family. There were short addresses and speeches made by Mr 8 D Taggett, the pastor and Rev W M Spencer. Afterwards refresh ments were royally served by Miss Maria B Edwards and Mrs Laura Taggett. t Quite a number of our people have been and are still siek with “La Grippe.” Among those afflicted are Rev A B Smyer. Prendwg Elder of the Birmingham District of the West Alabama conference; Mrs M E Smjer J J Smyer, the preacher’s steward’; Mr W H RourkO, Mrs JoOepbine Davis, Miss Fannie Weaver, A L Saunders. They are getting better. Last week was quarterly meeting week. We bad one of the-finest times we ever witnessed since we have bad our new pastor and Presiding Elder. Everything passed off lovely. t • " ’ - Mr. Lawrence Wearer ran one of his model entertainments on the wight of the 7th| inst, with good results. He is one of Zion’s wood workers. May he live long to wor^ for God and Zion. “ . ; . " The Saxton ballot reform bill was favorably reported in the New York senate. The bishops of the African Metho dist Episcopal church, in conference at - Charleston, fe.C., selected Philadelphia as the plaoe of meeting of the next gen eral conference. The President Iasi week* in a short and well*worded address,, received the representatives of the new Republic of Brazil, expressing the gratification of the American people that the Repub lie had been established without bloodshed and without violence.