- . p» » » . k- « — .« - » . . » ( . — » « . VOL XIV. SALISBURY, N. G §*; *' ** illi APRIL 24, I89fr •' t . NUMBER 17 ---t—* -AFTERNOON, BUT NOT SUN SET.” BY J. I A. Tbe morning has vanished, With burned pieparing, And anxious outlouwsag, Perplexing and wearing; We hardly were ready, But work was so driving. We bid our unfitness With earnest contriving. The noon time went rushing With bustling confusion, Sure worry and turmoil Were joined in collusion , We hinged for sedatives. For work we were ready, But bow couid we manage To keep our nerves steady. ******* Iu the surshine and warmth Ol the long afternoon, The iudsot the tn<>rning • * Are just banning ui bloom, And we in * be quiet. Hearts and intellects rife. Rejoice to be doing The beet work of our life. Byjmd by when sunset. Fading out in the West, Leave* us iu gloaming, W e’ll be longing for rest; The ieet that i» promised W ben our life work is done, Am the Master welcomes With, “Ye bieBsed ones, cotoe ” BRIEFS. Ingalls prrdicta Harrison’s nomiua tion aud re election. Tbe < eotrai Tennessee College has an «nroliiuent ol more than 500 stud ents. Tbe California probihitidnis's hav* nominated Gen John Bidwell, of Chico, for governor. ; Repu licaus charge fraud in tin Jersey City election and say that thay will bring a contest. Tulane University, New Orleans, at its recent commencement, grad uated 103 physicians and pharmacists The Ann ricanists’ c->ngross meets in Paris <>n Oct 14 for a f-»ur days’ discussion ot the history of ibe Amer teas. There were 195 destructive fires i the Uuited States in March, exceed ing a loss of $10,000 each—total loss $8,469,300. New York has but 75,000 daeii ings, while Philadelphia has 140.000 New York has &*me 300,000 the most inhabitants. A true man of honor feels I.Umbho himseif when, owing to circumstances beyond bis control, he cannot help bumbling others- * The annual general conference of the reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day 8ai< ts assembled in Loami, la. Over 200 disciples are in attendance. Mr. Dan Rudd, editor of tbe f'ath olic Tribune, baa issued a call for a convention of colored Catholics ot America, to be held at Cincinatti Ohio, on July 8th The several Afro American ebur ches of Louisville, Ky , have contri buted over fifty dollars for tbe relief of the sufferers from tbe recent storm in that city. Cincinnati is tbe great whiskey centre It alone paid in one year $31,000,000 *»f tax to tbe Goverim-nt ■* —twelve or fifteen times more than all North Carolina paid. The Rev. C. N Gradison, priucioal of Bennet Seminary, Greensboo, N C, and a fiine orator lectured March 27th at the Western avenue M. E church, Chicago, 111., on “Negr<> Moods and Tenses” Gen. Gherman has written a letter to tbe president of tbe Port Royal societv regretting his inability to attend the celebratior of tbe twenty fiftn anniversary of the restoration of the Union flag over Fort Sumter. A public meeting was held in tbe Methodist Episcopal Church, Wash ington, D t... on Tuesday evening, March 25, in tbe interest ot the pro posid National University, under the auspices of tbe Metbodit Episcopal Church. Bishop Newman, Senator Hawley and other gentlemen repre tenting different sections of the coun try addrewed the meeting. With one our papers that hasbadanything to ___ * »- *»-- luMgd^'igti say in reference to the — - of Prof. DeTreville on Prof. Gardozo, at Claflin University, 8. C., did not demning the tion is with the Christian Advocate tbe DeTretilie ment. How k r-8ontp Western gate. ■ Ife m , .’V'.sS* * Sjif'Jasje**!s . GOOD.—HIT THEM AGAIN. We do not .know whether there la any law providing against such a crime in any of the States of the Si •nth, bat whether there is or not, the miserable brute of a man that wicked ly and feloniously slips letters be tween disreputable white men and oar innooent and simple minded girls many of oar schools and -Uawss^ ties in the South dt street to be tarred and feathered, and Ins miserable ear earn toned to the towls of the air. Such ease has oocusasd *«cently;*ot iu this citv, however We hope the inhuman black wretch will meet bis just deserts; sad that the white reptile f- r whom be acted will meet oo better fate. We are glad t<> record ■ however, tlmt tlif Pn«ideul if the"' *c'i<h»1 wiiert iris ihiiia occurred suffi-1 tnuv wale uwakt t« diso>>rer it, and at "nee pot a stop toit—-S. W t hris nau Advi-cate. JOH N.<mYT~KOTES. Mr’^Edit'.r: Easter was properly observed here in liul< Zion by appropri^ mprices. The pul14t was very nicety aflorned with plants and flowers. Over the pulpit was a well arranged floral tribute, having a green most back ground, while the' fine flowers funned the words, “Welcome Easter ”, At three o’cluck p m, Rev C D. Hazel, the pastor, preached an impres sive sermon from datt. xxviii: 6 At 7 p m, the A M. E. Zion Easter s- rvice with a few extra ii-eertooae was carried out; -f which the ** Roman po.dier” was Ute leading attraction, taken Aw® one uf DamtL ll timti Easter services, in which John T. Matthews, j young man of the Bibie class, personated the Roman soldier, to whom the school respond ed heartily. The paster address d toe children, and the fOpe^meddent, John Frank, quoted aa appropriate paragtaph from the Scriprutea A collection of $1 38 vu raised hy the -cboul for the Sunday School Uni-m. Upon the whole it was a day w II *p> nt iu the service of the Lord BROOKLYN SPRAYS BT BfcV J W. BKOWN. Mr. Editor: 1 desire .a «ma)l space ir. our valua ble paper to make mention of the condition of mv lriend of Tabor. I was appointed by our honored Bishop j W. Hood, D. D, at the Nhipif of but conference to amume charge of the Fleet Street church in Brooklyn. When I took holdk of this work, thing looked a little discouraging. But knowing that nothing succeeds like success, and that permanent soccers only comes through right doing, I, therefore, labored to that end I am happy to see that object inview, God has signally blessed mv labors materi lly ard spiritually The numerical strength of the church has been increased greatly; •>ne hundred and four accessions at this writing. We have been able to meet our interest money on thy mortgage, pay some of .opr back debts and keep up the incidental expanses, including pastor's salary I have at so succeeded in establishing unity among the membership and that brought about a healthy atmosphere in the church. The outlook is bright. We shall he able to raise all the General Tax and then go to conference with a free conscience of having performed our duty. The Sunday School, is in a flourishing condition We have re eently purchased an organ. The attendance at service is good, the spiritual condition healthy, and under God Sop is ooming out of the wilder ness and her influence and power is being felt in thisoomptwutyand feme is going abroadf will visit us on the1 20th and for us. We afre looking forward to the time with pleasure as we expect by it profit CHESTERFIELD CO. (VA ) ITEMS. } BY MV HACK. I42TYSAB. Mr Editor : Please allow me to say a lew words about my work We held oar first quarterly conference March 28th, at Mi tint Zion church ini die meeting was opened at 1 o’clock by devotional exercises, after anich Mack Linyear was elected sec retary, and the chairman addraasod the conference which was listened to with much interest We next enter ed mt* the business • f the contemn* ' which pasaed •# in s very hsmioni- us maimef Ot- *■ unday we met at ebun h at 11 I o’clock and Rev, .Ember, P. E, apoke from these w.rd*fM8ir, we will see «li am .H and a fine sermon it was. The people sey be is the right man in the right pi»ce; we had a grand time all day EMar Usher 'raised $1500 which made nil of mr hearts glad* I wiH now say a few words abuat the general outlook; everything on my work looks bright for this year My good people have not made any crope for the past two year% hat if the good L**rd will bless us this year, we are expecting to come -‘bead this year in geneial fund I will say a few words to our brethren as we aH know that Dr. J. H. Manley stood at the band * f die list last ounfoenee. and I am going to try to beet them all this rear My people eay that I shall win, hut 1 know who I am opposing, s» ir I see oeed in this undertaking, it can only he done h? the me&thm beMiae ne hSv bends. Dr Manley :is doing js grand work at Petersburg, ail hie pc*pie seem to love him, and bis wife seems to take part with him. Mr Editor* I Asa also tryiDg to workup an inMlgtf In our paper, and I think I will do s< mething • n that: line that will make you smile before thi< year is gone. 1 have been on this cieuit pearly three month and wi I t>l in my power to bring every inu r eat of Zion U|t in this part of G<>dV vineyard. We have built one church on this circuit this year and will ded. icate it the tbiid&unday in May; Dr. Manley will preach the seimon. We ask the prayers I.f all the bretb ren that the good Lord may bless us this year, for the prayers of the righteous availeth much. . Chesterfield Co, Vs TALLADEGA,, (ALA.) NOTES BY BEY. JOSEPH GOMEZ Since I came to this place my sue cess, has been simply grand. We have added a hew room to the person age. plastered the old rooms, pat 3>S new glass in the windows and several new 'sash, tore away the old eboir gallery and n«w preparing to piaster the wall to . the extreme end of the church ; carpeted the pulpit nioeh. fixed the altar and many other needed repairs that I shall not burden your columns to mention; but the best of tdl is, we have regained the esteem of the people frr Zioq again , The 8und y sohool work—»oo much cannot be said abo it this important branch of tbe church It is the place where young heait are led to:he knowledge of Qud, and where g<-od material is prepared and fitted up for the future church. The work of this admirable branob of die East Ala bama conference of our beloved Zion i* entrusted to me to look after, there fore I earnestly urge upon every pastor and superintendent .• in our oonferonce to use every means in their power to gather in all of the children, especially those of our members. GeaemJ Fund. We recognise the nepwuity of nusing as much of this fbndws pumbly can be raised. the lift apd symmetry of our great,1ughly dftsemed and much loved connection Pf :^l our rifrrfc( made for the good of Zion, the ones made to raise the general fend should be the chief ope. A sufficient amount being raised we w.nild be prepared to push the claims of alt the rest We of the Beat Ala bama conference are determined that the oenferenoe that raises morn gene* ral fend than we do shall not have an on® of the grandest session* hekj at any time ip tbe history of the confer ence. BishopXmmax in his dignified and lovable jtifchner keened to enhe the forest not ing, of tbj» ministers, but tbe whole people in greet aflfectien fur himself and Son. The receipts of general food titan better than ever before It&frjftiftral peace and rat istacti >u reign«d aroon* the brethrm than in any tdadfe heretofore Tbe m««rai tone of tbe oonfisreuc sterna to improve' with every patting moment The grant subjects ot Edu cation and Temperance were given special attention. «The mission cans® was given tpecud; attention and met toe sanction «£bli «f the brethren In short, the eunlprenoe work is mov mg«m prosperously. STILL PROSPERING BY LEV. 0 B KELLEY. Mi. Editor: l Will you please allow us space in • >ur valuable paper to make a few atatementn, if so, we will be more than obliged. _ -T . Our reason for making the request k that it is ar>(m«imes theesse that eeojde 'nenrinjl liable to be deceived in making or f rtqiag their opinions and such bo d ubr w«*Kl be the: ease should you (mm throogk our parts of die country, see our people and notfca ltfc& mode of living and not see our place* of worship. To make it more plain, yob know whist- you have already beard of Mitchell’* chapel circuit, add if one Would pace through our pans sod see i he large plantations with nicely arranged .and cultivated fields, and biepitablenesB that they would (Beet with by the people, .the* would be persuaded to think that our churches would correspond with all other signs f *r good. But when they wobld see ■ur churches they would -be obliged to think differently, and CO give you some idea about matters I will make a few statements; we will take Evan’s chapel. There we find a nice plaoe for a church, well located, a frame of a bouse for a church 30x40, partly enclosed with boards, with »*o doors nor .windows,. and but a very poor excuse for a ffopr.andpn the outside y<>u would see a fine grove all around which afforded shade to the church sod protects a laige cemetery’ So you have Evan’s chajel church. But thtr people are hospitable in every respect and do all in their power to make cme happy with every thing safe money, which you know hap a right smart to do with things. gtvtimes But they arc now making ready W finish up their church, and after we get the deed for the ground wc can g«> ahead MUeheU’s chapel is in some hatter standing, as. her church building is s->rri«ndcd with more comforts than Evan's chapel, the tea*mi* for which I will give in the future. Tbe stow stewardess met on last Monday according to previous arrangements and organised tbetnaelves with Bro WiUiam; Lea as.- their moderator and after the meeting was opened the chptrman made the following commit tees: Misses Flora Parry, Fannie Rodgatemid L. d Myarfok. They are known as the estimating commit* tee, who, when called, took their nieces and did tome creditable work. The contributions received are asfbl Io*b: Mf» C A French, " Luvenia Strand, “ Mary Brooks, *• Beoky Taytor, " Fannie Smith, ‘ Patti Alston, f Hannah Myariek Betsy Taylor, “ Phceby Sanders, - Mis. ysaie Thompson^ f •• Fannie Rodaim • 1 15 40 -■im 165 ■ : 97 66 98 50 41 85 "*-Jennie Faror, 11 Total, . 1836. They Han held a festival and appointed Mrs. Fannie Smith, Uw lassie Thompson, and Mies Mary Brooks as sellers -with Hannah Myarick as —-, and with that effort they Mined a niee Httle sum which, Wteo all put together was tamed over in the hands of the trwisnror, Mrs. Fannie Smith jto 'invest it in baying an outfit for sacrament*! purposes. So we hope to make a start off now and want you through our valuable pa per to help us all you can. I think I could dispose of about 5 or 6 copies of the Star every week, it I bad them. If this is not in accordance with your style, ph-aae correct or excuse me as this is my find effort. HadleyaMills, N. C. JOHNSTOWN (PA ) ITEMS. BY WIDE AWAKE, Mr Editor: Please give a place' in oar much improved %ab of Zion for a few notes from a member of the Alleghen y conference. I am pleased to inform you that great sucoera is attending the labors of the mini*ters. The Appointments made by the Bishop, Rt Rev. 8. T. Jones, D D, have given general satisfaction and the of souls Much improvement has been madeio church edifices. Many of the ehurches have be n treed from debt and many Store will soon follow There many neW • societies at the annual Conference and many dtnrdhasJniUi . and remodeled iSbme parsonages will also he erected The membership is very much on the increase. Rev G W' Lewis, the pas tor of Zion churi'h in Uniontowd, Pa., has secured a fine parsonage and has moved into it, and ne is making preparations to remodel the church Rev P B Matthews, pastor of Zion church st Mount Pleasant, has had a great revival Many additions to the church and many improvements on thechurch and parsonage. Rev J *W Taisv, pastor of Zion church in Washington, Pa., bad a glorious revival and many were added to the church. He has a large emigre gation, a fine choir and a splendid Hah hath 8chool. The annual confer once will meet there, and they are malting great preparations for it.. Rev G W Clinton, pastor of Zion church in Pittsburgh, is doing a grand work. He bad a glorious revival and a great number were added to the church He has a fine Sunday 8cbool numbering several hundred pupils. Holliday’s chapel is carrying on a goodrevival. Rev. P. R. Anderson, pastor of Avery Mission church, is doiag well. Rev John Trimble, pas tor of Zion church at Mansfield, Pa., is doing, splendidly. Rev N. J Watson, pastor of Zion church in Sewiekley, is doing good work Rev. J E Little, pastor of Zion cbnroh at Homewood, Pa., had a grand revival and many were added to the church. He also has a fine 8abbatb School. He is preparing a sew church. His congregation has grown so that the present church is too small. Rev. W H Snowden, pastor of Zion church in Franklin, Pa., is preparing to build. Rev. A. Gaither, our agent and missionary, is duing a grand work. He has organ ised a large society at Scottdale, Pa Your correspondent is going to -rakiodal the church here in Johns town, Pa. We will oommenoe the woric in May. I wish to say to Bisk he lias been jtig^d^unaHato travel, as fa&MMd your work and under youradministration I believe the to had the table groaning with such good things. They then greeted my sick consort with their pleasant and encouraging words, assuring her that she bad friends in Johnstown, and then they spoke briefly <>f the work that nad been done and assured me that they would' stand by me in the work in remodeling and beautifying i he ehurcb. After which th«r spent t he. eveningsociably. A SYNOPSIS OP THE WORK ON tHE RALEIGH DISTRICT. BY REV. OWEN L. W. SMITH P. E Mr Editor I presume that the many readers of tbe Star, are Aware <*f tbe tact., that owing t» the failing, health of Bey. J. W Davis, that on the 22ud day January, be resigned the Presiding Eldership of the: Raleigh District, and that on the 26sb oi the game mouth Bishop Thompson ap pointed me to tbe Presiding Elder ship of the Raleigh District Since which time I have' been earnestly en itaged in the work of the Distiict, notwithstanding we have been wrest 'ing with La Grippe since the 6th hf Febuary we are yet upon the path of duty Ou Elizabethtown circuit, Rev. I B. Williams, pastor, is moving on ward nicely Elder Davis held his first Quarterly Meeting on the first 8u day in Jandary* I held bis sec »nd Quarterly Meeting on tbe 12th and 13th of April, .Pleased to say so far Sunday. On this circuit, Elder Da vis the writer as pastor, in 1886, and served three years a* pastor and y®« year as Presiding Elder; and their re. lieveid b^r * itself as. P.r £ Hence there are, some for Davis a®d some for Smith, and mostharmonious and irldrioua Quarterly Meeting was had, On Spring Branch circuit. Rev E W Pritchard pastor, Elder: Davis held his first Quarterly Meeting on the second Sunday in January Brother ritchard writes me that be is succeeding well. He is busily ec paged in the completion of a new ehur h On Snow Hill circuit, Rev. S. B Hunter, pastor, is succeeding finely with his gcid and:hospitable,p-opie, Pri< »r to. the 8th inat Elder Hunter’s mind was somewhat divided, in bis work,, but it is all one way now. since be was;united in oly matrimony to Miss A. F Moore of Wilmington, on 8th instant My best wishes for a long, happy, and prosperous life. On Ingold circuit Rev. J. W.L (kiuncil, pastor, is moving . along a ainst some oppositions, bat hopeful >t success Elder Council is an able minister, aad is battling against every fee. . . ! / . '*:&***& Qo Clear Run circuit. Rev. P? W Lawiynce:past^r, > doing remarkably well. Brother Lawrence was licensed on this circuit, and after many years uf successful ministry for God and Zion, be is now the very acceptable pastor of those who voted him' his license ! Thus the reward of living the life of„a Christian minister. He is also engaged In building two new churches. On the Parkersburg circuit, Rev. T H. Herring is Serving bis second year with Unabated success. His peo pie love him and be seems to be well pleased with them, hence a wedding Haying assigned to him the resoonsi bility of organizing a Zion church at Roseboro, N. O , he wrote me a few days since that he, with the aasistanoe of Rev. P. W: Lawrence, expected to organize said church on the 5th Sun* day in March last. Being now in the act of completing two new lurches, Smith and ^Evergreen chapels, he hi now preparing to purchase And build: a new Church at Roseboro. "The right man in the right .place. PusIlou fey ion, hold Zion’s banner to the breeze. 6a Look’s Greek circuit, Rev Rob ert Spraell pastor, is having untold and unparalelled success. On . my first visit with him on the 4tb Sunday iu February, he pie; built from and gallery. Hedidratsadte hnve held Kis first services in this beantffiii structure-5b s this - his first quarterly meeting* but owing to a change in the atmosphere and the apparent begin ning of winter we need the old build ihg He is also engaged in building another new church, and completing a third already commenced. A grand meeting indeed Hie people are infatuated with him and talk as if they intend to bold, him for many years to come. Our District confer mice and Sabbath School convention will be held at Lock’s Creek chapel; on this work October next. On Plea Hill circuit, Rev. H C. Phillips pastor, I am sorry to say that bartmmy has not prevailed Eider Phillips being an expeiienced and able preacher, seems to be somewhat discouraged, at being assig ed to a country* though a very strong circuit. We are praying for the better, and light is gleaming in the distance. Here on the first Sunday in March, we met the first snow of the winter ; congregation small and collection light On Trader’s Hill circuit, Rev E. J Hawkius pastor, is moving along ■>t a little disadvantage His w< rk istbe beginning of- the rocay region, on this district. To reach him we rode upon mule back, 20 miles, on Friday, 14 of which we made through a most blinding snow. Nevertheless, upon reaching oar place abode we were told that Elder Hawkins was at the church conduct ing his General Glass, and endeavor ihg to grind up his old hatchet, by the approach of Sunday. I told my informant that I was badly effected with La Grippe, had rode 14 miles in very cold and painful and did not be lieye that what I had to tell in Geaer a! Class would get stale before Sunday morning, therefore I would out go to class ' -• Raleigh circuit, Rev L R Fere beb,' paatnrwe found Elder Ferebee improving in strength I bund him engaged(in a happy revival. Spent Some time with him and family. Rev. brother Sprueli of Licks cretk circuit lives here in Raleigh, was home during our stay there, preached for me Sunday after noon, and rend ered valuable service during his stay,in.aid of Elder Fer*bee’s reviv al. We had a most glorious time and success in our meeting in the Capital city And as Dr. S. P Wright, Bur rel and Exam, all students in Leonard Medical School, and teachers and aids in Zion’s Sabbath School, at Raleigh, Were about to tdke .their leave of *»b sence from the School The Sabbath School, condumect by Prof Hoar, the worthy aud gen ial Supt., had a grand religions exercises on Sabbath after nwon out of respect to these worthy benefactors Ebenezer circuit, on which Rev. W. H. Fulford, was appointed, we found without a pastor, since the third Sunday in January, as Elder Flitford bad resigned bis pastorate. Here we were accompanied by Rev. brother-Spruell, the former p stor. Here wemet a kind and hospitable people, but a cold snow on Friday night, with • bright day on • Sunday, with the wind asmid tar a Western blizzard. (Continued on next page). IftQBKfkX. Mr. Editorj I desire to inquire through your paper for any informa* tion that can be given about the fol lowing persona—my mother and my &ther, Richard Tillen and Rhody Blount. I wae tafcen from them by Winfield Weaver and sold in North Carolina. Deft them and my broth era».l^ivia and Nelson, mid my sister Ellmi TflTea in Bellfield, Greenville county, Va, My brother Andy 111160 and waters Chfmie Atkins aud Sarah TUlea veteleft at Brunswick# Va. Any fefbrinatkm concerning: die whereabouts of^l*, or aar of the above named <fpfttsr"ttiii bo veiy ! 4< *■ Millie Bacon, Asheville, N. C. ATTENTION, READERS! 1 Send 10 cents for a copy oi Seven on Baptism to Rwv. H. W Smith, C.larksvillei Box 80. Team

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